Chapter 206 Price
After Yiyin finished his bad deeds, he slept comfortably, but Xingsheng Yamanaka was terrified.

Under the special effects of the system's life not committing crimes, Yamanaka Yukimori realized that he had done unforgivable evil things.

Desecrated the imperial court and defiled his pure body.

Terrified, she hurriedly left Yiyin's room and staggered towards Nizi Shengjiu's bedroom.

Nizi Shengjiu hadn't rested yet, drinking while thinking about the army's next strategy.

Shiba Yuqian is indeed a unparalleled famous general. This time he entered Iga and fought against Yamato. It was really a magnificent show.

Now savoring it carefully with drunkenness, she is also amazed.

Suddenly, the sliding door of the room was slammed open, and Yamanaka Yukimori, disheveled, appeared in front of her.

"Xing Shengji, what's wrong with you?"

Nizi Shengjiu frowned.

Yamanaka Yukimori's face was pale, his lips were trembling, he couldn't speak clearly, he just emphasized repeatedly.

"I'm drunk, I really didn't mean it, I didn't want to, I'm not human, how could I do such a thing..."

The more Nizi Katsuhisa listened, the more disturbed he became. Remembering that Yamanaka Yukimori had helped the drunk Yoshigin back to the room, he was shocked.

She stood up and looked out hastily.

Not long after the banquet ended, the Ji warriors from various families were still reveling.

Yiyin rushed to the battle before, and Ma Huiqiben beside him suffered heavy casualties. Many people were recovering from their injuries and had not yet returned to work.

Therefore, there are almost no banner patrols in the castle tower at this time.

Seeing no one outside, she felt a little relieved.He closed the door and turned around, looked at Yukinori Yamanaka seriously, and asked in a low voice.

"Xing Shengji, what's wrong?"

Yamanaka Yukimori calmed down a little bit from the previous state, but his mind was clear, but it was even more unbelievable.

With a choked tone, he said.

"I am drunk.

Before I helped Yuqian back to rest, I really didn't mean it, and I didn't know what happened to me, so I just. . "

Nizi Shengjiu trembled all over, endured the feeling of dizziness, restrained himself, and listened.

"I have defiled the imperial court."

After finishing speaking, Yamanaka Yukimori fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, his face devastated.

Although Nizi Shengjiu was already prepared in his heart, he still couldn't help but feel dizzy, biting the tip of his tongue to force himself not to pass out.

Looking at Yukimori Yamanaka, he slapped him hard.

"Shameless! Beast! How could you do such an ugly thing!"

Nizi Shengjiu was really impatient.

She knew that Yamanaka Yukimori loved Mu Shiba Gozen very deeply, but Yukimori has always been righteous, and she still believes in Yukimori's character.

But he never expected that this samurai Girihime would be dazzled by beauty and commit such an unbearable scandal by being drunk!
Shiba Gozen has shown great favor to the two of them!

Not to mention that he repelled Hatakeyama Takamasa who harassed Yamanaka Yukimori in Kyoto before, let's talk about this battle.

Relying on Nizi Shengjiu as his arm, he obeyed his words.

He has a lot of trust in Yamanaka Yukimori, and entrusts him with the important task of protecting the flag.

This time, the combat exploits of the two were enough to gain a foothold in the near future.

Even if Nizi's family can't go back to the West Country, it can be regarded as a place to stay, and it is no longer a duckweed in troubled times.

Yamanaka Yukimori did such a blasphemous thing to Shiba Gozen, it was a kind revenge!

If it hadn't been for the recognition of Yamanaka Yukimori's character, Shiba Yoshigin would have been defenseless and given her the opportunity to be defiled after drinking.

Yamanaka Yukimori failed Shiba Gozen's trust!In samurai society, trust is more precious than gold!

Yamanaka Yukimori also understood what Nizi Katsuhisa was thinking, so she had nothing to say.

Although I don't understand why I suddenly became obsessed with ghosts, but doing wrong is doing wrong, and she Yamanaka Yukimori will not escape.

It's just that the thought of failing Shiba Yuzeng's kindness made her heart feel like a knife, and she choked up with sobs.

she gritted her teeth.

"Master Nizi, I will plead guilty to Imperial Siba tomorrow and commit suicide by harakiri, please intercede for me."

After hearing this, Nizi Shengjiu couldn't help but slapped her again.

"Just know death! Can death solve the problem!
This was a critical moment in the battle situation, and Siba's prestige at the imperial court must not be damaged in the slightest.

Otherwise, the Wu family under his command will feel contemptuous, what should we do!
Yuqian is a man, so it is more difficult to show his face than a woman.

I dare to assert that even if he finds out the truth, he will bear the humiliation and bear the burden, and will not ruin a big event for the sake of his innocence!

Yukimori Yamanaka, you are shameless!You're just adding salt to his wounds, and making him have to smile as if nothing happened!

You say you admire him, is this love?You hurt him! "

Yamanaka Yukimori had already cried into tears, shaking his head again and again.

"I know that nothing I can do will be irreparable, I will cut seppuku in front of him, and wash away my sins with my life.

No one will know about it, I will die, but I will never say a word. "

When Nizi Shengjiu saw her crying like pear blossoms and rain, his heart ached.

Kneeling in front of Yamanaka Yukimori who was sitting paralyzed, he hugged her tightly.

"I don't allow you to die, as you said, you will restore my Nizi's family after all kinds of hardships.

Xing Shengji, let us carry all of this together! "

Yamanaka Yukimori shook his head and cried.

"I'm sorry, my lord, I'm sorry.

But, we really can't afford it, can't afford it, you'd better let me die. "

Nizi Shengjiu shook his head, bit his lower lip and said.

"Do not.

Siba Yuqian is not an ordinary man, he can do everything for the revival of Siba's family.

As long as we have enough chips, we can afford it.

As long as I can save the life of your Xingsheng in the mountains, my nun Shengjiu is willing to give up anything. "

Nizi Katsuhisa gently cupped Yamanaka Yukimori's face and said.

"Xing Shengji, you are a good boy, but you made a big mistake only because of your love.

Let us spend our whole lives to repay this mistake.Please don't die, I have always regarded you as my own sister.

There is no one in Nizi's house, please don't leave me alone in this ruthless and chaotic world.

Please, stay alive. "

The compensation Niko Katsuhisa planned to give Shibo Yoshihiro was her loyalty to Yamanaka Yukimori.

The Nizi family is a branch of the Jingji family, and later rebelled against the main family and became the overlord of the Western Kingdom.

When he was at his strongest, he was also the daimyo who owned the eleven countries of the Western Kingdom.

Although the shogunate has never been interested in the Nizi family because of the Kyogoku family.

But after all, it was the former overlord of the Western Kingdom, and the broken ship still has three nails.

Although the Shiba family is noble, it is not enough for Nizi Shengjiu to bow his head and become a vassal.

The Niko family would not have become the retainers of the Shiba family. Niko Katsuhisa and Yamanaka Yukimori were just guest generals rather than subordinates.

This is the pride of Nizi's family, who was once the overlord of the eleven kingdoms of the Western Kingdom.

Now, in order to make up for the big mistake Yamanaka Yukimori made, so that Yamanaka Yukimori would not commit suicide because of guilt, Nizi Katsuhisa decided to surrender.

As long as the Nizi family is loyal to the Shiba family, they will become retainers.

Then this benefit is enough to make the ambitious Shiba Yoshihiro forget the pain of being defiled.

Because even if the Nizi family is in decline, it is still a family with a strong appeal in the Western Kingdom, and its prestige and status are also a huge fortune.

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(End of this chapter)

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