different warring states of japan

Chapter 805 Cavalry attack the river bank

Chapter 805 Cavalry attack the river bank

Shengxing Temple and Ruiquan Temple have stood side by side for many years, and they often dig and bury each other in private, but they still respect each other on the surface.Going past the opponent's nuns and directly mobilizing the opponent's group of nuns is too far.

What if there is a misunderstanding and the other party thinks that Anyang Temple Yufang is finally going to put on airs and attack Ruiquan Temple?
After the reform of the eight generations of law masters, the Fangguan system was established, and their descendants were elevated to occupy the positions of presiding over various temples and Fangzhu.However, the Ruiquan Temple established by the Five Dynasties Dharma Masters did not follow this rule.

The granddaughter of the eighth generation relocated the Tushan Gobo from the Ryobai Mountains in the Etchu section to the Sheshui County section in the lower reaches of the Yamadagawa River, and renamed it the Anyang Temple Gobo. It was an unwillingness to be lonely.

Shengxing Temple and Ruiquan Temple are at the same level, but Anyang Temple and Ruiquan Temple are not at the same level.The leader of Anyang Temple is the leader of the imperial square of Anyang Temple. Can the owner and host of the temple be the first rank?

Therefore, the first line of Ruiquan Temple is the leader of Ruiquan Temple, and the first line of Shengxing Temple is the leader of Anyang Temple.This taboo is not mentioned on weekdays, but everyone knows it in their hearts.

But the eight generations of Dharma masters have played tricks, so what if the five generations and one family don't recognize it?My old lady has been working in Yuezhong for [-] years. If you say that your master is higher than me, I will bow my head and admit it.Daydreaming!
Xiajian Laizhao is of course well aware that the pot of porridge that Yuezhong has always had has been overcooked a long time ago.She didn't dare to stir it at all to reveal the burnt smell.

But this time the leader of Zuizumi Temple paid a large sum of money and food to support the army that crossed the border in Kaga, and at the same time wanted the army to go north to the leader of Anyang Temple, and he was very emotional.

The situation of the battle is changing rapidly, and there is nothing that Lai Zhao can do.First suppress the group of people led by Ruiquan Temple and let them do things obediently.Other troubles will be discussed later.

She was thinking about war, but the leader of Anyang Temple didn't want to tear herself apart with the leader of Ruiquan Temple!

The nuns of Anyang Temple simply hid behind, and let Ono Mimo, who was leading the practice, represent the Shengxing Temple Nunnery Corps to negotiate with the leader of the Ruiquan Temple who had already crossed the river.

This created a new problem.

The local nuns recognized the nuns. Even if they were replaced by nuns from Anyang Temple, they would most likely be obedient. At worst, they would let the nuns from both temples quarrel in the future.

But the nuns in Anyang Temple took advantage of the opportunity and asked a practitioner who was not a nun to give orders. What will happen after this matter?
Afterwards, the leader of Anyang Temple pushed him away.Said that I didn't give the order, and I and the leader of Ruiquan Temple are still good friends. Isn't Shioka Magi, the leader of the group, going to be unlucky?

The leader of Ruiquan Temple has been held accountable, but the leader of Anyang Temple has never issued an order. You, Shioka Masaki, dare to accept random orders, don't you want to mess around?

The leader of Anyang Temple fooled around and passed the test. Mimi Ono was punished with three glasses of wine. Is there any reason for Ishioka Masashi to take the blame and lose his head?

Masayoshi Shioka is determined not to accept orders, unless the leader of Anyang Temple sends a nun to deliver the order, otherwise she will not listen!
As long as she stabilized her position and the nuns from Ruiquan Temple rushed over, someone would naturally go to Lai Zhao's seat to argue.There is nothing wrong with her Ishioka Magi, and there is a tall man to support her when the sky falls.

Mimo Ono certainly knew what the other party was thinking, but she was also forced to come here and had no intention of fighting Ishioka Magi to the death.

Go ashore first and do your own thing well, and then Lai Zhao will ask you later, it's all the other party's fault, as long as you don't have any problems.

She said.

"I don't care, anyway, my people will go ashore and set up camp.

