different warring states of japan

Chapter 825 1 Compromise to Zong

Chapter 825
The Venerable Master Xianru smiled wryly and shook his head, and said.

"Shiba Yoshiyin is not easy to deal with, and his retainers are also very powerful.

Takada Yono of Sakai Port took advantage of the greed of the manager of the earth warehouse, and invested most of the temple's copper coins into the Hokuriku Road trade route.

Qili Laizhou of Hokuriku Road, Xiama Laizhao fought a war and blocked the trade roads, but Shiba Yoshiyin was opening up trade routes for me to make money, what do you want me to say?
In addition, the Nanman sect did not know what kind of channel it had taken, but unexpectedly broke into the capital and caught the eyes of the shogunate.

Mitsuhide Akechi wrote a letter, saying that he would guard the gate of the shogunate for my Buddha, prevent the Nanban sect from succeeding in its conspiracy, and get the right to preach. The righteous words made me speechless.

On my side, Xiajian Laizhao is still attacking her lord's garrison, besieging her lord's cavalry, how do you want me to reply?

You have seen it when you go to the place these few days. You know best what the rampant Nanman religion has become.

This is still underground preaching!If they get the right to preach, they might cause a lot of trouble! "

Next Lai Lian sighed and said.

"The believers in the three villages of Ono, Nakano, and Takahira in Arima County clashed with the Nanban missionaries in Mita Town. The Nanban believers came to support, and many people died on both sides.

Master Miyoshi Changyi from the Miyoshi family sent someone to inform me.The Danbo country is in trouble, and Miyoshi's family is busy suppressing the rebellion, and has no time to distinguish who is right and who is wrong.

She doesn't care about our affairs with the Nanban Sect, but Sanda Town is a transit point along the Yodo River, and the logistics depot here cannot be implicated.

If the logistics are messed up and the supply of the Miyoshi family's frontline army is affected, the Miyoshi family will not tolerate it. "

The Venerable Master Xianru snorted and said.

"Wu family, heh, Wu family."

Ishiyama Honganji Temple is located at the junction of Settsu, Izumi, and Hanoi. It has great influence and is not afraid of Miyoshi.Miyoshi's family is also unwilling to be contaminated with religious matters, which will cause a mess.

But this premise is that both parties are in peace.

It really delayed the military operation of the Miyoshi family, and the Wu family was so red-eyed that they didn't care about it.

Yixiang Zong is not afraid of the Sanhao family, but it does not mean that he wants to provoke the Sanhao family for nothing and cause trouble for himself.

The Venerable Master Xianru recited Namo Amitabha, and then said.

"General Ashikaga from Kyoto asked me through private channels why the Hokuriku Michiko sect raided her husband's residence."

Next time Lai Lian thought about it and said.

"Privately ask, the Ashikaga family probably doesn't want to conflict with my clan."

It seems that the Master glanced at her and said dissatisfied.

"Ashikaga Yoshiki doesn't want to think about it now, but if I don't explain it, she will think about it!
It's really troublesome until the shogunate formally warns me that it's hard for her and I to step down.This private communication is also to leave room for each other. "

When it came to this point, Lai Lian already understood what the Master said, and it seemed that the Master wanted to compromise.

Lai Lian was also in a dilemma, it seemed that the Venerable Master asked her to talk about these things in order to save face for Zhang Zhan.

What Lai Zhao did next was not wrong, but the result was too bad.The local monasteries in Hokuriku Road complained a lot, and the pressure on Shishan was also great.

The expansionists have suffered a big loss this time, and the conservatives within Honganji will inevitably raise more doubts, making it more difficult to launch the expansion that has always been the same.

Lai Lian said next time.

"Shiba Yoshigin is still very friendly to our sect, Shimo Lai Zhao did something wrong.

But for the sake of her loyalty and consideration for Benshan, can she be given another chance.

Although Qili Laizhou is not likable, this person has a pioneering heart, and it is not bad to exchange Noto land for harmony within Kaga.

The two failed this time because they chose the wrong opponent.Shiba Yoshigin is a strange man from the samurai family, and it is not the fault of the two of them that he is invincible. "

Seemingly the Master nodded slowly.

