different warring states of japan

Chapter 2035: Different Current Situation in Kanto

Chapter 2035: Different Current Situation in Kanto

As for the entire local samurai group headed by the Yoshika family, the sooner the saint's adopted son gets married, the better.

In the past, saints had few children, so adopted sons were precious and each family had to give them some face.

There are more than a dozen descendants of gods now, and the saint can’t even take care of his own children. How much can he care about an adopted son?

The world is changing, and people's hearts are changing too.

Yura Nariharu must realize the saintly grace of Kai-kun as soon as possible, which will be beneficial to the future of the Yura family.

Behind Uesugi Kagetora are two descendants of gods from the Uesugi family and the Hojo family. The tighter the relationship between the Yura family and the descendants of gods from the Sasaki family, the more secure the future will be.

  But what about Takeda Shingen? Why is she here to join in the fun?


Guansu City.

Although the marriage between Uesugi Kagetora and Kai-kun attracted much attention in Kanto, the wedding itself was very simple.

Kai-kun wore the white wedding gown that symbolized purity, and walked with Uesugi Kagetora, receiving blessings from all the famous families in Kanto.

  The reason why we are so low-key is that now is an extraordinary period. Reform and innovation are in full swing. The saint is in charge of Duowen Mountain City and has not returned to Kanto. How can everyone have the nerve to gather in a high-profile manner?

If the news gets to the Tongxin Secretariat and is misunderstood by Ii Naomasa, who is extremely sensitive at this stage, few people would want to cause that trouble.

But no matter how low-key she was, the mother of the three descendants of gods, Uesugi, Takeda and Hojo, sitting on the upper viewing platform would cause countless people to murmur in their hearts.

What were these three big guys doing here? Just to watch the ceremony? Who would believe that?

Therefore, after watching the ceremony, the three bosses were invited by the host to the inner courtyard tea room, actively avoiding the eyes of outsiders, but this instead confirmed the fact of a secret meeting.

Uesugi Kagetora became acquainted with Kai-kun, and Uesugi Kenshin and Hojo Ujimasa came to congratulate him. Although it seemed too much emphasis, it was still somewhat understandable, after all, they were relatives by marriage and blood.

However, Takeda Shingen's active participation made it impossible not to think that it was a case of self-defeating.

At this time, the tea master who had performed the art and served tea had already served the fragrant tea and left on his own initiative. Only the three daughters of Uesugi, Takeda and Hojo were left in the tea room.

Among the three women, Takeda Shingen is the oldest. She is now a mature woman in her thirties. The excessive hostility she had in her early years has long been dissipated, leaving only a plump face and a sparkling wisdom in her eyes.

Kenshin Uesugi is still as sharp as ever. Even the passage of time cannot wash away her edges. On the contrary, as the years go by, she becomes more resolute and courageous, seeing through the world without compromising.

The youngest, Hojo Ujimasa, is now at an age of high spirits.

Once she got the holy seed, she held the descendant of God in her hand and brought the family together. The entire Hojo family had been completely subdued by her, and her temperament naturally became more elegant and noble.

At this moment, facing the two daimyo, Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen, who were on par with his mother Hojo Ujiyasu, Hojo Ujimasa had none of the immature embarrassment he had in the past, and no longer showed a trace of timidity.

The relationship between the three women is complicated.

In the past, Uesugi, Takeda and Hojo fought each other with wisdom and courage for the position of overlord in Kanto. The female samurai groups under their command shed countless blood and wished to eat their opponents alive.

But in the end, the three women calmly sat at a table and drank tea together.

During these ten years, Yoshikane Sasaki not only conquered the Kanto region, but also conquered the three daughters of Uesugi, Takeda and Hojo, transforming the three strongest feudal clans in Kanto into his own descendants of Sasaki.

When interests are no longer in conflict, but rather shared, even a deep hatred will vanish into thin air. The superiors are not naturally noble, and the source of power is from the bottom up.

To put it simply, if I recognize you, you are the leader, and if I don’t recognize you, you are nothing.

Over the past thousands of years, each political reshuffle has begun with the shaking of the prestige of the ruling system and ended with the establishment of the prestige of the new ruling system.

Order comes from prestige, and rules come from order. If you acknowledge the rules, you must abide by them and play within them, otherwise you are challenging the rule makers.

In Kanto, the samurai were defeated and conquered by the saint, and they had accepted the saint's rules.

Although the Kanto Plain is the largest plain on the island, the Echigo Plain, Nobi Plain, and Osaka Plain combined are not as vast as the Kanto Plain.

But a large area of ​​land does not mean it is well developed. Many areas of the Kanto Plain were originally swamps with a low level of development, and were further affected by the turbulent times. Over the past hundred years, grain production in Shigao has decreased instead of increased.

The sage created a bright future through water conservancy and shouted the political slogan of no war in Kanto. He won the support of the vast majority of samurai in the Kanto Plain and established the legitimacy of his rule.

Killing is not a skill, saving lives is the real ability.

After Okura Changan stepped down, Ina Tadatsugu took over the Samurai Giri Promotion Association. His idea was clearer, which was to revitalize the economy and let more people feel the benefits of peaceful development.

Open copper mines, develop water conservancy projects, sponsor studying abroad. In addition, the Kanto samurai had long been completely subdued by the saint, so the Samurai Giri Promotion Association had unimpeded access to various places and could mobilize more forces for construction.

The rare opportunity for peaceful development enabled the economy of various parts of the Kanto Plain to recover quickly. The original size advantage coupled with the correct political guidance immediately produced a significant effect of one plus one being greater than two.

This is also the reason why Yoshikin Sasaki dared to let Naomasa Ii go ahead with the reform and innovation. He really wanted to see whether his words were trustworthy and who would dare to challenge him.

Facts have proved that even if he had not visited Kanto, the land of Kanto was still peaceful and harmonious, and no one dared to say a word against the reform and innovation.

Everyone dared to engage in soft confrontation with Gamo Ujisato, say strange things, and hinder him, but when they met the sage whose eyes were red with anger due to Gamo Ujisato's death, they all became as obedient as grandsons.

Even big shots like Uesugi and Hojo, who wanted to meet and communicate, had to find a legitimate reason like the relationship between Uesugi Kagetora and Kai-kun, for fear of being misunderstood by the outside world.

But unfortunately, Takeda Shingen shamelessly came to join in the fun, and the two women of Uesugi and Hojo pretended to meet by chance, but turned it into a deliberate meeting.

There were no outsiders present at this moment, only the three women were left, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Uesugi Kenshin and Hojo Ujimasa looked at each other, both helpless about what they could do about Takeda Shingen who was concentrating on drinking tea and admiring him.

  You bastard, you are so shameless to come here, so just say something! Do you really think you are just an idle person who comes to watch the ceremony and drink tea?

It is not necessary for the heads of the Uesugi and Hojo families to meet each other; envoys can also exchange messages.

But in order to accomplish anything, the most feared thing is lack of trust. Only when the leading sisters communicate and confirm each other can the matter be considered final.

If the general direction can be determined by just passing on messages, why is it necessary to hold the Cairo Conference? Aren't the top leaders tired from sitting on a plane for more than ten hours?

Therefore, the first meeting between Uesugi Kenshin and Hojo Ujimasa was not easy, and it was also a rare opportunity for them to have in-depth exchanges and gain mutual trust.

Takeda Shingen came over to get involved, looking so relaxed as if he was occupying the toilet without doing anything. This immediately made the two women, Uesugi and Hojo, feel a little psychologically constipated.

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