Professional inheritance from the wrong place

Chapter 447 Perverted and said to be perverted!

Chapter 447: Changing (meow) state, everyone said change (meow) state!
In front of the frozen hall, the biting cold air continued to flow out from the crack of the door, forming a thick layer of frost under Lu Qiming's feet. Behind Lu Qiming, Jibril and the others looked excitedly at the surrounding ruins. Oceande.

Although under the restrictions of the covenant, none of the sea dwellers were injured, the long-lost destruction still made their long-silent desire to destroy continue to rise.


At this moment, the frozen door slowly opened, and a figure came out. In an instant, the destructive desire rising in Jibril, Azrael, and Raphael's hearts disappeared, and they stared blankly at the girl in front of them.

The wavy blue long hair flutters slowly behind the back, the gold ornaments set off the snow-like skin, the colorful scales below the thighs emit a faint light in the sea water, and the white and tender jade-like palm is gently placed on the mouth At the side, the small cherry-like mouth slightly opened and yawned, the big jewel-like eyes were slightly hazy, and the big jewel-like eyes were slightly hazy just waking up.

At this moment, even Lu Qiming looked at such a sea-dwelling Queen Laila, and had to admit that her god-like charm was no wonder that she would choose to freeze herself in the past. It's not something other people can bear, just one glance will completely sink them.

"Are you the challengers?"

A few seconds later, Laila lowered her head slightly to look at Lu Qiming and his group in front of her. The only thing that could wake her up was that the few people in front of her successfully passed the game she had set up, which would trigger the magic she reserved. Woke her from her deep sleep.

"Well, at this moment, Lu Qiming, the authorized agent of the Flügel, challenges the authorized agent of the sea-dwelling species, Laila Loreira. As for the bet, it's all about me."

Lu Qiming looked at the girl in front of him and smiled lightly. Under her surprised eyes, Lu Qiming issued a challenge declaration to her.

'Actually, there are people who won't be completely charmed when they see me. It's so exciting! '

Laila's originally confused little face became excited and excited when Lu Qiming made the challenge declaration. Her eyes were full of surprise and she looked at Lu Qiming in front of her. Even her body began to tremble slightly. Ever since she was born, she was still Was challenged for the first time.

In the past, every time she thought of launching a game challenge, the other party would directly choose to surrender in the game because of her innate charm
"Phew~ I, Laila Loreira, accept your challenge. The game method is 'love game'. As long as you have a way to make me fall in love with you without using magic, then everything about me will belong to you !"

In the next second, Laila took a deep breath to calm down her excited heart, and stared at Lu Qiming in front of her with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth. Can't help getting excited, Angelica dahurica's tender skin was stained with a faint blush.

"Then, let's get started and swear to the covenant!"

Lu Qiming looked at Laila whose expression became weird and couldn't help but sighed. Seeing that the child was forced, a good and peerless beautiful girl forced herself into a dick because of her innate charm. Let him save this girl!

"Swear to the Covenant!"

After the oath was over, as Lu Qiming and Laila lowered their raised arms, a layer of colored mist instantly enveloped the entire space, and a city that could only appear in fantasy appeared in front of Lu Qiming.

"This is my dream, and everything here is the most beautiful existence in my opinion, so I built such a world, waiting for the 'prince' who only belongs to me!"

At the highest point of the city, Laila opened her arms as if embracing the whole world, and looked at Lu Qiming below with a smile she had never seen before. Everything here was the most beautiful thing in her fantasy, except for one thing that was her Imagine it, and don't want to imagine it.

That is, someone she loves, but not because of her innate charm!

"Jibril, come here."

Lu Qiming glanced at Laila above who was talking to himself excitedly, then ignored her and turned his head to wave to Jibril beside her.

"what happened?"

Jibril approached Lu Qiming curiously, but her eyes never left Laila above. As for Azrael and Raphael, they were still staring blankly at Laila above.

"Does it hurt?"

