Chapter 474 Shaking
Ben Zhuang Fanchang was still frowning in thought, but there were twists and turns in the battle on the opposite side.

The Chinese army first set off a road, and walked out of more than a hundred horse-riding Ji warriors. All the women surrounded the unarmored feather weavers and stood in front of the formation.

Everyone in Yangbei was surprised, this is about to start a fight, why are the elites of this formation coming out?
In traditional battles, the spears knock each other out, and only when the consumption is almost exhausted will the elites be invested one after another.

It's not worth it to be exhausted by the opponent's miscellaneous soldiers in the beginning.

Ben Zhuang Fanchang ordered to suspend the battle to see what tricks the opponent is going to play.

I saw a dazzling white flag with the Ashikaga family crest, and its extraordinary style caused shock in the Yangbei crowd.

The Yangbei people are not countrymen, they are not low-born, they are all old members of the royal family, and they know the nobles very well.

Fujiko Nakajo was puzzled.

"Is this the Ashikaga White Flag?"

Although Honjo Shigecho didn't want to admit it, he still nodded.

"It is indeed the style of the imperial flag.

What happened to Tochio Castle?Flying the Ashikaga flag, and carrying the imperial flag on the front, this is not the usual style of Nagao Keigora (Uesugi Terotora). "

Facing the strange situation, she felt bad, and there was a weirdness everywhere.

No matter how courageous the Nagao family in Fuchu was, they would not dare to presumptuously use the imperial flag and hang the Ashikaga flag at Tochio Castle.

Is Nagao Jinghu back?It's not like that either.

That person is very angry, and he will definitely pull out his troops to directly force himself to surrender, it is impossible to play the strategy of using the flag as a deterrent.

Even if she is given the royal flag by the general, she is not qualified to plant Ashikaga flags all over the city. This is still arrogance and not in compliance with the rules.

Unable to think of a reasonable explanation, Fanchang Honjo had no choice but to cast his eyes on the cavalry team in front of the opponent's formation, feeling uneasy, frowning and waiting for the change.

When Yoshihiro and his party came to the front of the formation, he said to Yamanaka Yukimori.

"Yamanakahime, hold my imperial flag and go shout for me."


Yamanaka Yukimori bowed slightly, rode his horse and held a flag to gallop left and right in front of the formation, then reined in his horse and shouted at the enemy formation.

"My lord, the son of the Shiba clan, Shiba Yoshigin, who joined the Dao Kenshin, went to the Echigo Kingdom as an envoy for the shogunate.

Holding the shogun's sword, Echigo guards and enshrines Tochio Castle as the imperial palace.

Who are you waiting for!How dare you raise your troops to approach Xingzai and charge against the descendants of Hanoi Genji, do you want to die! "

After she finished speaking, she raised the flag and returned to Yiyin.

The commotion in Yangbei's formation suddenly exploded, Ben Zhuang Fanchang's face was ashen, and his fists were clenched.

Terutora Uesugi must be returning to Echigo!

She couldn't catch up with the rescue, so she asked the shogunate envoys to stop first, betting that the Beizhong would not dare to attack.

If it is an ordinary envoy, Ben Zhuang Fanchang doesn't mind ordering the war.

The shogunate must be respected, but it is about vital interests, so the envoys can only wait until the fight is over.If you accidentally beat him to death, just say sorry.

But now?
What the hell is going on!What's going on with Yujian!What's going on at the Imperial Palace!What's going on with Hanoi Genji's descendants!
Shiba's son holds a sword?Odaisho!
Honjo Fanchang squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, looking at the young man in white who was surrounded by him, he couldn't believe it.

Unexpectedly, the shogunate gave such great support to Nagao Jinghu Shangluo, even the general's husband was sent as an envoy.

Yang Beizhong has already exploded inside, and the fighting spirit has subsided.

When Hanoi Genji and Iseheira competed for the pillars of the samurai family, Iseheira won the first game and killed the mother of the first general Minamoto Yoritomo.

However, there were twists and turns in the handling of the daughter Minamoto Yoritomo, and the final result was that she was exiled from Izu and handed over to the local branch of the Taira family, the former Hojo family guard.

At that time, the Iseping clan was powerful and oppressed the Guandong Wu family, and the Wu family dared not speak out.

When Minamoto Yoritomo arrived in Izu, under the supervision of the former Hojo family, he actually had an affair with the son of the Hojo family governor, and the child was secretly married.

The guards of the former Hojo family were too strong. .Where is the personal care posted? .

Subsequently, the former Hojo family united with the offshoot of the Kanto Heira clan that was squeezed by the Iseheira clan, and they all joined Minamoto Yoritomo's family and rebelled.

These Ping family samurai are the Bando Baping family on which the Kamakura shogunate started.

Hanoi Genji took the lead, and the Kanto Wu family finally had a backbone. They rebelled together under the pretext of the oath of loyalty to Hanoi Genji from generation to generation.

In his heart he wanted to get rid of the military service of the Iseheira family, but he said that he had been loyal to Guang Weizheng for generations. This oath became politically correct.

The Kwantung Wu family raised troops not to fight for power and profit, but to fulfill the oath of their ancestors, to be loyal, filial, benevolent and righteous!

Afterwards, Genpei fought together, and Minamoto Yoritomo defeated the Iseheira family, became the Kamakura Shogunate, became the first general to conquer barbarians, and established the royal family system.

