Chapter 471
Although Ben Zhuang is dissatisfied, he is not a reckless person.

Seeing that Uesugi Terutora's confidant Naoe Kanatsugu was so cowardly, she didn't dare to resist the imperial order arbitrarily before she figured out the reason.

Euphemistically persuaded.

"Yangbei's crowd is coming in a menacing manner, this group of ignorant people don't know how to behave, and their bodies are rich in gold, so don't take risks in front of the battle.

Tochio Castle is the gateway to Joetsu, and its location is important.The Home Superintendent's reinforcements are not far away, so why not wait a few days is the surest way. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"Because Tochio Castle is too important and cannot be lost, it is necessary to go out of the city to compete, first to rub the enemy's spirit.

The most taboo in a lonely city is to stick to it, and to take the initiative to attack is also for defense. Rebellious people will not treat us as soft persimmons and act recklessly. "

What Yiyin said was true.

Since ancient times, it is rare to be unable to defend a city. Unless there is a huge difference in military strength, most of them rely on the city to wait for an opportunity to attack and strive for the initiative.

Passively defending the city, putting oneself in a desperate situation, passive strategically, and lacking a lot of means tactically.

Most importantly, being in a Jedi is too demoralizing to last.

Honjo squinted his eyes, this Yutaisuo was secretly changing concepts.

Wu Yong, the governor of the family, said that she would arrive in ten days, so she must arrive within ten days. How could a mere city of Beitiao stop her in her footsteps.

But the news hasn't come yet, and she can't arbitrarily conclude that the reinforcements will arrive on time, and she will be stunned by the imperial platform to the point of being speechless.

How can you be lucky in a war and rely on reinforcements wholeheartedly?

Yoshigin applied the current situation with the concept of long-term adherence, deliberately ignoring the fact that Tochio Castle only needs to defend for another five days.

But Ben Zhuang knew that he was sophistrying, but because of the status and status of the two parties, he had scruples and could not refute it clearly.

She had to find other excuses.

"Our army is mixed and the lord is not here, so it is difficult to command smoothly. It is better to defend the city and wait for help."

Yi Yin retorted.

"The Yangbei people are not at peace internally. Aren't the four parties also full of conflicts and mutual dissatisfaction? If they can overcome it, we can't?
What's more, this place is already the residence of Hanoi Genji's descendants, this is where the righteousness lies, and I will unify orders, who dare not listen! "

As soon as this remark came out, Da Xiong Chaoxiu bowed decisively and shouted.

"Serve for the general, die for the imperial platform!"

Yamanaka Yukimori, Shima Katsumeng and the other Spocky warriors reacted a little too late, allowing her to take the lead, and quickly kowtowed to the ground, shouting for orders.

The Chinese and Vietnamese people followed and fell to the ground, looking like they were united.In fact, the village had no choice but to bow down and bow down, and all the upper garments also bowed to Shibo Yiyin.

Yiyin looked at her unwilling eyes, and smiled in his heart, the identity of Hanoi Minamoto's descendant is very useful.

The biggest reason he dared to fight was because this rebellion was a civil war.

The Echigo samurai family has multiplied for hundreds of years. Although there are many conflicts between upper, middle and lower Mitsukoshi, the relationship between each family is actually not far away.

Such as the three long tails, such as the four parties of the Yangbei Congregation, the ancestors worked together to lead the country, and they are not relatives, but relatives of relatives.

Therefore, although there were many rebellions in Echigo, there was no loss of national strength.After all, he didn't kill him.

Fighting by the Wu family pays attention to the blood relatives of the township party.

If it is between two neighboring countries, such as the Kai country and the Echigo country, then there must be a lot of heads in the fight, and no one regards the other as a human being.

But the country is deeply intertwined, and what they are fighting for is nothing more than power.You take one more bite of rice, and I take one less bite. Although you are angry, you will not drive people to death.

The Yangbei people rebelled several times, and the two generations of Uesugi Teruhu's mother and daughter only increased the punishment of military food and service, but did not destroy the Yangbei people.

And the Yangbei people fought all over Xiayue, Zhongyue, and Vietnam, and they never heard of burning any villages or destroying anyone's fields. At most, they were seeking self-reliance.

To put the most heartbreaking words, this village actually said that he has nothing to do with the Yangbei clan, so it really doesn't matter?

If Teruhu Uesugi slaughtered the Yangbei people, most of the samurai under his command would directly rebel, which would be more troublesome than the Yangbei people.

Samurai society is a blood-related society through and through, and it is the iron law to help relatives and not help others.

Whenever guarding an important place, the defenders are all trembling, lest they lose the city and ruin the overall situation, so naturally they dare not mess around.

Yoshigin dared to fight because he had seen through the essence of Echigo's rebellion.

If it was really against a foreign enemy like Takeda Hojo, he would not dare to be so casual.

With less than two hundred Ji warriors under his command, he was really red-eyed, not enough to consume the number of a joint battle, and if he lost it all, he would cry to someone.

In this battle, he was seeking prestige, but not really fighting to the death.

The two sides probably have a lot of scruples. It would be even better if it turned into a battle of gentlemen like Yiqi.

