different warring states of japan

Chapter 812 Iikawa Has Countermeasures

Chapter 812 Iikawa Has Countermeasures

Yiyin doesn't like to hear Xiaodao Zhizhen's words.

It is easy to go back, but the strategic layout of Yuezhong is completely disrupted.This was not an isolated event, but the first of Dogono's dominoes.

With this retreat, the Uesugi-Jinbo Allied Forces will be entangled with the Hokuriku Road Ichimuzong on the Jinzugawa line for a long time, and the battle will be easy to fight.

Then, after autumn, I will definitely not be able to go to the Kanto Plain, and Echigo's Kanto Raiders will be postponed again.

Internal contradictions piled up more and more.The problem of duopolitical politics, the dissatisfaction of Uesugi's retainers, without the Kanto Raiders as a channel for external flooding, will implode sooner or later.

Also, what about the next few days?
If you can't launch the Kanto Raiders this year and get the first war dividend, Shiba Yoshiyin will not be able to explain to the recent Siba leaders who continue to send power to the Kanto.

Shiba's retainers still have ways to appease, and Ashikaga Yoshiki's rise is another pressure.There were news from various channels that Akechi Mitsuhide was being scolded by the general almost every time the shogunate deliberated.

Ashikaga Yoshiki gradually stabilized the shogunate and gradually grasped the power. The Kyoto Imperial Palace urged Yoshinko to return to Japan through various methods.

While scolding Akechi Mitsuhide, while asking Yoshigin to go back to Kyoto to explain, Ashikaga Yoshiki's patience is getting worse and worse.

With Yiyin's current strength, it would be difficult for the general in power to be afraid.Going back in such a despondent way, maybe if you really want to marry into the imperial palace, the strategy of the Kanto strategy will be shelved.

And the system task is to help Uesugi Terotora with Yoshihiro, and restore Kanto to a Qingming world.

What if Yoshihiro had to turn around a few times and Uesugi Terutora was killed by a single knife?The task failed, and Yiyin instantly became ugly b!

Thinking of all the troubles that came to him and the chain reaction, his scalp became numb, how dare he retreat?
Yiyin must hold down the position of the two counties of the woman and the shooter, and hold on to the gods to keep the old collar.Wait for the Uesugi and Jinbao families to finish the head and tail of Xinchuan County, come to support, and then fight against Ichimune.

Only in this way can it be possible to settle the troubles of Etchu and Noto in the spring and summer without affecting the Kanto Raiders after autumn.

he said coldly.

"I will not retreat.

I don't want to embarrass Ishiyama Honganji as I have always been wreaking havoc on Hokuriku.I only hope that the leaders of Wuling Temple will not offend each other, show mutual understanding, and give the common people a little respite.

However, others don't think so.

I promised His Highness Hatakeyama that I would help her go back to Noto and restore peace to the place.

I promised His Royal Highness Shenbao that I would help her stabilize Yuezhong and bring the Samurai family back to order.

Shimoma Raizhao and Qili Raizhou ignored the majesty of the shogunate and raided the old Shinbo leader with the intention of attacking my residence, threatening His Highness Uesugi with my safety.

Wolf ambition, outrageous!
People without a king or a mother wantonly set off wars and caused people to die.How can I back down in front of this kind of scum and make it even more arrogant! "

good guy. .

A group of Ji warriors watched Shiba Yoshiyin's impassioned speech, speechless.

Yoshizuna Hatakeyama was so moved that tears streamed down his face, and secretly scolded himself for being cautious and looking forward and backward, not being a woman!The Yutai people are so generous!
Xiaodao Zhizhen also fell to the ground and kowtowed, unable to get up for a long time, his heart was agitated.

In Yoshigin's words, he named three lords, Hatakeyama Yoshizuna, Jinbo Chief, and Uesugi Terutora.If he forms an alliance with them, he must be responsible for their interests to the end.

Shiba Yiyin spit on a nail, and his attitude of attaching importance to the covenant is really a rare example of loyalty in the samurai family.

For the benefit of allies, stay on the front line and refuse to back down.Regardless of whether this matter is done stupidly or not, it is morally stable and there is nothing to say.

The three lords represent the interests of the three families. Yoshizuna Hatakeyama was so excited that he shed tears, and the samurai who represented the old Jinbao clan in Kojima Town were also moved.

The gazes of Yamamoto Takacho and Kasaka Nagami were about to leave, and both of them knew in their hearts that a tough battle was about to be fought.

