Chapter 877

Maeda benefit shamelessly sneered.

"Who else? With such a despicable method, I can smell it with my nose that Mitsuhide Akechi is behind it.

She was finally going to do it. "

Maeda Toshihisa shook his head.

"General Ashikaga's status is extraordinary.

Although the strength of the shogunate is not as good as it was back then, the dignity of the Hanoi Genji lineage is recognized throughout the world.

Mitsuhide Akechi spread these rumors, at best, it only made the internal chaos in the Rokkaku family more prosperous.It is not so simple to oust the general in office.

The Liujiao family's power is declining, not to mention forcing the general to abdicate, even driving the general out of the capital, her family can't do it. "

Maeda Yoshiki nodded, agreeing with his mother's statement.

Even if it was Akechi Mitsuhide who revealed Ashikaga Yoshiki's win over Koga, it would not change the overall situation.

Today's Liujiao family is already a candle in the wind, not like the scenery when Maeda Yoshihiro accompanied Shiba Yiyin to Luo.

Maeda Riku analyzed.

"After the spring plowing, the three of Ximinong led an army to attack Northern Ise.

Gamo Kenhide has been begging the retainer regiment to send troops to support Kita Ise in the Rokkaku family for the sake of the two younger brothers and sisters in the eight counties of Kita Ise, Kobe Komori and Guan Shinsheng.

The Gamo family is separated from the eight counties of Kita-Ise by the Suzuka Mountains, and the ambition of the Oda family has made her family feel like a thorn in the back.

It's a pity that the hearts of the Liujiao family have been dispersed, each family is busy fighting among themselves, and even the Wu family who is a vassal of Kita Ise can't take care of it, it's really short-sighted.

His Highness Oda is digesting the Mino country, but the three people from West Mino are throwing stones to ask for directions, and Kita Ise can persist for a while.

But the Liujiao family is so perfunctory, and the Kita Ise samurai family must be disappointed. When His Highness Oda completes the internal integration, he will definitely launch it with all his strength.

The Kita Ise samurai family will definitely submit to the coercion of the Oda family, and the Liujiao family will completely lose this rich buffer zone, and directly feel the sharpness of His Highness Oda. "

Maeda profit laughed.

"How could the Liujiao family care about Kita Ise, since the day the Liujia Shimu was released, Liujia Yizhi wanted to renege on his debt.

But this style was bought by Kento Goto with his life. The power of the hexagonal vassals to restrain the master has never been so great. Who would give up?

Others would agree, Goto Kentoyo's daughter, the current Goto family governor Gao Zhi, would not agree.

The Rokkaku vassal group demanded that the Mochizuki and Yamanaka families be severely punished, just to try whether the sharp knife of Rokkaku Shikime could be used.

Liujiao Yizhi protected Jiahezhong and did not allow the two families in Mochizuki Mountain to be punished, so they were forced to the corner and had to resist.

The Jiahe people were almost the only Liujiao retainers who stood firmly on the side of Liujiao's main family during the riots at Guanyin Temple.

Although the minds of these samurai in Koga County are impure, if Liujiao Yizhi doesn't protect them, no one in Liujiao's family will really speak for the master's family anymore. "

Maeda Riku nodded and said.

"The samurai family in Koga County has always been semi-independent from the edge of the Liujiao family. Of the fifty-three families in Koga, twenty-one are Liujiao's retainers, but they never pay military food and service, and self-government in the manner of the county.

The Liujiao vassal group had long thought that these Jiahe people were not pleasing to the eye, this time the general sent Wada Yuizheng to win over the two families in Mochizuki Mountain, with deep intentions.

A successful win is equivalent to digging a big hole in the Liujiao family.Even if it failed, it gave the Liujia vassal group an excuse to force Liujia Yizhi to nationalize the leader of Koga County and incorporate it into military and food services.

No matter what Liujiao Yizhi does, he can't settle this matter, and the conflict will only become more and more intensified.

She didn't even dare to use force, and the Goto Kentoyo incident should not happen again.If it happens again, the Liujiao family will completely fall apart.

The general's move is really accurate, Liujiao Yizhi wants to hate the general to death.

I just can't figure it out, is it really Akechi Mitsuhide's work?What could she gain from it?
Even if Liujiao Yizhi hated the general again, and the Liujiao family was in such a mess, he was no longer able to threaten Kyoto.

Akechi Mitsuhide took the risk to do this, and if the general finds out, she will end up in a dead end instead. What is she planning? "

Maeda Toshihisa didn't really believe that smart Mitsuhide Akechi would do such a stupid thing, but Maeda Yoshihisa firmly believed in it.

she sneered.

"I would be wrong about other things, but this one is definitely not wrong. Akechi Mitsuhide couldn't help it, yes, she can bear it for more than a year, I am also very impressed.

Just thinking about the fact that the lord is going to marry into the Imperial Palace makes me sleepless all night.

Akechi Mitsuhide's admiration for the lord is not inferior to mine, and she still has to flatter the general in every possible way in Kyoto, how did she survive?

I really really admire her. "

Maeda Toshihisa glanced at his daughter dissatisfied, and subconsciously looked towards the outer door, feeling uneasy.

Although it is known that the two are talking in secret, no one will know.But her daughter showed her hostility towards General Ashikaga so unscrupulously, and as a traditional Ji samurai, she was still uneasy.

Maeda Riku whispered.

"Be careful, how can you say these words!"

Maeda Yoshiki smiled at his mother with deep eyes.

"Don't worry, mother, I know the severity, that is, in front of you. On weekdays, I am a good samurai who admires the shogunate."

Maeda Toshihisa sighed secretly, she was getting more and more unable to understand this daughter.

At the beginning, the girl who had a tendency to avoid the world and made no secret of her contempt for the tradition of the samurai family had already been stained badly by political struggle.

Shiba Yoshigin, Shiba Yoshigin, I really owe you the Maeda family.

Maeda Toshihisa had complicated eyes.

As a traditional Ji warrior, she should be thankful that her daughter is getting more and more mature.But thinking of her unrepentant obsession with Yoshihiko Shiba, she felt uneasy again.

So is the daughter, so is Mitsuhide Akechi, and those Shiba retainers who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth.How dare they have such deep malice towards General Ashikaga, it is crazy.

Knowing that he was powerless to persuade his daughter to change her mind, Maeda Toshihisa sighed and said.

"No matter what, you must not be used by Mitsuhide Akechi and end up hurting yourself."

Maeda Yoshiki chuckled.

"Mother, don't worry, she is sensible that Mitsuhide wants to force the general to step down, and it has nothing to do with my Maeda interests.

However, since there is no threat to the Liujiao family, I am also willing to make peace with her family and maintain peace between Kaga country and Koka county. "

Maeda Riku looked at his daughter and sneered.

"Did you show off your feet? You are also tempted to help Mitsuhide Akechi.

The biggest external threat to Koka County is the Iga Army under your command.If you stop the troops and make peace, Jiahe people will have no worries, and then they will concentrate on fighting with the Liujiao vassal group.

The more valuable the general sees Jia Hezhong, the more deeply he will intervene in the South Omi River dispute. "

Maeda Yoshiki smiled.

"Achieki Mitsuhide hopes that the general will go deep into the disputes of the Liujiao family, and there must be someone behind him to keep up.

It is useless to rely on words to do things in the Wu family. Only swords and guns can convince people the most.I think the general will send troops to Sakamoto Castle to deter Minami Omi.

The general's army is not large. If a large army enters Nanjinjiang, the capital will be empty. "

Maeda Toshihisa fixed his eyes and sighed. Akechi Mitsuhide probably had this intention.

(End of this chapter)

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