different warring states of japan

Chapter 2036: Changes in Takeda's Future

Chapter 2036: Changes in Takeda's Future

Uesugi Kenshin had the hottest temper. He was the first to lose his temper and asked directly.

  "Mr. Shingen, are you here just to drink tea?

If that's the case, please take your time to appreciate it. I have a lot of chores to do today, so I won't accompany you any more."

Hojo Ujimasa smiled slightly.

"If Lord Xinxuan has nothing else to do, I will take my leave now."

Takeda Shingen glanced at the two women who were in tacit understanding with each other and sighed in his heart.

Although the three powerful clans in Kanto coexisted externally, the Uesugi and Hojo families were actually closer, and the Takeda family was often excluded. Ultimately, it was Takeda Shingen's own fault.

Theoretically speaking, among the three powerful clans, the Uesugi and Takeda clans should be the closest, because both are descendants of the famous family of Miao Honggen Masato.

It is indisputable that the Kai Takeda family is a famous family of the Minamoto clan.

Kenshin Uesugi was willing to exterminate the Fuchū Nagao family and inherit the Yamanouchi Uesugi family because he admired the heritage of the Yamanouchi Uesugi family, a famous family in Kanto and the hereditary Kanto Kanrei.

Later, the Hojo family claimed the name Hojo, and although they claimed to be a famous family in Kanto, the Kanto samurai did not buy it.

The Kanto Plain is the birthplace of the military regime, similar to the footsteps of the emperor of the Celestial Empire. A brick thrown on the street can kill five seventh-rank officials.

If you want to get into this place, you can't get into the circle without some reputation from your ancestors.

The Hojo family was a branch of the Ise family in Kyoto. They were an outsider, but they shamelessly called themselves a famous family in Kanto. How could they possibly gain everyone's favor?

Even though the Hojo family had a large territory, the local samurai were not necessarily convinced by their submission.

Except for a few hereditary retainers brought from Kyoto by the Hojo family, only God knows what the other retainers are thinking.

Therefore, after Hojo Ujimasa gave birth to a descendant of the saintly god, the Hojo family finally felt reassured that they had finally established themselves as a famous family and were no longer a self-boasting pretender.

This was also the reason why Hojo Ujimasa was able to suppress the Hojo retainers and make four generations of old retainers like Hojo Genan obey his orders.

In the final analysis, a mother's status depends on her daughter.

The Hojo retainers needed the descendants of Sasaki to flatter them, so no matter how recklessly Hojo Ujimasa acted, no one in the Hojo family dared to truly shake her power.

Cutting off Hojo Ujimasa would mean giving up the title of ruler that he had worked so hard to obtain, which was the lifeline of the Hojo family's long-term wealth and prosperity. Even Hojo Genan had no choice but to be suppressed by Hojo Ujimasa.

The political conflict between Uesugi Kenshin and Hojo Ujiyasu and Hojo Ujimasa was fundamentally about who was the real Kanto Kanrei.

In the Kanto system headed by the Kanto Shogun and the Kanto Kanrei, whoever is the Kanto Kanrei has the title to represent the Kanto Shogun in governing the ten countries of Kanto.

Therefore, the Uesugi family and the Hojo family are going to fight to the death.

However, with the resolution of the Hojo family's noble family issue and the demise of the Kanto system's ruling status, the two most irreconcilable political contradictions between the Uesugi and Hojo families have been resolved.

In addition, with the gradual formation of the Sasaki clan, the cooperation between the Uesugi family and the Hojo family was greater than the confrontation, and the interests outweighed the differences, so the two sides gradually got closer.

The Takeda family is another story.

Theoretically speaking, the past grievances between the Takeda family and the Uesugi and Hojo families should have been resolved with the establishment of the Sasaki group.

However, the personal grudges between Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Kenshin and Hojo Ujimasa became a stumbling block between the three families, causing the Uesugi and Hojo families to exclude the Takeda family.

The past of Yantian Castle is a knot in the hearts of the three women that they cannot get around. Takeda Shingen gave birth to the saint's eldest daughter, but it was not born out of love, but was obtained by capturing the saint with despicable means outside the battlefield and imprisoning him for fun.