These Kanto samurai families who raised troops became imperial family members, and were entrusted to all countries in the world to share wealth and honor.

The Yangbei people are the descendants of the royal family who were divided into various parties and moved to the plains north of the Agano River, where they have multiplied for hundreds of years.

Although Minamoto Yoritomo's branch ended in the second generation, the Hanoi Minamoto clan returned to the Ashikaga family.

But the reason why the Kanto samurai raised their troops at the beginning was the oath of allegiance to Hanoi Genji's descendants from generation to generation, not to follow Minamoto Yoritomo to rebel, and the moral status of raising troops is still in the hands of the Ashikaga family.

Although everyone knows that it is just an excuse, this oath is indeed the political cornerstone and moral basis for the royal family to rule their own territory.

Minamoto Yoritomo's branch has perished, but the Hanoi Minamoto family is still there, and the pillars of the Samurai family are still there. To disrespect the Ashikaga family is to deny the justice of their own territorial domination.

When the families of Yangbei knew that the target of their attack was the Imperial Palace, and the enemy army was the descendants of the Hanoi Genji, how could they not panic.

This is digging your own roots!

As long as they dare to attack Tochio City today, tomorrow other samurai can invade the territory of Yang Beizhong at will, without any reason.

The crime of treason, everyone can get it and punish it!
The crowd in Yangbei was in chaos, Zhongtiao Tengzi probed.

"Or withdraw troops first?"

Benzhuang Fanchang glared at her, and said through gritted teeth.


She knew that once the troops were withdrawn, not to mention the ebb and flow of morale on both sides, it would be difficult for the Yangbei people to have the courage to attack Tochio Castle.

Within the Yangbei Congregation, a small group of people led by Nakajo Fujiko had long surrendered to Uesugi Terutora for benefits, and Honjo Shigecho represented most of the Yangbei Congregation who refused to bow their heads.

Uesugi Terutora was not there, but an imperial platform appeared, which indicated that the reinforcements from Shangyue were too late to arrive, and this was the opportunity for Yang Beizhong to attack.

If you retreat at this time, morale is frustrated, internal opinions cannot be unified, and there is a delay of several days, then it is really over.

When Uesugi Terutora arrived with reinforcements, Honjo Shigecho had no choice but to bow his head and surrender.

Among the four clans of the Yangbei Congregation, the most powerful ones are Nakajo Tengzi and Honjo Shigecho, both of which have been vying for internal leadership.

If Terotora Uesugi simply collapsed the rebellion, Honjo's prestige would be dealt a devastating blow.

Each family will definitely invest in Nakajo Fujiko and go to be a dog for Uesugi Terutora together. Even if Honjo Shigecho wants to follow him to be a dog, it is a step too late.

Nakajo Fujiko, who had taken refuge first, must be more trusted than her. Relying on Honjo Shigejo, who resisted Uesugi Terutoro and gathered people's hearts, he has no power to compete with her for the leadership of Yangbeizhong.

The Yangbei people occupy half of the Echigo Plain, and their power is not small. Honjo Fanchang is young and promising, and his ambition has not been fulfilled, so how could he give up so easily.

She said.

"The enemy sent someone to say a few words, and you believed it? Brains!
How could the general send a young man to Echigo?Or your own Imperial Palace?is it possible!

Don't be fooled by the enemy's tricks, it's all nonsense!

Bragging!Ready to attack! "

Whether it's true or not, Fanzhang Benzhuang is ready to cover his ears and pretend he can't hear, first win today's joint battle.

It is best if the imperial platform is fake. If it is true, Yang Beizhong should win a big victory, so as to occupy a favorable position to think about the future.

In Wujia Wujia, the most important thing is that the fist is hard, and it is easy to talk about it when you win.

On the opposite side, Yiyin saw that the Yangbei formation was chaotic, the sound of conch shells was intermittent, and the backup teams were uneasy, with different paces.

Naoe Kanesuke said respectfully.

"Royal Tower, the opponent is attacking, please return to the main formation to command."

Yiyin frowned slightly, it's best not to fight this time.When the rebels heard that the Imperial Palace was here, they were obviously shaken and had a chance.

He said to Yamanaka Yukimori.

"Give me the royal flag."

Xingsheng in the mountains hesitated, and Yiyin scolded with raised eyebrows.

"Bring it!"


Having no choice but to hand over the imperial flag to Yi Yin, Yamanaka Yukimori wanted to persuade the Lord not to be impulsive, but Yi Yin had already rushed out first.

She wants to cry but has no tears, and she should be ridiculed by Dao Shengmeng when she turns around, the lord is really. .

Yiyin rode his horse forward, rolled the flag around the flagpole as he ran, and threw it forward vigorously.

The two armies were separated by more than a hundred steps, Yiyin used his horse's momentum to charge forward and threw the flag, and the flagpole was firmly planted more than ten steps in front of Fanchang and the others in the village.

Yiyin reined in his horse and cursed thirty steps away.

"You don't wait, you don't retreat, you don't kneel, you don't make peace, you don't fight, what do you want!
Descendants of Chichibu, Miura, Sasaki, and Daimi, don't let your ancestors be ashamed!

Who dares to fight with me! "

Seeing the enemy's wavering, Yiyin decisively launched a cavalry attack.

For him who has a cheat, it can increase his prestige without compromising his strength and deepening the hatred between the two sides.

It's really easy to use.

(End of this chapter)

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