Chapter 786
One sword can open the sky!
At this moment, Song Mu has shown full power, the phantom long sword shines brightly, and the sword's light shoots up into the sky, tearing off the black mask in an instant.

The mask suddenly shattered and collapsed under the huge power, and the next moment, a ray of vision fell along Song Mu's sword tip.

Like a dazzling sunset leaking out of the dark clouds, the orange-gold light fell straight down, sprinkled in this city that hadn't been reached in a hundred years.

The dark city is dyed with a touch of golden afterglow. When it falls, it gives people a feeling of vicissitudes, but it is shocking.

At this moment, Song Liwen was also taken aback suddenly, and looked up at the sky uncontrollably.

A ray of sunlight fell, but Song Liwen narrowed his eyes slightly.

This was a long-lost warm feeling. When this feeling enveloped him, it actually gave Song Liwen a moment of peace in his heart.

But the next moment Song Liwen's bloody eyes surged, reflecting the red phantom standing in the air, his blood suddenly agitated.

The attack came unknowingly, Song Liwen was facing the phantom in the sky at this moment, his blood energy turned into a barrier, and then surrounded him towards the sky.

The sun was shining on Song Mu's head, but at this moment his eyes were lowered slightly, and the next moment he held the long sword in his hands.

A vast fluctuation of literary power spread over the city, and there was a sound of thunder in the clear sky, and then the sky was swept by a violent wind.

At this moment, the two red figures meet the sky and the earth, and rays of light burst out. At this moment, the coercion shakes all directions, and the city suddenly shatters.

Song Liwen's figure appeared in the blood eyes, and at this moment he raised a pair of blood claws furiously, and grabbed Song Mu fiercely.

"So what about becoming a saint and becoming a demon?!"

"Song Mu, today I want you to go to hell with me!"

Song Liwen roared so angrily, at this moment the blood statue's body suddenly shone brightly, and even more powerful blood was revealed on that huge body.

The blood filled the air, rushing towards Song Mu from all directions at this moment.

Song Mu waved the long sword in his hand, and the words flashed with light. At this moment, his eyes were firmly fighting with Song Liwen. The long sword fell, but the blood statue stretched out its sharp claws, and at this moment it forcibly caught the powerful attack.

The long sword cut off several sharp claws, but the blood statue's sharp claws changed at this moment, turning into a wriggling blood.

Song Mu suddenly looked up, but found that the blood image in front of him began to change drastically.

The originally ferocious figure was slowly melting at this moment, and the blood seemed to have a direction, and they all rushed towards Song Mu at this moment.

All of this was formed in just a moment, Song Mu immediately swung his attack, and thousands of sword lights rushed out, and at this moment, blood holes were made on the blood.

But in an instant, these blood holes healed one after another, and Song Mu didn't even have time to react. At this moment, the blood curtain directly wrapped himself.

"Let's die together!"

After Song Mu was completely covered by the blood curtain, he could only vaguely hear the words in it at this moment. Song Liwen roared wildly, and Song Mu immediately felt the power of the scarlet blood in front of him.

In almost a moment, Song Mu found that his righteousness began to disappear.

This made Song Mu suddenly alert, and at this moment he also realized the situation in front of him. It was actually the same as the previous battle. Song Liwen used the method of devouring again.

But the difference is that these blood can pollute Song Mu's awe-inspiring righteousness even more. In just a moment, Song Mu felt that the phantom had dimmed a lot.

And outside the blood curtain, the Golden Crow was transforming into attacks one after another, heading towards the blood curtain at this moment.

But the blood curtain seemed to be completely unafraid of these flames, no matter how it burned, Song Mu's phantom was still being consumed continuously in the stirring blood curtain.

Song Mu also tried to use his mind power many times, but found that no matter how much power he had this time, he couldn't stop the opponent from devouring him.

When Song Liwen saw such a situation, he couldn't stop laughing wildly at the moment.

"Song Mu, I will fight you with my life, how can you escape!"

As the other party said this, more surging power surged out of the blood curtain, and Song Mu's phantom was crumbling for a moment.

Facing this kind of luck, Song Mu also showed anxiety, but the next moment Song Mu's face was sharp, and at this moment, he bit his fingertips to force out blood, and he was drawing in it.

"Manjianghong" was completed in an instant, the drums were thunderous, and the killing intent shook the sky.

The book "Song of Righteous Qi" was completed, the red light suddenly appeared, and the pure righteousness burst out...

At this moment, Song Mu wrote all his poems with all his strength, and the poems appeared on the phantom, and then walked around with huge power.

At this moment, the literary power in Song Mu's body is pouring out like a river, and countless powers fill this phantom.

But the blood curtain wrapped in phantom was still devouring frantically, and the two sides wrestled at this moment.

A quick struggle for life and death.

Song Mu didn't know that he had written that poem, but felt that his brain and Chinese were exhausted at this moment, and his body was even more exhausted at this moment.

But the blood curtain in front of him was still bright.

At this moment, Song Mu suddenly heard a buzzing sound in his mind, and the next moment Song Mu felt the ancient book in his mind unfold, and at the same time, the words he wrote on the phantom, at this moment It kept flashing into it.

The ancient book was constantly being opened in Song Mu's mind, and what was written on it were Song Mu's poems one after another. At this moment, the poems imprinted on it are shining brightly.

Song Mu saw the power of this ancient book again after a long absence.

I saw that the ancient book was opened in an instant, and after absorbing the words, there were different poems shining dazzling light from it.

That is the golden line among Song Mu's countless poems. These good lines, which have been handed down from generation to generation, are transformed into Taoist rays of light at this moment, rushing out of Song Mu's body, and turning into a body of writing armor to protect it.

The red phantom has dissipated at this moment, and the blood curtain has eroded in front of Song Mu.

But at this moment, Song Mu realized that he no longer had the power to overflow from his body.

Although his body was still dry, when Song Mu clenched his fists, what he was holding was real strength.

The blood curtain touched Song Mu's body, but the next moment it was directly swung away by a poem shining with golden light, and Song Mu had already pulled out Tunhai to face the blood curtain.

Without a word, Song Mu rushed out.

Outside of the blood cocoon, the Golden Crow was still unleashing attacks, and Tang Cai was restrained, but at the moment he looked complacent, as if he had foreseen the upcoming victory.

But only the next moment, a long sword and a bloody arm suddenly protruded from the huge blood cocoon.

The long sword deflected slightly, and the power surged on the arm, which suddenly scattered the blood around it.

A long howl resounded in the world, and a figure rushed out of the blood cocoon.

The blood cocoon exploded suddenly, and the whole city was soaked in blood, and in the sky, Song Mu stood facing the wind.

The left hand suddenly burst out with a majestic righteousness, which now enveloped a human figure who was no longer struggling.

Song Liwen's breath was already weak, and there was a huge blood hole in his chest, only the blood lines were still trembling slightly.


That Tang Cai immediately shouted angrily, and began to struggle violently, while Song Mu had already approached Song Liwen's body with great righteousness, and said in a deep voice at this moment.

"Song Liwen, if you say it yourself, you will avoid the soul-searching punishment before death."

Song Liwen slightly raised his eyes to look at Song Mu, his face was extremely calm.

I don't know if I can't speak anymore, or I already know that my death is coming.


 Thanks to book friend Zhenyan for the 5000 point reward and monthly ticket support~~
  Thanks to book friends ZHUHONJI, Sunset Land, Yuan [I can’t type the expression] for their monthly support~~
  I've been busy with exams recently, and when this weekend is over, I'll add updates to three book friends who have been supporting me!do as promised!

(End of this chapter)

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