Chapter 427 Dilemma
Yoshigin looked solemn, looked at Uesugi Terutora aside, feeling ominous in his heart.

Terotora Uesugi also thought the same as him, could it be that the one he least wanted to meet might have really appeared?
She forced herself to be calm and said.

"Shangquan Sword Master, this is the residence of the Shiina family, and it has always been well guarded. It is normal for the spirit of killing to be severe."

It was difficult for Kamizumi Nobutsuna to explain his intuition clearly to the two, so he could only try his best to explain it.

"Your Majesty Uesugi clearly learned that murderous aura is not the aura of killing.

It is not surprising that all the warriors who have been in battle have some battlefield atmosphere.

But there are people watching us from the direction of the castle tower, with a strong killing intent, which is definitely not an ordinary killing spirit.

I have traveled all over the world in my life and encountered countless dangers.He also practiced swordsmanship, and every time he faced off, he was most sensitive to whether the opponent was fighting or killing.

Maybe I'm old and my perception is wrong.

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, please be prepared, if something happens, don't be caught off guard. "

That's all she said, and Yoshihiro Shiba believed it.

He gave Uesugi Terutora a hard look, it's just that this bastard doesn't leave any room for things, and he doesn't leave half a point for the Shiina family after taking all the benefits, now he will be punished!
Uesugi Terutora also smiled sarcastically, she couldn't help but feel guilty.What Umizumi Nobutsuna said is right, those who are good at fighting should never take chances.

Think carefully.

It was the season of busy spring plowing, Shiina Kangyin sent someone to wait, and it was a bit strange that she must be brought to Songcang City for a talk.

If you really care that much, you should send some people across the river to help, this is the performance of Uesugi Terutoro.

On the other side of the river, he sent envoys to follow her, more like waiting for the news of her death, or fearing to miss her, so she ran back to Echigo.

Thinking of this, Uesugi Terutoro's heart gradually sank.A team of people has already entered Songcang City and has become a turtle in an urn.

At the same time, there is a shortage of food and grass, and few weapons. How should we deal with the hostility at this time?

Yiyin said in a low voice.

"Don't show your feet.

Shiina Yasushi doesn't know that we are on guard, so he will definitely trick you and me into the castle tower to meet her.

The two Ji warriors will be placed in Ninomaru and dealt with separately.

You and I go to the castle tower to stabilize Shiina Yasushi, and let Naoe Kanetsugu ask for military supplies at Ninomaru and prepare for battle.

Not only food and grass, but also the worn-out weapons and equipment must find a way to make up for some, and then we will take us out of the city. "

Uesugi Terutora nodded in agreement, feeling extremely annoyed.

Naturally, there would be no arms storage at the commercial point in the Shiina family's territory, and because she was in the allied territory along the way, she did not pay attention to replenishing food and grass.

At this time, the food and grass were not enough for a day, and there were only half of the equipment and weapons, and the combat power of the cavalry was greatly reduced.

He regretted that he was too harsh on Shiina Kangyin, and even hated her for being treacherous and not a woman.

Uesugi Terutora said.

"Mr. Kenshin, you don't want to go with me. You are asking for supplies with Naoe Kanetsugu. As an envoy of the shogunate, it is difficult for the Shiina family to refuse."

Uesugi Terutora is determined to redeem the mistake by himself, but how could Yoshigin let her take the risk alone.

Not to mention the deepening relationship between the two, even if he only mentioned the system, he would not allow Uesugi Terotora to do this near-death thing.

As far as Yiyin is concerned, as long as the killing value is not exhausted, who is he afraid of in melee combat?Plug-in bull b!

Already prepared, you can resist at any time, whether you are mentally calculating or not.With him in the company, Uesugi Terutora's safety can be guaranteed.

The city is not on the battlefield, so it is not so easy to kill Yiyin.

There are many dead spots in the city, and it is difficult to shoot him with long-range weapons such as iron cannons and bows. Unless he exhausts his physical strength, he will be the king of street fighting.

Yiyin's biggest weakness is that he is physically weaker than the Ji warriors in this world, and his strength, agility, physical strength, and reaction are far inferior. He would never choose to take risks on weekdays.

But now a group of people have fallen into a trap, and they can only survive from death, and he cannot be allowed to back down.

"I'll go with you."

Uesugi Terutora stared at him blankly and persuaded him.

"This is my mistake, I will take responsibility for it myself, as long as you don't die in the melee and escape from the city.

Afterwards, most of the Shiina and Jinbo families were unwilling to embarrass you, which led to the evil of the shogunate, and they would let you return to Japan. "

Yiyin shook his head and said firmly.

"I'll go with you, let Yamanaka Yukimori and Naoe Kanatsuru command the two Hime Samurai, and after entering Ninomaru, they will ask for supplies and prepare the army for war.

I am an envoy of the shogunate, and Shiina Yasunon also knows of my existence.If she didn't go to the meeting, she would definitely become suspicious. "

Uesugi Terutora was moved in his heart and said.

