different warring states of japan

Chapter 205 Evil Thoughts

Chapter 205 Evil Thoughts
The surprise attack in the barrel, the fall of the giants of the Tokaido, such a major event has been ignored in recent days.

I don't know if it's because a few people look down on the bumpkins of Tōkaidō recently, or the battle of the Miyoshi in the shogunate has attracted too many people's attention.

Even in the Battle of Yamato, Yoshihiko Shiba overturned the ten rivers and one deposit, but it was still dark under the lights.

Except for the shogunate army and the Miyoshi army, few samurai have noticed the change in the direction of Yamato, which is changing the trend of the entire recent war.

The situation on the main battlefield in Hanoi was delicate, and Yiyin did not dare to delay.

Going north from Tsutsui City, I met Master Changjue again at Xingfu Temple.

Throw the Sanuki prisoner in his hand and the nun and warriors he brought to the master.

Fazhu was dizzy from being hit, and had to praise Yiyin for being a good person and a qualified ally.

So far, the master of Kofukuji finally found a suitable stick, which can shake Tsutsui Junkei's secular rule as stable as Mount Tai.

Let Kofukuji once again rely on its transcendent status to check and balance secular forces and demonstrate its presence and value in Yamato.

Yiyin didn't care about these things, he supported Master Changjue all his strength in exchange for benefits.

Japan is barren, and war is the most expensive business.

This time he led his troops out of Yamato to participate in the battle on the main battlefield, and logistics was the top priority.

The army under his command includes the Iga Congregation, Peking University and Congregation, and another [-] Miscellaneous Congratulations.

In the battle outside Tsutsui City, [-]% of the combat power was consumed, leaving more than [-] Ji warriors and more than [-] light warriors.

This battle was not easy.Although the fighting time was not long, they attacked across the board and caused a large number of casualties in a short period of time.

Fortunately, the victory was clean and neat, and the morale of the army has not yet been worn down.

More than [-] people went abroad to fight, consuming a lot of materials and armaments.

In Hanoi, the mountain city is adjacent to Dahe, and the farmers and soldiers of Bei Dahe can be used to transport materials and supplies.

But once you go abroad, your consumption will at least triple.

What's more, the situation of the Shogunate Army is not clear. We only know that Miyoshi's family is well prepared, and the logistics can last more than a month longer than the Shogunate Army.

Does Yiyin need to raise part of the military supplies for the shogunate?

Yamato country is not a poor place. There are [-] stones in the country, and it is also a Buddhist country on the ground. It has never been involved in wars.

But no one's money and food fall from the sky. If you want to get support, you have to pay a price.

Yiyin's method is to deepen the alliance with the master of Xingfu Temple, with the same goal of suppressing Tsutsui Shunqing, and obtain the material support of Master Changjue.

Then use the old background of Xingfu Temple and Tsutsui Castle to fight for Yiyin, burn grain and grass, and scatter copper coins.

It is not easy to do empty-handed white wolves.

That's why Yiyin needs to continue to intensify the conflict between Kofuku Temple and Tsutsui Castle, profit from it, and get the supplies he wants.

As it turns out, he succeeded.

The master of Xingfu Temple saw his sincerity from the matter of handing over the captives and the nun's family.

Because of his ruthless actions, Tsutsui Junqing forcibly divided the nuns and samurai family under his command, and hoped that he would leave as soon as possible.

Both sides had no objection to supporting the logistics, so Yiyin happily took the troops northward and stayed in Junshan City for two days.

It's not that he doesn't know how expensive soldiers are, it's just that logistics takes time to transport, and he has to keep an eye on the specific quantity, so as not to be fooled by the two foxes in the south with verbal promises.

He will only leave when he sees enough food and supplies arrive at Junshan City.

As for which way to go, how to support the shogunate army?Still need to consider.

Just taking advantage of these two days to carefully sort out the intelligence of Iga, and discuss the strategy of dispatching troops with the samurai under his command.

Yiyin's main formation has arrived outside Junshan City, this time is different from last time.

Under the authorization of Yiyin, Peking University and the Wu family headed by Dao Shengmeng have completely controlled Koriyama Castle.

After being suppressed by Master Nara for a hundred years, Peking University and traditional samurai finally saw the opportunity to escape from the control of nun samurai and re-enter the shogunate guardian system.

Speaking of which, they are all victims of political games.

At the beginning, the three generations of general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu destroyed the imperial court and Shintoism, leaving a large power vacuum in Yamato and Ise.

Later, Xingfu Temple rose and became a Buddhist kingdom on earth.

I don't know what kind of deal the temple has reached with the shogunate, and it has become the default guardian of Yamato.

But it is embarrassing for Peking University and traditional samurai who are close to Yamashiro State and admire the shogunate.

They were tacitly kicked out of the guardian system and became a member of the Buddha Kingdom on the ground.

And because of the tradition that is incompatible with the nun and samurai family, and because of his stronger force than Master Nara, he was feared and suppressed by the Buddhist kingdom.

One hundred years at a glance.

Peking University and the Wu family either learned from the Dao family and were impoverished.Either learn from the Yagyu family and endure the humiliation of Mei Ni.

This battle of Yamato is their catastrophe and a chance to be reborn from the ashes.

