different warring states of japan

Chapter 2052: Fighting Tenderness with Tenderness

Chapter 2052: Fighting Tenderness with Tenderness

Uesugi Miyuki looked at Yoshigane.

Is that young boy with smooth skin, full of collagen and full of youthfulness really his father?

Looking back at my mother who was in a bad mood, I realized that she was a woman in her thirties, short and bad-tempered. Apart from her pretty face, she was not as handsome as my father.

It is said throughout the world that her father is the most beautiful woman in the world. The five-year-old Uesugi Miyuki believes it and is even more convinced that her father is also a time traveler.

With his beautiful appearance, ageless face, and political tactics that are not like those of the ancients, Uesugi Miyuki believes that his father must be a time traveler.

The Spoelstra Fed is the Federal Reserve. Controlling the currency is equivalent to controlling all the resources of the island country.

With the transfusion of resources, each family of the Sami clan can control the land and population and have soldiers.

The financial and military power belonged to Shiba, and Shintoism was rebuilt to bring faith and propaganda under the control of the descendants of God.

Then set up a congress of military representatives to be responsible for applauding and authorizing, and leave the administrative affairs to the followers. If anything goes wrong, these people will be blamed.

The descendants of the Sasaki Gods are only responsible for controlling the country's foundations, do not participate in specific policies, and do not offend the wealthy people. They will always be right.

If she wants to prove that her biological father is not a time traveler, Uesugi Miyuki will stuff herself back into her mother's belly and strangle herself with the umbilical cord.

I'm not blind! How could I be wrong?

Once upon a time, Uesugi Miyuki also wanted to reveal her identity as a time traveler to her father, and then the father and daughter would join forces to become invincible.

But she hesitated again. If her father was an islander who traveled through time, he would never support her beautiful vision of making the islanders forever the dogs of the Japanese.

For the sake of the grand picture in her heart, Uesugi Miyuki can only hide her true self deeply, continue to act like a naive and ignorant child, and watch her mother act willfully.

Helplessness is the feeling that has gone through Uesugi Miyuki's mind countless times. How could he end up with such a mother who has no political awareness?

  It is true that Uesugi Kenshin loved his daughter very much, was a good fighter, had a high status and a large territory, but all these advantages were offset by his shortcoming of being politically stupid!

From what I have learned about Uesugi Miyuki in the past few years, I have been taking one wrong step after another until I lost all my advantages and fell from being the second-in-command in Kanto to becoming one of the descendants of the Sasaki God.

  This made little Miyuki feel suffocated. A flying dragon was riding on her face. How the hell did she lose like this?

At this moment, neither Yoshigin nor Uesugi Kenshin noticed the conflicted expression of their little daughter. They naturally did not know that inside the child's tiny body was hidden a mature soul from the future Celestial Empire.

The two adults were communicating as adults and did not care about the child's complicated look.

Yiyin sighed.

"You have such a bad temper.. Please give me some face.

It's not that I want to separate you and your daughter, but there is no order without rules. Some systems must be established now, and this is also for the future of our children.

Besides, your daughter can go back to see you during the winter and summer holidays. You can also come to see your daughter when you are free in spring and autumn. I don’t want to sever your mother-daughter relationship, nor do I want to treat your child as a hostage.

This world is ours and theirs, but ultimately it is theirs.

I just want the children to grow up together, have more contact, and deepen their relationship, so that they can unite and move forward together and share prosperity in the future."

Hearing this, Uesugi Miyuki's eyes widened. She felt like she had heard this before and subconsciously lowered her head to hide her shocked expression.

Since my father could say this, he must have read that person's quotations. I just don't know whether he read the Earth Palace version or the Sun Palace version.

At this moment, Uesugi Kenshin was staring at Yoshigane's sincere face and was speechless for a moment.

What Uesugi Miyuki saw on Yoshigane's face was surprise at his ageless appearance, but what Uesugi Kenshin saw was melancholy at the passing of time.

