Professional inheritance from the wrong place

Chapter 446 The God of War Alter Xiu returns!

Chapter 446 (False) God of War Artosh returns!

In the central palace of Oceande, the capital of the sea dwelling species, the acting queen Yamila is walking towards the deepest room of the palace step by step. Her footsteps are the only ones echoing in the dark corridor along the way, and flickering lights in the empty corridor. The light made her shadow long and twisted.


At the end of the corridor, a frozen door opened slowly, and the cold air that had been stored for hundreds of years gushed out of the door like a tide. Yamila's golden hair was instantly stained with frost, but Yamila didn't care about it at all. , just stepped into the hall full of frost.

In the hall, there are all kinds of gorgeous and precious decorations, but there is a thick layer of frost on them, and on the big round bed in the center of the hall, there is a young man with long blue hair like waves, who is young and beautiful. Her face is like snow white's skin adorned with dazzling gold, and her proud back is a girl with a fishtail with bright scales.

The girl who was completely frozen was lying there as if she was asleep, her small cherry-like mouth rose slightly as if she was acting like a baby with her lover, her rosy white skin was still as white and tender as milk even through the cold ice, but she just lay there Wherever it exudes unparalleled charm.

"Long time no see, Your Lady Queen."

Yamila walked slowly to the side of the bed and stared at the girl in the ice. This was the real queen of the sea dwellers, Laila Loreira, who chose to freeze herself because of a fairy tale. Shi Yamila looked at Laila with complicated and fascinated eyes.

Even if she is also a sea-dwelling species, it is difficult for her to resist Laila's innate charm, but Yamila's heart is full of complicated emotions. As the acting queen of the sea-dwelling species, she certainly knows that now The situation faced by the sea-dwelling species, the sea-dwelling species once nourished the blood-sucking species because of Laila's deep sleep.

A large number of vampire males were consumed in just a few hundred years, and the biggest reason was that Queen Laila, who consumed a small part of her soul to reproduce the next generation, fell into a deep sleep.

Every time Arami thinks about this, her heart is filled with resentment and anger towards Laila, but when she really faces Laila, the incomparable charm easily overwhelms the resentment and anger in her heart. eliminate.

"'Everything I own', Queen Laila, do you know what consequences you said before you fell asleep will have on the Sea Dwellings now?"

Yamila reached out and gently stroked the frozen Laila, looking at her sleeping face and muttering to herself, from the beginning to the end Yamila was not prepared to wake up Laila and Lu Qiming to play the game, because once Laila lost , then everything about Sea Dwelling will be lost.

"Forget it, just sleep well, and leave the next thing to me."

After speaking, Yamila took a last look at the sleeping Lila Loreira, stood up and left the room. As she walked out of the room, the heavy door slowly closed again, and the biting cold permeated the whole room again. And on the bed, the girl continued to sleep like hundreds of years.

The next day, when the golden sun slowly rose from the sea, Oceande, who was under the sea under the sun, also began to make noise. A large number of girls of the sea dwelling species began to swim wantonly on the bottom of the sea, ringing like silver bells. Laughter echoed in the sea water, making this dreamlike city even more amazing.

"My lords of the Flügel, Yamila is here to act as the acting queen."

Lu Qiming, who had just led Jibril and the others out of the palace, was stopped by the maid at the door. She saluted slightly and then pointed to the sea dwelling palace in the distance. She had received an order from Yamila early this morning.

"It seems that the sea dwellers are ready, so let's go."

Lu Qiming glanced at the sea-dwelling girl in front of him, nodded and walked towards the distance under her leadership. Along the way, many sea-dwelling girls surrounded the street, looking at Lu Qiming with curiosity and longing in their eyes.

After a while, Lu Qiming and his group came to the palace hall of Haiqizhong. Yamila, who was sitting high on the throne above, saw Lu Qiming and his group walking in, and turned to look at the maid beside her. Then go straight down the throne.

"Welcome to the palace of the sea dwellers, all of the Flügel."

"Well, has Queen Yamila decided on the content and time of the game between the Flügel and the Sea Dwelling?"

