different warring states of japan

Chapter 900 The only choice

Chapter 900 The only choice
Hojo Shiyasu shook his head and sighed.

"Tiger poison does not eat women, Numata Kenyasu is really insane, so what is our countermeasure?"

In fact, she was just casually saying that fighting for power and profit among Wu families, and mother, daughter and sister killing each other are commonplace and commonplace.

It's just that Numata Xiantai is so stubborn, which frustrates the Hojo family's strategy, and always finds a way to get rid of her.

Hojo Genan replied calmly.

"Numada Kenyasu's second daughter is the daughter-in-law of the Usabashi Nagano family, and like her elder sister, she has a close heart to my family.

I have already asked the Nagano family in the stable bridge to come forward and help the Numata family to make things right, so that the crazy governor who murdered women can retire and repent as soon as possible. "

Hojo Shiyasu smiled slightly, this is a good idea.It would be best to let the pro-Hojo faction inside the Numata family do it.And with the help of the Stable Bridge Nagano family, they will definitely be there.

she asked again.

"Where's the Nagano family in Minowa Castle? Nagano is hard to persuade, right?"

Hojo Huanan was really helpless this time, and sighed.

"The governor of Xiaofan's family in Guofeng City is her daughter-in-law, and I have already asked her to persuade her. However, I think it is very difficult."

Hojo Shiyasu also smiled wryly.

Nagano Yezheng's nail is not easy to pull out. One daughter-in-law went to persuade her to make a p. She has twelve wives, and the relationship network is too complicated.

The Hojo family did not dare to use the trick of instigating civil strife like they did against the Numata family.If Nagano Yasho is moved, I'm afraid it will attract the dissatisfaction of her twelve daughter-in-laws.

Even Guofeng Xiaoban's family may not be happy to see Nagano Ye being ousted from power, which is really stabbing a hornet's nest.The mother-in-law party in Nishi Ueno is not easy to mess with.

Hojo Shiyasu had no choice but to comfort him.

"Minowa Castle is not located along the Tone River after all, although the threat of occupying Nishi Ueno is not small, there is still room for maneuver.

If you can't persuade Nagano Yezheng, let's put it aside for now. "

Hojo Huanan nodded.

"I have dispatched the Fuma Ninja to spread rumors in Echigo and Ueno.

Let’s just say that Nagano Ye is secretly taking refuge in my family to separate the Uesugi and Nagano families, hoping to play a role. "

When Hojo Shiyasu heard this, he shook his head secretly.

It’s good that the rumor doesn’t spread. Once it spreads, Nagano Karmasa must firmly support Uesugi Terotora to offset the bad influence of the rumor.My aunt kept everything secret, this trick was a bit bad.

Hojo Ushiyasu didn't plan to say anything more, Nagano Yesho's matter was not easy to deal with, Hojo Genan's move can be regarded as a dead horse as a living horse doctor, which is understandable.

East Ueno is the most nervous place for the Hojo family because of the existence of Tonegawa, while West Ueno is actually of little use to the Hojo family.

Uesugi Terotora is more nervous about Nishi Ueno, because the Nishi Ueno Samurai can cut off the supply lines she set up in the cities along the Tone River in Ueno.

Without this supply line, the Uesugi family would not be able to attack Musashi, Sagami and other Hojo family territories in the southern part of the Kanto Plain.

On the other hand, if the Takeda family invaded the Ueno country, West Ueno would be an obstacle that the Koshin mountain samurai had to overcome, and they would value this place more than the Uesugi family.

But at this time, Takeda Harunobu was pinching the soft persimmon of Imagawa Shima in the Tokaido, so how could he have time to come to Ueno to swim in this muddy water.

Therefore, Hojo Shiyasu just tried to test Nagano Karmasa of Nishi Ueno, even if he failed, he didn't care too much, because it didn't matter.

But for Higashi Ueno, Hojo Ujiyasu very much hoped to control it, but he was powerless.

she exclaimed.