Next time, Lai Lian supports her idea of ​​compromise, and there will be no further incidents on the expansionist side.

The expansion faction suffered a big loss this time, and the interests of the Hokuriku-do Ichiko sect in Noto Etsuchu will definitely be damaged.

Xiajian Lailian desperately wants to keep Xiajian Laizhao and Qili Laizhou, mainly because of two considerations.

On the one hand, the strategy of the expansionists to use Yiyiyikui to expand externally remains unchanged.If they can't even keep their own people, it is tantamount to admitting that their expansion strategy is wrong in disguise.

On the other hand, Qili Laizhou and Xiajian Laizhao are generals who have always had the ability and desire to open up outside the clan. Whether they like them or not, the expansionists cannot chill the hearts of talents.

Therefore, Xiajian Lai Lian can cooperate with Master Xianru to quell the Hokuriku war, and Yixiangzong can admit his cowardice.However, these two people cannot move, this is her condition.

It is as the Master said.

"Although Qili Laizhou is disgusting, the current situation in Kaga is really inseparable from her, let her continue to be General Kaga.

But to warn her, it is better for Noto to let go.Let her spend more time in the Dasheng Temple area to get back the territory of Xiaozongsan Temple.

Don't be afraid to take back the Dasheng Temple, the Xiaozong will be revived.Whoever takes the territory back will be obeyed by the local public.

Let her be a person and do things with a little more atmosphere.

As for Xiajian Laizhao, I can pretend that I did not hear the complaints from the leaders of the two temples in Vietnam and China.I believe in you, and I believe in her.Let her settle down a bit, and negotiate peace with Shibo Yoshihiro earlier.

I will write to Yoshihiko Shiba stating that I have no intention of confronting him in Hokuriku.The Hokuriku Road trade route has a share of my family, and my family is also a beneficiary of being able to reach the Vietnam-China Taiping.

With my letter in front, Lai Zhao will go to the thorn to plead guilty next time.Yi Sibo Yiyin's wisdom must know how to restrain and stop. "

Next time Lai Lian bowed and thanked the Master for his kindness.

Master Xianru fully accepted the terms of the Expansion School, Qili Laizhou and Xiajian Laizhou did not move according to her, and the matter of peace talks was put on the agenda.

On the Hokuriku Road side, no matter whether it is the local Ichikomune or Shiba Yoshigin, they probably don't know yet that Ichikomune has already invested in the Hokuriku Road trade route.

It seems that the Venerable Venerable Master passed on this news to give both parties a ladder to step down.

Noto country can no longer fight, and Nanao Port is an important part of the Hokuriku Road trade route.

In order to stabilize the interior, Qili Laizhou does not necessarily need to acquire land from Noto.Fight back to Dashojigawa, and use the enemy of the Echizen Asakura family to unite the hearts of the people.

The Northern Iga Dazong's forces slowly invaded and gradually swallowed up the Xiaozong's territory. This is what Master Xianru asked Qili Laizhou for.

And Xiajian Laizhao wants to bridge the differences between the two temple leaders in Vietnam and China, and this battle cannot continue.

It seems that the Venerable Master told her to go to Shibo Yoshiyin because only Shibo Yoshiyin was sincerely willing to reconcile with Yixiangzong.

The local warriors of Yuezhong coveted the land of the Yizongzong of Yuezhong, and now they have the upper hand, they must tear off a piece of flesh and blood, and even eat it alive.

But Yoshihiro Shiba is different.

The relationship between the Shiba family and Ichikomune was not limited to the military conflict in Hokuriku, but also the upper echelons of both sides cooperated politically and economically.

Local friction is not what the top management wants to see.It seems that the Master is unwilling to fall out with the Shiba family, and she believes that Yoshihiro Shiba is also unwilling to completely fall out with the Ichikozong.

That being the case, let's see how the Royal Taisuo united vertically and horizontally to reconcile the contradictions between the Yixiangzong and the local samurai.

It seemed that the Venerable Master had confidence in the young man's intelligence.

(End of this chapter)

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