The Shiba family is the highest rank in the Ashikaga family, and Shiba Yoshigin controls the Ashikaga white flag, and has the privilege of conquering non-vassals for the general.

This is exactly what Peking University and the Wu family dreamed of, so they will do their best in this battle, thinking that they will plan after the war.

Is it Dang Shiba's dog or Tsutsui's dog?

Of course, wagging his tail at Yoshihiro Shiba!Tsutsui Junkei is a fart!

A nun with a bald head deserves to be compared with the Ashikaga Ichimon Shiba family?

Wu family are stupid!Besides, Yoshigin Shiba can really fight!

The samurai family puts the most emphasis on force and blood, and Yiyin and Yiyin are both outstanding figures in the samurai society, so they are naturally widely supported.

As for the disadvantages of being a man?

Peking University and the Wu family were almost bullied to death by the nun Wu family, who cares about that.

Stationed under the city of Junshan, Nizi Shengjiu proposed to Yiyin.

"Your Majesty, the soldiers in this battle are brave, do you want to have a banquet to celebrate their achievements and boost morale.

Out of the Yamato, it is still necessary for all families to work together to conquer the enemies of the samurai family.

The soldiers also need to vent their anger. "

What Nizi Shengjiu considered was the morale of the army.

Although the military merits of the Shiba coalition army are recorded fairly, except for the hundred Ji warriors who accompanied Yiyin to the battle, other military merits will only be rewarded after the battle.

And Yiyin has a strong temper, and righteousness comes first.Several times beheaded and killed the people of the country who took advantage of the chaos to poison the local area, and cleaned up military discipline.

Although this is not a wrong thing, going to war is an extremely depressing matter of life and death, and it is always necessary to give the people of the country a channel to vent their pressure.

The people of the country did not dare to resist Yiyin, but it should not be too strict, and the materials in the Yiyin army all came from Xingfu Temple and Tsutsui Castle.

The free food tastes very delicious, and you don't have to pay for it yourself, so of course it's a lot of money.

Yiyin thought it was reasonable, so he rewarded the three armies on the night he arrived at Junshan City.

In addition to the garrison troops, the battalions outside the city added wine and meals, and the Honmaru and the castle tower in the city held a banquet.

Because Yiyin has not yet transformed into the leader of the country, and now the villages are still dominated by local servants and leaders, and there are a lot of leaders who need to be rewarded.

Inside the tower.

Maeda Masaki, Todo Takatora, Otani Yoshitsugu, Niko Katsuhisa, Yamanaka Yukimori, Fujibayashi's twin daughters, the third wife of a hundred lands, Shima Katsutoshi, Yagyu Soto, these people are worthy of drinking and having fun with Yoshihiro.

Other Chinese people just eat some wine and food outside the pavilion, and their status is just a little bit higher.

The life of Chinese people is not easy. In the troubled times, there is not enough to eat all the year round.

Not to mention picking some rotten fruit and throwing it in the cellar to ferment, it is considered fruit wine.

Today, the wine is the high-quality vegetarian wine of Xingfu Temple. There are not only white rice, radish, wild vegetables and dried plums in the dishes, but also salted fish, which is more abundant than before.

Monarchs and ministers rejoiced together, celebrating the rest of their lives after the war, and many people were in a state of debauchery.

Yiyin also watched cheerfully, at this time there is no need to maintain the majesty of the lord, it is time to show his benevolent side.

Between the candlelight and the wine, watching Yukimori Yamanaka, who was guarding the flag beside him drink so much that his cheeks were glowing, a wild fire stirred in Yi Yin's heart.

He was a married social animal in his previous life, and he lived to be fifteen years old in this life. He is also a great guy who practices martial arts every day.

Looking at the beautiful Xingsheng in the mountains now, evil thoughts arose in his drunken heart.

He has great power in his hands, and his status as a daimyo of [-] shi was obtained after the war.Compared with before, there are fewer and fewer people and things in this world that he can worry about.

Yamanaka Yukimori is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in this life, and liquor is a prostitute, how can she not do bad things?

"Hime Yamanaka, I'm a little dizzy, help me back to rest."

Yamanaka Yukimori was drinking vigorously when he heard Yoshinori talking.Looking back at his fiery eyes, he couldn't help but blush.

She loves Yiyin, but her identity is there, so she would not dare to overstep her in the slightest on weekdays.

It's just that at this time, he was drunk too much, and it was Yiyin's own request, so he boldly supported him and returned to the dormitory.

As soon as Yiyin left, the others gradually came to a halt.

After all, the war is not over yet, and everyone has to go back to work.Those who patrol the camp, those who investigate intelligence, and those who do strategic planning, say hello and leave, each busy with his own business.

Yiyin was supported by Yamanaka Yukimori, his hands felt silky smooth, and his nose breathed a fresh body fragrance.

When he entered the dormitory, he couldn't bear it any longer, and took advantage of the opportunity of falling, and pressed Yukimori Yamanaka under his body.

"Ah? The emperor?"

Yamanaka Yukimori was at a loss and dared not move.

She has just taken Yuanfu, and she is still a young warrior Ji, how can she understand these things.The body froze, being manipulated by Yiyin.

The wind blows and the candles are extinguished, and the room is full of spring fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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