Chapter 473

Da Xiong Chaoxiu and his team control the approximately [-] stone territory of Zhongyue.

Today, Tochio Castle, which belongs to Yoshihiro, is on the middle line between China and Vietnam, and the area to the north is Okuma Asohide's sphere of influence.

He intends to win over, Da Xiong Chaoxiu is also considered clever, and he does things in the right way.

The two sides hit it off and finalized the basic plan for the first stronghold of the Shiba family in Kanto.

That being the case, Yiyin did not hesitate to reveal his true feelings to let her know.

"The top shirts in China and Vietnam are too proud, if they don't show their abilities, there will always be troubles in the future.

This battle is to defeat the vigor of the Yangbei crowd, and also to deter the rebellious Shangshan crowd.

You have to do things with your heart, and make it clear to the warriors under your command that whether you will have a good life in the future depends on whether they are vicious enough this time.

If it's really a useless person, it's a good thing to find a place to cut seppuku yourself, so you don't have to come out and be humiliated. "

Daxiong Chaoxiu could understand that what Yutai said was so explicit that he really regarded her as one of his own.

She kowtowed to the ground and said resolutely.

"I'm going back to prepare my army for war, and I will fight to the death. If there is anyone who backs down, I will kill myself.

If we all collapse and lose your face, I will kill myself to make atonement to you. "

After Daxiong Chaoxiu finished speaking, he left.

Yi Yin looked at Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumog, and said.

"Yamanaka Hime is in charge of the inner guard, and Shimahime's entire army is my front line.

Da Xiong Chaoxiu has the heart to fight, but her subordinates are all followers, and her combat power is sparse and unreliable.

Listen to my orders tomorrow and be careful in everything. "


Yoshigin said politely to Nobuzuna Kamiizumi.

"It's hard work, Sword Master Shangquan, to fight with me."

"The imperial platform is polite, I am afraid, and I am willing to be driven by His Highness."

After explaining some details, Yiyin asked everyone to prepare.

Before dark, news came from outside the city that Yangbei people arrived outside Tochio City one after another, camping and resting.

Yiyin sent an order to all the ministries to prepare for the battle tomorrow, and first give Yang Beizhong a disarm.


Yang Beizhong is stationed.

He received a letter of challenge from Tochio Castle before he could get a firm foothold. All the Ji warriors were surprised and started discussing the matter with the shogunate.

Fujiko Nakajo said.

"Tochio Castle hangs a white flag with the Ashikaga family crest on it, which is very strange.

The situation is unclear, so it is better to suspend the attack and wait for the gathering of people from all walks of life before making any calculations. "

What she said was not to help Uesugi Terutoro buy time.

The Yangbei people are still one, regardless of whether the rebellion is successful or not, they must use the combat power of this group.

If she succeeds in being independent, she will also be the beneficiary.

If it fails, Yang Beizhong's tyrannical combat power is taboo for the superiors, so she can sell her for a price and sell her teammates.

The value of an individual is always attached to the group. Even if you are a traitor, you hope that your betrayal of the team will be of great value in exchange for more benefits.

The strong self-confidence and aggressiveness displayed by Tochio Castle, coupled with the inexplicable Ashikaga family crest on the top of the castle, made Nakajo Fujiko feel uneasy, and there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

This time, the chief general of Yang Beizhong's rebellion, Benzhuang Fanchang, didn't think so.

She said.

"Our army just arrived at Tochio Castle, it is the time when the momentum is like a rainbow, and the three armies are using their lives.

The Nagao family in the Fuchu was slow to respond because the family governor left the country. If you don't seize the time to take down Tochio Castle, the more you react, the more important things will be over. "

As he spoke, he looked at Nakajo Fujitsu dissatisfied.

If Terutora Uesugi hadn't left and the Takeda family hadn't been behind it, the rebellion would never have been so massive.

Now the opportunity is in my hands, if I don't grasp it, I am afraid that it will be difficult to turn around in the future.

This is related to the group interests of Yang Beizhong, and certain behaviors of Nakajo Tengzi are really shameful.But out of scruples, she is also unable to deal with villains.

At this time, Nakajo Fujiko came to preach caution again, and if the delay continues, once Uesugi Terutora returns to the country to help, everything will be over.

Although Shimogoshi has a lot of fields, Echigo's minerals and green hemp are all controlled by the Fuchu Nagao family.

It also erodes China and Vietnam, has many allies, and is far stronger than Yang Beizhong.

If it was a frontal fight, Yang Beizhong would definitely not be able to beat Fuchu Nagao's family.Otherwise, they didn't have to swallow their anger before.

The best way is to take Tochio Castle in a quick battle, defending the castle and delaying it. When the busy farming season arrives, all parties are tired of negotiating, and it is the best way to exchange a favorable situation for Xia Yue's independence.

As for the other rebels, Benzhuang Fanchang really didn't like them.

Okuma Tomohide's troops are sparse in combat power, Nagao's political ambitions and talents are sparse, and Hojo Takahiro is just an excuse to take advantage of the opportunity, let alone worth mentioning.

Echigo is not very big, everyone is from the village, who knows what kind of virtue is in his heart.

If Yang Beizhong wants to succeed independently, he can only rely on himself, not anyone else.

Waiting for those companies to encircle?Who knows if you can wait to get it?

Honjo Fanchang and Zhongtiao Tengzi have the opposite opinion, this is a common occurrence, and the Yangbei family has long been used to it.

Only this time, they were on the side of the village.

