Chapter 722 Inscription
Song Mu heard Tao Lingdong's words and looked at him with burning eyes at this moment, but Song Mu looked extremely calm.

The Yaozu has changed because of his article on the palace test. This kind of statement is actually a bit far-fetched. Song Mu believes that the article he wrote has indeed brought about changes, but it must have caused more shocks for the demons. There are other reasons.

It could only be that to some extent, I underestimated the threat I posed to the demon.

That Tao Lingdong had already got up at this moment, looked at Song Mu and said.

"Song Zhuangyuan, we have always wanted to know what is in that article you wrote?"

"Is it just related to water transportation?"

"Or by sea?"

Tao Lingdong asked these words suddenly, but there was more uncertainty in his tone.

After their palace examination, they might indeed be able to guess some traces from the changes in the imperial court's decrees. The changes in water transportation and sea transportation cannot be concealed.

It's just that what they see is always the appearance.

The sea transport I wrote is just the original meaning of the word sea power. After all, the sea power I said is to inspire something latent in the hearts of the Wenchao people.

human greed.

Greed is a desire buried in the hearts of the human race that will never disappear. When greed can be satisfied, they will be willing to take risks, and when greed is stopped abruptly, they will try their best to satisfy it.

It's just that all of these were suppressed by the powerful power of the demon, so that the human race had to die down.

These thoughts flashed through Song Mu's mind at this moment, but when he looked at the three of them again, Song Mu just shook his head slightly.

"Saint, I'm sorry I can't tell you about the details."

"If there is really a secret hidden in it that scares demons, then the less people know about this secret, the better."

Tao Lingdong's face suddenly showed a look of anxiety, and the people next to him couldn't help it, and asked Song Mu.

"Song Zhuangyuan can't reveal half of it to us?"

Song Mu shook his head slightly, and quickly cupped his hands.

"Saint, it is His Majesty who can know about this matter first, and he will go to Chang'an in the next few days to discuss with His Majesty, and then ask His Majesty to make a decision."

Song Mu blocked the mouths of several people like this, and they also knew that the matter was serious, so they could only nod helplessly.

It's just that their faces were obviously still a little disappointed. Tao Lingdong looked at Song Mu and thought for a moment before speaking.

"Then how does the number one scholar think about this matter?"

The topic returned to the original purpose, but at this moment, Song Mu's heart has changed a lot.

If he said that he was shaken before, but after knowing that the establishment of the Cizong was actually a beneficial attempt for the Wen Dynasty, Song Mu knew that he could no longer say no.

This matter is being pushed forward by the power of the human race.

It's just that Song Mu still pondered for a moment before speaking.

"Maybe we have to wait a little longer for this matter, but we will have to rely on the saints in the future."

The three of them finally had a relaxed look on their faces when they heard this, and they nodded again and again.

"That all depends on Song Zhuangyuan's thoughts afterward, but the old man still has to say something more, this matter, hurry up."

Tao Lingdong still gave Song Mu some instructions, but he was somewhat impatient in his heart.

Song Mu nodded slowly. There was a moment of silence in the scene. Song Mu put down the teacup in his hand, and then asked slowly.

"Those saints, I don't know if you can tell me about Master."

As soon as these words came out, the three of them looked up at Song Mu, but there was a strange flash in their eyes, but they seemed to have made a decision immediately, and Tao Lingdong spoke first.

"Actually, Huangfu Fengming was the most intelligent disciple we had ever seen at that time, and his master Tao Ze was also the ultimate person who is one in a million."

Song Mu's face paused slightly, and there was a bit of curiosity on his face at the moment, while Tao Lingdong continued in a deep voice.

"It's just that what we mean by intelligence is not their level of literary power, but their understanding of the manipulation of mind power."

"Tao Ze is a descendant of my Poetry School. He has awakened [-]% of the blood of his ancestors. Although he did not achieve too much in Wenli, he has already cultivated in the side of Nianli since he was a child. Even high-level disciples, instead of fighting with their thoughts, never lose the wind."

"And Tao Fengming also inherited this level of intelligence, but he seems to be a little less detached. He has too many different views on Shizong and the people of the Wen Dynasty from us."

When he said this sentence, Song Mu obviously saw that the three of them frowned involuntarily, but their eyes swept across Song Mu's body.

Obviously they were a little worried, thinking that Tao Fengming's attitude would probably affect Song Mu.

Song Mu was calm, and just spoke softly at the moment.

"Master told me that he broke with the sect because of two things, one is the death of grand master Tao Ze, and the other is the death of master's daughter in the same battle, I don't know how the three of you can explain this. "

The expressions on the faces of the three people who heard this changed even more, and they even showed some hesitation. The three of them thought over and over again, and it was Tao Lingdong who sighed and said to Song Mu at this moment.

"Song Zhuangyuan, it's my Shizong's fault for this competition."

"Losing these two celestial talents is also a loss for my Poet Sect."

Song Mu frowned slightly when he heard these words, but now he looked at the other party, but said with some doubts.

"Then since the sage said that Tianjiao's disciples will be lost at the top of the competition, why do such bloody competitions still exist now, and at the level of a scholar, you can remove an arm from others in the competition?"

As soon as these words came out, the person next to him spoke hastily.

"Song Zhuangyuan, what we have done is also helpless. The poems of our ancestors advocate freedom and freedom, but in the current situation of the Wen Dynasty, if the disciples of the sect are all living such a life of freedom, how can we kill demons?"

"If you want to fight like that in that alien land, you have to be fierce."

Song Mu was silent when he heard this. At this moment, he clenched his fists unconsciously, and his complexion suddenly changed.

Among these remarks, in fact, they are just avoiding the important and neglecting the less important. Because of the urgency of foreign things, they can oppress the disciples in this way. The Tao School of Poetry may have gone to an extreme.

It's just that Song Mu didn't speak indiscriminately, he just let out a deep breath at this moment, and then looked at the three of them and said.

"As the sage said, Mr. Wuliu advocated freedom and freedom, and the Tao School of Poetry may also have some reasons for it. It's just that the indulgence of killing is not an annihilation of humanity? Does it run counter to Mr. Wuliu?"

Tao Lingdong and the three of them suddenly widened their eyes when they heard this, and looked at Song Mu in disbelief at the moment, and one of them had a gloomy face, and when he was about to refute, Song Mu suddenly cupped his hands and said .

"Saint, Song will leave now."

"However, at the beginning, the sage hoped to write a sentence on the pottery stele, but today it is reckless."

Saying so, Song Mu took out the paper by himself, held the ink pen in his hand, and wrote quickly on the paper.

A moment later, the writing was completed, Song Mu stood up and cupped his hands at the three of them again, and said in a deep voice.

"Song Mu gained a lot from this trip to Shizong. Thank you saints for answering questions. Song will definitely try to figure out more about it."

"If there is something inappropriate in it, I hope you saints will forgive me."

Everyone got up one after another, and Song Mu had already bowed out of the hall quickly.

Seeing this situation, the three people paused one after another, but Tao Lingdong picked up the paper, and seeing the words on it, he suddenly paused,
"See Brother Han."

Seeing Tao Lingdong's expression, the great Confucian next to him hurried forward, but when he also saw the words on the paper, he couldn't help but pause.

On the big pure white paper, the correct characters made of ink are particularly dazzling.

"After a thousand years, a hundred articles will be preserved, and there will be no word unclear (true)."


 Thanks to book friends liulimeng, the land of the sunset, and the monthly support of the small drum~~
(End of this chapter)

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