Chapter 480
Honjo bowed and saluted, and Uesugi Terutora kowtowed slightly, allowing him to speak, and she said.

"Yutaisuo is merciful, but since you first came to Etsu, you don't know how difficult these stubborn warriors are.

My Highness is kind enough to offer benefits, but they may not know how to be grateful.

Besides, most of the Ji warriors in my family are vulgar and don't understand your good intentions.

Dividing their interests to appease those rebels has not yet seen the stability of the country, but has shaken the foundation of His Highness. "

Honjo Shino said, and glanced at Saito Asanobu, the meaning behind his words was very clear.

Rebellion does not necessarily appreciate it, but one's own people must be disappointed. There must be a precautionary measure for the distribution of profits. Echigo's domestic situation may not be stable, and it may even become more chaotic.

Uesugi Terutora didn't speak, just looked at Yoshigi, she was full of confidence in this boy.

In recent days, with the disadvantage of being a man, Yoshihiko Shiba has conquered a territory of [-] shi in just one year, which cannot be achieved by only relying on bravery and blood.

He makes plans before acting, if he can bear it, he endures it, and when he moves, he acts.

Now that the profit distribution is proposed, there is naturally a way to stabilize the new Uesugi retainer group. Uesugi Terotora only needs to wait for his answer and give him support at critical moments.

Yi Yin nodded.

Honjo Shino's question is the most questioned by the new Uesugi's retainers. They are all righteous and considerate for the lord.

Yoshigin couldn't cut off their greed, but at least he had to protect Uesugi Terutora's interests on the bright side so that they had nothing to say.

This is also the reason why he called Uesugi sister in public. This kind of private and intimate address puts a lot of pressure on the upper shirts. Although it is a bit shameless, it also weakens their will to resist.

He said.

"The Shiba family has a channel to obtain goods in Sakai Port, and in my name, there are no worries about business routes.

Uesugi-san and I had a long discussion, and communicated with Mr. Echizen Asakura Sodi and Noto Hatakeyama House Governor Yoshizuna.

The three good ports of Echizen Tsuruga Bay, Noto Nanao Bay, and Echigo Naoetsu are connected together to develop and maintain the Hokuriku Road trade route.

After the death of Yoshimoto Imakawa in Tōkaidō, the Imagawa family was in turmoil, and the commercial roads of Junfu City in Tōkaidō were in danger.

The first line of the Hokuriku Road may not be able to take over from the Tokaido merchants to pass through the East Kansai, and Kasugayama Castle may become the second Junpu Castle in the future. "

Ji Ji in Shangshan was dumbfounded when he heard this, and was drooling because of the outline of the foreground.

Uniting Echigo and attacking the Kanto, this vision may not come true, but the business route mentioned by Yoshihiro is feasible and can be implemented immediately.

Even if they don't understand business, no one in Kanto knows about the prosperity of the castle town of Sumfu.

Not to mention the same, half of the scale is enough for these new Uesugi retainers to eat with greasiness and satisfaction.

Seeing their hearts moved, Yiyin continued to seduce them.

"The Kansai samurai used commercial profits to replace part of the military food and service, the tax burden of the four princes and six people can be seen everywhere, and the people in the territory are relatively stable.

Kasuga Yamashiro controls Naoetsu, and he can earn a lot of benefits just by setting up a card to collect taxes, and it will reduce the domestic tax burden, which is good for everyone.

You high-ranking warriors not only take advantage of taxes, but also bear more military food and service than lower-level warriors, and the resentment of the people is not light.

If the commercial tax can offset two points of the land tax, it will not only attract the hearts of the people in Beibei, but also benefit you. "

When Yiyin said this, he was actually a bit bitter. He was clearly scolding them for resisting the good governance of the lord for their own benefit.

But the interests are touching, all Ji warriors bowed their heads to calculate their own gains and losses, and did not speak out to refute.

Who is willing to give up if they can get a piece of the business?
At this time, if she speaks rudely and offends Yu Taisuo and is held grudges in her heart, she will definitely not get her share of the benefits.

Honjo Minato stopped talking, and Usami Dingman bowed to Uesugi Terutora and asked to speak.

She belongs to the sect of surrender, and she has repeatedly offended the lord recently, so she shouldn't show up again.

But the benefits of green hemp were too important to her, so she had to bite the bullet and ask.

Echigo green hemp is a high-quality linen material. It is made into top cloth and even exported to Kyoto. It is a major specialty of Echigo.

Green hemp is only planted in Uesugi Terutora's land, and Takata Plain and Kashiwazaki Plain are the main planting areas.

After Usami settled down, her Biwa Island City was also planted, which was one of the most important benefits of her family.

Now Shibo Yiyin wants to share the green hemp cloth with Zhongyue Xiayue, which is bound to increase production.

Rare things are more expensive, and a large quantity will lower the price, which seriously affects the daily income of Usami's family, so she must ask clearly.

Uesugi Terutoro narrowed his eyes slightly at her advance, but nodded in agreement.

Usami said respectfully to Shiba Yoshigin.

"The imperial platform has far-sighted thinking, and I am not as good as waiting.

