Chapter 425 Incitement
Shimao Katsuki was awakened by Asakura Zongdi, his worries increased greatly, he bowed and saluted, and asked for help.

"I implore Dzongdi to teach me."

Chao Cang Zongdi smiled slightly, pointing to the imperial sword on her body and said.

"What can I help you with? I'm just a bad old woman. It's what can help you."

Shimakatsu looked down at Yujian wrapped in silk thoughtfully.

Asakura Zongdi followed the way of guidance.

"The hustle and bustle in the world is driven by interests. You uphold righteousness, but you must also understand one truth.

The so-called righteousness is great profit.

Mr. Gongfang is the elder of the Genji family, the pillar of the Wu family, and the righteousness of the world.

And Yujian represents the general, and it is also where the righteousness of the world lies, do you understand? "

Dao Sheng was so fierce that he was enlightened, and Mao Sai suddenly realized.

Why do samurai respect General Ashikaga?Righteousness?It is for great profit!

Since the beginning of the imperial family system, the jurisprudence of local samurai ruling the territory under their feet has come from the descendants of Hanoi Genji and the rewards of the generals of the past dynasties.

Without the generals, the legal basis for their rule of the territory will no longer exist, so traditional warriors must respect the generals.

Otherwise, they are no different from Xiakeshang Wujia.

The Xiakeshang Wu family relied on violence to suppress the territory, how long can it be suppressed?a generation?Two generations?

Force will decline, and who doesn't fear the family will perish after their own weakness.Only by acknowledging the general can you guarantee the justice of your own rule, and even if you fall, you will have a chance to make a comeback.

As for the lower-class samurai, they are doomed to be just ants and cannon fodder in the class-solidified samurai society. The only hope in despair is the reward from the upper class.

It was the general who established the royal family system, the general who created the guardian system, and the general who entrusted the entire world to the Wu family.

Samurai society lacks an upward path, bloodline is thousands of times more important than ability.

The low-level Ji warriors praised the royal family following the Kamakura shogunate to sweep the world, and praised the royal family following the Muromachi shogunate to win the world again.

Are they like these stories?
No, it is they who are eager to repeat these brilliance and seize hundreds of years of wealth with their knives and guns!
Shimakatsu looked at the Yujian tied to his body fiercely, knowing what he should do.

She bowed deeply to Asakura Sodi, expressed her gratitude, and then bid farewell.

Asakura Sodi said to Asakura Keiki.

"Go with Shimahime and help the Spocki warriors prepare supplies, and come back to see me after they leave."

Asakura Keiji bowed his head and let out a hi, and went out with Shima Katsuo.

Asakura Sodi, who was behind him, looked at the back of his adopted daughter with deep eyes.

Chao Cang Jingjing said enviously.

"Mr. Zong Di treated Jing Ji Ji very well."

She can see that Shimao Katsuo must take action after being instructed by Asakura Zongdi, so Zongdi asked Asakura Jingji to learn more.

Such delicate thoughts and endless care made her envious.

Asakura Sodi smiled reservedly.

You, a scheming warrior Ji, are worthy of comparison with my Jing Ji?Humph.

Dao Shengmeng followed Asakura Jingji to supply supplies, and Bai Qishiji was ready to go, waiting for her order.

At this time, she didn't say a word, and seeing her off Asakura Jingji also looked at her in surprise.

Dao Shengmeng's eyes were like lightning, and all the faces he looked at were young and strong members of the family who had reached the peak of physical strength and force.

But there was a trace of confusion, anxiety, resistance and depression on his face.

Dao Shengmeng has never had time to observe these details. She rushed to Yuezhong to rescue the lord, ignoring the emotions of the Ji warriors under her command.

It wasn't until Asakura Sodi woke him up with a word that he realized that he almost made a big mistake.

War is about logistics, but the most important material is people's hearts. There are many examples in history of a large army being defeated by a single blow.

Running for thousands of miles, if there is a slight mistake, the whole army will be wiped out. People's hearts are worth more than ten thousand gold.

Shimao Katsumoto knows that the minds of the Ji Warriors are floating, because these people come from Peking University and the Iga people.

Because the people of the same heart reward military merits with knowledge and deeds, everyone was enthusiastic at first.

But later, when the governor in Kyoto decided to go to Kanto, there were twists and turns in the recruitment of Tongxinzhong.

Especially when the number of people expanded from one hundred to two hundred, it was inevitable that the young and old families would feel conflicted.

The follow-up [-] Ji warriors are not the [-] old Concentric Congregation around Yiyin.

Those Ji warriors followed the lord through life and death, and they had already earned enough knowledge and behavior, and their families were well arranged, so they naturally died well.

I am also willing to make new contributions with my life and leave more benefits for my family.

