different warring states of japan

Chapter 2034 Spring Blossoms and Happy Events

Chapter 2034 Spring Blossoms and Happy Events

The harsh winter will always pass, and when spring returns and all things revive, there will be new hope.

This spring, Kanto welcomed a great event. The saint's adopted daughter, Uesugi Kagetora, was going to marry Kai-kun, who was also the saint's adopted son.

The only pity was that the saint did not return to Kanto from Kinki to attend the marriage of his adopted son and daughter.

On the contrary, under the leadership of Naomasa Ii, the Tongxin Secretariat of Tamonyama Castle came up with a series of reform and innovation plans that were dazzling.

Local samurai leaders such as Maeda Yoshitsugu, who were the first to be affected, remained silent.

The little information that leaked out from certain secret channels seemed to indicate that the various divine families had been prepared for a long time, and also indirectly acknowledged that the scale of this reform would be very large.

How could a young girl like Ii Naomasa, who is still wet behind the ears, suppress the mother of the descendants of gods? Judging from the reactions of the various families of the descendants of gods, it was clearly the saint himself who led this reform.

This is the reason why everyone is silent and dares not to disobey in the slightest.

In this eerily calm political atmosphere, on this day of spring when flowers are blooming, Kanto welcomes the wedding day of the saint's adopted son and daughter, and the ceremony is held at Sekijuku Castle in Shimosa Province.

The mothers of three descendants of gods, Uesugi Kenshin, Hojo Ujimasa, and Takeda Shingen, and the daimyo of million-koku, all attended the ceremony together to bless the newlyweds, which attracted countless people's gazes and murmurs.

Sekijuku Castle was originally the hereditary territory of the Aeda family. It guarded the pass of the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River and was an important town in the northern part of Shimosa Province.

At that time, Ida Harusuke, as a singer of the Kamakura Ashikaga family, presided over the ceremony for the Kanto Shogun and Kanto Kanrei, a combination of Ashikaga Yoshiuji and Hojo Ujiyasu, waved flags and cheered, and was richly rewarded.

Ashikaga Yoshiuji was settled by the Hojo family near the Honyu in Sagami Province, and the traditional territory of the Kamakura Ashikaga family, Furukawa Castle, was handed over to Ikeda Harusuke.

With Furukawa Castle and Sekijuku Castle as the core, Ieda Harusuke created the Ieda family's highlight moment and became the leader of the samurai family in the northern part of Shimosa Province.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Yoshikane Sasaki and Kenshin Uesugi jointly launched the Kanto invasion, defeated the elite troops of the Hojo clan in Sano Territory, and captured Ashikaga Yoshiuji, the Kanto general.

Afterwards, Akada Harusuke surrendered to the Sasaki-Uesugi coalition and presided over a ceremony for Uesugi Kenshin to inherit the Kanto Kanrei.

From then on, the combination of Ashikaga Yoshiuji and Uesugi Kenshin kicked out Hojo Ujiyasu and restored the traditional Kanto system with Ashikaga Uesugi as the core.

Afterwards, although Kanto was in turmoil, it was gradually controlled by Sasaki Yoshikane. Although Ashikaga Yoshiuji returned to Koga Castle, no one was willing to let her obtain the power of the Kanto Shogun.

Whether it was Hojo Ujiyasu or Uesugi Kenshin, they essentially used the name of the Kanto system to rule the Kanto samurai. As for the Kanto Shogun himself, he just had to be a mascot.

Harusuke Ieda is still in control of Koga Castle and is living a happy life until she runs into huge trouble.

Satake Yoshishige instigated the people in the east to launch a rebellion, and tricked Aeda Harusuke into inviting Sasaki Yoshigin to visit Koga Territory, and almost caught Sasaki Yoshigin in the trap.

Although the rebellion of the Eastern Crowd lasted only more than twenty days before it was declared bankrupt, Harusuke Ieda was implicated in the aftermath and was never able to get up again.

Sekijuku Castle, the base of the Aedas family, was given by Sasaki Yoshigane to Kai-kun for his contribution in suppressing the rebellion.

