different warring states of japan

Chapter 826: The broken escape route

Chapter 826: The broken escape route

Next time Lai Lian saw that the Venerable Master was relieved, and felt a little annoyed.

"My sect makes such a concession, what if the imperial court can't suppress the greed of the warriors?"

Appearing as the Master's Dharma is solemn, compassionate and compassionate.

"King Kong also glares at times, since he can't back down, then there's no need to back down.

The top and bottom of the Hongan Temple will go to the Dharma disaster together, and there will be no Amitabha Buddha in the south. "

Ichigo Sect, Pure Land Sect is also the extreme branch of Pure Land Sect.Since the founding of Shinluan Sage, nearly [-] years, it has been tempered by time and time.

Benshan alone has been relocated several times.Otani Honganji Temple and Nishina Honganji Temple were all burned down by the hostile sects and samurai.

Money can be saved again, even if the Nanman Cult gets the right to preach, it is not invincible.The bottom line of the sect and the dignity of orthodoxy should not be desecrated.

If Yoshihiko Shiba refuses to level the bowl of water in the Hokuriku Road, and the Master Xianru is driven into a hurry, he will be destroyed.


The reaction and decision-making of various parties to the Hokuriku Expressway have not yet been communicated back to Vietnam and China.

Shiba Yoshigin's cavalry army had already been forced by the army of Yixiang Zong to go south to the Hida Highlands to avoid encirclement and suppression.

During these ten days, Shiba Yoshiyin led the cavalry army to burn, kill and loot more than ten monasteries. Food and military supplies were taken away if they could be taken away, and burned on the spot if they could not be taken away.

For the sake of future negotiations, Yiyin destroyed the food but not the temple, and the nun was expelled from the temple and took shelter in the surrounding villages.Also because he did not do anything absolutely, the resistance of the local monastery was much lighter.

After entering Ruiquan Temple for three days, all parties came to help.

Shiba Yoshigin cut in from the southeast, walked south, west, and north in a circular arc, and finally was flanked by the army led by Zuisenji who returned from the north, and the Kaga army who came to aid from the east and west, and fled south.

After leaving Zuisenji Temple in the south, Yoshigin headed east into the mountains, avoiding the enemy, and at the same time looking for the powerful army of Hida country Ema.

Between Vietnam and China and Hida, it is blocked by the Hida Mountains.From Hida country to Vietnam, the best passage is to go north along the valley banks of the two rivers, Shogawa and Miyagawa.

The Hida Highlands in the south of Tonami County is the upper reaches of the Shogawa River.Shirakawa Township in the Hida area and Wuyi Mountain in the Etsuchu area are the borders between the two countries.

The upper reaches of Shogawa run through the two countries, and along the river from south to north are Hagimachi Castle, Ainokura Castle and Suganuma Castle.

Arriving at the line of Suganuma Castle, it is actually not far from Zuisenji Temple on the plain below the mountain.It's just that the mountain is so high that it's inconvenient to go straight down.

Shibo Yiyin's back road was cut off, so he had to follow the mountain to the east of Ruiquan Temple, go to Zhuangchuan and enter the mountain, looking for Jiangma Huisheng's support.

He licked his lips and walked for a long time with smoke in his throat and dry lips.Looking at the front and back of the queue, Warrior Ji looked listless.

"The hometown of Kamo's family."


Pusheng Shixiang led the horse to Yiyin's side and asked respectfully.

"Royal Tower, what are your orders?"

"Order the front to stop and rest on the spot. Send Mojianfan to scout the vicinity, and ask Kawada Changki and the others to come and talk."


Gamo Shigo hurriedly went to work, and Ii Naomasa who was beside Yoshihiro had already taken the rein from his hand and pulled the horse aside.

It is not easy to gallop in the mountains, and the horses have been tired for many days, and many were killed in battle.Before the departure, there were one person and two horses, but now it is barely one person and one horse, and there are still a few horses missing.

Yiyin sat under a big tree, his hands and legs trembling uncontrollably, he was exhausted from the past ten days.

Naomasa Ii brought a clear spring from the mountain and offered it with both hands.Yiyin took it and drank it without thinking about cooking it before drinking it.

Starting a fire and boiling water is tantamount to exposing one's position, and it is not suitable for fleeing for one's life.Although raw water and cold food can stuff your teeth and boil your stomach, there is no way.

Jing Yi Naomasa stared blankly at Yoshihiro, his face blushed, and he said embarrassedly.

