different warring states of japan

Chapter 811 1 Xiangzong's Inside Story

Chapter 811
The dispute between the big and small sects in Kaga's Yixiangzonghui is also because of the successful establishment of the Buddhist kingdom on the ground, and the benefits of this country's [-] stones are too great.

Qianbo touches people's hearts, and interests are blindfolded, so it is not surprising that anything happens.

Yiyin took a look and realized.

The Yuezhong Zongzong has little power and needs the support of the power of the mountain, so it is relatively obedient.It can be heard from Shi Wu's tone that Shengxing Temple has a lot of resentment for sending troops this time.

he asked.

"Xiajian Laizhao colluded with Qili Laizhou and violated my residence. I will send a question to Shishan Honganji Temple and ask Master Xianru to give me an explanation."

Yoshigin's words are not Tatsuo, he is the fiancé of General Ashikaga, the leader of the powerful local faction of the shogunate.In recent years, the territory and influence can radiate to the boundary of Shishan Honganji Temple.

He didn't mention the incident of destroying the temple in Xinchuan County, and poured dirty water on the two officials sent by the mountain, it seemed that the master didn't know the truth, and it really gave him a headache.

Shiwu was a little bit gloating, but immediately made a solemn appearance and kowtowed.

"Namo Amitabha."

Yi Yin said.

"I went to patrol the south bank of the Yamada River today, and I was also puzzled by the fact that Zongzong's army was scattered and vulnerable.

The Shengxing Monastery nun corps can't be like this, can it?Can Master Realization enlighten me. "

Shi Wu's face was flushed, and several of the Wu family sitting there couldn't help laughing out loud, she said a little annoyed.

"It's not that a group of people from Ruiquan Temple made troubles and entangled with my nuns on the river bank. It turned out like this, and Shengxing Temple lost face."

Yiyin grasped the point and asked.

"A congregation in Ruiquan Temple? A nun regiment in Shengxing Temple?"

Shi Wu was questioned by Yi Yin to the corner of the wall, and he talked more and more, and it was impossible not to make it clear at this time.She sighed and said.

"This time, the people from Kaga took the southern line of Tonami County, crossed the Shogawa River and attacked Masuyama Castle and Hinomiya Castle.

The army led by Zuisenji was requested by Shimoma Laizhao to go north to Anyang Temple to join forces and cross the river together to take Takaoka Castle.

The leaders of Ruiquan Temple were very dissatisfied, and the Ni Corps dragged their feet.A group of Kui people have already reached the lower reaches, while the Ni Corps over there are still dawdling in the middle and upper reaches.

Master Lai Zhao then ordered the Shengxing Monastery nun corps to cross the river and command the congregation of Ruiquan Monastery.

The owner of the workshop didn't want to have a bad relationship with Ruiquan Temple, so he asked me not to come forward, and asked the leader of the nuns who had not become a monk to talk, but the two became entangled. "

Yiyin understood somewhat, that's why.

Ruiquan Temple is a lineage of Dharma masters of the Five Dynasties, and a group of subordinates must not be willing to be commanded by the nun regiment of Shengxing Temple.The two sides were arguing, and their cavalry just arrived at the shore.

He couldn't help but secretly rejoice that it was good luck.If it weren't for the internal problems of Yuezhong Yixiangzong, it would not be so easy to drive [-] pigs into the river.

he asked.

"Ruiquan Temple is dissatisfied with something, and it's still getting angry at the critical moment of sending troops to fight."

Shi Wu sighed.

"This time Kaga dispatched about [-] troops, most of which were from the North Kaga army. Because Shichiri Laizhou was unwilling to undertake logistics and military supplies, Zuisenji was responsible for its supplies.

The leader of Anyang Temple was responsible for the logistics of the Vietnam Army, which was much easier than that of Ruiquan Temple, which caused dissatisfaction. "

Yi Yin asked.

"How many troops did Yuezhong send to Xiangzong?"

Shi Wu hesitated to speak, and finally said helplessly.

"About twelve thousand people."

Yiyin thought for a while and asked again.

