Chapter 764
After a night of fierce fighting, when looking back, the Song Clan still stands, but it is already a mess.

It was the day when he became famous, but he was conquered by demons. Fortunately, Song Mu was safe and sound in this battle. But looking around, Song Mu already understood that the burden on him was much heavier.

But now there is no way out, only to move forward.

After sunrise, Song Mu finally had a better understanding of the outside world. Just as Yan Fu said, the four great powers of the human, monster, demon and barbarian tribes gathered in Wuwuya yesterday, but now they are on the verge of breaking out.

In addition to this matter, the demon clan has officially declared war on the Wen Dynasty. Just yesterday, many cities in the four borders were attacked, and one city was almost slaughtered by the demon clan.

The dark clouds of the war have gathered, and the smell of blood is ready to come out.

But Song Mu, who knew these things, could only sigh, and looked at Ci Zong in front of him.

If the new sect can't grow quickly in such a precarious situation, Song Mu will only face more difficult disasters in the future.

So in the next few days, Song Mu was in the sect to deal with the affairs of the sect. Many things such as sect repairs and sect rules began immediately, and the sect was busy.

And this day Song Mu was sitting in the hall looking at the things in his hands, when a person walked in.

"Sovereign, I have already prepared everything you want."

It was Wang Ruhu who walked in. At this moment, he was dusty, holding a booklet in his hand. After entering the hall, he straightened his back and handed the book to Song Mu respectfully.

Song Mu looked up at Wang Ruhu, who was a little embarrassed, and took the book with a nod at the moment, and looked it up in front of the other party.

On this booklet, it is about the application of the method of mind power on Mengtong in the future.

Before the Zongmen was established, Song Mu asked Wang Ruhu to plan the matter first, and based on his years of experience, he came up with a set of feasible methods for cultivating mind power, and collected as many talents as possible in this Jizhou mansion Children, prepare to be sent to the sect to specialize in this method of mind power.

Song Mu also asked Wang Ruhu to come up with a plan as soon as possible because of the urgency of the matter. Not only that, but now Li Dong is also starting to recruit students in Xuanyuan Academy, trying his best to expand the strength of the sect.

Song Mu carefully looked at the implementation strategy of mind power on the booklet, and the hundreds of names attached to the booklet, and nodded slightly this time.

"Ruhu, you did a good job in this matter, I will work harder on you, and start selecting children today, and let's enter the sect to practice."

"How to choose among them, as well as the matter of future practice, are all up to you."

Hearing this, Wang Ruhu immediately showed a look of excitement on his face, nodded suddenly and said.

"Sect Master, then I will do it right away, but this selection of Mengtong to join the sect, do you think we are doing it secretly, or..."

Song Mu glanced at the other party, but said calmly at the moment.

"Nowadays, everyone in the world knows that our Song Clan's School of Ci is so established that recruiting disciples is not a strange thing, so you should do it generously."

Wang Ruhu nodded again, and was about to retreat, but Song Mu closed the book in his hand, looked at the other party and said.

"Ruhu, why do you look so restrained now?"

Wang Ruhu was also taken aback when he heard this, and explained to Song Mu after a little hesitation.

"Sovereign, after all, the Ci sect stands upright now, and the courtyard is saying that you have a prominent status, so my address and etiquette to you must naturally be..."

Song Mu shook his head slightly, looked at the other party and said with a smile.

"Ruhu, you and I do the ritual of master and apprentice, so you don't have to be so restrained."

"Otherwise, it will seem a little rusty and unreasonable. Besides, I have something to explain to you as a teacher."

When Wang Ruhu heard this, he looked again, and Song Mu had already spoken.

"You have stayed in this Juren realm for some years, when will you go further?"

When Wang Ruhu heard this, his expression was complicated for a moment.

Literati naturally have a natural desire for the realm of strength. Over the years, Wang Ruhu has also made continuous breakthroughs, and now he has reached the peak of Juren.

Wang Ruhu didn't let go of further thoughts for a moment, but Song Mu gave him several important tasks, so Wang Ruhu put his body and mind into cultivating talents for Xuanyuan Academy and Song's Poetry School.

Hearing what Song Mu said this time, Wang Ruhu's face also flickered.Song Mu also saw Wang Ruhu's expression, and continued to speak immediately.

"Now, you can be regarded as the eldest brother of the sect. If you take a step forward, my Song Ci sect also has an elder, which will be of great benefit to you and the sect."

"Since the establishment of Ci School, I have ordered people to open up several caves, in which a literary star is embedded to help practice. If you have any insights, you should put this matter first and be a teacher here, so I won't say much."

So saying, Song Mu took out a token and handed it to the other party.

Wang Ruhu, who saw this thing, was also excited at the moment, and looked at Song Mu again, and nodded happily to take it at this moment.

But Song Mu said one more thing at this moment.

"I heard that your eldest son is twelve now, but I haven't seen his name in this booklet. You can also include him in it, and recruit him to the sect to practice as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Wang Ruhu was even more delighted at the moment, he nodded uncontrollably, stared closely at Song Mu for a while, then bowed deeply and cupped his hands.

"Thank you, Sect Master, no, I would like to follow Master's instruction."

Saying so, Song Mu also smiled and waved his hand to let the other party go down. At this moment, the figure watching Wang Ruhu's departure also showed a slight smile.

For this apprentice, Song Mu also has very high expectations. At this moment, he also hopes that he can go further on the road of asking questions, and also hopes to be a help for him.

At that moment, Song Mu picked up the book next to him again, but at this moment, a figure flew from a distance and landed in the hall.

It was Yan Fu, but Qi Qi at the moment was a bit travel-worn.

Song Mu got up immediately when he saw the other party's arrival, and immediately asked.

"Old Yan, how is the situation?"

Yan Fu took a sip of a cup of tea, then shook his head helplessly.

"Things still haven't turned around. This time, the monster is probably going to get serious. Your Majesty also has some headaches about this matter. Today, all the officials in the court are arguing endlessly."

Song Mu's heart sank when he heard this, he pursed his lips slightly at this moment, and asked again.

"Then did your majesty say, what do you want me to do?"

Yan Fu shook his head slightly, just looking at Song Mu at the moment.

"Your Majesty just made a temporary confession, saying that now that the school of Ci has just been established, it should develop steadily. If there are any deficiencies in it, you can mention it to Your Majesty."

Song Mu nodded slightly, but Yan Fu asked curiously.

"Sovereign, I think the Ci Sect has only recruited a group of Poetry Sect disciples, but it is still not enough for the sect's affairs. What is the Sect Master's plan now?"

"The old man has also thought about it in the past few days. If the sect urgently needs to expand its disciples, I will publicize it to the world. With His Majesty's support, it will not be difficult."

Song Mu shook his head slightly when he heard this, and said with a smile.

"Boss Yan, don't worry, I've already made a decision on this matter, and it's not a good thing for my Song Ci School to be impatient to enrich my disciples."

Yan Fu also showed curiosity when he heard this, and asked.

"But I don't know how the suzerain plans to recruit disciples?"

Just as he was talking, Song Mu raised his brows suddenly, then looked out of the hall with a smile, and said softly.

"Old Yan, it's a coincidence that this is the case, this person will come soon."


 Thanks to book friends ZHUHONJI, the land of sunset, and the monthly ticket support from a new start~~
(End of this chapter)

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