After Lu Qiming nodded, he looked at Yamila in front of him and asked directly, and Yamila who was opposite Lu Qiming smiled slightly when he saw this, and didn't say anything, just turned his head and looked to the other side.

There, the maid who left before came with Bram, the sole agent of the vampire whom Lu Qiming had met last night, and two other vampires.

"About the game between the sea-dwelling species and the Flügel, I went to see Her Majesty Queen Laila last night, but I believe you, Lord Lu Qiming, also know that Queen Laila once chose to freeze herself because of a fairy tale. If you want to wake her up, she will only wake up after passing the game she has formulated."

"So, Mr. Lu Qiming, if you want to challenge Mrs. Queen Laila, you need to wake her up through the game she made."

Speaking of this, Yamila turned her head and looked at Lu Qiming, who was still expressionless in front of her eyes. Seeing this, the corner of Yamila's mouth slightly raised, pointing to Bram and the other two vampires who had just arrived beside her. girl.

"This is Bram, the sole agent of the blood-sucking species, and the blood-sucking species is the best covenant of our sea-dwelling species. They will be the assisting party in this game. In addition, I believe that Lord Lu Qiming will challenge our sea-dwelling species , then you must know that Queen Laila said before she fell asleep that as long as someone wakes her up and makes her fall in love with that person, then everything about her will belong to that person."

When Yamila said this, a faint smile appeared on her delicate face, she raised her head to look at Lu Qiming and began to speak word by word.

"So, if Mr. Lu Qiming wants to challenge the game of awakening the queen, as an equal bet, you must also bet...your...your...everything!"

"Bet everything on me, you are really greedy!"

Lu Qiming stared at Yamila who was smiling in front of him. Should I say that he really deserves to belong to the family of per capita juice girls, who actually want everything of his own. Moreover, judging by Yamila's appearance, it is completely like Lu Qiming himself Don't want to let go.

Maybe, if Lu Qiming really loses, Yamila will personally go into battle and squeeze Lu Qiming completely.

"Ah! Master Lu Qiming, what are you talking about? After all, we sea dwellers are betting everything on us, so as an equal bet, Master Lu Qiming, shouldn't you also bet on everything about yourself?"

Yamila stared at Lu Qiming with her sapphire-like eyes. In the next second, Yamila showed a beautiful smile on her face, and the whole palace seemed to brighten up under her smile.

"Don't worry, if Master Lu Qiming fails in the game of awakening Queen Laila, everything you bet on will be returned to you."

"Really? Then I promise you."

Lu Qiming looked at Yamila who was smiling sweetly in front of him and also laughed, as if he didn't care about what Yamila said before.

"Qi Ming."

At this time, Azrael behind Lu Qiming gently pulled the corner of Lu Qiming's clothes, but Lu Qiming did not reply to Azrael, but gave her a reassuring look. The trap in Amira's words.

Yamila said that after the failure, she would return everything to herself, but she didn't say that it was something that belonged to Lu Qiming. Since it can be returned to oneself, it can also be taken away.

However, Lu Qiming didn't care about it. After all, Yamila didn't know that Bram was already her own. The most important thing is that this game doesn't limit strength, so what else can I say, just push it across. up.

"Then, I will start announcing the content of the game."

At this time, the scepter in Yamila's hand lightly touched the ground of the palace hall, and the surrounding space rippled like the surface of water in an instant, and the surrounding environment began to change rapidly. The original walls twisted like the surface of water, and the white mist slowly Rising from the ground.

In the distance, the corridors of the kingdom began to enlarge or shrink continuously, and the surrounding space also distorted. The gate that was clearly close at hand now gave people an illusory but extremely far away feeling. In the blink of an eye, the entire sea dwelling species The royal palace became a huge labyrinth.

"The maze of the royal city, this is the game Queen Laila set up before she fell asleep. Only by going through the maze to find the place where Queen Laila really sleeps within three days can she be awakened."

In the mist, Yamila looked at Lu Qiming with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. This labyrinth was built by vampires for hundreds of years, and now it is under the control of Bram, the sole agent of vampires. With 100% confidence, even the Flügel, the sixth-ranked race among the sixteen races, couldn't go out and find the palace where Laila slept.

