Chapter 445: Lose yourself in

"Request? What request?"

Bram raised his head and looked at Lu Qiming who was close at hand. On the surface, he still looked cute and cute, but he raised a trace of vigilance in his heart. He knew that the man in front of him could successfully snatch it from that Azrael. With the existence of Flügel's full power of attorney, one must be careful and careful in order to achieve his plan.

Once the slightest abnormality is noticed, then his plan will be in vain, and the blood-sucking species will never have a chance to escape from the sea-dwelling species.

"It's very simple. After I successfully won the game of the sea-dwelling species, you will play another game with me on behalf of the vampires. However, the content of the game is up to me. As for the bet, you can use everything from the vampires."

Lu Qiming leaned close to Bram's ear and said softly with a faint smile on his face. His scorching breath hit his face, and the divine blood in his body exuded a seductive aura, making him who hadn't smoked it for a long time. The bloody Bram trembled involuntarily.

"Impossible, I will never agree to this condition!"

Bram resisted the scent from his nostrils, staring at Lu Qiming with his scarlet eyes, how could he agree to such a condition!

"Really? Then Bram boy, you don't want your real identity to be known by the sea dwellers, do you? Besides, don't worry, as long as you agree to my conditions, I can guarantee that the vampires will get out of the current situation and get enough blood." Blood and male mates are used to increase the population."

The voice like a devil whispering continued to ring in Bram's ears, but at this time, Bram's body was frozen in place like a stone sculpture, with bean-sized sweat on his white and tender forehead, looking into Lu Qiming's eyes Full of disbelief.

The current him doesn't understand what's wrong with him at all. Could it be that the other party knew his true gender from the beginning?

But how is this possible? You must know that the magic of their vampires cannot be easily seen through by even the upper races. What's more, Bram has been secretly observing the expressions of the three Flügels since entering the door, and he is absolutely sure that they have not noticed him. true identity.

However, the guy in front of him who looks like a human race can see through his true gender at a glance!

"What exactly do you want?"

In the next second, Bram took a deep breath and the cute expression on his face disappeared completely. He looked at Lu Qiming with a serious face. Although he still didn't understand how Lu Qiming knew his real gender, he He would never be threatened by Lu Qiming just like this.

Even if he pretended to be his true gender to be discovered by the sea-dwelling species, and then squeezed to death by some or even several sea-dwelling girls, he would never easily drag the vampire into another abyss because of this!
"Challenging the sole god Tut and competing for the star cup is my purpose, so you don't have to worry that I made this request after I discovered your true gender, because I have been eyeing sea dwellers and vampires from the beginning , even if you don't agree, the final outcome of the vampire will not change in the slightest."

Lu Qiming looked at Bram with a serious face in front of him and smiled lightly, and told him his purpose directly. In order to complete the 'final trial', Lu Qiming didn't mind what method he used in this process.

Just like what he said, no matter whether Bram agrees or not, the final result of the vampire will not change at all, and it will only become part of his bet to challenge the only god Tetu.

However, the current Lu Qiming doesn't mind giving the vampire a choice, just as he said, if Bram agrees, then he will help solve the vampire's current predicament.

"Challenge the only god Tetu."

When Bram heard Lu Qiming's purpose, his pupils shrank sharply, and he raised his head to stare at Lu Qiming's smiling face, challenging the only God. Tetu represented the man in front of him who wanted to fight for the absolute domination of the world. Right, the position of the only God.

Bram still remembers the record of the great war in 6000 clearly. Now he understands that no matter whether he agrees or not, the man in front of him will not let the vampires go, because the vampires' "race chess" It is an indispensable part of the bargaining chip for the man in front of him to challenge the only god Tetu.

"Huh~ You said that the current situation of vampires can be solved, is this true?"

After taking a deep breath, Bram raised his head and stared at Lu Qiming in front of him. He knew that being the No. 12 race among the sixteen races, and a blood-sucking species that was on the verge of extinction, he had no choice but no qualifications. Reject Lu Qiming, who has full agency rights for the Flügel in front of him.

Moreover, not surprisingly, everything about the sea-dwelling species will belong to the man in front of him soon, and even with the restrictions of the covenant, the man in front of him will have no way to make the vampire species surrender.

That being the case, it's better to agree to the other party now, maybe you can get better conditions in exchange.

"After this point in the game, I can use the covenant to guarantee that it will be easy to solve the problem of supplying the blood of all vampires and the males needed for reproduction."

As he said that, Lu Qiming patted Bram on the shoulder and laughed. He didn't know how good the relationship between them was. As for how to solve the problem about vampires, Lu Qiming had already figured it out. up.

In terms of blood, the simplest thing is to change the laws of the human species and elf kingdoms, stipulate regular blood donation, and bring some benefits to the blood donors. As for the males needed for reproduction, this is not even simpler.

