Chapter 481
Uesugi Terutora inherited the Uesugi family in Yamauchi, and the hereditary Echigo guardian of the Uesugi family ruled the Echigo country. This is the right given to her by the guardian system.

Once Yiyin uses Yujian to issue an order to reopen the Guandong Servant Office, he will rule the Guandong Yujia under the Yujia system.

Although the Ashikaga shogunate replaced the royal family system with the guardian system, it never announced the invalidation of the royal family system.

If Terotora Uesugi agrees, then Echigo will be governed by two systems with almost overlapping rights. How could the new Uesugi retainers be willing.

In the final analysis, the shogunate is a military government, Ji Wushi overlaps with the army, and personnel power is military power.

Whether it is the guardian or the servants, they are fighting for the command of the martial arts in the country.

It is impossible for Yoshigin to intervene in the Joetsu army that Uesugi Terutora is directly under.

With the help of the imperial family system, what he wanted was Daxiong Chaoxiu and Benzhuang Fanchang, who were interested in taking refuge in him.

Only when the name is right can the words be right, so he thought of re-opening the Guandong Servant, using the rules of the Servant to govern the Yu family, and taking command of these Yu family.

But this would seriously violate the rights of the Shin Uesugi family, resulting in two power centers in Echigo.

Yoshihiro stared at Uesugi Terutoro, feeling nervous. This is his adventure, and it depends on how deep Uesugi Terutoro's feelings for him are.

Naoe Jinggang is an important minister of the genealogy, old and cunning, but at this time, she has no choice but to speak out.This matter is related to the rule of the new Uesugi family over Echigo, and it cannot be compromised.

She saluted Uesugi Terutora, and after getting permission, she said kindly.

"Royal Taisho, this is absolutely impossible.

There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two masters in the people.The guardianship system has been implemented for many years, and the servants have long since ignored the affairs of the local imperial family members.

What's the point of reopening the Guandong waiter?Today's royal family members are all under the jurisdiction of guardians from all over the world. "

Naoe Ketsuna was not polite, almost pointing at Yoshihiro's nose and scolding him for wanting to seize power.

As long as there is a Ji warrior in Kanto, most of them are descendants of the royal family, and Echigo is no exception.

If Shiba Yoshiyin is really asked to reopen the Kanto Office, will everyone listen to his order or not?

If Yoshihiko Shiba's order conflicts with Terutor Uesugi's order, who will he listen to?

The sky has no two suns, and the people have no two masters. This is the highest inalienable right.

Yiyin was speechless, he knew his request was too much.But he had no foundation in the Kanto, and he was struggling, and now he was holding a Yujian, which was a bit of luck.

He remained silent, and Naoe Jingzuna breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had retained the supreme power of the Shin Uesugi family.

Teruhu Uesugi looked at Yoshinori with frowning brows, along the brows, nose bridge, lips, head and neck all the way down, and finally locked his eyes on the imperial sword tied to his body, thinking.

In Kyoto, he tried every means to evade the general's love, and vowed not to obey.But for me, he endured the humiliation and accepted Yu Jian, and admitted his identity as the Imperial Palace.

I swore to share Echigo with him.

Even the villain Ashikaga Yoshiki admired him and was willing to send Yujian from thousands of miles away.I, Terutora Uesugi, am I not as responsible as that villain who takes advantage of others' dangers!
Uesugi Terutora was furious, pulled out his knife and chopped off a corner of the document, kicked it over, and the documents were scattered on the ground.

"From today onwards, the Kanto Office will be reopened, starting from my country of Echigo!

Those who are dissatisfied with humility and honesty are like disrespecting me, and there will be such a case! "

Uesugi Terutora looked at Yoshiyin, his eyes were as gentle as water, full of affection.

My love for you will not be lost to anyone, and one day I will hold you in my arms.

Yoshigin didn't feel happy in his heart, he could feel Uesugi Terutoro's sincere feelings for him, and he took advantage of it.

This true love made him ashamed, and it was really shameless that he would fail her affection in the end.

Naoe Jinggang was stunned on the spot, she never expected that the lord would do this for the sake of his sweetheart, even sharing the family fortune.

Behind him, Naoe Kanatsugu shook his head secretly, she followed the lord Shangluo, and understood her thoughts best.

His Royal Highness has already deeply rooted in love, and it is difficult to extricate himself.Ashikaga Yoshiki and men know how to spend their money, how can the lord be willing to be inferior to others.

What Naoe Jinggang said is right, it is true that one mountain cannot contain two tigers, but what if there is one male and one female?This matter is mysterious.

Naoe Kanetsugu was faintly worried, it would be fine if the two finally got married, but if something goes wrong, how will the two families be cut off if the entanglement between the two is too deep in the future?

Uesugi Terotora controlled the country with the Echigo guardian of the Uesugi family in Yamauchi, while Yoshigin used the Kanto Servant to control the Kanto royal family. This is the difference between the local and central identities.

