different warring states of japan

Chapter 803 It is not easy to send troops

Chapter 803 It is not easy to send troops

Yoshiyin patted the white haori on his body and stood up.

"It's almost three quarters noon, let's go."


Pusheng's township offered swords to Yiyin, and Yiyin inserted the ribs of the swords one by one.

Afterwards, Gamo Shigo and Ii Naomasa opened the door, and the spring breeze hit Yoshihiro who walked out.

The white hunting clothes are hung with haori, and he looks like a fairy figure walking out of a painting under the spring sun.

The Concentric Congregation outside the porch bowed deeply together and shouted.

"The military fortune of the imperial platform is prosperous!"

Yiyin didn't even look at it, turned around and walked out along the porch.Gamo's hometown is on the left, and Ii Naomasa is on the right, followed closely behind, and the whole group followed.

A group of people walked forward silently, only the sound of footsteps.Along the way, the concentric people guarding the gate and occupying the corridor bowed and paid respect one by one, and followed Yiyin at the end of the queue after passing through.

Walking into the outer court, it was noisy and chaotic, with people shouting and neighing.The moment Yiyin appeared, the human voice stopped abruptly, leaving only the unstoppable snorting of the horse.

Everyone bowed to Yiyin.

"The military fortune of the imperial platform is prosperous!"

Yiyin glanced at the sky, it was exactly three quarters in the afternoon.Xiao Dao Zhizhen personally took out his war horse and sent it to the imperial court.

"Odaisho, I heard that you are going to Yamada River, and all the warriors in the castle are eager to follow.

I left a few samurai guarding the city, and the rest of Ji samurai were drawn into the team to go out with you. "

Hatakeyama Yoshizuna went out first, and bowed together with the seven Hime warriors including Mitsumai Iikawa.

"Willing to fight for the imperial platform! Death will not come soon!"

Chang Lianlong and the five Ji warriors from the Chang family who came with him came out and bowed.

"I am willing to fight to the death for the imperial platform!"

With a flash of sharpness in You Zuoneng's eyes, he led the four Ji warriors from his family out.

"If you can follow the Imperial Palace, you will die without regret!"

Wen Jingjinglong knew that there was no room for other thoughts at this time, so he was extremely excited to come out.

"It's an unforgivable crime for Zongzong to harass the residence of the imperial platform! I would like to kill the thief for the imperial platform!"

Seeing this situation, Takacho Yamamotoji rushed out to participate in the performance and shouted loudly.

"Kill the thief! Protect the Lord!"

Yiyin swept around the angry Ji warriors and asked Xiaodao Zhizhen.

"How many people in total?"

"Go back to the Imperial Palace.

Counting the envoys from each family, there are [-] Ji warriors and [-] horses. "

"it is good."

Yiyin looked at Xiaodao Zhizhen, but she got the coffin book.In just a few moments, Takaoka Castle had enough meals, and the horses and samurai warriors did their best to gather so much.

He said.

"I have seen your loyalty."

Yiyin raised his head and shouted to Warrior Ji who was present.

"I have seen your loyalty!"

He took the rein from Xiao Dao Zhizhen's hand, mounted the horse and steered the horse to spin with one hand, with the horse's head facing outward.He touched the long gun food bag on the side of the saddle with one hand, and nodded in satisfaction.

"I often say, Ji will not fail me, and I will not fail Ji. Your dedication to the public today will surely receive rich rewards in the future. This is my promise to you, Shiba Yoshiin.

Come on, let's go teach those thieves how to fight.

Set off! "

Yiyin took the lead, followed by warriors Ji.

All the way to the city gates, the refusal horses have been opened.The cavalry rushed out of the city unimpeded and rushed to the south bank of the lower reaches of the Yamada River.


The Yamada River flows into Fuji Bay from west to east, and the estuary is located in the west of Isui County.To the north of Takaoka Castle is the lower reaches of the Yamada River, to the north is the Erkami Hills, and to the north is the Himi region.

The Himi area is an alluvial plain located near the mouth of the Kamisho River.The Ershang Hills in the south and the Baoda Hills in the west are the root of the Noto Peninsula connecting Vietnam.

Whoever controls the estuary of the lower reaches of the Yamada River can suppress the Himi region to the north, and reach the estuary of Shogawa to the east, eroding the central part of Isui County.

Since Tushan Yufang was moved to Anyangsi Village, Anyangsi Yufang was established, and Anyangsi was built on the basis of Shengxing Temple, and Sheshui County, which was the two counties of Shenbao's old collar, began to be unstable.

Shimoma Laizhao presided over the overall situation at Shengxing Temple, and almost all the troops of Etsuchu Yixiangzong were transferred to Anyang Temple to take charge of the strategy in the direction of Sheshui County.

