Chapter 470 Decision
Ignoring Saito Chaoxin, scolded Honjo Shino, and slapped the faces of the top shirts twice.

Yiyin turned around and got angry at Daxiong Chaoxiu.

"Da Xiong Chaoxiu! What's the matter with you! As the chief executive of China and Vietnam, you are so silent when you are contradicted by your subordinates!
Are you worthy of the duty His Highness Uesugi has entrusted to you by conniving at Xia Keshang's reckless actions like this! "

Daxiong Chaoxiu was taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed, with a shame on his face, he fell to the ground and apologized.

"What you said is true, I am very sorry! Please calm down!"

Honjo Shino and Daxiong Chaoxiu were arranged by Uesugi Terutoro in the Central Vietnam region to be responsible for evaluating all matters.

Although everyone knows that Ben Zhuang is actually the one in power, giving Daxiong Chaoxiu this position is just to appease the vacant position of the local warriors.

But on the surface, her status is still higher than Saito Chaoxin.

In the samurai society where the upper and lower levels are strict, it is normal for Saito Chaoxin to be asked to make a seppuku apology if he wants to go online and make a fuss.

Although Okuma Chaoxiu rebelled, but the Imperial Palace protected her and allowed her to commit crimes and meritorious deeds, then her merits and demerits would have to wait for Terotora Uesugi to judge.

Before Uesugi Terotora came to the future, she was still one of the chief executives of China and Vietnam who had committed crimes and meritorious deeds, and she did not lose her status.

Now Shiba Yoshigin took this as an entry point to attack Saito Asanobu, Honjo was really anxious, but couldn't find a word to refute.

Okuma Asanobu, who was humiliated by Saito Chaoxin, wanted to apologize, so what would happen to Saito Chaoxin who took the initiative to provoke the incident?
Yoshihiro Shiba showed murderous intent on his face, and Honjo's heart trembled when he saw it.

She wasn't afraid that Saito Asanobu would lose his life, the inside and outside of Tochio Castle were still in the hands of the upper garments, and these Ji warriors would not watch Saito Asanobu die.

But she didn't want to face the anger of the Odaisho directly, which was very detrimental to the Shin Uesugi family politically.

What was more anxious was Naoe Kanatsugu who was sitting on the side. Seeing that Saito Asanobu hadn't yielded, she wanted to rush up and hold her neck to force her to bow her head.

No one knows better than her the master's feelings for this young man.

The two walked along the Hokuriku Road, and went through several twists and turns in the Echuchu, and the lord was already deeply in love.

If Saito Asanobu continued to provoke, the outcome would be unpredictable. The two leaders of Zhongyue Shangshan didn't realize the seriousness of the consequences at all.

What's even more frightening is that the situation was so tense that Yoshihiro Shiba didn't even use her intentions.

Naoe Kanezaku followed Yoshihiro to Chugoku, taking on the responsibility of communicating the relationship between Chugoshi Shangsho and Shiba Yoshino.

Terotora Uesugi granted Shiba Yoshigin full power, who will ensure that this power is implemented?Naturally, it was Kanetsugu Naoe who kept silent all the time.

It's just that since the Imperial Palace came to Tochio Castle, he kept her in cold storage in order to prove his ability and establish his prestige.

This kind of behavior actually eroded the rights of the Shin Uesugi family in the Central Vietnam region. Naoe Kanetsugu kept frowning secretly, but she couldn't help it.

If she meddles in other things, let alone meddling, the lord may not appreciate it.

Terutora Uesugi said affectionately to Yoshihiro Shiba, I want to share Echigo with you.

What the hell!If you manage too much, you might lose your head!
At this moment, the audience was silent.

Benzhuang is really sweating profusely, please ease the crime.Da Xiong Chaoxiu seems to be panicked, but he is actually gloating.

Shiba Yiyin narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't want to kill people, and he gave enough reasons to punish disobedient ministers.If this warrior Ji really doesn't know good from bad, then don't blame me for turning my back on him.

Although this is not a good time, he has no way out.

The Shiba family wanted to have a foothold in Echigo, and Shiba Yoshigin needed to establish prestige in the hearts of the local samurai.

Da Xiong Chaoxiu must be kept, any provocation is an injury to his authority and will not be tolerated.

Saito Asanobu pursed his lips, showing a sneer, this boy Yutaisuo is not a fool?

Tochio Castle is controlled by Shangshan people, all of whom are her comrades in arms. How is it possible to capture her and kill her?

Not to mention that she is the backbone of the party near the banner, and the favorite general of Uesugi Terutoro, who would dare to touch her without the order of the house governor!
Even if the stalemate persists until His Highness arrives, he still favors his family as before, so what are you afraid of.

Saito Asanobu, who had no scruples, snorted and was about to speak wildly.

Naoe Kanetsugu next to her was extremely angry, she had been following Shiba Yoshigin, and had no time to confess to Honjo Mino and Saito Asanobu.