And once Lu Qiming and the others can't get out of the maze within the specified time and find the real location of Laila, then the victory will belong to the sea-dwelling species, and everything of the Flügel will be turned into nourishment for the sea-dwelling species.

As for what she said before that she would return everything to Lu Qiming after losing, she would indeed do so at that time, but she did not say that the ownership would be returned
"Then please cheer for me!"

In the next second, Yamila's body was submerged in endless fog, and after Bram glanced at Lu Qiming, his body gradually turned into nothingness, and finally only Lu Qiming and Jibril were left people.

"Qiming, what should we do now?"

Azrael raised her head and asked Lu Qiming. She had already sensed the space around her, but she was completely disturbed by the magically distorted space and the countless magic formulas compiled by vampires over hundreds of years, and even her sense of direction was lost. completely lost.

"It's very simple, just move forward."

Lu Qiming glanced at the three people beside him and smiled lightly, then walked straight forward, only to see that just as Lu Qiming took a step, his body was instantly distorted into a weird appearance in the eyes of Jibril and the others. The position of the waist is folded in half, with the head on the bottom and the feet on the top.

But Lu Qiming didn't seem to notice it at all, and he still walked forward on his own.

But at this time, in Lu Qiming's perception, the whole world seemed to be constantly rotating, with the floor above his head, the sky under his feet, the abyss beyond his reach, and an upside-down palace behind him.

"Is the vampire's cognitive distortion magic? It's really interesting."

As he spoke, Lu Qiming slowly raised his arm. The golden holy light gradually turned into substance in his hand, and in the blink of an eye, a warhammer flashing with thunder appeared in his hand.


In the next second, Lu Qiming swung his arm down violently, and the thunder on the warhammer flickered violently. With the ground shaking violently, a bottomless canyon appeared in front of Lu Qiming, and the real thunder and lightning on both sides of the canyon continued. emerge.

Moreover, Lu Qiming vaguely heard the sound of something collapsing and the roar of sea water pouring in.

"Look, it really is a very simple game."

Lu Qiming raised his head and looked at the bottomless canyon in front of him and smiled. At the end of the canyon, a palace sealed by frost appeared. As for the ruined building on the edge of the canyon, and when it appeared Lu Qiming subconsciously chose to ignore Yamila who was looking at him with a face full of horror not far away.

"Who the hell is this guy?"

Yamila's face was solemn, and she looked at the back of Lu Qiming in front of her with unconcealable horror in her eyes. You must know that this maze was created by blood-sucking species with hundreds of years of painstaking efforts. , was also trapped.

But now, it was easily destroyed by Lu Qiming, and even the entire Ocean was reduced to ruins by that blow, but it didn't hurt the sleeping palace in the slightest.

"Could it be a god species? But that appearance has never been recorded. Could it be"

Thinking of this, Yamila couldn't help but look at Jibril and the others behind Lu Qiming. A terrifying conjecture appeared in her mind, which could make the Flügel surrender and compete for the "race chess" of other races. As a bet to challenge the only God, to compete for the star cup. The existence that can do this kind of thing, there is only one person or god that Yamila can think of!
The God of God who feeds on hatred, fighting spirit, malice, and blood, and has the strongest concept of marrow, God of War Artosh, the creator of the Flügel, the God who was closest to the star cup six thousand years ago!
On the other side, Bram, the sole agent of the vampire, also had the same thought as Yarami at this time, but the next second, Bram thought of what Lu Qiming and him said last night, and his frightened expression gradually filled with surprise.

If that person is really the former God of War Artoxiu, then what he said can definitely be easily done, and as the God of War, he doesn't bother to deceive mere vampires!
Thinking of this, the corners of Bram's lips twitched, and his gaze at Yamila became extremely wanton, and he began to imagine a new and beautiful life for the vampire after Lu Qiming conquered the sea-dwelling species.

As for the game between Lu Qiming and the blood-sucking species, please, the opposite one is the strongest god-species who returned from death to compete for the star cup again, God of War Artoxiu.

Just lie flat!
(End of this chapter)

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