"It's so thirsty, it's ugly."

Ii Naomasa shook his head.

"It's me who waited for Warrior Ji to be incompetent, and I suffered together with the imperial court."

Yiyin smiled, and just wanted to comfort the little girl.There was a series of hurried footsteps and the sound of armor colliding. Yiyin looked up and saw several Ji warriors walking in the distance.

A group of Ji warriors walked up to them, bowed together and said.

"The Imperial Palace is safe."

"Well, everyone has worked hard, sit down."

Several Ji warriors didn't dare to say anything, they sat in a half circle in front of Yiyin, and bowed again.

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"We are not familiar with the mountains here, so we can't go deeper, because we are afraid of getting lost if we go deeper.

Either find Jiangma Huisheng, or find the local Orion mountain people as a guide, otherwise you can't move forward. "


The leader, Kawada, bowed and agreed, and she looked up at the dusty and tired Odaisho with admiration in her heart.

Just as she was about to counterattack Sun Palace City, the Imperial Commander had already rushed to help with the cavalry.Yi Xiangzong, who was defending the city, did not expect that the defeated soldiers would go back and return, and was defeated by the surprise attack.

Afterwards, Shiba Yoshigin proposed a plan to invade the territory of Zuisenji, and Kawada's father certainly did not dare to let him take the risk alone.If something happened to the imperial platform, none of the Ji warriors in Hinomiya City would be able to survive.

Since he can't be persuaded, he might as well accompany Yiyin for a walk.

Yamamoto Temple defended the lost Hinomiya Castle, and Kawada lost his reserve team to her, and dispatched almost all Ji warriors and horses to accompany Shiba Yoshigin to fight.

Shiba Yoshigin was going to use offense instead of defense, and Yamamoto Josaka didn't dare to lose the castle anymore, and Uesugi Terutora killed his whole family when he turned around.

Anyway, the second daughter had already run back to Fushan City to report the news, and she also had the heart of death.He defended Hinomiya Castle by himself, and his eldest daughter, Takacho Yamamotoji, led the warrior Hime of the Yamamotoji family to attack along with the imperial platform.

Therefore, Shiba Yoshiyin led the team across Zhuangchuan, rushed to fight in ten days, and won seven battles and seven victories.

Kawada Changkin's department, Yamamotoji's department, and Shiba Yoshigin's concentric congregation, a total of [-] horses, and now there are only [-] horses left.

Yiyin glanced at the few people in front of him, Kawada Changqin, Yoshie Zijian, Shisaka Nagami, Yamamotoji Kocho, bowing slightly.

"Bring you all, and follow me to death."

The four of them were taken aback, and hurriedly avoided the courtesy and returned the courtesy, the leader, Kawada Changqin, said.

"Royal Taisuo, why did you say that?

We are honored to fight hundreds of miles with you, and we won all the battles within ten days, seven battles and seven victories. This is the glory of being a Ji warrior.

Besides, this place is definitely not a dead place.

As early as in Wufu Mountain, I sent someone to contact Master Jiang Ma Huisheng.She was rewarded at Hinomiya Castle, and she was already in the Ogimachi Castle area, and immediately went up the river along the river.

Now that ten days have passed, it should not be far from here.I thought, her army should have reached Suganuma Castle ahead. "

Hetian Changqin pointed to the mountain ahead, and the mountain peaks were layer upon layer, making it impossible to see the way ahead.

Yiyin nodded with a forced smile.

"hope so."

If he hadn't had to, he really didn't want to go into the mountains to escape, so he asked Jiang Ma Huisheng to help him.

According to his original plan, after the cavalry army smashed, smashed, looted and burned for a few days, they should walk back along Zhuangchuan, returning to Takaoka Castle or Hinomiya Castle.

But he is good at counting, and others are not stupid.

Sugiura Gento, who was heading east, led the Kaga Yikui crowd to turn back quickly, blocking Shogawa's retreat.

Qili Laizhou led the Ni Corps to pass through the Kulijialuo Pass, entered Yuezhong Tonami County, and blocked the west.

The army led by Zuisenji was commanded by Shimoma Raizhao, blocking the way back to Takaoka Castle from the north.

Shiba Yoshiyin had no choice but to go south to avoid the army's suppression and look for Ema Huisheng, who was invited by Terotora Uesugi to support him on the border of Hida.

(End of this chapter)

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