I slay demons and demons with poetry

Chapter 765 Recruiting a Family

Chapter 765 Recruiting a Family
Yan Fu, who heard Song Mu's words, also looked out of the hall at this moment, but saw a sect disciple hurried in, and immediately said to Song Mu and his hands.

"Report to the suzerain and the elders, there are literati from the family outside the sect asking to see them."

Song Mu nodded and said.

"Invite them in quickly, and remember to prepare some tea."

Yan Fu stood aside and watched such a scene, and at the moment he was also unclear, looking at Song Mu at this moment, and asked in puzzlement.

"Sect Master, you are..."

Song Mu said to Yan Fu with a smile.

"Old Yan, this is one of the sources of my sect's disciples."

"A literati from a family, this...is a good way."

Yan Fu was thinking now, but he couldn't help but nodded. For a sect that needs to absorb fresh blood, literati from aristocratic families are better educated since childhood, and there are literati in their ancestors. Such literati blood must be more talented.

Song Mu also said with a smile at the moment.

"This can be regarded as my unintentional move. Of course, many aristocratic families have come to visit this time. What happens after this has to be seen step by step."

Saying this, although Yan Fu was a little confused, he just watched and waited for the coming literati to reveal the reason.

Soon many people came outside the main hall, and hundreds of people stepped into the main hall of Ci sect, which made Yan Fu's eyes shine.

Only then did Yan Fu notice the difference.

That is the literati of these aristocratic families in front of them, all of them were guests who came to the sect to observe the ceremony that day, and looking carefully, many of them were the ones who stayed to help out when the Ci sect was attacked that day.

This immediately made Yan Fu feel a little intriguing, and Song Mu had already stepped forward to hand in hand with these people.

"Everyone is here, please take your seats quickly and serve tea!"

As the voice said, several patriarchs of the aristocratic family also sat down with smiles on their faces, but each of them looked at Song Mu with different expressions. At present, several patriarchs of the aristocratic family looked at each other, and then one of them said It's hand in hand with Song Mu.

It was the owner of the storehouse.

"Sovereign Song, this old man hasn't beat around the bush in recent days, it's because he has an unfeeling request."

"Master Chu, it's okay to say, Song is also very grateful to all of you who fought for my Ci sect that day,"

Song Mu said with a smile, this time he even came forward to pour the tea himself. Everyone was flattered when they saw Song Mu's behavior, but there was a little more joy in their eyes.

The Patriarch of the Chu Family stroked his beard and continued talking to Song Mu.

"I heard that the noble sect has recruited a group of disciples of the Shi sect in the past few days, and now they are practicing in the sect. Now I only see Xuanyuan Academy recruiting students, but there is no movement from the sect. , what the suzerain said to us."

"That's why the old man also wants to ask the suzerain, maybe recruit me and other younger generations of the family into the sect?"

When Song Mu heard Master Chu's words, he even smiled indifferently, and immediately nodded and said.

"Of course there is no problem with this matter. If you don't say anything today, Song will also ask you."

Everyone finally relaxed when they heard this, but some of them still showed a bit of worry, and the next moment someone asked.

"Then Sect Master Song, I don't know what the Sect Master intends to recruit disciples here. I will bring all the juniors in the family here, and I will ask the Sect Master to select them."

Saying that, all the Patriarchs immediately signaled the younger generation of the aristocratic family in the palace to come forward and bow their hands in salute.

Song Mu also smiled and cupped his hands at the moment, but he said to several Patriarchs.

"Regarding this matter, in fact, Song has made two plans, and today he will cut to the chase. Let everyone listen and deliberate whether it is feasible or not?"

The eyes of all the Patriarchs lit up when they heard this, even Yan Fu who was next to him blinked and listened carefully to what Song Mu said.

"This time, if the children of various aristocratic families wish to join my sect, they have two choices."

"One of them is naturally the same situation as the sect in this world. Enter my sect, cut off the ties of the world, concentrate on cultivation, and serve my sect for the rest of your life."

Everyone nodded when they heard this, but Song Mu changed his words.