"My aunt has troubled me, but just relying on diplomacy to use the Ueno samurai family will not be able to stop Terutora Uesugi.

We should be prepared and not have too much hope. "

The concubines of the Hojo family who were present all agreed.As the saying goes, they are beyond reach, and without the backing of force, these Kwantung samurai who are like grass on the wall are unreliable.

Hojo Shiyasu asked again.

"How is the situation of Iwazuki Ota's family? What did Ota Susuma say?"

One of the attendees bowed and said.

"I advised Ota Zizheng with a letter from home, but her reply was very perfunctory."

This person is Ota Ziyasu, governor of the Edo Ota family, and the current Edo Jojo.

The Ota family is the head of the Ogiya Uesugi family, and has a high status in the Musashi Kingdom.At the beginning, the ancestors of the Ota family made great contributions to the rise of the Ogaya Uesugi family.

Especially the fortification of Iwafu Castle, Matsuyama Castle, Kagoe Castle, and Edo Castle, which are important Musashi towns, all have the figure of the Ota family.

During the struggle between the Hojo family and the Ogiya Uesugi family, the direct descendants of Ota ancestors surrendered to the Hojo family following the fall of Edo Castle, and there have been two generations.

Ota Kosuke was the family governor of this generation, and he was reused by the Hojo family to guard Edo Castle.

The Ota Sukmasa of the Iwazuki Ota family is the niece of Ota's ancestors.Recently, with the destruction of the Hojo family, the two Uesugi families had to bow their heads.

The Hojo family has a deep foundation in the Sagami country, and the front line of the small machine city in Yusheng City is all led by relatives, which is reassuring.

Hojo Shiyasu was worried about the Musashi defense line led by the three cities of Matsuyama, Kawagoe, and Edo in Musashi.

The Hojo family has not been in the Musashi country long enough to nationalize the local samurai family and replace these cities with a group of members and important ministers trusted by the Hojo family.

Hojo Shiyasu sighed, also a little annoyed.

Originally, she was ready to attack the Musashi samurai family, but Uesugi Terutora's southward strategy interrupted the process, and also aroused the fear and resentment of the North Musashi family towards the Hojo family.

Stealing chickens is not a loss of rice.

Hojo Shiyasu asked Ota Yasuko to write a letter to persuade him, hoping that Ota Suzaku would stabilize his position.With her as an example, the families of Kita Musashi can follow the Hojo family with peace of mind, and will not be instigated by Uesugi Terutora.

Now it seems that Ota Zimasa has a different heart, and most of the Narita family in Shinobi City are also unreliable, which makes Hojo Ujiyasu very upset.

Marching and fighting is not a game, and the success or failure of a war mostly depends on whether the logistics support is perfect.

From the map, the shortest distance from Echigo to Sagami should be through Nishi Ueno, and Nishi Musashi directly inserts into Sagami country.But in reality marching, it's hard to do that.

There are mountains and hills along this route, and most of the logistics supplies rely on people and animals to travel the mountain roads to transport luggage.There is not one out of ten military rations that can reach the front line, which is simply burning money.

When a large army goes to battle, the most economical way to replenish is to march along the waterway, and only choose the land route when it is necessary.The rugged mountain road is the last helpless choice.

To go south, Uesugi Terutora would only use water transportation to reduce the pressure on supplies.Only then can the huge Echigo army be sent to the Musashi Sagami two countries in the south.

The Tone River runs through the Ueno-Musashi country, the Arakawa runs across the Musashi country from west to east, and the Sumida River after the two rivers join in the south.

This logistics supply line is almost the only choice for Uesugi Terutoro.

Although Hojo Genan is making small moves in Ueno, all the girls of the Hojo family understand.Under Uesugi Terutora's crushing military strength, that little trouble can only disgust her.

The key to really stopping Echigo's army is still in Musashi's country, that is, Ninja Castle, Iwatsuki, Matsuyama, Kawagoe, Edo and other cities that control the Tone River and Arakawa River Basin.

(End of this chapter)

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