They don't know the lord's feelings for this Imperial Palace!There is something wrong with their approach!Saito Asanobu is looking for death!

At this moment, Naoe Kanetsugu couldn't care about anything else, and slapped Saito Asanobu in the face, pressed her head to the ground, and followed her to plead guilty.

"The imperial court appeases its anger.

This idiot has always been ignorant, he is a good fighter in war, and his brain lacks a string, so don't care about this kind of rough guy. "

Saito Asanobu was slapped across the face, his head was pressed to the ground, his eyes were reddened and he was about to explode, and Naoe Kanetsugu's whispered warning came from his ears.

"Be quiet for me, I'm saving your life. If you dare to jump up at this time, your highness will definitely kill you when he comes down.

Trust me, don't look up. "

Saito Asanobu froze, she also had friendship with Naoe Kanetsugu.

This person is smart and will not utter nonsense, so there must be a reason for treating him so aggressively.

It's better to be patient for a while and wait for her to explain later.If you are not satisfied, it will not be too late to attack again.

Saito Asanobu didn't move when he thought of this.

Shino Honjo on the side reacted faster than her. Seeing Naoe Kanetsugu's unhesitating actions, she noticed something strange.

Glancing at Naoe Kanetsugu, seeing the serious warning in her expression, Honjo simply apologized to Shiba Yoshigin and Dogeza.

"I didn't manage my subordinates well and disturbed the Imperial Palace, please punish me."

Yi Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

The people in the upper shirt were subdued by Naoe Kanatsugu, although they did not achieve the best result of relying on Yiyin to subdue them, they finally did not let the table be overturned.

This result is acceptable, so let's accept it.

He snorted coldly and said.

"Revocation of your position as the city lord of Tochio Castle, Shima Katsuo, you will be the city's representative."


Dao Sheng fell to the ground and received the order.

In fact, Honjo Shino's position as the lord of Tochio Castle was stripped when he received Uesugi Terutora's order to dedicate the city to Yoshihiro.

Shiba Yoshigin had no soldiers, so Honjo Shino continued to preside over the city defense affairs.

Now that the punishment is given in name, it is actually just a handover of the status, and it does not actually damage the village at all.

The result of this treatment is acceptable to the public.

Honjo Shino looked a little better, and Saito Asanobu's gesture of kowtowing also relaxed a lot.

Yiyin looked at Benzhuang Shino, then at Daxiong Chaoxiu, and quietly changed his mind.

Originally, the plan he discussed with Honjo Mino was to force the two rebels back, and then defend Tochio Castle to block the Yangbei people, waiting for Uesugi Terutora's reinforcements to arrive.

But the rebelliousness of Zhongyue's upper garments made him change his mind.

These Echigo military factions are time bombs, Uesugi Terutora boss, my second child, no one is convinced.

If the rebellion is quelled in this way, the Shiba family's existence in the Central Vietnam region will still be harassed by them in the future.

Especially Saito Chaonobu who was forced to bow his head, this bastard will definitely find fault and make trouble.

Shiba Yoshiyin didn't think it was time to ask Uesugi Terotora to come forward to solve it, let alone conflict with these local aborigines.

The Shiba family only had one castle in Tochio in Echigo, and there were more than one hundred and ninety Hime warriors. They had no roots and roots, and it was not worthwhile to compete with these guys.

For now, the only way to frighten these hot-headed bastards is to fight with Yang Beizhong and show off their own prestige.

He made up his mind and spoke.

"The people in Yangbei made trouble and attacked the Imperial Palace.

The majesty of the pillars of the Wu family cannot be desecrated. I want to go out to dampen their spirit, so that those who don't know the truth and those who are coerced will know the way and go astray. "

Ben Zhuang was really taken aback when he heard this, it was different from what he said before.

It was agreed to get rid of the two rebels, and then stick to the city, waiting for reinforcements, why did they change their minds?

But after Saito Asanobu's incident, she already had a strong sense of crisis, and she didn't dare to disobey the Imperial Daisho casually, and secretly looked at Naoe Kanetsugu to see how she expressed her position.

Naoe Kanetsugu also complained in his heart, this young man is arrogant and arrogant, and he is no less than my lord.

He still felt dissatisfied that the top shirts of Zhongyue were forced to bow their heads, and he must show his bravery to convince this group of arrogant soldiers.

It is obvious that we can wait for the lord to coordinate the issue, but we must establish our own prestige to suppress it, which made Naoe Kanesusu very alert.

Naoe Kanetsugu is not worried about this young man's fighting power.I have seen his battle report and military situation in recent days, the bull x is really bull x.

Although she didn't want Shiba Yoshigin to continue to expand his prestige, she didn't want to confront the house governor's sweetheart either, so she just kept silent and pretended to be dead.

She bowed her head and said nothing, making the village really anxious, how can the conquest be messed up and let a man decide at will.

What's the use of me waiting for Warrior Ji?The male and female are reversed, making the world laugh!

(End of this chapter)

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