However, Harusuke Aeda, who was deceived by Yoshishige Satake, invited a wolf into the house, which caused Shimosa Province to fall into war, missed the spring ploughing, angered the local samurai in the northern part of Shimosa Province, and lost his reputation.

Without a base and without popular appeal, Ieda Harusuke's life has become increasingly difficult in recent years.

Sharing the same fate with her was the Kanto Shogun, Ashikaga Yoshiuji. Sasaki Yoshikane first subdued the Hojo clan, and then quelled the rebellion of the Eastern People in more than 20 days, and the entire Kanto Plain was completely conquered by him.

The samurai admired the strong, and the Kanto system had been abandoned by the Kanto samurai. Everyone turned to join the new Kanto Samurai system founded by Yoshikin Sasaki.

Even Kenshin Uesugi, the Kanto Kanrei, rarely mentioned the title of Kanrei in recent years. Instead, he liked to use his daughter, who was descended from a god, to unite the various forces under Uesugi's command.

Ashikaga Yoshiuji, the powerless Shogun of Kanto, had been sidelined by all parties. Now all he needed was an opportunity to fall from the altar.

Cutting flesh with a blunt knife always hurts the most, and the most terrifying thing is the guillotine hanging over your head and falling at any time.

Ashikaga Yoshiuji and Ikeda Harusuke, the king and his minister, huddled together in Koga Castle, trembling in fear, not knowing when they would suddenly disappear.

On the other hand, Kai-kun, who was granted Sekijuku Castle for his military merits, also has her own troubles.

Logically speaking, she is the daughter of the Narita family of Oshiki and should be on the side of the Narita family.

But his mother was unable to protect him and his son, and the Narita retainers once wanted to divorce his father for political gain on the grounds that his father could not give birth to a daughter.

It was the saint who learned of this and adopted Kai-kun as his son, which made the Narita family of Oshi Castle dare not act presumptuously.

The reason why the saint favored Kai-kun was, on the one hand, because the child's temperament was similar to that of men in a male-dominated world, and on the other hand, it was also to win over the Yura family, who were blood relatives on his father's side.

The Tone River central local samurai marriage group headed by Yura Nariharu controls important cities such as Kanayama Castle, Ashikaga Castle, Tatebayashi Castle, and Oshi Castle, and is quite powerful.

Now, we have to add Sekijuku Castle, which is owned by Kai Jun, and its tentacles spread across the core area of ​​the Kanto Plain on the borders of Ueno, Shimotsuke, Musashi, and Shimosa.

Although Kai-kun's entry into Sekijuku Castle was a grant from the saint, the samurai of Shimosa Province might not be happy to see Yura Shigeharu extend his hand into their territory.

In addition, among the samurai group headed by Yura Nariharu, the Nagao family of Ashikaga Castle was a vassal of the Uesugi family.

The Shimotsuma clan, a relative of the Yura family, is an ally of the Hojo clan, and has always been flirting with the Hojo clan, which now occupies the southern part of Shimotsuma Province.

In addition, the dispute between the Yura family and the Narita family over Kai-kun made it unclear whose territory the boy's territory belonged to.

In short, although Kai-kun was proud to stand on the political stage due to his military achievements, he was also tortured by the cruelty of reality and could not be happy.

Although he was able to help his father regain the family's status, he also got himself into a political quagmire.

Fortunately, the local samurai group headed by the Yura family did not want to fall out internally, because the saint said that there would be no war in Kanto and peace was the main theme, and no one dared to make a big fuss.

The final compromise is to let Kai-kun get married earlier.

Kai-kun's fiancée was Uesugi Kagetora, who was approved by the saint. Uesugi Kagetora was not only the saint's adopted daughter, but also the adopted daughter of Uesugi Kenshin and the younger sister of Hojo Ujimasa.

Kai-kun married Uesugi Kagetora, and the two of them governed Sekijuku Castle together. The Nagao family of Ashikaga Castle, which had a background of the Uesugi family, was satisfied, and the Shimotsuke Castle family, which had a background of the Hojo family, also calmed down.

After these two major forces intervened, the Narita family of Oshiro no longer dared to cause trouble, and Yura Nariharu was able to use the relationship between Kai-kun and his son to further pull Kai-kun to the side of the Yura family.

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