"North Kaga is coming, but Nan Kaga is not coming? Who are the Northern Kaga troops coming?"

Shi Wu talked too much, and he broke the jar, so he said simply.

"The Kaga people in the north and south were not happy because of the big and small sects' quarrel, and then the Dashoji Temple was occupied, which made the Kaga people in the south ignore Qili Laizhou.

This time, Kita Kaga is said to have come in divisions.It should be Sugiura Genren who beat Shogawa earlier, she is the leader of the Kita Kaga Ichikui.

Qili Laizhou led the Ni Corps and sent troops later. I don't know where I am now. "

"Do you know the whereabouts of Shiina Yasushi?"

"It is said that she acted with the Kaga Ichikui on the southern line, and she also wanted to use her reputation as a Shiina family to see if she could persuade the Etsuchu samurai to join her."

Yiyin nodded, he finally figured out what was going on inside Xiangzong, and his gaze towards Shiwu became more gentle.

The nun talked too much, and was a little sluggish at the moment.She was captured and gave Shibo Yoshihiko all her old background of Yixiangzong. No matter whether Shibo Yoshihiro let her go back, it would not end well.

Yi Yin said.

"You said it very well, and I am very satisfied. This time, the Yixiangzong raided the old Jinbao collar, which is also a tragedy.

I have a good relationship with Shishan Honganji Temple, and I didn't want to have disputes with Shengxing Temple and Ruiquan Temple.But now, I have no choice but to step down and teach my subordinates a lesson for Master Xianru.

God has the virtue of being good at life, and I use the sword out of helplessness.Go down and rest with peace of mind, and wait for me to send you back to Shengxing Temple, and vomit your bitterness for me in front of Master Shixuan. "

Shigo's ashen-like eyes lit up again. Hearing what Shiba Yoshigin said, it seemed that he was still useful.

Now this battle is definitely unstoppable, but if Xiangzong's war is unfavorable, someone will always need to make peace for the two sides and spread the word.

Even if Xiajian Laizhao is unwilling to talk about it, Shengxing Temple will secretly reach a tacit agreement with Shiba Yoshiyin.At that time, there may not be a glimmer of hope for real enlightenment, and it may even be unknown to take advantage of it.

She secretly took a look at this handsome and extraordinary Yutaisuo, knowing whether she could turn over, all rested on his shoulders.

So she clasped her palms together and saluted.

"The poor nun will follow the imperial platform's orders."

Faintly expressing his loyalty, Shi Wu was taken down by a warrior Ji.

Yiyin glanced at the concubines present and said.

"After listening, tell me what you think."

All the concubines present looked left and right, all thinking about their own concerns.

The people here are very mixed.

There is Kojima Township of the Jinbao family, the heirs sent by the Noto three families to see the Imperial Palace, and Hatakeyama Yoshizuna, the guardian of Noto, and Mitsumai Iikawa.

In addition, Takacho Yamamotoji, Nagasaka Nagami, these two groups of Uesugi Terutora's retainers who came to report the letter, together with Gamo Ujigo and Ii Naomasa, who are like-minded people, have different ideas.

The first one to speak was Xiaodao Zhizhen, she said in despair.

"The imperial platform, Kaga, Yuezhong and Yixiangzong joined forces to attack, with an army of [-] to [-] people.

The subject is still the original suggestion, please withdraw the imperial platform to Toyama City, join the two coalition forces, and then follow up. "

Yixiangzong had a large number of people, and planned a surprise attack, and took Sun Palace City.According to what Shiwu said, Zengshan City, which has no news, has probably fallen.

Kojima is responsible for guarding the land, and he is also the leader of the old Jinbao.She can neither escape nor surrender, she can only wait for death in Gaogang City.

But Yoshihiro Shiba couldn't have an accident, otherwise she would not only die, but the whole family would be affected.So it's still the same sentence, please Shiba Yoshihiro return to Toyama Castle quickly.

With Toyama Fortress, Shentongchuan blocking, and two coalition forces present, it is better than staying in Takaoka Castle, an isolated frontier city.

(End of this chapter)

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