With Katsukoji as the backing, cross the ferry of Yamada River at Fushigi.Walking along the coast, not far away is the estuary of Shogawa.

The estuaries of these two rivers are so close to the sea, as long as they occupy this place, one can attack Takaoka City from the plain to the south.

Then go upstream along the Shogawa River, and join the main force of the northward movement of the Kaga Ichikomune, which occupies the Kureha Hills on the south line, and cut off the back road of Takaoka Castle.

Xiajian Lai Zhao asked left and right.

"How many people are there in the army crossing the river now?"

"General General Hui, about three or four thousand people."

Xia Jian Lai Zhao frowned.

"too slow.

Today at least [-] people have to go over and set up camp.To prepare for tomorrow's follow-up men and horses crossing the river for repairs, the former army first surrounded Takaoka Castle. "

The Kaga Ichiko sect on the southern line should have already launched, but the army led by Zuisenji was dissatisfied with leaving their own land and going northward for a surprise attack, and moved slowly.

What's more troublesome is that the head of Zuizumi Temple is responsible for the logistical supplies of the Kaga Ichiko clan, and it is estimated that they will spend [-] military supplies.

The leader of Anyang Temple only needs to bear the supplies of Yuezhong Yixiangzong's own army, which is about [-] people.

Ruiquan Temple is the orthodox of the five generations of Dharma masters, and Anyang Temple is the orthodox of the eighth generation of Dharma masters. Although the two sides jointly govern the Yixiang sect of Yuezhong, their demands are different.

The leader of Anyang Temple chose to relocate Yufang to the lower reaches of the Yamada River, because he was determined to swallow the fat of Sheshui County.

However, Ruiquan Temple has been established earlier, a full [-] years, and has formed a tacit understanding with the local martial arts, and the desire for external expansion is not strong.

Now Ruiquan Temple is under the pressure of Xia Jian Lai Zhao to provide military supplies and participate in the battle.The amount of money, food, and weapons paid was more than twice that of the leader of Anyang Temple, which caused the leader of Ruiquan Temple to be dissatisfied.

Shimoma Laizhao wanted to bridge the differences between Zuisenji Temple and Shokoji Temple, and at the same time stepped up the dispatch of troops to cooperate with Kaga Issatozong on the southern line to complete the strategic goal.

Due to internal conflicts, her speed has slowed down on the southern line for at least three days, so she couldn't help being in a hurry.Once the news of the breakthrough of the southern line reached Takaoka Castle, the suddenness of the northern offensive was gone.

No matter how strong Yi Xiangzong's army is, it is still at the level of a nun's samurai family. Compared with the samurai family's daimyo who focuses on combat, it is not one or two points worse.

It really brought the Uesugi Jinbao coalition forces back to their senses, this battle will be difficult to fight.And if Shiba Yoshigin of Takaoka Castle gets the news and retreats, Shimoma Lai Zhao will lose another excellent bargaining chip.

Therefore, the speed of dispatching troops must be accelerated!

Next Lai Zhao said.

"Order the troops in front to avoid and let the nuns from Shengxing Temple go first."

The subordinate who listened to the order was stunned and asked.

"My lord, there is a congregation from Ruiquan Temple on the other side. If we send the nuns from Shengxing Temple over there, will there be any problems?"

Xiajian Laizhao glared at her and said.

"The nuns from Zuisenji are still on their way, and I'm not sure if they have crossed the border between Tonami and Sheshui counties.

These gangsters dawdled and froze, and they couldn't cross the river for three days.

Just let the nuns from Shengxing Temple pass by, and organize an army tomorrow to surround Gaogang City first, so don't miss the big deal. "

The subordinate hesitated to speak, and finally remained silent.Xia Jian Lai Zhao is of course aware of what she is worried about.

Ruiquan Temple and Shengxing Temple are two systems. Under the two systems, there are Kui people and nuns, plus believers who voluntarily fight for the Buddha, that is, six different organizations.

Asking the nuns from Shengxing Temple to lead a group of people from Ruiquan Temple to fight, this is a command that surpasses Ruiquan Temple, which is tantamount to seizing power, and it will be easy to argue in the future.

Because of the unfair distribution of logistics materials between the north and south lines, the Ruiquan Temple department already had objections, and the dawdling on the road was also to bargain.

Xiajian Laizhao knew the reason, but she couldn't afford to wait!She had to surround Takaoka Castle immediately, and she couldn't run away from the big fish Shiba Yiyin.

What can she do?Salad!
First send people across the river to organize the army, and other wrangling matters will be discussed after the war.

 Some readers in the group said that there will be three shifts a day.Well, three shifts a day.

(End of this chapter)

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