Shiba Yoshigin refused to retreat, who of Uesugi Terutora's retainers would dare to retreat?Even if he escaped from Yi Yigui's sword and gun, he would be slaughtered by Uesugi Terutoro and fed to the dogs when he returned.

Leaving aside the secret scandal of Uesugi Terutora's love for Shiba Yoshigin, on the bright side the imperial platform is on the front line, fleeing is disloyal to the shogunate, and everyone can punish him.

Yiyin glanced at the scene, and he spoke impassionedly, the three parties were determined to fight him and have always been the same.

But Noto Sanjia didn't make a statement. Even Chang Lianlong, who seemed the most naive and direct before, remained silent.

The hesitation of the Noto Sanjia was justified, they came to see the Imperial Palace, and their entourage was only a few Ji warriors.

The other party is not only the Etchu Ichigo clan, but also the Kaga Ichigo clan, with a total of [-] to [-] people.There are so many enemy troops, they can't help but talk about it.

There are few people on one's own side, and they are the heirs of various families.If you really want to engage in a bloody battle, you can't afford to splash a few splashes in the crowd that has always been the same, it's not worth it.

Even the most decisive Chang Lianlong thought that this battle was too dangerous to express his opinion.

Yiyin waited for a while, but he was a little disappointed when they did not speak.

At this moment, Mitsuma Iikawa came out and bowed, and said.

"Royal Tower, I have a strategy that can break the Yixiangzong army on the southern front."

Yiyin looked at her in astonishment.

Forty to fifty thousand people attacked from two directions, and he was trapped in an isolated city.There are about [-] people coming to Kaga on the southern line. If you say it will be broken, it will be broken?
"Also ask Hime Iikawa to teach me."

Iikawa Mitsucheng straightened his back and said.

"Don't dare, please return to Noto with your lord, and fight for the Imperial Palace."

Her lord is Yoshizuna Hatakeyama, seeing her speak like this, she didn't react and just stared at her in a daze.

Iikawa Mitsucheng is going to run away?
Yi Yin has a good sense of Mitsuma Iikawa, and knows that this person is not bad at resourcefulness.He thought for a moment and asked.

"What is Hime Iikawa planning to do when he goes back?"

Iikawa Mitsuma said decisively.

"When I return to Nanao Castle, I will immediately mobilize the samurai army of Kashima County. Send a letter to Songba Castle and let the northern army go south to help in the battle and counterattack Yuza County.

The Kita Kaga army is in Etsuchu, and the land that was captured in Haza County, Noto Country last year must be emptied.

I would like to lead the army to take back Yuza County, penetrate Kita Kaga, and attack Oyama Gobo on the Kanazawa Plain. "

As she spoke, Yi Yin nodded.Iikawa Guangcheng didn't want to run away, but to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

The Kaga group had already killed the Wuyu hills, and Qili Laizhou led the Kagani corps, but they didn't know where they were. There were [-] troops on the southern front.

If he can ascend the samurai family to counterattack, he will enter Kita Kaga and threaten Oyama Gobo.Qili Laizhou had to retreat to rescue her. She couldn't bear the political consequences of the capture of Weishan Yufang.

After Iikawa finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Hatakeyama Yoshizuna with deep meaning, and then kowtowed to the ground.

Hatakeyama Yoshizuna got goosebumps at the sight of her, and remembered the content of the secret conversation before.Iikawa Mitsuma said that he would wholeheartedly help Shiba Yoshihiro win this battle and win back his trust.

Hatakeyama Yoshizuna looked at Shiba Yoshigin, who was looking at himself with questioning eyes.

Thinking of Iikawa Mitsuma's honest advice and Shiba Yoshigin's unwavering dedication to his allies, the Notohatayama House Governor trembled all over.

Panting heavily, with red eyes, she bowed deeply to Shiba Yoshigin.

"The benevolence and righteousness of the imperial platform will never leave me.

There is great chaos today, the martial arts do not know loyalty, and they attack each other.The people were displaced and miserable.This is why Yixiang Yikui took advantage of the loopholes, confuses all living beings, and brings disaster to the world!
Yutaisuo stepped forward to set things right.The Noto Hatakeyama family is willing to lead the horse and jump for you, and it is obligatory!

I will go back to Noto country and call on domestic samurai to expel Ichikomune and counterattack Kitakaga.

Anyone who wants to come can come!If no one comes, I will go to Kita Kaga alone, to relieve the worries and problems of the imperial platform! "

(End of this chapter)

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