"And the second..."

"The Song family also started from a humble beginning, so naturally we know that every successful descendant in this family is very precious to the family. You are all from our century-old family of the Wen Dynasty, and the children are even more powerful. It is not close to let go of this. Favorable."

"That's why Song also has an idea, that is, the disciples of the aristocratic families who entered my sect this time are just like the disciples of the poetry sect who entered my Ci sect. They are borrowed from our Ci sect."

"Borrowing into the sect for 20 years, no matter whether you have completed your studies or not, you can decide whether you will stay or not. What do you think?"

Song Mu said so, but the people who heard the words showed doubts on their faces, but they had never heard of this statement.

Scholars who come and go to the School of Poetry always have to cut off their ties, and even change their surnames, so that they will have no relationship with the original family in the future.

But now at Song Mu's place, Song Mu is willing to let these children choose freely, practice the method of Ci Zong, but they can return to the aristocratic family in the future, it sounds a bit like being a wedding dress.

This made everyone look at each other in blank dismay, even Yan Fu frowned fiercely, but Song Mu continued to explain.

"Of course, Song will only do it this time. After all, because of the current situation of Ci Zong, this is because the heads of the family think highly of me, and it can be regarded as mutual benefit."

"As long as the patriarchs nod their heads, I will select disciples to join the Ci School today. Of course, when it comes to this, I happen to have something to give you."

After speaking, Song Mu took out a lot of things from his bosom. They were some books, which were placed in front of everyone at the moment, and everyone could tell at a glance that the things in them were the authentic works of the ancestors of each family.

Everyone who saw this situation was also taken aback, but at this moment they saw Song Mu sighed deeply, and the tone was deep.

"Everyone, apart from this choice given by Song, there is also a condition that cannot be waived."

"Their entry into the sect this time was at a time when the world was in turmoil. The Song Clan's Ci School is not a hermit sect, but the common people in the world. Therefore, from now on, all disciples of the sect will have to face the world's bloody storm. Perhaps it is... ...a narrow escape."

"So, please think deeply."

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence in the field, and many people lowered their eyes one after another.

At this moment they also realized that Song Mu was able to produce so many things, but there were other circumstances.

Entering the School of Ci, you can learn novel methods, but entering the School of Ci, you will also give up life and death.

The faces of all the Patriarchs showed deep thoughts, and Yan Fu's expressions suddenly eased at this moment.

Song Mu was just holding a teacup to sip tea, not saying anything this time, quietly waiting for the decision of the Patriarchs.

But immediately, one of the disciples of the aristocratic family stood up, and immediately said to his Patriarch and Song Mu.

"Patriarch, Song Sovereign, my family's ancestors said that they are not afraid of life and death for the Wen Dynasty. Since entering Cizong is to serve the family and country, I will die!"

Saying this, other people also stood up one after another. At this moment, they all cupped their hands and spoke, and the loud voices echoed in the hall for a while.

Even Song Mu paused when he saw such a situation, and got up immediately with a solemn expression, and the owner of the Chu family also got up now, and said with Song Mu.

"Sovereign Song, this old man has read books of sages and sages all his life, and he has also fought against monsters. The younger generation has not flinched from this matter, so this old man must not hesitate."

"There are 27 disciples of my Chu family, all of whom can be selected by the suzerain. They will be shrouded in horse leather every day, and this old man... will personally carry the coffin for them!"

The Patriarch of the Chu family actually said such tragic words here at this moment, and all the patriarchs in that scene also stood up one after another, and all of them exchanged hands at the moment.

Seeing this, Song Mu's eyes were also sharp, and he immediately bowed respectfully to everyone.

"Since you entrust life and death to each other, then Song swears here today that I will teach you all to become a disciple of my Ci sect. In the future, when I face life and death in the world, I will stand at the forefront!"

In the main hall, the crowd was excited for a while, but Yan Fu, who was standing on the side, saw this scene, and thought of the night of the invigilator Chunwei, and his heart was full of blood.


(End of this chapter)

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