different warring states of japan

Chapter 876 1 Arrow Gets Two Eagles

Chapter 876
Back then, Shiba Yoshigin shined brilliantly in the battle of Miyoshi's home Shangluo.

In one fell swoop, the army sent by the Miyoshi family to Yamato was defeated, Miyoshi Yoshiko, the successor of Miyoshi Changqing, was killed, and the first battle general of the Miyoshi family survived.

Afterwards, he rushed to help the frontal battlefield in the Osaka Plain, and broke through the siege in Jiaoxingji Village. Miyoshi Changyi was heartbroken, and this laid the foundation for the harmony between the two sides.

And Yono Takada relied on force in Sakai Port, Shiba Shinsengumi, and the Shiba family also benefited from the agreement between the two parties.

Once the Miyoshi family broke with the shogunate and the war resumed, Takada Yono's business activities in Sakai Port would be greatly threatened.

Although she used the Hokuriku Road trade route, she continued to win over the shogunate, the Miyoshi family, the local samurai family, and Yi Muzong as a shareholder, weaving a protective umbrella with interests as the link.

But unless it is absolutely necessary, Takata Yono still does not want the Miyoshi family to tear themselves apart from the shogunate, adding unstable variables to the Hokuriku Road trade route.

Akechi Mitsuhide should be very aware of the importance of the Hokuriku Road trade route to the Lord.The master's Kanto strategy can be smoothly advanced, and a large part of the factor is to rely on the business profits of the Hokuriku Road trade route to support it.

But she insisted on using the shogunate's tiger skin to stimulate Miyoshi's family. What was she trying to do?Takada Yona couldn't figure it out.

Akechi Mitsuhide could have used other methods to transport the grain by negotiating with the Miyoshi family.Instead of using the shogunate to directly stimulate the already very sensitive nerves of the Miyoshi family.

This kind of approach is not like the actions of this sinister man with a honey belly and a sword, it is really reckless.

Imai Zongjiu pointed to the letter and said again.

"The letter said that Settsu country can buy a little more grain.

I really can't figure out the meaning of this sentence. Isn't this driving the three good people to go crazy? "

A thought flashed in Takada Yono's mind, his eyes widened and his pupils shrank.

Settsu country is the territory of Miyoshi and three people. They originally owned Settsu, Tamba and Sakai Port, and their strength is not weaker than that of Miyoshi's clan in Shikoku.

Now, in Sakai Port, the Miyoshi clan has sent the neutral Miyoshi Yasunaga to divide the power, and the Hatano family in Tanba country is rebelling again.

The trio of three good people are already facing the dilemma of being on fire in all directions and being besieged on all sides.

In fact, the three generations of the Hatano family were all Tanba guardians recognized by the shogunate. The name of this rebel was not justified, and it was not easy to suppress.

If at this time, there is a food shortage in Setjin, the only country under control, what will Miyoshi and Sanyou do?If this gap was created by the shogunate, would they hate the general to death?

The most terrifying thing is the last blow before death.It doesn't matter if you don't care about the dead hand, it's better to drag a back before you die.

Hideji Hatano's protection of Tanba was recognized by General Ashikaga.

If the Miyoshi and the three of Settsu were in trouble because of the shogunate's purchase of grain, the debt would definitely be transferred to the general by Akechi Mitsuhide.

New hatred and old hatred. .It doesn't matter if you are a general or whoever you are, whoever catches and bites whoever you are.

Takada Yono suddenly felt a little excited, Akechi Mitsuhide finally showed his feet.

For more than a year, watching her submissive to General Ashikaga in Kyoto, and taking what she gave, felt something was wrong.

This bastard looked at the lord like a fox looking at a chicken, and his saliva was about to stay. How could he let the lord marry into the imperial palace?

The lord will come back one day, and the status of the Imperial Palace is a huge stone that weighs on the chests of all Shiba's retainers who admire him, making people breathless.

