different warring states of japan

Chapter 901 Kamakura Ashikaga Family

Chapter 901 Kamakura Ashikaga Family

Hojo Shiyasu looked at one of the attendees and said.

"Gangcheng, what do you think?"

That person has firm eyebrows, handsome facial features, and slender limbs. She is a middle-aged beautiful woman with a heroic figure and still charming charm.

She is married to the son of the second-generation family governor and married into the Hojo family. She is also a sister of the same generation as Hojo Ujiyasu.

Hojo Tsuna raised his eyebrows and said.

"It is indeed difficult for the Iwazuki Ota family, but we can't find a solution for a while. Instead of worrying about things that can't be solved, I'd better do my part.

If Terotora Uesugi invades the Musashi Kingdom, I promise you.Heyue City will not fall until I die.

As long as Kagoe Castle is still in our hands, the Musashi samurai will have some scruples, and Terotora Uesugi's trust in them is also limited. "

Hojo Shiyasu smiled, Hojo Tsunasari's words were very reckless, but it did fit her temperament.

The Musashi Kingdom is surrounded by mountains in the west and plains in the east.

The Chichibu County in the northwest is connected with the Kai Country and Nishi Ueno by the Chichibu Mountains.Tama County in the southwest borders Sagami Country with the Tama Hills.

Kawagoe Castle is the center of Musashi Kingdom, located in the northern part of the Musashi Plain, and the northwest is the source of Arakawa, Kobu Shindake.

Kawagoe City blocked the core waterway from the Musashi Mountains to the southeast lowlands, and the lowland fertile soil along the middle and lower reaches of Arakawa was also under the threat of Kawagoe Castle's soldiers.

At the beginning, General Kanto and the two Uesugi families faced the expansion of the Hojo family and finally joined hands in earnest. That was the most dangerous moment for the Hojo family.

It was Hojo Tsunashiro, the so-called brave Hojo family, who resolutely defended Kawagoe Castle.This gave the Hojo family a chance to reorganize and counterattack.

In the end, the Hojo family was able to defeat the coalition forces in the Kawagoe Night Battle, completely establishing their dominant position in the Kanto Plain, and Hojo Tsunashige was deeply trusted for this.

She is the lord of Yusheng City, the generation of He Yue City.He is also in charge of the Heyue people on the front line, holding Huang Bei, the elite five-color equipment of the Hojo family, whose reputation and strength are second to none in the family.

Hojo Shiyasu was very satisfied with Hojo Tsunashi's answer.

It was also because the decision just now was too depressing and somewhat depressed the morale of the family, so she chose to let Hojo Tsunari speak out to encourage everyone.

When General Kwantung and the two Uesugi families joined forces to attack, the Hojo family survived.Could Terotora Uesugi's southward attack be more terrifying than that offensive?Is it still possible to call to the territory of Sagami country?
Hojo Shiyasu couldn't help laughing at himself.Maybe it's because the older I am, the less courageous I am, and I think too much about my opponent.

As long as the Kawagoe Castle cannot be taken down, the Musashi samurai who have lingering fears about the Kawagoe battle will not be able to wholeheartedly rely on Uesugi Terutora.

And Uesugi Terutora will also be wary of the local samurai at both ends of these snakes and rats.

This is a conspiracy, and there is no way to explain it cleverly.The only solution is to break the situation violently, and watch Uesugi Terutora break a few teeth under Kawagoe Castle.

For Hojo Tsunashi, the Hojo family is very confident.

Hojo Ujiyasu thought for a while, and bowed slightly to the beautiful samurai who was slightly lower than himself and sat sideways on the other side of the vice seat.

"Kamakura Hall, what do you think of the Kanto Office?"

This young Ji samurai, who is naked, is none other than Yoshishi Ashikaga, the current Kamakura government, general of Kanto.

Although she was criticized by the Kanto samurai family and called a puppet of the Hojo family, in fact, Hojo Shiyasu respected her a lot.He has his own residence, is also the head of the Hojo sect, and leads his own army.

Her father is the son of the Hojo family, and her own husband is also the son of the Hojo family. He has already integrated into the Hojo samurai group with honor and disgrace.