The most important thing is that they have obtained a lot, and they believe in Shibo Yoshiin's credit and ability to fulfill his promise.

Loyalty requires trust as a contract, the master rewards fairness, and the subordinates move forward bravely.

And what about the one hundred and seventy princesses in front of Dao Shengmeng?What did they get?
Before I have gained anything, I have to travel thousands of miles, maybe throwing the dead body in Kanto and leaving nothing.

They are all young and strong at home, how can they go out with peace of mind if they stay at home?This is human nature.

You said that if they died in battle, the lord would treat their families kindly, so why should they believe this?Why?
Ever since the Shiba family confronted Iga, Peking University began to rule the country, and a large number of foreign samurai flooded into the territory.

And because of various reasons, Yoshihiro Shiba tacitly agreed that Mitsuhide Akechi and Katsuhisa Niko broke up the local samurai family and made them into a mess, unable to collude with each other.

It would be fine if Yoshihiko Shibo was in charge of the territory, but he still wants to take away the young and strong from each family to go to Kanto. How can these people not be afraid?
Peking University and the Iga all surrendered to the Shiba family, pursuing a better life, rather than being eaten up and thrown away in foreign lands.

As the leader of Peking University and the Wu family, Dao Shengmeng has heard about the emotions below, but she is too busy.

After finishing the recent battle, he immediately took over the recruitment of the new Tongxinzhong.

Just halfway through, the lord Yuezhong was in danger, and she had to take this chaotic Ji warrior group on the road, so she had no time to solve their doubts.

At this time, this matter had to be resolved.

What she wants is the elite who will fight to the death for the lord, not a group of confused mobs.

Unification of thought is imminent.

The solution is simple, give them a promise, a promise they can believe in.

As Asakura Sodi said, she can't help, and the one who can help Shangdao Shengmeng is Yujian, the power of the Kawachi Minamoto clan who has benefited the world's martial arts for hundreds of years.

It's useless to talk about life and ideals with these Ji warriors. Although they are not very old, they are all soldiers who lick blood.

It's not a flower that hasn't entered the society in the previous life. After pouring a few bowls of chicken soup, I feel that the whole world is my own.

I'am the king of the world.
Warrior Ji is the most realistic person, and they have to fight with their lives and exchange their blood for everything.

Want them to sacrifice their lives?

Give them money, food, fields, men, status and dignity, and give them blessings and heirs.

Get one of the three, and your life is yours.The three are ready, and you can overthrow the world with you, and you will die without hesitation.

Only after suffering, will I understand that I am an ordinary person, and those princes, generals, fame and wealth have nothing to do with me.

Eat enough, dress warmly, husband, child, hot kang is the real thing, talking about other things is all about p.

It will take four hundred years to truly liberate all mankind with ideals, make people willing to follow, dedicate everything, and have no complaints or regrets.

If you want to impress these extremely realistic Ji warriors, you have to draw a big pie, so that they can't resist the temptation in it, and then they will be eager to give it a go.

After all, the people here are all young and strong, and they still have blood and passion, which is much easier to fool than those old and cunning warriors.

Dao Sheng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"I know you have doubts.

Why do you want to leave your hometown, your tribe, your parents, husband, daughter, and relatives, and go to Kanto?

You don't understand, because you're just a bunch of idiots with good luck. "

As soon as this remark came out, all the concubines were in an uproar.

Asakura Keiji on the side was also dumbfounded. What kind of madness did Masaru Shimao go? Did he mobilize before the battle?I'm afraid they will force a mutiny!
Ji warriors were furious, and Dao Shengmeng had a bigger temper than them, pointing at them and yelling.

"Shut up! You know what a p! The once-in-a-hundred-year opportunity has been met by you, and you don't know how to cherish it!"

Seeing her serious face, a group of people gradually lowered their voices.

Dao Shengmeng claims to be a righteous warrior Ji, he is fair in his daily affairs, has a high prestige among warrior Ji, and is also the leader of Peking University and the public.

Most of the people here are Peking University and the public, everyone scolded each other, quieted down and gave her a chance to speak.

Shima Katsuo knew that he had aroused the curiosity of the Ji Warriors, and if the subsequent speeches could not satisfy them, the depression accumulated up to now would inevitably erupt, and the consequences would be unpredictable.

Shimakatsu looked sharply in the direction of Yuezhong, and faintly saw the smile of the lord.

Shimahime, I believe in you.

Ji does not fail me, and I do not fail Ji.

. . .

A sentence from the past echoed in her mind, and the sockets of her eyes began to moisten unconsciously.

Gritting her teeth to resist the urge to cry, she stared at Ji Warriors with wide eyes.

Your Highness, wait for me.

(End of this chapter)

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