On the one hand, because Fujiko Nakajo betrayed Yang Beizhong's interests and got a lot of benefits from Uesugi Terotora, everyone has long been jealous.

On the other hand, Yang Beizhong's self-reliance is their most proud capital. When did the Zhongyue people dare to challenge Yang Beizhong?
Must fight!Convince me!

In the Echigo Plain where the roads are blocked by heavy snow every year, the samurai families who have struggled to survive for hundreds of years are all brave, and the Yangbei people are the best among them. This is their glory.

Field battle, who is afraid of whom, come on!
Zhongtiao Fujizi was just persuading, she really didn't think that the Yangbei people would be no match for the Sino-Vietnamese warriors in Tochio City.

Since a fight can boost morale and defeat the enemy, she just yelled a few words and followed the crowd.

Seeing that Zhuji's fighting spirit is high and the army's morale is available, Benzhuang Fanchang laughed and said.

"After breakfast tomorrow, let's give these Sino-Vietnamese idiots a lot of brains, so we won't dare to compete with my Yang Bei people in the future."

All the concubines cheered, and went back to repair themselves, waiting for dawn.


When the first ray of sunlight appeared on the edge of the day, the peaceful camps of both sides began to make noise.

The smoke from cooking is curling up, and there is the sound of burying pots and making rice.

Outside Tochio City, Yoshihiro set up the main shogunate, and the leaders of each family came to see him.

He actually said to Ben Zhuang.

"Let Ueda Nagao's family show their own flag, and you upper-shirts will protect the city and the left wing of our army."


"Big Xiong Chaoxiu, your flag is also unfurled, and you will take the lead for our Chinese army.

The Chinese and Vietnamese schools are controlled by you, and you are in charge of the right wing. "


Yiyin meant to let the opposite party see the rebellious situation of the two families, and try to discourage them.

Ben Zhuang and Da Xiong Chaoxiu, as the chiefs of China and Vietnam, each hold one copy, which is also the right thing to do.

Ben Zhuang said euphemistically.

"The Yangbei people have always been rebellious. Even if they know that they are alone, their morale will not be shaken."

Yiyin smiled and nodded.

"I see."

After studying Echi for so long, Yiyin has a general understanding of the temperament of the various forces.

By doing this, it would be best if he could improve the morale of the opponent, even if he couldn't, it would be fine.

It's just to tell the other party that the number of troops in Tochio City is no longer under Yang Beizhong, so as to prevent the other party from misjudging.

In a domestic war, it is difficult to have the will to fight a bloody battle, but what if the opponent is lucky?
At this time, you can't hide and cover up, but you have to show your own people and make enough momentum to make people clear-headed and not make mistakes.

Yoshigin actually hoped that not too many people would die on both sides in this battle. Too much bloodshed would deepen the hatred, and it would not be good for the integration of Echigo's country.

If a situation of evenly matched forces is created, it will be more beneficial to beat the wolf with a hemp stick and be afraid of both ends.

he ordered.

"Wait another three quarters, everyone has finished their breakfast, and immediately line up to prepare for the battle."


All the Ji warriors bowed and accepted the order, and went back to prepare.

Yiyin said to the troops in the formation.

"Dao Shengmeng, lead the people with one heart to follow me to the front of the battle.

Xingsheng in the mountains, Naoe Kanesuke, Kamiizumi Nobutsuna, come with me. "


When the two sides opened up the battle, Benzhuang Fanchang felt something was wrong, and Warrior Ji reminded him.

"How come there is Okuma Asohide's flag in the opposing team? Ueda Nagao's house is also there?"

Nakajo Fujisuke narrowed his eyes and said.

"There must have been an accident that we don't know about. At a glance, the enemy's army is no longer inferior to ours."

The Yangbei people came here to prepare [-] teams, and the formation formed by Tochio City seemed to be outnumbered by their own team, which made Nakajo Fujiko want to retire again.

Benzhuang Fanchang gave her a long look. Before the battle, she actually cut my morale, she is really an asshole.

She shouted loudly to the surroundings.

"These guys who raised the army from China and Vietnam voted for Tochio Castle.

treachery!We can still be afraid of these dregs! "

All Ji warriors think about it, yes!
Immediately filled with righteous indignation, they all geared up to teach the bastards who had betrayed the alliance.

Seeing that the morale of the village did not drop, Fanchang nodded in satisfaction, observed the enemy's formation, and gave an order.

"Wait to meet the enemy, mainly attack the enemy's right flank, the flags over there are messy, they are all Chinese and Vietnamese foes.

As long as they are defeated, Tochio Castle will definitely retreat and defend to the death, and this battle will be considered a victory. "

She seems to be reckless, but in fact she has a delicate mind, otherwise the banker wouldn't be able to thrive in her hands.

She knew all the Chinese and Vietnamese families well, and she found the weak point of Tochio City's army just by looking at the formation and flags.

It is impossible to defeat the enemy in a joint battle. She still knows the strength of Honjo Shino and Saito Chaonobu's troops.

Now that the numbers of the two sides are equal, the fight is really hard. Even if Yang Beizhong wins, it will be a miserable victory.

This result is unacceptable to Honjo Shigeru, and it is better to force the Tochio Castle army to withdraw its troops and retreat by the right-wing Zhongyue, who are weak in fighting will.

It not only improves morale, but also does not lose too many troops.

It's just that the subsequent siege battle will be troublesome, the number of people is equal, how to capture this Tochio Castle?
(End of this chapter)

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