The stronger the Ashikaga general, the more stable his position, and the greater the possibility of the Ashikaga confluence.

How could Mitsuhide Akechi, a black-bellied woman, be willing to sincerely help the general stabilize the shogunate and become a powerful force.

Yono Takada is far away in Sakai Port, so he doesn't know the specific situation in Kyoto.But from the matter of Nanbanjiao going to Luo, she had a glimpse of the leopard, and she had already discovered that Akechi Mitsuhide had a lot of energy in the capital.

Now the grain purchase reminder in this letter is almost naked hostility to the general.

This guy made it clear that Setjin State bought grain, and he told himself clearly that she wanted to provoke a dispute between the shogunate and the Miyoshi family.Then there can only be one goal, which is to bring down the general.

No matter who is the general, Ashikaga Yoshiki must step down, and the trend of Ashikaga convergence must be interrupted!

The corners of Takada Yoshino's mouth turned up, and the smile on his face became wider and wider.She didn't mind being used by Akechi Mitsuhide at all to overthrow Ashikaga Yoshiki's general throne, leaving almost a feather on the ground.

Anyway, Takada Yono didn't know anything, she just did her part.It was Mitsuhide Akechi's conspiracy to stir up a fight between the Miyoshi family and the shogunate, and to bring down the general.

When things are done, the lord will return to the nearest few days, facing the mess, he will be furious.

At that time, I will sell Mitsuhide Akechi, and let the master know that it is this guy who is obedient and disobedient, disrupting the master's strategic decision to maintain a near-stable situation.

The general was disgraced and deposed, and Akechi Mitsuhide was also neglected by the lord. Both of them lost the possibility of getting married with the lord. This is killing two birds with one stone.

The more Takada Yono thought about it, the more excited he became. Compared to ruining the marriage between the general and the lord, the risk of the Hokuriku Road trade route is nothing.

Even if it destroys the Hokuriku trade route that has been painstakingly built, as long as the general and Akechi Mitsuhide can go, she is willing to do so.

Lord, no, Shiba Yoshigin belongs to me, Takada Yono!
Her eyes were like lightning, and she glanced at Imai Sohisa who was still confused about the letter, and said firmly.

"Everything should be done according to Mitsuhide Akechi-sama's orders, especially for Settsu country's food, I want as much as the merchants give."

Imai Zongjiu let out a hi, and kowtowed to the ground.She felt uneasy, and always felt that something was wrong.

Takada Yonoha had never addressed Akechi Mitsuhide as an adult, this time he not only called out respectfully, but also obeyed her arrangements.Rather than being respectful, it was more like throwing the blame on Akechi Mitsuhide.

What happened in the end?

Imai Sohisa looked at Takada Yono's happy face, but he didn't dare to ask a word.

Political struggles are darker and more shameless than commercial ones.Ask less about everything, do more, and live a few more years.


Yono Takada from Sakai Port is helping Mitsuhide Akechi while preparing to hand over the responsibility to her.In Iga Ueno Castle, Maeda Yoshihiro was not idle either, and was also digging a hole.

Inside the castle tower, Maeda Masayoshi smiled and said to his mother Maeda Toshihisa.

"The news that the general sent Wada Weizheng back to Jiahe County to win over the Jiahe people has spread, and the Liujiao family has been arguing.

Shinto, Goto and several important ministers all demanded severe punishment of the two Mochizuki Mountains among the Koga congregation, so as to make an example of others.

Liujiao Yizhi resolutely refused to let go, and tried his best to protect Jiahezhong.It hasn't been long since the release of the Hexagon's style, and the two sides have already competed.

It's really interesting. "

Maeda Toshihisa asked, frowning.

"Wada Yoomasa returned to his family's territory in Minami Omi in the name of supervising spring plowing.

Even if the general entrusted her with a secret mission, how could Liujiao's retainers know the news? "

(End of this chapter)

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