In the next second, under Jibril's suspicious eyes, Lu Qiming slapped her arm, and the crisp sound echoed in the air, leaving a clear palm print on Jibril's arm.


Jibril lowered her head and looked at the place where Lu Qiming shot her. She did feel a little pain when she was shot by Lu Qiming just now, but it didn't hurt her at all. But looking at Lu Qiming's strange eyes, she always felt He seemed to be confirming something.

"The conditions for victory have been determined!"

With a faint smile on the corner of Lu Qiming's mouth, he looked at Laila above. It seems that when he asked Bram to compose the game formula, he added a formula that could launch an attack under the premise of endangering life and using magic. .

However, the easiest way to win right now is to
Lu Qiming clasped his palms, and the clothes on his body began to squirm continuously. A silver-white long whip nearly two meters long appeared in Lu Qiming's palm. Looking at Laila here, combined with what Lu Qiming did to her before.

". Qiming, you don't intend to."

Jibril hesitated for a while, then looked at Lu Qiming and asked, thinking of the silver-white whip and Laila's snow-white skin, Jibril felt an inexplicable sense of excitement for some reason.

"That's the plan!"

Saying that, Lu Qiming walked directly towards Laila above. Although Zhong Kong and Bai relied on their own wisdom to defeat Laila in the original book, Lu Qiming didn't need it. Since he already knew the way to win and had the necessary conditions, so why not use the easiest way?

After a while, Lu Qiming walked to the top of the city unimpeded. Opposite him, Laila was sitting obediently in a sea of ​​flowers, with a sweet smile on her face, and the golden sun shone on her body. The colored scales shone with a faint light.

With this appearance, who would have thought that she is actually a complete dick.

"You come."

In the sea of ​​flowers, Laila raised her head slightly to look at Lu Qiming's dark pupils that looked like an abyss, a shyness appeared on her beautiful face, just when she raised her hand to say something, suddenly a silvery white light flashed in front of her eyes, and then There was a strange feeling in the body.

"This is?"

Lila blinked her big eyes and looked at the sea of ​​flowers below. There were still traces left by her sitting there before. She subconsciously wanted to raise her head to look forward, but found that she couldn't move her head at all, and not only that, but also Even his arms and body were tightly bound by something, and with just a slight movement, his white and tender skin felt a tingling pain.

The sound of deep and powerful footsteps came from the front, and Laila tried to open her eyes wide and looked forward, only to see a pair of slender, perfect legs coming into view, and finally stopped in front of her, but due to the current She was completely hung upside down in the air, her body could not move at all, and she could only see the lower body of the person in front of her.

However, Laila didn't feel the slightest fear at this time, and even became more excited. She knew that she would be injured if she moved her body, but she couldn't help twisting her body, and looked upwards little by little.

"It's true, I feel like a (meow) state when I look at it!"

The corner of Lu Qiming's mouth twitched as he looked at the wriggling mermaid in front of him. The bright red blood flowed down the snow-like skin, forming a stark contrast.

And at the top, a fish tail covered with colorful scales is constantly swaying, and the scales are peeled off under the struggle, and the colorful scales fall into the sea of ​​flowers shining with light, while at the bottom is a beautiful The slightly distorted face was lifted up with a strange arc, and he stared at Lu Qiming with an extremely satisfied and excited smile on his face.

"Haha. Lu Qiming... what are you doing. The attack is a violation of the covenant. You don't want to use this method to make me submit. Just... even if it is a hundred times more intense, I will never admit defeat!"

With heavy breathing and intermittent voices, Laila looked at Lu Qiming with a distorted and strange smile on her face, and even twisted her body harder to show that she would not give in.

But in Lu Qiming's eyes, at this moment, Laila was completely immersed in enjoyment, the corners of her mouth split more and more wantonly, and her body began to exude a seductive fragrance.
This picture, even in the indescribable anime, can be regarded as a limited (meow) grade!

"Qiming, this queen of the sea-dwelling species is in a change (meow) state!"