The two sides are now allies who cooperate on an equal footing, and the leaders are ambiguous and considerate to each other.

But if there is a crack, the local identity of the new Uesugi family will inevitably be taken over by the Kanto servant.

Against the central government?Or do you no longer recognize the authority of the Kanto Chamberlain?
Yiyin is now using its economic and military influence to infiltrate the Echigo Kingdom, and both sides are working together to launch the Kanto Raiders.

If one day the two families turned their faces and had to split up, the result would not be as simple as hurting the bones.

The Guandong leader has the right to manage the ten kingdoms of the Kanto, and the Guandong servants control the Guandong royal family. When these two sides fight, just thinking about it makes one shudder.

Naoe Kanetsugu can only pray that the lord's wish will come true, and that the beauty will come home, or else. .There will be big troubles in the future!

On the other side, behind Yoshigin, Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumo who were accompanying him also looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Uesugi Terutora obviously didn't give up, and wanted to compete with the general for his own lord.

Both of them also admired him in their hearts, tacitly.Seeing Uesugi Terutoro revealing his true feelings at this time, they all felt sorry for each other, with a trace of unwillingness.

For a while, all parties were in a state of confusion, the scene was deserted, and no one spoke.


Tochio Castle, inside the meeting hall of the castle tower.

Yoshigin was in the main seat, and Uesugi Terutora was half a seat shorter. The two sides were almost separated from each other, and the leaders of various samurai families sat below.

With Uesugi Terutora's arrival, Yang Beizhong finally surrendered, Honjo Shigecho and Nakajo Fujisuke and other leaders were ordered to enter Tochio Castle to participate in the review.

They took off their jackets and entered the city alone without any followers.

Plus Okuma Asohide who was already in the city, Hojo Takahiro who followed Uesugi Terutoro.

In addition to the long-tail political scene of thinking behind closed doors, the rebellion of all parties can be regarded as gathering together.

Outside the city before, Shiba Yoshigin and Shin Kamisame's retainers had already had the first wave of collisions, which seriously interfered with Echigo's internal affairs and military rights.

However, with the strong support of Teruhu Uesugi, Yoshihiro won, and the new Uesugi retainers swallowed the bitter fruit, and they were also unwilling to accept it.

Although Uesugi Terutora is shorter than ordinary Ji warriors, but this man has suppressed Echigo by force for many years, and his power is extremely powerful.

No Echigo samurai dared to refute what she had made up her mind to.But it's hard to say whether they will cooperate behind the scenes.

Now that Yiyin has come to this point, there is no turning back. The Guandong Chamberlain must be established to form a new force.

Otherwise, he, who is hostile, will receive more constraints and resistance from the new Shangshan retainer group, making it difficult to use power.

And the current review is also a game. How to divide the rights of the two parties depends on the means.

Yiyin spoke first.

"There was a rebellion in Echigo, and Asohide Okuma understood the righteousness, and took the initiative to mobilize the army to help defend Tochio Castle.

Your Highness Uesugi, you have chosen the Chugotsu chief well. "

Seeing him talking nonsense in a serious manner, Uesugi Teruta couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

He defended Nagao's political situation, so Yoshihiro Shiba picked Okuma Asohide from the rebellion, and each side kept one person, which was fair.

But the samurai off the field were stunned, how could the matter of Daxiong Chaoxiu's rebellion be interpreted in this way?

Everyone looked at Shino Honjo. She is the highest person in charge of Sino-Vietnamese. Let's see what she has to say.

Benzhuang really had no expression on his face, kowtowed to the ground, and said.

"Report to the Governor, Tochio Castle is already the residence of the imperial platform, where will I change my job after that? Please also give orders from Your Highness."

Uesugi Terutora finally couldn't help laughing, knowing it was inappropriate, he let out a haha ​​and quickly held back.

Shino Honjo had complained to her in private before, but she really couldn't control the border between China and Vietnam.

It was also Uesugi Terutoro who didn't think carefully enough to let Honjo Shino, who was from a close background, control Chuetsu. How could Saito Chaonobu's bastard colleagues resist the favor attack?

Honjo is indeed responsible for the deterioration of the Sino-Vietnamese situation, but the greater responsibility lies with Uesugi Terotora himself.

Now Shibo Yiyin is making efforts to protect Daxiong Chaoxiu, and the new Shangshan vassal group is putting pressure on Honjo Mino.

This good subject who is both a teacher and a friend, finally couldn't bear to shake off the rascals, and quit.

What a bully!Let me carry any blame!

Uesugi Terutora said.

"You resign as Tochio Castle Lord, return to Joetsu, and serve as Kasugayama Castle Castle Commander."


Ben Zhuang is really grateful.

Kasugayama Castle is where Uesugi Teruto lives. It is impossible to set up a city lord, and Joyo is already the highest person in charge.

This city radiates Takada Plain, which is Uesugi Terutora's basic base. Giving this place to Honjo Shino is to recognize her ability and loyalty.

(End of this chapter)

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