With the plug-in in hand, the world is invincible.

Ben Zhuang really couldn't tell him, his eyes rolled wildly, and he said again.

"Yangbei people are arrogant and brave, with a large army, they attack rashly, I'm afraid that the enemy is outnumbered and it's not easy to fight in the field."

Yiyin shot her a sideways look.

Shino Honjo seemed to be afraid of him, and the reasons he gave were worse than the last. Naoe Kanetsugu's head was almost lowered into his chest, and he really couldn't stand it.

Yi Yin asked back.

"Where is our army missing? Or is it that the top shirts are too weak to fight against the so-called brave Yangbei people?"

As soon as this remark came out, even Saito Chaoxin glared at Honjo Minano, and became emotional.

Ben Zhuang smiled wryly, she was anxious to find a reason to refute just now, but forgot that today is not five days ago.

As Saito Asanobu brought back part of the Nagao crowd, and Shiba Yoshigin brought back the Okuma crowd, the strength of Tochio Castle became comparable to that of Beibei.

Although the ingredients are messy, Yang Beizhong is actually not very good.

The most ridiculous thing is that she had just reported these news to Yoshihiro Shiba, and now it is used to slap her in the face, it is simply bringing shame on herself.

The Echigo National Stone is about [-] stones high, most of which are located in the Echigo Plain where the Middle and Lower Etsu belongs, and the Upper Etsuda Plain is not large.

However, Uesugi Terutora, as the master of Echigo, occupied Echigo's gold and silver mines, and green hemp was also planted on the site directly under Echigo.

Therefore, Echigo's actual mobilization power was no less than five or six hundred thousand shi.

Yang Beizhong's Xia Yue relied solely on land property, and occupied [-]% of Echigo's army.

This time there are about fifteen reserve teams, with more than [-] foot light troops, nearly a thousand Ji warriors, and a large number of peasant soldiers. It is known as an army of ten thousand people.

Zhongyue and Xiayue divided the Echigo Plain equally, and it was even larger. The military force accounted for about [-]% of Echigo's military service account.

Excluding a few onlookers, Koshi Nagao's family and part of the Ueda Nagao family who returned to the army, most of the remaining military forces have gathered in Tochio Castle.

Daxiongzhong has five reserve teams, Shangshanzhong plus some Ueda Nagaozhong also have five reserve teams, plus Zhongyuezhong who came to help the battle, the number of reserve teams is not lost to Yangbeizhong.

In fact, the shortage of troops mentioned by the Zhuang does not exist, but there is indeed a gap in combat power.

As the core, the Shangshan people are naturally good at fighting, the big bears are famous for fighting the five scum, and the Chinese and Vietnamese people have floating minds, so the gap in military strength is actually correct.

But the bad thing is that just now Saito Chaoxin boasted of his martial arts, so he almost fell in love with Yutai.

At this moment, the troops are close in strength, but deliberately avoiding the battle, the top shirts don't want to lose face!

Ben Zhuang is really helpless on the face, and secretly hates in his heart, it is too difficult to be a human being!
The Sino-Vietnamese region was in a mess, and it was this group of top-dressers who were causing trouble. She couldn't wipe her butt off, and now she was still glared at by Saito Chaoxin, feeling aggrieved in her heart.

Benzhuang really made up his mind that when the governor of the family comes, he must ask himself to step down as the governor of Zhongyue.

What the hell, whoever wants to be the chief among them should go!This hot butt seat is no longer for my wife!
She could no longer find a reason to refute. The people in the top shirt were ridiculed for fear of the enemy and cowardice, and there was a hidden tide, which made it difficult for the village to refuse.

She sighed and stopped talking altogether.

Naoe Kanetsugu who was on the side was understanding and sympathized with her a little bit, but he didn't dare to ask for help.

Under the situation that the village is really misfired, Yi Yin acted arbitrarily and proposed that when Yang Beizhong arrives, he will go out and give them a decision to kill them.

All Ji warriors had no objection, and the matter was passed.

Yiyin smiled and said to Honjo Shino.

"My guards have just arrived, and the matter of city defense still needs a lot of attention from Master Benzhuang."

Ben Zhuang really kowtowed to the ground and said.

"The minister is terrified, this is my duty."

Going back and forth, neither of them wants to break the surface harmony. After all, it is the greatest common interest of both parties to keep the city of Tochio, and neither of them wants to throw the table and break up.

Afterwards the military council was disbanded, and each family went back to continue preparing for the battle. Naoe Kanesuke quietly left with the upper garments, and Yi Yin also pretended not to notice.

Naoe Kanetsugu had to go and talk to Honjo Shino and Saito Asanobu.

There are still a few days before the governor arrives. Before that, there should not be too much division within Tochio City.

Naoe Kanetsugu felt tired, knowing that he couldn't handle Shiba Yoshigin, he was too tough.

Then you can only scare the two leaders who frighten the upper garments, let them recognize the facts, and don't tear their faces.At least be patient for a few days, don't implicate yourself.

When the governor comes, you can do whatever you want, it's none of my business!
(End of this chapter)

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