Chapter 727 Writing
After drinking for three rounds, Song Mu had some understanding of what happened in Chang'an in recent years and recently.

Among them, the "Book of Heavenly Works" written by Song Mu has received a good response, at least in the eyes of those who once admired "Pinewood Theory". a completely different world.

In that world, mortals can also have unimaginable power. They can use machinery and power, and they can also do the feat of moving mountains and reclamation.

When Song Mu first wrote this article, he used the form of a travel note, allowing the protagonist in it to experience various situations in person, and the magnificent pictures in it are vivid on the paper, which naturally makes people yearn for it after reading it.

Although this book was confusing at first, when the second volume was released, the grotesque world and the twists and turns of the story suddenly attracted the attention of the common people.

In just a few months, a wave was set off in Chang'an.

Song Mu was quite satisfied with this, at the moment he always felt that this was the good news he had heard these days.

After agreeing to talk about it at a later date, Song Mu went to his residence and walked on the bustling street. Song Mu used his literary power to shake off the drunkenness.

Song Mu hurried to his residence this time, because he was preparing to write a manuscript for "Tianxia Wenkan".

Just talking with his friends, Song Mu also learned something from them. This is the sudden rise of the academic style in these years. After the abolition of the patriarchal law, the students almost only see official careers, so they suddenly Some yearn for Shizong.

Although they couldn't get it, it made them admire Shizong's pursuit of Confucianism and Taoism even more, and so many things came out in the future.

Song Mu didn't dare to speculate on it. Students are people with active thoughts, but if there is some incitement in it, they will also deviate from the track.As a result, there has been a situation where academics compete for the best.

Students all over the world must not let this matter internally. At least Song Mu felt that at such a juncture, all students all over the world must devote themselves to cultivation in order to make more contributions to the future of the Wen Dynasty.

Thinking in this way, Song Mu also quickly returned home, lit the candles, and the surrounding was extremely quiet, and Song Mu gradually had thoughts in his heart.

Soon Song Mu took out his pen and ink and began to think quietly. After a while, Song Mu began to write.

What Song Mu wanted to write this time was not a temporary idea.

The article Song Mu wanted to write was actually the article he wrote when he was promoted to a bachelor, and the article written on it was written to convey the truth, so that Song Mu at that time could understand his thoughts.

Confucianism and Taoism are prosperous in this world. Only when scholars can understand better articles, realize the true meaning of them, and write more articles, can they improve their own strengths and realms, and only then can they become the Wen Dynasty in the future. Do more.

Students' discussion of learning is about how Confucianism and Taoism are practiced. Song Mu didn't dare to waste his words this time, so he used this article to convey Taoism and found another way.

What is written on it is completely different from the four sentences of Hengqu at the beginning, but every word is precise, and at this moment it directly points to the student's inner desire.

Swiping ink all night, Song Mu looked at the eloquent content on the paper and was very satisfied for a while.

In the early morning of the next day, Song Mu took the article to the Wenkan Pavilion.

The people in the Wenkan Pavilion had already written an article after seeing Song Mu for only one day. At this moment, everyone looked surprised, and they all looked at Song Mu's article impatiently.

Soon after observing in front of everyone, Song Mu's discussion of the above-mentioned essays caused changes in everyone's expressions, and this time there was also a lot of discussion.

The focus of their discussion is that Song Mu no longer asked what Confucianism and Taoism should do in this article, but said that Confucianism and Taoism depended on what was established and existed.

Song Mu used the four characters of writing to convey the Tao, and directly separated the contradictions of the students, and jumped to a higher level, but it happened to be in line with today's magnificent writing and the protection of the country. After reading it carefully, it is even more enlightening.

"My lord is really talented. If I wait for such an article, I don't know if I can comprehend the deep meaning."

Immediately, the Jinshi praised, while Song Mu was drinking tea, looking at everyone and saying.

"It's just an occasional experience. If you can solve such confusion for scholars in the world, your writing will be a bit smoother in the future."

Everyone nodded, but at the moment one of them raised a question,

"Master Song, I don't know that the last poem you wrote is..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone lowered their heads one after another, watching the poem read out gently.

Dangerous Yiyuan does not stagnate in the chest, why is it different from floating clouds passing through space?
The night is quiet and the sea is [-] miles away, and the moonlight is flying under the sky.

This poem is Wang Yangming's "Fan Hai", which means that he is willing to face any obstacles and challenges with a bright heart for his personal future and the future of the country.

Song Mu wrote such a poem for this article, but in the eyes of everyone, it meant he was talking about him, but Song Mu just opened his mouth to explain at the moment.

"Everyone, let me tell you that the students are arguing a lot, but they are all pursuing the literary way, and they all have a burning heart for the literary dynasty and the common people."

"The students are not bad-minded, but they think too much and go astray."

"The article I wrote is to say that seeking the way lies in the article, and in the meantime, I should also let the students understand a truth. The so-called debate is actually just a cloud. What the world wants is his pure heart."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions paused, and they looked at each other at this moment, but they gradually realized the deep meaning.

What Song Mu did was to bring everything back on track. After reading this poem carefully, it makes people feel more open.

At that moment, everyone bowed their hands towards Song Mu one after another, saying that Song Mu's intentions are profound, and that he is a blessing to all the students in the world.

After a few days like this, Song Mu finally received the news from the palace. On this day, Song Mu re-entered the imperial city under summons.

This time Song Mu saw Li Mo'er in the Liangyi Hall, but in this hall, there were two other people standing at the moment.

It was the Xiang He and Chang Daru whom they had seen at the beginning. They were silent at the moment, and it was only after seeing Song Mu's arrival that their expressions finally changed.

Song Mu cupped his hands at Li Mo'er and the two great scholars, and Li Mo'er said in a deep voice.

"We have already contacted Donghai, and they have already agreed to what Mr. Song wants to communicate with because they are so touched."

Song Mu nodded, the communication should be fine, but it seems that Li Mo'er has some different arrangements.

"But the location he chose this time is not a good place. I don't think it's very safe, so I specially invited the two great scholars back."

"This time, I am also escorting Mr. Song. I hope Mr. Song will return triumphantly."

Song Mu was taken aback for a moment, looked up at the other party and asked.

"Your Majesty, I don't know where the place we chose to meet this time is?"

"In the land of Pengze in the eastern border, the monster of the East Sea said that there is something, please take a look at it when the time comes."


(End of this chapter)

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