Look at what you've done!More than [-] people wandered blindly on the shore, and there was no one standing guard on the periphery, so what to do if the enemy attacked! "

Ishioka's true meaning is rascal.

"I'm just the leader who everyone calls out, how can I really control the people in each village. If the nuns don't come, what can I do?
Besides, we only crossed the river yesterday, and the samurai families in the east of Sheshui County don't even know about it. Where did the enemy attack?

Pointing, pointing, what are you pointing at?Hey, you're pretending to be pretty, this finger is trembling a little bit, do you really think my old lady will be fooled?
If you want to go ashore, go ashore, pretend to be a p! "

Mimo Ono had no time to care what this guy was talking nonsense, she screamed.

"Enemy attack!"

Makoto Ishioka turned his head abruptly, and saw horses criss-crossing not far away, bringing up countless dust, and the leader was a man dressed in white like snow.Looking again, there are two flags behind, fluttering in the wind.

There was a long sound of conch sounds from the sky and the earth, from far to near, lingering over the river bank.The sound of horseshoes gradually increased, and the cavalry came straight towards him.

Ishioka Magi shouted, trembling all over.

"Enemy attack! Formation!"


Riding his horse and galloping, the wind was rushing, and Yiyin squinted and looked into the distance.On the river bank, nuns and wild warriors gathered, and the two sides were talking to each other.

He was keenly aware that there was something wrong with the other party, and he was coordinating, so he rushed towards them.

Along the way, the crowd who were frightened by the war horses scattered and fled, Yiyin raised his hand to signal, and Gamo Shixiang called out behind him.

"Reverse the beaded curtain! Drive them to the river!"


The conical array of cavalry behind him spread to both sides, like a roc spreading its wings.

It was difficult for the fleeing crowd to avoid from both sides, so they could only run backwards, and behind them was the river bank.


Mimi Ono was so anxious that her head was sweating, she shouted loudly.

"Ichikawa Masami, Yusaki Naoharu, bring the naginata nuns forward!"

""Namo Amitabha! "

The Nepali regiment who had just landed was striding forward wearing wet and heavy wrapping clothes.

The naginata is shorter than the spear, and it is not superior to the cavalry alone.Ordinary spears are about two to two and a half lengths, and the longest naginata is only one and a half lengths.

But at this time, Mimi Ono had no other choice.She stood at the back of the queue, yelling.

"Buddha will bless us! Align, cut off the horse's legs!"

Ishioka Magi turned around and looked at his subordinates, and found that among the crowd who came to confront the river bank, few of them were armed with long guns, and most of them were armed with knives.

She couldn't help but kicked a few people and cursed.

"The spearman stands in front, and the others draw their swords as they prepare to meet the enemy!"

A few spearmen just came to join in the fun, with two self-cut spears in their hands, they couldn't bear the charge of the horse at all.They stood trembling in front, and some of them were already crying.

Behind him was the wild samurai with ferocious eyes. Someone was so frightened that he leaked urine and stood in front of him calling Dad.

A stern light flashed in Ishioka Mayoshi's eyes, and he drew his sword and slashed at the back of a crying Ashgaru.It wasn't over when she fell to the ground, she was hacked to death with several knives.

Wiping the blood splattered on her face, she snapped.

"Stand firm, don't retreat! Anyone who dares to retreat will be hacked to death!"

The ashigaru stood in a line, and behind them a crowd drew their knives and threatened them so that they would not dare to look back, let alone avoid them.Ishioka Magi sneaked a step back at this time, shrunk to the back row and was about to leave.

Only at this moment, a large number of escaped people rushed to the front, and scattered the simple formation just formed.

Makoto Ishioka threatened the ashigaru people just now, and they dropped their spears and ran along with the crowd, rushing the wild samurai who drew their knives behind them so that they couldn't stand still, so they simply ran back.

Mimi Ono on the other side was still stubbornly resisting and yelling at her.

"Hack them to death! Don't allow them to break up the formation!"

"Namo Amitabha!"

Ichikawa Masami and Yusaki Naoharu took the naginata and the nuns brandished their weapons, and suddenly there was a bloody storm, ghosts crying and wolves howling.

(End of this chapter)

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