At this time, Jibril and the others who had just arrived also heard what Laila said before, but when she spoke just now, no matter her expression, tone or even body, they automatically adjusted to the most suitable shooting position for Lu Qiming. Lu Qiming continued.

"Well, this guy is a proper pervert (meow). That's why I asked Bram to add a spell when we compiled the magic. In fact, Lila's so-called 'let yourself fall in love with each other' is actually nothing more than It is to find an existence that will not be charmed by her innate charm."

As he said that, Lu Qiming glanced at Laila, who was eagerly looking at him, and raised his arms helplessly.

While Lu Qiming was playing an indescribable game with Laila Loreira, the queen of the sea-dwelling species, Alzia, the capital of the human species kingdom.

It has been a few days since the two brothers and sisters in Blank challenged the Eastern Alliance of the Beast Race. At this time, everything in the Eastern Alliance on the Lucia continent has become part of the human race, but most of the human race residents still decided on this matter. unbelievable.

Obviously a few days ago, those two beings who were still called foolish kings actually defeated the beastman race. The beastman race that almost drove the human race to extinction was defeated by the new king.

Even the lost land has been taken back more than enough. If it weren't for the orcs who appeared on the street from time to time, all the residents of Alzia would regard this as a dream or a joke.

At this time, Sora and Shiro in the royal palace were stroking Hatsase Izuna in their arms with contented faces, and beside them Stephen was watching the doorway with his muscles bulging and his sharp teeth gleaming profusely. Hatsase Ino, who was in the cold light, was afraid that he could not help but rush forward.

Of course, Stephen was not worried about the safety of Sora and Shiro, but worried that Hatsuse Ino was accidentally hammered by Sora and Shiro when he rushed up. After all, this kind of thing has happened many times in recent days.

"Hey! Isn't this the old man? What's the matter?"

At this time, Sora, who was rubbing Hatsase Izuna's tail, raised his head and glanced at Hatsuse Ino at the door. He remembered that he had arranged for him this morning to appease the orcs who were migrating to Alzia. Why did they come here again? , As for Hatsuse Ino's angry gaze, Sora subconsciously ignored it.

Who is Hatsuse Izuna so cute, and she is also a girl with animal ears (meow), this kind of cute and cherished baby can only be protected by the two brothers and sisters.

"Huh~huh~, don't get angry, don't get angry, you can't fight!"

Hatsase Ino looked at Sora's smug face holding his precious granddaughter, and took a few deep breaths holding back his anger. After all, he really couldn't beat the two blank brothers and sisters now, otherwise, according to his violent temper, he would have already died. Go up and let Kong see what cruelty is!

"The two kings, Ex-Machinas are visiting, and I have also appointed to meet Sora-sama."

"Ex-Machinas want to see us?"

Sora and Shiro were stunned when they heard Hatsase Ino's words, and then looked at Stephen aside, to be precise, at the gemstone on her chest that had been passed down from generation to generation by the Stephen family. This is the only reason for the human race.

The couple named Hubie and Rick between the human species and the mechanical species 6000 years ago.

"Brother, do you want to go?"

Bai raised his small head and looked at Kong beside him. For some reason, when Bai heard the arrival of the Ex-Machinas, he suddenly remembered that Lu Qiming had told Kong meaningfully before that he was the hope of the Ex-Machinas.

"Well, I'm going, and I'm also very interested in what happened 6000 years ago. The Ex-Machina must have preserved the most complete information at that time."

Saying that, Sora turned his head and looked towards the direction of Alzia's city gate through the window, then jumped down from the window with Shiro and rushed towards that side, followed by Stephen and Hatsuse Ino He went up, leaving only Hatsase Izuna blinking his big eyes and looking at the empty room with a confused face.

Obviously in the last second I was enjoying Sora and Bai's wholehearted caressing and stroking, but in the next second I was the only one left!

Thinking of this, Hatsuse Ino pouted, moved his nose lightly, jumped out of the window beside him, and chased after Sora and the others' scent.

(End of this chapter)

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