different warring states of japan

Chapter 804 Is It Worth Following?

Chapter 804 Is It Worth Following?

Yiyin held the rein with one hand, raised his head and chest on the horse, and scanned the river bank.The hundred riders behind him waited with bated breath, waiting for the order from the imperial platform.

Wu Jianfan rode back from the downstream and ran to the imperial front.

"Report! A large army was found at the downstream estuary. Fumu Ferry is crowded with people, wading across the river."

Xiaodao Zhizhen bowed.

"Odaisho, do you see?"

Yiyin asks about things and sees them.

"How many people have crossed the river now? Have you set up camp yet?"

"There are no fewer than [-] people, and they are still setting up piles and camps."

Yi Yin was surprised.

One day ago, there was no news from Zengshan Castle on the southern line, and Hinomiya Castle was seized.But the northern line is still dawdling, and only a few thousand people cross the river.Over at Shengxing Temple, do you think that fighting is an outing?
He squinted his eyes and thought, not daring to speak casually, and was speechless for a while.

Behind him, Hatakeyama Yoshizuna stepped forward and said.

"At the imperial platform, Xiangzong was slow to send out troops and the defense was weak, this is a god-sent opportunity.

I would like to be the vanguard, rush her for a while, and try to drive these thieves into the river. "

Yoshigin glanced at Hatakeyama Yoshizuna, she is very active today.No matter before sending troops, or now, he has always expressed his loyalty.

Not to be outdone, Chang Lianlong shouted behind him.

"Godaisho, His Highness Hatakeyama has a distinguished status. Let me be the vanguard!"

Yoshizuna Hatakeyama turned around and glared.

My old lady is not planning to stand in the first row when she is in the vanguard, she is just trying to curry favor with the imperial court.You stupid bastard, you always compete with me for favor, do you want to drive up the price of loyalty?

Chang Lianlong is not afraid of her.Even if Hatakeyama Yoshizuna went back to be the master of the family, he would still be the master of Noto in name, and he would not be able to control the long family's Anasui Castle.

Yiyin didn't bother to pay attention to the quarrel between them, it was nothing more than seeking benefits.He was wondering if there was something wrong behind the poor coordination of the Yixiangzong armies on the north and south fronts?

This time, Etsuchu Issei's behavior is weird. With Etsuchu's [-] stone height, he provokes the Uesugi Shenbao coalition forces. Are you looking for death?

Even if the Yixiangzong Temple in Xinchuan County was destroyed, it would not be so demented as to hit a stone with an egg, right?Or, do they rely on something else?

Yiyin shook his head and stopped thinking about it.If you have time to think wildly, it is better to catch a few people and come back and ask, so that you can judge and guess.

He said.

"Change horses to prepare for battle."

Hatakeyama Yoshizuna and Chang Lianlong looked at each other with awe in their hearts.

Is this Imperial Palace really like the legend, he likes to go into battle and rush to the front?He doesn't wear a tunic, and only hangs haori on his single clothes. If there is an emergency, what should we do?

Hatakeyama Yoshizuna stepped forward and said sincerely.

"The royal platform is honorable, why not let us be the vanguard to drive away these thieves and nuns for you."

Yiyin glanced at her and said.

"Since my debut, I have never stood still in front of the battle. I have never had the habit of hiding behind others and giving orders.

You are loyal to the king and serve the public, and I will let you see clearly.Is the object of your service worthy of your following? "

After speaking, Yiyin jumped off the horse and began to check the ordnance.

Zhuji was silent for a long while behind her, and there were some inexplicable emotions in her heart.Then everyone dismounted together, while changing trains, while sorting out their knives and guns.

Yiyin didn't care about the gazes behind him, and was ready to go out on his own.As long as killing mode is on, he will not be fatally injured.Wearing a hood that is too heavy will consume his energy instead.

Warrior Ji in this world has excellent physical fitness.He has been exercising all year round, and he has developed six-pack abs, which is not as good as these women's physical fitness. It would be better to carry less weight.

