I slay demons and demons with poetry

Chapter 723 Entering Chang'an

Chapter 723 Entering Chang'an

A flash of light flashed before Song Mu's eyes, and the next moment he saw himself reappearing on the previous cliff. At the same time, the woodcutter who led the way was standing beside him, and the other party sent Song Mu down the mountain. Then it disappeared into the dense forest.

Song Mu looked at these situations, but his expression was still a little dazed at the moment.

During this trip to the Dow School of Poetry, Song Mu has gained a better understanding of the things in this world, and the deeper secrets are revealed in front of him, but Song Mu is a little at a loss as to what to do.

And suddenly found that he was being pushed forward in it.

This feeling is very bad, making Song Mu feel that he has lost a lot of opportunities to judge, and he can't grasp the situation, which makes Song Mu feel uneasy.

Looking up at the sky, Song Mu thought of the poem he just wrote. Mr. Wuliu's prose talent needless to say, but he didn't know how Tao Shizong would feel when he saw this.

It's just that there is a more important matter in front of Song Mu, about the Ci sect and the gathering of demons.

Tao Lingdong's description made Song Mu think of Bai Yao not long ago. The faint sense of crisis had already come, and Song Mu could be more sure that the road ahead would be even more bloody.

It's just that Song Mu has different views on the "deadly death and net breaking" that the imperial court and Tao Shizong insisted on.

As far as they are concerned, after years of encroachment by the human race, only by fighting hard can they bring a glimmer of life to the human race.

But obviously this has a very heavy price. At least in the current situation, Song Mu doesn't think that Wen Dynasty can defeat the demon, or even evenly matched.

That's why Song Mu didn't make any statement. Song Mu would never make a decision lightly before certain things were confirmed.

After making up his mind, Song Mu's eyes turned to the north at the moment, and the next moment his body surged with energy, turning into a rainbow and shooting out.

Song Mu wanted to go to Chang'an to get rid of his worries.

The fish is dead and the net is broken, but there is really no other way?
Song Mu's figure quickly moved across the sky, so at a later time, Song Mu had already arrived outside Chang'an City.

The general on the Baoshan Great Wall sensed Song Mu's aura and immediately flew into the air, and immediately released Song Mu after a search, but the surprise and excitement could not be concealed on his face.

Song Mu went to Chang'an City again. He hadn't been here for more than ten years. Seeing this majestic city again at this moment, Song Mu couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Landing at the gate of the city, Song Mu stepped towards it. Seeing the bustling here again, the noise made Song Mu feel a little more at ease.

At least for these years, the world is still peaceful, and Chang'an is still prosperous.

Under the prosperity in front of it, there is indeed a huge crisis hidden, but there are also people who are doing their best to keep this prosperity.

Song Mu went straight to the direction of the imperial city, walked through the wide Zhuque Street, and at the end of the street was the majestic imperial city.

Song Mu stayed on the Imperial City Square for a while, and finally handed in his name card after sorting out his thoughts.

Soon there were people in the imperial city to respond, and Song Mu stepped into the imperial city again.

In the early winter season, the imperial city was a bit deserted, under the setting sun in the evening, it couldn't help but feel a bit cold, and the eunuchs and maids around were walking around quickly with their heads bowed, and their breath was not easy during this period.

Song Mu also knew that Li Mo'er had worked hard to govern in the past few years since she took the throne, but after all, only such a rare woman won the throne in the century of Guozuo, which made the world have higher standards for her.

As a result, if there is a slight wait, the public opinion in the world suddenly rises, and some officials who are not in harmony with the government order even stir up the storm. For more than ten years, there have been an endless stream of officials who have been dismissed and imprisoned.

Under the mighty power, the Wen Dynasty government gradually became more peaceful and united.

Soon Song Mu walked through the corridor, and at the end of the corridor, he saw several warm pavilions in a courtyard.

This is the place where the first emperor Li Ao worked, and the later left and right ministers also entered it. Now it seems that it has been covered again, making the several warm pavilions standing in this courtyard a little crowded.

Song Mu came to the Northward Nuan Pavilion, where sandalwood was overflowing. Hearing the eunuch report to it, and then the woman's voice came from it, Song Mu finally came back to his senses, and his complexion changed slightly at this moment.

When Li Mo'er heard Song Mu's arrival, she hurriedly summoned her.

Just as Song Mu stepped into it, he immediately saw several ministers sitting in the Nuan Pavilion.

Among them is Prime Minister Tan, who is now the left prime minister and has become Li Mo'er's arm. Although he has some political disagreements with Li Mo'er, he has been promoted to such a level for some reason, and his prestige in the court is even higher.

But this time when Song Mu came in, all the officials in the Nuan Pavilion got up one after another, all with respectful expressions.

Song Mu is different from the past. At this moment, Song Mu is already in the realm of a bachelor. In this world where strength is the most important thing, Song Mu's current strength represents a detached identity.

What's more, under the realm, it is Song Mu's prestige and background that is different from ordinary literati.

Song Mu bowed his hands to Li Mo'er and saluted, his eyes quickly swept over these unfamiliar faces.

"Song Mu sees His Majesty."

Li Mo'er was dressed in a simple outfit today, and immediately signaled Song Mu to sit down in it. At this moment, she seemed very happy for Song Mu's arrival, and said while looking at Song Mu.

"Master Song's sudden arrival has surprised me and the other ministers."

"I don't know what Master Song is here for?"

Song Mu's eyes swept over the faces of the people among them, and then he spoke.

"Not long ago, Mr. Song was invited to the Tao School of Poetry."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the scene was shocked, some people were surprised by Song Mu's experience, but the eyes of Tan Xiang and Li Mo'er among them suddenly flickered, and this time they looked at each other silently, and then Li Mo'er waved away all the ministers in the warm pavilion, leaving only Prime Minister Tan still sitting in it.

There was a sudden silence in the Nuan Pavilion, and Li Mo'er sat down again, and looked at Song Mu again, with a serious look in her eyes.

"In that case, Mr. Song should also know about this?"

Li Mo'er said something vague like this, Song Mu looked at the situation but nodded slightly, looked directly at the other party and said.

"Your Majesty, with regard to the monster, it must be done to death?"

Li Mo'er was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly and said.

"I have been discussing this matter with Tao for several years. This is a way that neither I nor the world's literati will feel regretful."

"But this is to gamble the fate of the entire Wen Dynasty people."

"If the monster really came to the door, we would just catch it without a fight. At that point, the common people will be in dire straits. We, the literati of the Wen Dynasty, will disappear, and the human race will completely lose its dignity."

"So, it's not as good as killing a fish and breaking a net."

Li Mo'er said softly, there was a bit of helplessness in that tone.

Song Mu's eyes were still sharp, and when the two sides looked at each other, Song Mu spoke slowly.

"Your Majesty, have you ever thought of a compromise?"

"Both Shizong and His Majesty said that the demon is so excited, what he did was the thing in my hands."

"Can't the above-mentioned method enable our Wen Dynasty to get rid of the predicament and seek a safe life for all people?"


(End of this chapter)

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