Anyway, in the appearance of vampires, it is not a problem to say that they are succubi in another world. By the way, games between vampires and other races are usually games full of excitement and temptation, so as to take advantage of it...

Therefore, it would be good to open more "tea shops" in the kingdoms of elves and humans. This will not only solve the needs of vampire breeding, but also take the opportunity to earn the funds needed by the race, and by the way solve the problem of blood-sucking species. By the way, the work needs of the people also deepened the mutual understanding between the major races, which is simply serving multiple purposes!
'I'm such a genius! '

Thinking of the perfect plan in his mind, even Lu Qiming couldn't help but be amazed at his genius-like wisdom. As for whether there will be a way that blood-sucking people are disgusted, that's not the slightest problem, just change to the way you like to live Just go down.

after all.The most fundamental reason why vampires are in this situation is that after the birth of the covenant, vampires can no longer forcibly absorb the blood of other races, and in addition, once they are exposed to sunlight, they will die.

However, after Lu Qiming modifies the human species and the elf species, and even as he conquers more and more races, blood donation is enough to meet the needs of the vampire species, so the biggest problem of the vampire species It was easily resolved.

As for not being able to be exposed to the sun, this is a world with magic and gods, and it can be easily solved by giving shadow magic to the clothes to block the sun, and the elves have the most magic weavers in the entire Disbod.

If it doesn't work, the worst thing is to hide at home during the day and sleep, and go out after the sun goes down.

"I see, then I promise you that after you successfully win the sea-dwelling species, you will be rewarded with the termination of the agreement between the sea-dwelling species and the vampire species. In addition, you must solve the current plight of the vampires!"

Bram looked at Lu Qiming in front of him, then turned his head to look at Jibril and the others not far away, then nodded and agreed to Lu Qiming's condition. After all, this was the best condition he could get. As for refusing He does not have this condition and strength!
"Very good! Then let's talk now, what can you do to help us win the game with the sea dwellers?"

Seeing this, Lu Qiming looked at Bram with even more satisfaction. Although he is a fake loli who is as cute as a porcelain doll, but he has something to do with loli, and being so sensible is simply awesome!

".I see."

The corner of Bram's mouth twitched when he heard Lu Qiming's words. Originally, he came this time to trick Lu Qiming into helping the vampires escape from the control of the sea-dwelling species. In the end, not only did he not succeed, but he even paid the vampires together with him. In the end, He had to help Lu Qiming figure out a way to defeat the Sea Dwelling Species.

But at least one thing, according to what Lu Qiming said, the current plight of the vampires can be solved smoothly, and there is no need to worry about the entire race dying out due to not having enough blood and male partners.

And Bram is also very interested in challenging the only God!

"Qiming, what were you talking about just now?"

At this time, Jibril moved curiously to Lu Qiming and pointed to Bram and asked. From the very beginning, she found that she had heard the communication between Lu Qiming and that vampire. Something had just happened to her that she didn't know about.

"I'll tell you later."

Lu Qiming gently stroked Jibril's hair, walked to the chair and sat down, looking at Bram who had just sat opposite.

"Because of the covenant between the sea-dwelling species and the vampire species before, this time we vampire species will act as the game assisting party to prepare magicians for the game between your Flügel and the sea-dwelling species, and this game is a 'love game', I believe you It should be known that the current queen of sea dwellers, Laila Lorelei, has frozen herself because of a fairy tale, waiting for the so-called prince to rescue her."

Speaking of this, Bram raised his head and looked at Lu Qiming and Jibril in front of him. There was a trace of unconcealable anger in his scarlet pupils. The reason why their vampires became what they are now, even his All had to disguise themselves as women.

Almost most of them blame the current queen of the sea-dwelling species, because she fell into a frozen slumber, causing the sea-dwelling species to lose the ability to rely on the queen to absorb a small part of the soul to reproduce. As a result, nearly 800% of the blood-sucking species have All males have become sacrifices for the reproduction of sea dwellers, and he is the only one left.

"So, the content of this game is to make us the so-called prince who saves the princess, and make the queen of the sea-dwelling species, Laila Loreira, fall in love with us, right?"

Azrael nodded and asked Bram in front of her. As for the anger in Bram's eyes, she didn't care at all. Now all her will is to complete Lu Qiming's plan, and she doesn't care about anything else. .

"Well, but ordinary games are different. You need to enter Lila Loreira's dream, where to find her, and then make her fall in love with you without using magic."

Bram glanced at Azrael and continued, 200 years after Laila Loreira fell into a deep sleep, and after the death of the previous Sea Dwelling Queen, the power of proxy for the race automatically passed to Laila, but Before Lyra fell asleep, she had said that as long as someone woke her up and made her fall in love with him.

