Chapter 729 Negotiations
The Black Dragon King's voice was cold and cold, and when he finished speaking, his huge head was once again hidden in the rain curtain. The water mist rose in this world, but it was surprisingly quiet.

Xiang He and the two who were standing beside Song Mu were also looking at Song Mu at the moment, with a bit of curiosity in their eyes.

Song Mu heaved a sigh of relief, turned his wrist over, and now had an extra scroll in his hand.

Immediately, Song Mu's voice echoed.

"This thing is the 30th year of Chongwen, my palace examination paper."

Saying a word, the next moment there was a vibration in the sky and the earth, the figure of the Black Dragon King suddenly changed, but at this moment he suddenly protruded from the rain curtain, and his figure was moving.

Seeing this situation, Xiang He immediately stood in front of Song Mu, holding out a shield with both hands, and Chang Daru had already shouted angrily, and at this moment the Chinese soldiers in his hands were revealed, and several attacks were directed at the Black Dragon King .

The light flashed suddenly, and there was a burst of explosions between the sky and the earth. The Black Dragon King waved down a piece of monster energy to block Chang Daru's attack, but at this moment his figure turned into a very handsome man in black. Slowly falling not far away.

The Black Dragon King's gaze suddenly became fierce, but he was staring at the thing in Song Mu's hand.

"Song Mu, are you willing?"

The Black Dragon King's voice was low, and his eyebrows and eyes showed a bit of doubt. Xiang He and Chang Daru also looked at the things in Song Mu's hands, and their expressions changed suddenly at this moment.

But Song Mu had already taken a step forward, holding the scroll in his hand, and said in a deep voice.

"It's not because Song is reluctant, but to see if the Black Dragon King thinks it's worth it today."

Hearing this, the Black Dragon King's eyes flickered even more at this moment, and he asked immediately.

"You took out this thing, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Song Mu just smiled calmly and spoke.

"I naturally want to use this thing to find peace for our human race?"

"Oh? I don't know how to say this?"

The Black Dragon King said in a flat voice, with a hint of sarcasm flashing in his eyes.

"The Black Dragon King has forgotten things a lot. How could you have forgotten the matter of Bai Yao in the Qinling Mountains a few months ago?"

Song Mu looked at the scroll in his hand, raised his eyes and said to the other party.

"You said that day that you were going to give me a fortune in the Dragon Palace. I don't know about it, but it still counts?"

Hearing this, the Black Dragon King frowned even more. He looked at Song Mu this time, and slowly grasped the dragon claws under a pair of robes, but gave a cold snort.

"What this king said naturally counts. If you are willing, this king can take you to the Dragon Palace today, and he will definitely let you go to a higher level in the future."

Song Mu shook his head slightly.

"In the land of the Dragon Palace, Song didn't think there was such a source of blessing to visit, so today, he wants the Black Dragon King to exchange this good fortune with this palace test paper for a promise from the Black Dragon King."


The Black Dragon King took a step forward, but saw that Xiang He and the others were on the verge of fighting, so he paused slightly at this moment.

"What promise?"

"Song remembers that during the competition in Zhongzhou, I made an agreement with you. I don't know if the Black Dragon King still remembers it."

"This king naturally remembers, this king traded 20 years of peace in the sea for your three poems about the dragon."

"Why, your condition is this again?"

The Black Dragon King said so, but the corners of his mouth showed a bit of disdain this time, and he said in a cold voice.

"But if that's the case, you have to increase your bargaining chips."

"After 20 years of peace and concessions, your human race is sailing in the East China Sea more and more unscrupulously. This king will not allow human race to act recklessly on our East China Sea."

As soon as the words fell, the breath of the Black Dragon King suddenly opened up, and the fierce coercion suddenly struck. Song Mu, Xiang He and others released their power at the same time, but they couldn't help taking a step back at this moment.

The current strength of the Black Dragon King is already unfathomable.

"Black Dragon King, today is here to discuss matters. If you want to fight, then go to the cliff of nothingness. Don't bully the junior here!"

Xiang He said, his expression was serious at the moment, but the Black Dragon King looked at Song Mu and refused to give in at all.

Song Mu's expression turned serious, and he suddenly unfolded the long scroll in his hand, tore it in half, and threw the half of the paper straight out.

"Whether my bargaining chip is enough or not, you can wait and see first."

The Black Dragon King suddenly stretched out his hand to take the half of the paper. At this moment, the expression on his face also paused suddenly, but he still looked at the thing in his hand.

After a while, the aura of the Black Dragon King gradually dissipated, holding the half page tightly in his hand, his eyes became more gloomy at this moment, and he muttered to himself.

"Sea transportation? Sea frontier?"

The Black Dragon King suddenly raised his head to look at Song Mu, and asked suddenly.

"What's behind that? Prosperous sea transportation, weak water transportation, this matter is by no means that simple. The mountains and seas shook that day. What is written behind that?"

The Black Dragon King was actually a little excited, and even a little impatient at the moment, but Song Mu suddenly clenched the paper in his hand, and quickly wrapped it with literary power at this moment, and the light surged.

"Then you should listen to my conditions first, otherwise the second half of the volume will be reduced to dust in an instant, and what is said in it will only be stored in my mind from now on!"

The Black Dragon King paused again, the aura on his body couldn't stop surging at this moment, but quickly restrained, standing on the meadow at this moment, he said through gritted teeth.

"Then tell me."

Song Mu let out a deep breath, his gaze met Xiang He and the others, then looked at each other again and said.

"One, from now on, the monsters in the East China Sea, those who are above the level of Yaozun must not stir up trouble in our Wen Dynasty, torture and kill civilians, such as white and cruel things, absolutely must not happen again."

"Second, regarding matters concerning the borders of the East China Sea, follow the agreement of Zhongzhou, this time I want 50 years."

"Three, the human race outside our Wen Dynasty has suffered for a hundred years. If there is a race willing to rush to the Wen Dynasty, there will be no literati above it."

"The above three things, you have to make a blood oath with me."

Song Mu said in a deep voice, once the three conditions were announced, it was deafening at the moment, but the Black Dragon King regained his momentum and said sharply at this moment.

"It's absolutely impossible."

"Who knows what will happen to the second half of your book, this king will not take risks for it."

Saying this, Song Mu snorted coldly. At this moment, with his hands exerting force, the page suddenly began to vibrate, but the Black Dragon King blurted out again.


The Black Dragon King's complexion changed drastically, and he spoke after a while.

"The king agrees to one or three things, but the second thing is that the king can only allow human sea ships to travel within a hundred miles of the sea, and if there are no literati on it, he will not violate it."

"If you don't want to, the King Ben can only use his own ability to take a look at it today."

Saying so, the Black Dragon King raised his sharp claws and looked straight at Song Mu.

Song Mu hesitated a little, nodded slowly at this moment, looked at each other with the two great scholars, bit his fingers one after another, and gathered together a strange word.

The words exuded power in the air, and the Black Dragon King also cut a hole when he saw it, and threw out a drop of blood.

When the blood collides, the words shine brightly, and the next moment, there is an extra power in the minds of both parties, which is faintly consistent with the way of heaven.

"Let's bring it here, Song Mu, not being able to kill you in the past is the biggest loss for my monster clan."


(End of this chapter)

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