Chapter 728
Hearing that the place where he met Dong Hai was actually in the land of Peng Ze, Song Mu immediately raised his eyes.

This place is not a good place, but a swampy land near the seashore in Eastern Xinjiang. Because of the prosperity of monsters in the East China Sea, this place once became a dormant place for monster races, and even the human race had several battles with it. .

It's just that the waters here are wide and connected to the sea. The human race and the above cannot form troops, and the navy dare not approach easily. It is still a deserted place all these years.

Going forward, Song Mu thought that the place he chose this time would be on the cliff of nothingness, but now it has become a place in the world, which also made Song Mu feel a little bit bad.

And now Li Mo'er also spoke.

"This place is disadvantageous to our human race, so Mr. Song still needs to be more careful."

Song Mu also nodded at the moment. This time, he was communicating with Donghai, and there were two great Confucian scholars accompanying him. Song Mu didn't think that the East China Sea monsters would dare to do anything wrong.

Xiang He, who was standing on the side, also looked at Song Mu, and immediately added something.

"This time I heard that the Black Dragon King will also come, and the situation may be a little complicated at that time. Mr. Song must always be prepared."

Song Mu naturally bowed to the two of them, and Li Mo'er urged them again and again. After all, this conversation was extraordinary, and it was equivalent to going deep into a dangerous situation. It also made the Eastern Frontier Army make some preparations.

After saying this, Li Mo'er asked a few people to prepare for the negotiation at the gun king Peng Ze's place in the morning.

On the second day, Song Mu and the two great scholars quietly left Chang'an and headed east all the way towards the coast of the East China Sea.

In the sky where the wind was howling, both Xiang He and Chang Daru were flying beside Song Mu. At this moment, Xiang He asked Song Mu.

"But I don't know what Mr. Song is planning to talk to Donghai this time. I am quite surprised to receive this news."

Chang Daru next to him also turned his head, and said with a grin and nod at the moment.

"That's right, His Majesty took so much trouble arranging this conversation, I think it is very important, the old man would like to know what he is going to say this time."

Song Mu also showed a smile at the moment, and bowed his hands to the two great scholars at the moment.

"Returning to the two adults, Song Mu wants to have this exchange. It is because he has a glimpse of the affairs of the current Wen Dynasty and is surrounded by monsters. Therefore, he wants to use some of my conditions to go to Donghai to discuss conditions. If he can do it for me It is also a good thing that the human race has dealt with one or two."

What he said was a bit ambiguous, and Xiang He and Chang Daru looked at each other after hearing this, and Xiang He also nodded in praise at this moment.

"Master Song really cares about the common people, and he can speak out so righteously for the common people. Xiang admires him."

Saying so, Chang Daru next to him spoke immediately.

"That's true, but in the old man's opinion, these monsters are hard-nosed and not soft-bodied. When negotiating this kind of thing, it's better to have a quick fight and decide the winner. If they don't agree, they have to agree."

Chang Daru was as violent as ever, but he couldn't help grinning in Song Mu's ears, and this time he just cupped his hands and said.

"What the two adults said is very true. If we go there today, if we can negotiate, there will be fewer arguments. If not, then we will fight."

These words caused Chang Daru to laugh several times, while Xiang He beside him stroked his beard, looked at Song Mu meaningfully at this moment, and asked suddenly.

"Master Song, when we bid farewell to the wildfire field in the Northwest Demon Country, you have not been seen for ten years, but I don't know what Master Song has experienced in these ten years?"

"And it can directly cross into..."

Song Mu naturally understood the meaning of the other party. In the eyes of ordinary people, he had passed several ranks to become a bachelor in ten years.

Song Mu didn't hold back, this time he said in a deep voice.

"My lord, Song has indeed had some adventures in the past ten years. He found a strange space and couldn't find it. He devoted himself to cultivating the realm. He didn't expect to break through and then stand up, but let me break through the realm by luck."

This remark was an excuse that Song Mu had made a long time ago. The secrets of the white jade scroll and Jie Zezhu must not be revealed casually.

"Oh? That's interesting."

Sure enough, Xiang He also frowned slightly and sighed, but then looked at Song Mu again, which seemed a bit complicated, and then he sighed and said.

"The fight that day was thrilling to say the least. I haven't seen you in the past ten years. I thought you fell on that sand dune."

As soon as these words came out, Chang Daru's expression changed slightly, and he said with a deep breath.

"That's right, that day was so dangerous. Fortunately, the Exhaust Zezhu was destroyed, otherwise today, I don't know what will happen."

Having said that, Xiang He looked at Song Mu again and said.

"Master Song, you can talk to Donghai today. I think you know a lot about the situation in Wenchao. The monsters in this world have big ambitions. We want to make a living for Wenchao, but we must be extremely cautious."

"Today's trip must not bury hidden worries for the future."

Song Mu's expression changed when he heard these words. Xiang He's words seemed to be very afraid of monsters, and he was also afraid that Song Mu's blood would be counterproductive. Song Mu wanted to say something, but seeing Chang Daru on the other side was also With a serious face, he nodded heavily.

The three of them were speechless, and they soon reached the shore of the East China Sea. Looking at the endless swamp below them, their figures slowly fell.

Standing on a meadow on top of this swamp, Song Mu's thoughts kept sweeping around, but his expression immediately changed.

In the distance ahead, there was already a demonic aura floating, and when the three of them landed, they saw the mist rising from all over the swamp.

Then there was a voice from that far away.

"Today, there are only three of you from the human race, so you have a bit of courage."

Saying this, Song Mu and the others looked forward one after another. At this moment, they could only see the tumbling water at the place where the marsh connected with the sea in the distance, and a huge figure was rising from it.

As the figure slowly emerged from the water, clouds and mist piled up in the sky at this moment, and a dense rain curtain fell with it. At this moment, the huge body revealed a bit of sinister mystery in the hazy rain curtain.

However, Song Mu and the others immediately recognized who it was.

The Black Dragon King, during this contact, the Black Dragon King, the King of the East China Sea, actually came in person and appeared calmly.

At the same time, many monsters appeared in the surrounding water, but at the moment they all surrendered to the seashore.

At that moment, the terrifying power exuded by the Black Dragon King was rippling towards Song Mu and the others. The strong wind mixed with water vapor rushed towards them, but Song Mu stood in it with a calm expression.

"It turned out that the Black Dragon King came in person, which surprised Song Mu."

As the words spread, the Black Dragon King's eyes immediately locked on Song Mu's body. This was already the second meeting between the two parties, but the situation is now different.

"I didn't expect you to have reached this level in just over ten years. The kid of the human race really has some skills."

The Black Dragon King said in a deep voice, with a bit of disbelief towards Song Mu in his tone.

And Song Mu also raised his hand and replied in a deep voice.

"The Black Dragon King is admirable. In the past ten years, your strength has become more and more unfathomable, but I don't know if the poems written by you have really helped the Black Dragon King?"

Under the rain curtain, the Black Dragon King's eyes suddenly became deep, and his body began to roll. The proud dragon head poked out from the rain curtain, and looked straight at Song Mu with a fierce look in his eyes.

"What are you talking about, your empress said that you want to discuss matters with me in the East China Sea, so let's talk about it now."

"This king really wants to know, what do you have that can impress me again?"


(End of this chapter)

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