Chapter 426 Blood Oath

Dao Shengmeng said slowly.

"Three hundred and fifty years ago, the Kanto royal family headed by Bando Hachihei followed the first shogun Minamoto Yoritomo.

They went through all kinds of difficulties and won the Genpei War, supported the Lord Gongfang, and made the Kamakura Shogunate.

Since then, the royal family has been rewarded by Genji Hanoi, sharing the world, and blessing their descendants. "

All Ji warriors looked at each other, it was different from what they thought.

Isn't it time to give them enough benefits in exchange for their allegiance?How do you say it's history?
Genpei battles are all bad old jokes, which Ji warrior didn't grow up listening to it, and calloused his ears early.

Dao Shengmeng ignored their whispering, just let go of his voice, humming over them.

"Back then, Takashi, the first Ashikaga general, was persecuted by the imperial court, and he fled to Kyushu alone with one rider.

As the descendant of Hanoi Genji, he called on the descendants of Ji Samurai who were blocked by the Kamakura shogunate in the four kingdoms of Kyushu.

The royal family gathered under her royal white banner, shouting the slogan of being loyal to the pillars of the Wu family, and the [-] Wu family went to Luo to win the world again.

Afterwards, the Muromachi Shogunate was established, and General Ashikaga rewarded him with honor and wealth for more than a hundred years! "

She was talking to herself, and finally Warrior Ji couldn't help asking.

"What does this have to do with us!"

Dao Sheng glared at her sharply, his posture was like a bite, which made her tremble.

"Of course it matters! Look! What is this!"

She took off the things on her body, pulled back the silk and satin, and revealed a sword.

The shape of this sword is simple and simple, similar to Tang Dao, flat and long, a little shorter than Da Dao, and longer than Li Chai.

Warrior Ji has danced with guns and sticks since he was a child, and he has opinions on weapons, so he whispered to each other.

"Looks like a Tang knife."

"Much shorter than Tang Dao, but the style is made in Tang Dynasty."

"what is this?"

"I seem to have heard of a sword like this before, it seems to won't be..."

"It's Yujian! Yujian is like this!"

"It's really a royal sword. The pattern on the hilt of the sword cannot be overridden by the imperial court. Since the fall of the emperor, there has been no such pattern."

"Isn't Yu Jian in the hands of Lord Gongfang?"

Dao Shengmeng was very satisfied that they knew this thing.

At the beginning when Mitsuhide Akechi handed over to her, only a few people knew that she was taking Yujian on the road, but this time it was exposed to the public.

Is life difficult for Peking University and the Iga people?Much better than before.

Peking University and the public were bullied by Yamato's nuns and samurai before, and the Ihe public was even more tormented by the closure of the country. Both sides were people from the country B who were kicked out by the guardian system.

Although it has been dismantled to pieces now, but only talking about life and status, it must be better than before.

But people's eyes are all looking upwards, it will be better when it is good, and it will be better when it is better.

Gratitude is not easy, resentment is common.The so-called Dou Mien and Sheng Mi Qiu are human nature.

Those who can restrain their nature and insist on morality are all saints, and most people just want to go beyond the better.

Peking University Kazuya and Igazhong are afraid of the future, but they have already forgotten what a miserable state they were when they had nothing.

If Shimao Katsumeng talks about gratitude and the past with them, will these people be moved?
Maybe, maybe not.

Dao Shengmeng has no capital to gamble, she must take these Ji warriors to Yuezhong.

Then, use righteousness to convince them!Just as Asakura Sodi said, great righteousness is great profit!
Seeing that Ji warriors asked each other, it was clear that this was Yujian, and there was awe on their faces. Dao Shengmeng knew that the fire was coming.

she yelled.

"The imperial sword is the property of the Lord Gongfang, and it is as if he is in person to issue an edict on his behalf.

General Ashikaga ordered me to take Yujian into the Kanto, and follow Lord Kenshin to conquer dissidents. Do you understand what this means! "

Warrior Ji looked left and right, and they all saw the doubts among each other.

Dao Sheng shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty!"

Everyone hesitated.

At this time, Gamo Shixiang had already figured out what Shimao Katsuo was going to do, so he knelt down without hesitation.

Someone started, and the other Ji warriors knelt down, wrapping their bodies around, all kneeling on one knee.

Dao Shengmeng's eyes were wide open, he drew out the sword with his right hand, and grasped the blade with his left hand, blood oozed from his fingers immediately.

Warrior Ji looked at her, and saw that she was covering her forehead with her left hand, allowing the scarlet liquid to flow down the eye sockets, the bridge of the nose, and both cheeks.

"Last year, I had nothing at all.

Being an official is afraid of the lord, the family business is ruined by the army, and the lord rescued me between life and death, I am grateful. "

Her eyes were deep, as if she saw herself at that moment, desperately standing in front of her family.

The cavalry galloping behind him was him, the young man she deeply admired, who brought hope and gave her new dignity.

The pupils gleamed in the sun, and the tears could no longer be restrained, overflowing.