A saint can just laugh off this matter and let the past go like smoke.

But Hojo Ujimasa, who loved the saint deeply, couldn't bear it. Uesugi Kenshin, who failed to protect his lover after the Battle of Kawanakajima and caused his lover to be humiliated, felt even more uncomfortable.

This is the fundamental reason why among the three powerful clans, the Takeda family was always excluded by the Uesugi and Hojo families.

Takeda Shingen was extremely intelligent, and she certainly knew the reason, but she could not change the reality.

Takeda Shingen also had very complicated feelings towards the saint.

That former rival killed his closest sister, but he was forced to take away her child without any power, and gave birth to his beloved son, Takeda Yoshinobu.

The rising trend of the Takeda family was interrupted by the saint, but the future of the Takeda family was preserved by the saint, and they even became the descendants of gods, and they will definitely be the top class in the future Shiba world.

Takeda Shingen could not deny his sins, and he gained so much from them, which made her grateful and love the saint terribly.

Today, the Takeda family not only stabilizes the two territories of Kai and most of Shinano, but will also replace the Satake family of Hitachi and become the ruler of the fertile territory of Hitachi.

In recent years, Takeda Shingen has cooperated well with Satake Yoshishige to eliminate the Edo family and other powerful military families entrenched in the central and southern parts of Hitachi Province, rebuilt Mito Castle, and officially took control of Hitachi.

Now all the Takeda family needs to do is wait for Satake Yoshishige to make sufficient preparations and move his fiefdom north to Dewa Province. Then they will be able to completely swallow up Hitachi Province and build this large territory into the base of the Takeda family.

Although Takeda Yoshinobu had a miserable life because of Takeda Shingen's atrocities, Takeda Shingen also prepared a future home for his beloved daughter, which can be regarded as compensation for maternal love.

Even though the Takeda family was excluded among the three powerful clans, Takeda Shingen remained calm.

She was not afraid that Uesugi Kenshin and Hojo Ujimasa hated her, as long as they and their descendants of God did not hate Takeda Yoshinobu, the bloodline of the saint.

Once everything is properly handled, Takeda Shingen will pass the position of family head to Takeda Yoshinobu, and he will retire with all the bad influences, leaving the clean Takeda family to his daughter.

But just when Takeda Shingen thought he had succeeded, a political earthquake occurred in Kinki and Gamo Ujisato died.

Whether Gamo Ujisato lived or died actually had little to do with the Takeda family. At most, she was the teacher of Takeda Yoshinobu. Takeda Shingen just wiped his tears and that was the end of his respect for his teacher.

However, the death of Gamo Ujisato stimulated the saint. After Ii Naomasa took charge of the Doshin Secretariat, he carried out strong reforms and even reorganized the Blue Shizu and listed Takeda Yoshinobu as the head of the Blue Shizu.

Of course, Takeda Shingen knew that this was the saint's intention, and Ii Naomasa just did as he was told.

But Takeda Shingen did not dare to resent the saint, so he could only turn his panic into anger and hate Ii Naomasa.

Takeda Shingen was a man burdened with original sin, and Takeda Yoshinobu was of unclean birth. She was regarded as an illegitimate daughter in the hierarchical samurai society and had no qualifications to inherit the saint's legacy.

Originally, the saint asked the two central leaders, Gamo Ujisato and Ii Naomasa, to protect Takeda Yoshinobu, so that Takeda Shingen could work hard in the local area with peace of mind and leave a rich family business to his daughter.

Anyone of the Sasaki clans could potentially inherit the future Sasaki world, except Takeda Yoshinobu, so she could grow up in peace and it would be nice to return to the local area and become a powerful boss.

As the eldest sister who has no threat to her inheritance rights, she will naturally not be feared and hated by her sisters.

Takeda Yoshinobu had such a stable and secure future, and Takeda Shingen also breathed a sigh of relief. The Takeda family was able to land safely.

But now, things have changed.

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