"I can say that you were injured in the previous game against Jinbojia and need to rest..."

"Stop talking, I've made up my mind!"

Yoshigin rudely interrupted her rare worry about gains and losses, looked at the always decisive Lord of Echigo, and said.

"Sister Uesugi, either live together or die together.

Since my debut, Shiba Yoshigin has never run away or abandoned my comrades.

Si Bo is of one mind and will never leave. "

Uesugi Terutoro looked at him, this handsome and otherworldly face reflected the holy light in the sunlight.

She was absent-minded for a while, and the love flowing in her heart gradually added something different, and finally turned into a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"You are right, we will never leave."

Yoshigin seized the time to turn around and say a few words to Yamanaka Yukimori behind him, when he suddenly heard Uesugi Terutoro calling him.

"Shiba Yoshigin."


He turned to look at her, only to see Uesugi Terutora smiling brightly, blooming like spring returning to the earth.

She was born rich in Echigo Ikuni, but because of her mother's restraint, she never dared to have hope in the hearts of the people.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that I had received the most precious gift, and couldn't help but shout out.

"I like you, I really like you very much."

Yiyin was angry with him.

What time is it, what is going on in this damn rich second generation's mind!

"Be serious, it's a war!"

"Hey, okay."


On the castle tower of Matsukura Castle, Shiina Yasunon and Koma Tonemitsu are looking at Yoshihiro and his party entering the city.

Shiina Kangyin looked complicated and kept silent.

Koma Changguang pointed and said.

"It's indeed Nagao Keitaro (Uesugi Terotora), and the person next to her is the shogunate envoy who sent her back, the governor of the Shiba family.

How is it a man?The two of them whispered to each other without shame, without the restraint of a man.

Standing side by side with the two is that Kamizumi Sword Master?Some trouble.

Your Highness, please give an order to let Nagao Jinghu and the men of Shiba's family come to see you, and try not to let that sword master follow. "

Shiina Kangyin twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a subterranean smile.

"You can make decisions for me, you can order it yourself, and you are not going to let me show up anyway, are you?"

Xiao Jian Chang Guang smiled coldly and said.

"Since the family governor has authorized me, then I will be disrespectful."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went out to do errands, leaving Shiina Kangyin with an ugly face and staying where he was.

Koma Changguang walked out of the room, whispering to the left and right as he walked.

"Look at the house governor, don't fall short."

"Don't worry, my lord. The temples have been waiting for this opportunity for many years, and they will never let the Shiina family have the chance to betray them."

"Idiot! The Buddha Kingdom on the ground in Xinchuan County is close at hand, so don't be careless!"


Koma Changguang waved his hand to ask one person to handle the matter, and continued.

"Let Uesugi Terotora go to Ninomaru to settle the warrior Hime, try to meet the needs as much as possible, and don't make them suspicious.

Send Shiina's vassals over there, and the more than sixty Ji warriors who followed Nagao Jinghu are all elite horses, let Shiina's Ji warriors consume them.

Send nuns from each monastery to Honmaru, ambush more than ten elites inside and outside the Tianshou Pavilion, and the rest are waiting outside.

Terutora Uesugi must not be allowed to escape, I want her head! "

All the concubines under his command cheered, Xiao Jian Chang Guang's eyes were fierce, and he gritted his teeth.


Kaga, Oyama Gobo.

Before the newly appointed owner Shimoma Laichun could secure his seat, it was reported that Echizen launched an extermination of Buddhism, expulsion of Yixiang sect forces, and even implicated the damage of other sects and temples, and he suddenly had a headache.

The relationship between the sects is complicated, and this incident will inevitably lead to accusations from other sects against Yi Zong.

Of course, Master Xianru of Ishiyama Honganji Temple has to carry all of this. Her shoulders are too narrow to carry such a big pot.

What she was afraid of was the hostility shown by Asakura Army Shenzong Digong, who caught Kaga Ichizumune by surprise.

The Fazhu asked her to integrate Kaga Yixiangzong and launch Yixiang Yikui externally.She hadn't made a move yet, Echizen's Asakura Sodi was faster than her.

A large number of Echizen nuns and believers are fleeing to Kaga through Dairi Mountain, and they also brought a lot of news.

Asakura Sodi sharpened his sword and prepared to attack Kaga after spring plowing.

And there is no peace in Kaga. The lord of Matsuto Castle, Kogi Yoshinobu, is the leader of the Minami Kaga Ichikui, and this time he is facing the accusations of Asakura Zongdi Bingfeng.

She did not get along with General Zongjiahe Qili Laizhou, and the conflict between the two parties had already come to her.

With foreign enemies staring at each other and internal conflicts abounding, how can this battle be fought?
Xia Jian Lai Chun sat on the main seat and watched the two people below quarrel, his head was swollen, and he always felt that the future was bleak.

(End of this chapter)

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