Besides, his heroic posture can increase the morale of the army, so why not do it.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Yiyin put on another horse with plenty of energy and said to the left and right.

"set off!"

After speaking, he took the lead and went down the river bank.Behind him, Gamo's village, Ii Naomasa and others followed closely.

Yamamoto Takacho and Kojima Shizhen knew how powerful this man was, so they ran forward, but Noto Zhuhime looked at each other in blank dismay.

Follow along?In case this imperial court is surrounded by rushing blindly, wouldn't everyone follow along to finish the game?But even if he felt something was wrong, he didn't have time to think about it, so he had to bite the bullet and keep up.

Yoshigin in the front slowed down his horse a little, stood shoulder to shoulder with Ii Naomasa behind him, and said in a low voice.

"Follow me well, you must follow closely!"

Ii Naomasa's childish face was tense and serious.A temporary set of tutu didn't fit well, so I had to tie it tightly on my body and barely use it.

She nodded and said.

"I will definitely protect the Odaisho!"

Yiyin glanced at her, but didn't bother to talk about her.

Lao Tzu is invincible and still needs your protection?Let you get closer, because I am afraid that you, a stubborn girl, will die on the battlefield, so that I can protect you at critical moments.


In the lower reaches of the Yamada River, the sun is halfway to the west, which is the most sleepy time in the afternoon.

Fushiki Ferry is only a dozen miles away from Shengxing Temple, and a little upstream is a small bend from the east of the Yamada River.

This section of the river is wide and gentle, and it is not the flood season now, the water depth has just passed knees.Whether it is building bridges and planking, or swimming directly, it is easy.

Yiyin came from the upper reaches along the south bank.

From a distance, I saw the wooden piles erected along the bank, and the stockade didn't even pull out a few fences.The river seems to be still noisy, with people rushing.

There were no guard posts on the periphery, and a group of people huddled by the river didn't know what they were doing, completely exposing their backs in front of Yiyin.

good chance!
Even so, Yiyin did not dare to underestimate the enemy.Even [-] pigs are hard to deal with, let alone Yi Yikui who is holding a weapon.

I only have a hundred cavalier warriors, who came rushing from Gaogang City, and their physical strength and horsepower can't last long, so they must be defeated in one go.

He turned on the insight mode and observed carefully, but he was even more confused when he saw it.Yishui's physical strength is exhausted, and Yishui's fighting spirit is weak.

seemingly. .Faster than a pig?Is this for crossing the river to deliver food to me?
Yiyin glanced at the hesitant Noto samurai behind him, and suddenly became very ambitious.I will let you see what it means to ride a thousand horses!
he shouted.

"The village of Gamo! Raise the white Ashikaga flag and raise the flag with the flag of Bi!
Zhu Ji, charge with me! "

As soon as the military flag is out, there is no retreat.Yiyin then drew out his spear, gripped the horse's belly, and rushed to the front of the line.

Gamo's Township had already prepared flags, and pulled out two flags and stuck them on both sides of the horse's back.A warrior Ji behind her picked up the magic conch hanging on his chest and blew it.


By the river, Ishioka Magi dug his ears and turned his head away, pretending not to hear.

Mimi Ono, who just crossed the river, swayed the water droplets on the common clothes, and said with gritted teeth.

"I'll ask again, will you listen to my orders?"

Ishioka Magi laughed.

"Ono Ji, you are just a layman, not even a nun.

The owner and presiding officer of Shengxing Temple, the nun wants me to obey orders, and the order is.It's against the rules to send you here, how can we obey orders? "

Mimi Ono glanced at her, knowing she was wrong.

Xiajian Laizhao ordered the Shengxing Temple nun corps to cross the river, in order to force all the members of the Ruiquan Temple to obey their orders and quickly go down to the village to prepare for tomorrow's battle.

The chief general meant that she personally made decisions based on the consideration of the battle situation.Keshengxing Temple is not made of wood, it has its own ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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