different warring states of japan

Chapter 2051: The Martyr Who Remains True to His Original Intention

Chapter 2051: The Martyr Who Remains True to His Original Intention

Only the weak need to consider the feelings of others. The strong only care about whether they should do it, when to do it, and how much price they have to pay.

Other people's complaints are meaningless to the strong, because the strong will only carry out their own will.

As for the saints... maybe it's really the nature of men, they are too kind and kind, not like the saintly king who is decisive and murderous.

Akechi Mitsuhide liked handsome lovers who were affectionate and righteous, but she did not like the saint who sat in the main seat and gave orders to be too emotional. Such a lord was full of weaknesses and could be easily manipulated.

This is also the reason why Akechi Mitsuhide kept the truth about Gamo Ujisato's death but was unwilling to let the saint know it at this moment.

The fundamental reason for the current reforms is that the saint is afraid of the slaughter among his own descendants. Once he knows the truth about Gamo Ujisato's death, he will do everything he can to kill Hashiba Hideyoshi.

For impulsive and emotional men, institutional construction and strategic plans will become meaningless by then.

No one can stop the angry saint, and the martial arts families in the world can only tremble in fear before the willful saint.

The saint himself does not know how powerful and terrifying he is. Everyone only dares to take advantage of his kindness and generosity and does not dare to truly disobey him.

Even the challenger Hashiba Hideyoshi did not dare to confront the saint head-on, and nominally he was still a vassal of the Oda family who respected Qimyoumaru as his leader.

No one dares to offend the saint. Only the saint himself worries about this and that, wasting his energy.

Men are men after all, and they are not as decisive, ruthless and cruel as women.

While Akechi Mitsuhide found it funny, he had to guide the saint secretly and direct his emotions towards the most correct path.

The Sōma family needs to undergo internal reforms to lay a solid foundation for the future Sōma world.

The Sasaki clan needed an external opponent, Hashiba Hideyoshi, not only for the saint's strategic plan to make friends with the Celestial Empire, but also for the immediate reforms.

A country will always perish without external threats. The more critical the moment of reform is, the more it needs a powerful external opponent to unite the country internally.

Akechi Mitsuhide had the help of Fujibayashi Ryou, the leader of the secret group, who had sufficient intelligence information.

She knew that the three powerful clans in Kanto were connecting with each other, she knew that the four magistrates had met with Takada Haruno in Sakai Port, and everyone was doing their best to take advantage of the reform and innovation to reach a higher level.

The Sasaki family's political direction of having the United Front work group to review legislation, having Sasaki descendants of the gods to guard the local areas, having the Fengxing group to govern and manage, and having the New Shinto religion to control the propaganda of faith has already taken shape.

At this time, Akechi Mitsuhide could not and dared not tell the truth about Gamo Ujisato's death.

The saint still doesn't understand that he is the god of this era and he is the only one who can change the weather and make things happen with thunder and lightning.

He is like the Tone River, the father river of the Kanto Plain. When the winds are calm, the river water irrigates the fields along the way and nourishes the people. When floods are raging, the river water ravages the surrounding areas and causes endless harm.

Akechi Mitsuhide couldn't help but sigh.

God does not know his own glory and greatness, so he can only bear more responsibilities. It is time to sweep those corrupt old guys from the old times of the shogunate into the dustbin of history.

Ninagawa Yoshiyoshi, Hatakeyama Takamasa, and Ashikaga Yoshiaki who was far away in the Mori family's territory.

Not to mention that they were dissatisfied with the saint's reform and innovation and the political actions of kicking out the old system of the Ashikaga shogunate, even if they really obeyed him and took whatever he wanted, Akechi Mitsuhide would kill them.

Akechi Mitsuhide never acted in a reasonable way, and did not distinguish between right and wrong. Her principles were very simple.

Everything that is good for the saint should be done with all one's strength, and anyone who is not good for the saint should be eliminated by all means. Akechi Mitsuhide admired the saint and was willing to burn everything he had to fight for it, even if it meant leaving a bad name for all eternity.

In a sense, during the magnificent decade of Sōma's rise, Akechi Mitsuhide was the only one who remained consistent and did not forget his original intention.

Everyone is changing, but Akechi Mitsuhide has never changed. She is still the same person, the martyr who was willing to sacrifice everything for peace and prosperity in the world of Shiba.


After finding out the saint's trump card, Akechi Mitsuhide turned around and left Tamon Castle, starting a new round of planning, targeting his former friends in the old shogunate.

Yiyin looked at the back of Akechi Mitsuhide as he left with a smile, and felt a little uneasy.

Among all his women, Akechi Mitsuhide was the one he could least control. Over the years, he had never truly controlled Akechi Mitsuhide's thoughts and actions.

This woman is like a cat, with a sweet appearance, submissive and considerate, but when she shows her sharp claws and teeth, people suddenly realize that she is the strongest hunter in nature who lives purely on meat.

Yoshigin asked Akechi Mitsuhide to investigate the death of Gamo Ujisato, but she insisted on dealing with the Tamba muke. Now no one knows what bad ideas she has in mind.

At this moment, Yiyin even had a hint of regret.

Maybe I shouldn't have released Akechi Mitsuhide, and should have let her raise the children in that peaceful village, slowly eliminating her excessive conspiracy and hostility.

But soon, Yiyin no longer felt melancholy and entangled, because Uesugi Kenshin brought Uesugi Miyuki to Tamonyama Castle, which made him anxious again.

A five-year-old child could not bear the long-distance journey, but fortunately, the Hokuriku Road trade route and sea transportation routes had already been mature. After the port thawed in the spring, Uesugi Kenshin personally took his daughter to Kyoto.

During the past ten years, commerce along the Hokuriku Road has developed rapidly, with the four saint-designated trading ports of Naoetsu, Nanao Port, Mikuniminato, and Tsuruga Port as the core, and expanding to countless small ports in the surrounding areas.

As long as you avoid the changing weather in summer and sail along the coastline in spring and autumn, the probability of accidents is very low.

But even so, Uesugi Kenshin was still worried, so he personally prepared ships and manpower, and took his daughter to Kyoto, all the way to Tamonyama Castle.

Yoshigin went out to greet him personally, but was turned down by Uesugi Kenshin.

Uesugi Kenshin and his daughter paid homage to the saint respectfully, looking like loyal ministers and good generals, which made Yoshigaki laugh and cry.

It was clearly a warm moment of meeting between father and daughter, but Uesugi Kenshin played out the difference between a ruler and his subject, which was too awkward.

Until they entered the inner courtyard of the residence, Yiyin sat on the main seat in the inner room. Uesugi Kenshin even pulled the child to kneel carefully, which made Yiyin couldn't help but touch his nose.

Yiyin sighed and said.

"Okay, there are only three of us here, how long are you going to pretend?"

Uesugi Kenshin bowed respectfully.

"Thunder, rain and dew are all blessings from heaven. How dare I pretend to be so? I am truly terrified and fearful."

Yiyin covered his forehead with his hands and was speechless. Even Uesugi Miyuki, who was carefully observing her father at the side, couldn't stand her mother's willfulness.

Looking at Yiyin's smooth and handsome face, Uesugi Miyuki was also shocked.

Logically speaking, my father should be an adult of 26 or 27 years old, so why doesn’t he look older at all over the years?

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