But the business interests have not yet spread, is it too hasty to reduce the military food and service first?

Gold and silver minerals, green hemp cloth, and sea salt are the three major incomes of Echigo, and they should not be rashly manipulated, so as not to shake the income of the family.

Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. It is better to take it slowly and wait until the business benefits are on the right track. "

Her words were sincere, but Yiyin sneered in his heart.

These warriors are really greedy, they want to swallow the profits of business, but they are not willing to exchange things. Isn't this treating people as fools?Yiyin didn't come to Vietnam to do good deeds.

Discuss later?Even if they can't agree on an agreement today, you still expect them to be willing to spit it out if they get business in the future?
Echigo's tax burden on six publics and four people, plus three major items of income, is said to be in the hands of Uesugi Terutora, but in fact most of them are distributed to the various families under his command to support the military.

The new Uesugi retainers present are all high-ranking samurai families. Although the family is also heavily taxed, the subsidy from the main family is even higher.

The new Uesugi's vassal group who supported Joetsu with the national strength of the whole country has rich benefits, so how could they let it go easily.

Yoshigin knows that they are greedy, but to maintain the basis of cooperation between the two, he must take care of the interests of the new Uesugi retainer group.

He was patient and persuaded.

"Six lords and four people are directly changed to four lords and six people. It is really inconvenient for each family's territory to turn back, so let's do it.

The tax burden is still collected according to the Liugong, but [-]% of it is fed back to the local samurai family in the form of water conservancy, transportation, and agricultural tools, and it is used as a tax rebate to subsidize the construction of the territory.

In doing so, the locality is also a benefit, and if there is a problem, it can be stopped in time, and the prestige of the main family will not be affected by repeated administration. "

Usami Dingman was taken aback, tax rebate subsidy?I don't understand why this makes sense, but it sounds good.

[-]% of the tax collection remains the same, but [-]% of it is spent on local samurai.The important ministers of the Shin Uesugi family have a large territory, and the benefits also account for the majority.

Not only will this not reduce the amount of materials at the disposal of the main family, but it can also adjust itself, and turn back at any time to ensure that the prestige of the main family is not damaged.

From a gloomy point of view, how much subsidy each family gets is judged by their important ministers, and they might make another profit.

Yi Yin continued.

"The green hemp upper cloth is exported to Kyoto, and it has a good reputation. But you lack channels to communicate with nearby merchants, so you can only sell it at a low price.

The Shiba family's business in Sakai Port is committed to connecting businesses from all over the world, so let's buy the green hemp cloth from my Shiba family.

In terms of price, I will give [-]% more profit. If the profit is huge, we will discuss increasing the rebate in the future.

In this way, the expansion of green hemp will not only not damage the price, but will increase the income of each family, and also increase the loyalty of the Zhongyue Xiayue samurai family. "

Yi Yin broke the words and said that all kinds of concessions were compensated and returned to the new Uesugi retainer group in other ways, which is considered as the utmost benevolence.

If these people are still not greedy enough and demand more, then the failure of temptation can only be discussed with swords and guns.

Yiyin looked at Uesugi Terutora, saw her smile slightly, and laughed too, the two of them had the same mind and became more and more in harmony.

Usami kowtowed to the ground, retreated silently, and the others had no objections.

Although they felt uncomfortable with Shiba Yoshiyin's meddling in Echigo's internal affairs, their interests were not damaged, but increased a lot. Of course, there is no reason to continue to object.

Seeing their compromise, Yiyin exhaled.

The economic debt is not difficult to solve. The samurai are relatively contemptuous of government affairs, as long as their interests are not damaged.

The trouble is the military account, which is the highlight of Yoshihiro's involvement in Echigo's domestic affairs.

He said to Uesugi Terutora.

"Sister Uesugi, I intend to hold Yujian and reopen the Kanto Chamber in Echigo, what do you think?"

Uesugi Terutora's pupils shrank, looking at Shiba Yoshigin with a serious face, his thoughts changed sharply, and he was speechless for a while.

The new Shangshan's retainers also communicated with each other with their eyes, although silently, there was a turbulent undercurrent in private.

The shisho was the administrative body of the imperial family and was responsible for the security of the shogunate.

In the era of the Kamakura shogunate, the power of the servants was extremely great, and controlling the royal family was equivalent to controlling the military power of the shogunate.

In the early days of the Ashikaga Shogunate, the power of the servants was still great, until the guardian system gradually replaced the imperial family system.

The power of the waiter has been lost, and it has gradually been reduced to a public security agency in Kyoto, just like the Ministry of National Defense in Yiyin's previous life has been mixed with the Metropolitan Police Department.

Yoshihiro proposes to reopen the Guandong Servant Office. Could it be a police station in Tochio City?
Everyone from Terutora Uesugi to the concubines under his command are guessing what he intends to do?

Yiyin said calmly.

"I want to open the Guandong Servant, command the Guandong imperial family, and contribute to the pacification of the Guandong Plain."

Uesugi Terutora remained silent, and the new Uesugi retainers were in an uproar.

(End of this chapter)

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