He still has that youthful face, but I have become old and ugly.

Uesugi Kenshin was once full of vigor and ambition. He went to Kyoto to seek support from the shogunate and attempted to dominate Kanto, but that winter he met a boy who changed his life.

Today, the boy is still the same boy, but the once powerful girl has grown old and no longer has the same spirit as before, only regret and helplessness are left.

She regrets that she cannot marry him, but has no choice but to become a member of the descendants of God and struggle for her daughter's future.

Looking at Yiyin's sincere expression, Uesugi Kenshin felt mixed emotions and didn't know what to say.

After a long while, she finally uttered a sentence. "I am old and lusty. The saint must be annoyed by my nagging, right?"

Yiyin glanced awkwardly at Uesugi Miyuki who was leaning on the floor with his head down, wondering what was wrong with Uesugi Kenshin all of a sudden.

My daughter is still here. What weird things are you saying as a mother? Although the child is still young and can't understand, it's not good for her to hear them.

Yiyin coughed and shouted to the outside.

"Someone is coming."

The sliding door opened and Ritsuka bowed.

Yoshigin pointed at Uesugi Miyuki and said.

"Take Miyuki to meet Yoshinobu. They will be living together as sisters in the future, so they should get to know each other first."

After Tachibana Kanade took the child away, Yoshigane sighed and said.

"Who dislikes you for being old? Don't talk nonsense."

Kenshin Uesugi touched her cheek and realized that crow's feet and nasolabial folds were already appearing on her face.

Ten years have passed. The 20-year-old girl has become a 30-year-old mature woman, but the man she loves is still very young.

I can't beat him in fighting, I can't beat him in politics, and even my beauty, which I once was proud of, is suppressed by him. I will never be able to turn things around in my life.

Uesugi Kenshin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I am old, ugly, and less worthy of a saint."

Yiyin covered his forehead and sighed. Here it comes again, the same trick.

That year, Yoshigin went to Kasugayama Castle to visit Uesugi mother and daughter, but he was overwhelmed by Uesugi Kenshin's pitiful move and was defeated step by step, which ruined his own strategic calculations.

Thinking back on it, this woman definitely did it on purpose.

Uesugi Kenshin, who was always tough, would feel uncomfortable if he showed any sign of weakness.

Once upon a time, Uesugi Kenshin divided his territory with him, helped him fight wars, sheltered him from the wind and rain when he was at his weakest, and helped him conquer the Kanto region.

How could Yiyin forget this friendship?

But Yiyin used her for the system tasks, and fooled her again and again with tears and emotions, feeling extremely guilty.

Out to mix, sooner or later have to repay.

Although he knew that Uesugi Kenshin's weakness was mostly pretended, Yoshigane just couldn't harden his heart. He was just an ordinary man who could not become a cold-blooded emperor and was controlled by women.

Sighing, Yiyin stepped forward and pinched Uesugi Kenshin's chin with his thumb and index finger, looking her eye to eye, facing her eyes.

The distance between the two was so close that their breath could hit each other's face.

Slowly, Uesugi Kenshin blushed, turned his head away and looked away.

"What are you doing.."

Yiyin smiled slightly, walked forward and kissed her lips gently, then blew air into her ear.

"Look at you, how can you be old and ugly? Aren't you still a beauty?"

Uesugi Kenshin was in a state of great emotional confusion and could no longer pretend to be sad. He could not help but smile widely. He could not hold it back.

She is not as politically stupid as Uesugi Miyuki thinks. This time she came to repeat the old trick of using softness to overcome hardness and fight for the interests of the three powerful clans in Kanto.

But Yoshigin suffered a loss last time and learned his lesson, so he refused to give Uesugi Kenshin a chance to perform.

You are gentle, and I am even gentler. Who do you think you are if you try to play the trick of being tender and affectionate? You have to look to me, a green tea guy, to show off my acting skills.

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