She doesn't care about the outside world's pointing, at least on the surface, and she is not ashamed.

Hearing that Yasushi Hojo mentioned the Kanto Office, Yoshishi Ashikaga sneered.

"What kind of Kanto servants are just a thing created by the Kyoto shogunate to fool the Kanto samurai family.

There is only one service office in Kanto, which is the Kamakura service office established by General Yoritomo Yoritomo in Kamakura, the predecessor of the Samurai shogunate.

Today, the Kansai people from Kyoto set up a Kanto servant in Echigo, which is an insult to me and the Kanto samurai family!
Shiba Yoshigin, hehe, if I meet him on the battlefield, I will cut off his head and offer it to Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine to comfort the heroic spirit.

Your Highness Hojo, you don't have to care about these shogunate lackeys from Kyoto.Whether it's Uesugi Terutora's Kanto supervisor or Shiba Yoshiyin's Kanto waiter, I don't recognize it at all!

You are my Guandong leader, please let go of what you have to do! "

After Yoshishi Ashikaga finished speaking, Yasushi Hojo bowed slightly with a smile, and thanked the misnamed Kamakura.

Yoshishi Ashikaga is the Kwantung General whom she single-handedly supported, and the two sides have a relationship of both prosperity and mutual loss.

At the beginning when Yoshishi Ashikaga took over as General of Kanto, it was Hojo Ujiyasu who arranged to visit Tsuruoka Hachiman Shrine, and Hojo Ujiyasu took over the title of Kanto Commander from her.

The two are like grasshoppers on the same rope, and they both face the embarrassment of having a wrong name.

After the night battle in Kawagoe, the Hojo family captured the then Kwantung general Haruhi Ashikaga and imprisoned her to death. This is the Kwantung general recognized by the Kwantung samurai family.

Ashikaga Haru was once married to the Hojo family, and Ashikaga Yoshishi, who was born to her and the Hojo family's son, was supported by Hojo's Yasushi to become a Kanto general. Of course, the Kanto samurai did not want to admit it.

And the Kanto leadership given by Ashikaga Yoshishi was even more chaotic.Kanto Guanling is a hereditary service position of the Uesugi family, and the descendants of Ise who pretended to be Hojo Miao are not qualified to worship Kanto Guanling.

Today, Uesugi Uesugi takes the family name of the Uesugi family in Yamauchi and the service position of the Kanto governor to go south, and Hojo Ujiyasu, the Kanto governor appointed by Ashikaga Yoshishi, is embarrassed.

Uesugi Teruho's aggressive approach is a trouble for Hojo Ujiyasu, and it also shakes Ashikaga Yoshishi's legitimacy as a Kanto general. She must stand up and speak for Hojo Ujiyasu.

Ashikaga sneered.

"From the first Kanto generals and Kanto governors, the formal succession ceremony was held at Kamakura Tsuruoka Hachiman Shrine.

Terutora Uesugi went to Sagami country and Kamakura if he had the ability.General Ashikaga's leadership of Kanto, hehe, it's ridiculous.

The Kyoto shogunate was also interesting, and even sent a man to assist Terutora Uesugi.Are the warriors in Kansai dead, or are they afraid of our warriors in Kanto?
Shouldn't we also send a few sons into the battle to be fair?Let's look at the men in Kanto and Kansai, who is more powerful? "

Sitting warrior Ji let out a roar of laughter, some warriors laughed so hard that tears flowed out, and some kept knocking on the tatami in front of them, laughing so hard that they couldn't straighten their backs.

Hojo Ujiyasu couldn't stop laughing. Ashikaga Yoshishi's words are too hurtful, but they can really boost morale.

Ashikaga Yoshishi sneered in his heart.

Although the Hojo family is from Kansai, they are very afraid of being rejected by the Kanto samurai as Kansai people.

Treating them as Kanto's own samurai family and belittling the Kansai people together is the easiest way to gain their favor.This kind of ingratiating way of deceiving one's ears and stealing one's bell is really tried and tested.

Ashikaga Yoshishi laughed loudly on his face, but he was very calm in his heart.In fact, she understood very well that the Kanto Guanling did not exist in the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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