"My lord once said, Ji will not fail me, and I will not fail Ji!
You treat me like a gentleman of the country, and I will repay you with my own body and bones!Dao Shengmeng swears in blood!Gan is the king and dog, and he will repay him with death!

Three hundred and fifty years ago, the Kanto samurai went out with Minamoto Yoshitomo!
Two hundred years ago, the samurai family of the Western Kingdom went to Luo with Ashikaga Takashi!

Today, I will wait with you!Return to the Kanto with Yujian, and change the sun and the moon with Hanoi Genji's descendants!
The royal family followed Hanoi Genji for hundreds of years to gain wealth!I am also willing to shed the last drop of blood for the pillars of the Wu family!

Ancestors bless!May I die in the battle of Kanto to win the name of the world, and I will exchange my life for my descendants, Fuze will be rewarded endlessly!
So. .what about you!Are you willing to follow me to pick up His Highness? "

"I'm waiting for it!"

"Are you willing to go far away to the Kanto and establish an unworldly achievement!"

"I'm waiting for it!"

"Are you willing to follow Hanoi Genji's descendants, the elders of Genji, the pillars of the Wu family, and build a foundation for eternity!"

"Will! Will! Will!"

The concentric crowd shouted hoarsely, some grabbed the ground with their heads, some were in tears, and the crowd was furious.

Dao Sheng coldly tidied up the injured palm and bandaged it to stop the bleeding.Carefully wipe off the blood stains on the imperial sword, so as not to stain the imperial sword with blood.

After the silk was wrapped and the imperial sword was fastened, the atmosphere on the spot had reached its peak.

She got on her horse and ordered.

"United, let's go! Go and follow our Highness!"

"Shiba is my destiny! Shiba is my destiny!"

"Kaga ahead, the target is more in the middle, whoever dares to stop our army?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A group of Ji warriors rose from the ground, mounted their horses and lined up, rushing out of the Chaocang garrison with high morale.

Asakura Jingji watched in a daze, and saw Shimao Katsuki bowing slightly to her, riding forward without turning back.

After a while, Asakura Jingji came back to his senses and took a deep breath.

When she returned to the Shogunate of the Chinese Army and told Asakura Sodi to know about it, she was also silent, and spoke after a long time.

"Ken Xin is extraordinary, and his subordinates are all heroines.

This woman is so terrifying, she will become a great weapon in the future.If there is a chance to meet again, you should make friends with your heart. "

Asakura Jingji let out a hi, and asked again.

"Then how long do you think her words can incite these Ji warriors?"

Asakura Zongdi laughed.

"Incitement? Incitement is not terrible. The most terrible thing is the truth, which is to do what you say.

If it is true that Lord Ken Xin leads this group of wolves-like warriors of Ji and succeeds in opening up a new territory in the Kanto region, I am afraid of this world. . "

Asakura Zongdi closed his eyes and remained silent, while Asakura Jingji was shocked, but due to his taboo, he dared not ask any more questions.


Yuezhong, Matsukura Castle.

This city is the foundation of Shiming family. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It has been repaired and repaired over the years, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

Yiyin and his party walked through the castle town at the bottom of the mountain, walked up the ramp, and entered the wooden gate surrounded by horses.

The main city is surrounded by earth barriers and walls in front, the Ninomaru is on the low side by the water, and the Honmaru is on the high side by the mountains. There are two castle towers in the Honmaru.

Between the two pills are several curved barrel narrow roads, and there are shooting holes in the walls on both sides.

Yiyin glanced at it and knew that the city was difficult to attack.

Just attacking up the ramp is enough to consume the stamina of the charge, not to mention the narrow twists and turns of the barrier barrel, and there is no way to go to the city for close combat without dying with a few reserve teams.

It's no wonder that the Shiina family can stand for decades. With the weak logistics of the samurai family, it is difficult to bear the casualties of attacking the city. Unless there is an internal problem, they can only choose to besiege.

However, the three cities of Yujin are watching behind them, and if they want to besiege this place, they have to capture those three cities with horns, which is even more troublesome.

The three cities are all between Katakaigawa and Kadokawa, even if invaders take one or two cities, they will be restricted by logistical inconvenience.

Once the army is withdrawn, leaving only a few guards, they will be attacked and recovered by the Shiina family's army immediately.

The only way to conquer the three cities in one go, and then besiege Songcang City, is too high a logistical requirement.

It's no wonder that Jinbao Changzhi, the master of Zhongxing who revived the family business, exhausted all his strength and couldn't wipe out the Shiina family in one go.

Being dragged so exhausted, Uesugi Terotora was asked to pick the peaches and drove them all the way back to the west bank of Baiyanchuan, which was not a crime of war.

Yoshigin followed along while listening to Uesugi Terutora's explanation of last year's war, nodding his head from time to time in thought.

At this time, Nobuzuna Umizumi suddenly raised his head and looked around, with a solemn expression, and stepped forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with the two house governors.

"Shangquan Sword Master, what's the matter?"

Both of them looked at her politely. Nobuzuna Umizumi's friendship to fight side by side has been respected by the two house governors, and a little overstepping can be tolerated.

Umizumi said in a low voice.


(End of this chapter)

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