Then, everything about her will belong to that person, and this will lead to the adoption of the sea-dwelling powers to her. Only if the person is really as Leila said, then everything in the whole sea-dwelling will be To be the one who made Lyra fall in love.

However, this is the necessary condition for Lu Qiming and the others to win the game, that is to make Laila fall in love with one of them!
"Nabram, what is the sure way to win that you said?"

Lu Qiming looked at Bram in front of him and asked, although he already knew how to make Laila fall in love with him, it can be seen from the original book that Laila has a charm that even Jibril cannot be immune to, causing Laila to fall in love with him. Since birth, as long as I saw her existence, I fell in love with her.

This also led to the fundamental reason why Laila chose to freeze herself after reading the fairy tale. In fact, the so-called "Lela fell in love with me" was not the real victory condition.

Rather, "true love" without being influenced by Laila's innate charm, this is what Laila has been looking for, looking for someone who can fascinate her, but will never be fascinated by herself .

To put it simply, because of the experience since birth, Leila is actually a shaker.

The easiest victory condition is to just beat her up in the game after finding her. After all, she is looking for at least the kind of person who is not affected by her innate charm, but because of the covenant. The limit is impossible to achieve.

"As a game coordinator, I can weave the magic formula of 'make the queen fall in love with you' when compiling the 'Love Game', to ensure that the queen of the sea species, Laila Loreira, can 100% fall in love with you, Win!"

On the other side, Bram didn't know that Lu Qiming already knew the winning conditions of the so-called 'Love Game', but he was still talking about the 100% winning method in his opinion with a serious face.

"It turned out to be this way, so you work hard, and when you compile the spells after Bram, add a spell that can launch an attack without endangering your life."

Lu Qiming smiled lightly after Bram finished speaking, and did not object to his so-called method, but asked him to add one when compiling the game formula under his puzzled eyes, and this was also Lu Qiming's 100% victory Method.

"I know the spell that can launch an attack."

Bram raised his head and looked at Lu Qiming puzzledly, then didn't say anything, just nodded to show that he already knew.

"Okay, now that the plan has been confirmed, Bram and you should leave before the Sea Dwelling species is discovered."

After getting Bram's confirmation, Lu Qiming smiled lightly. Although he looked at the two little vampire loli who were guarding the door, the closed door opened silently, and Bram stood up and looked at it. After looking at Lu Qiming and Jibril, they left the palace with complicated expressions on their faces.

And just after they left, the originally dead street outside returned to its previous appearance again, and many sea dwelling girls were still chattering and discussing something as before, completely unaware of what happened under their noses before.

"Qiming, what did you say to that vampire guy before?"

At this time, Jibril, who couldn't bear it for a long time, ran directly to Lu Qiming's side and looked at her curiously. From Bram's dedication just now, Jibril sensed that something was wrong, and became more and more suspicious of Lu Qiming. Lu Qiming and Bram were curious about what they said.

"Jibril, haven't you discovered that the sole agent of the vampire called Bram is actually a man?"


Hearing Lu Qiming's words, not only Jibril, but also Azrael and Raphael looked over in surprise. In their perception just now, the one named Brar was completely a dick. Li, didn't notice the slightest difference at all.

"Well, it's actually about sea-dwelling species and blood-sucking species."

Lu Qiming looked at the curious three people in front of him and told them everything about the vampires and sea dwellers, including what Lu Qiming had said to Bram before.

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder the vampires ran over by themselves when we first came to the Sea Dwelling Species."

After listening to Lu Qiming's words, Jibril and the others didn't have any doubts about Bram's reaction before, and they weren't even surprised why the blood-sucking species came to them just after they arrived at the sea-dwelling species. .

"By the way, Qiming, will the vampire guy regret it later, meow?"

On the side, Raphael suddenly leaned in front of Lu Qiming and asked, blinking his big eyes.

"It is impossible for them to repent, because they have no chance or strength to repent."

Lu Qiming rubbed Raphael's head and smiled lightly. He turned his head and looked at the seabed shining faintly outside the door. In the original book, the reason why Bram dared to cheat Kong and Bai was entirely because Kong and Bai were just Ordinary human species, plus other races have always regarded human species as low-level monkeys, so Bram dared to do this.

But now, he is facing Lu Qiming and the Flügel, the sixth-ranked race among the sixteen races. Even with the restrictions of the covenant, Bram and the others still have no power to resist, because Lu Qiming can completely conquer the sea. In the perching species, the supply of blood and body fluids to the blood-sucking species is stopped.

Under the condition of not violating the covenant, it is easy to put the vampire into a crisis of extinction. As for finding a way to escape from the sea and go to the land, it still can't solve any problems. will be faster.

(End of this chapter)

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