Chapter 787 Endgame
"Song Mu, then you answer my question first."

In the sky of the holy pilgrimage song, Song Liwen, who was surrounded by awe-inspiring righteousness, lowered his eyes slightly, and barely uttered these words.

"Where did you get those people in this city?"

Song Mu was silent, and after a while, he still looked at the other party and said in a deep voice.

"Naturally, it was sent into a foreign land."

Hearing this, Song Liwen had a slightly incredulous expression on his face, but the next moment he seemed to be stunned again.

The blood on his body had already been drained, Song Liwen looked at the sunlight shining from above his head at this moment, and he just asked.

"Then what's going on now?"

"Is this your alien world, or reality?"

Song Mu said calmly.

"Nature is reality."

Song Liwen's face was calm, he closed his eyes slightly to feel the heat of the sun, and then he seemed relieved to speak.

"It seems that there are some things that I have indeed forgotten for too long."

Having said that, Song Liwen sighed softly, but this time he suddenly opened his eyes and looked directly at Song Mu.

"Song Mu, you really want to know the cause of the blood demon, don't you?"

As he spoke, Song Liwen's mouth suddenly curled into a weird smile.

"Let me tell you frankly, there is no method, no method at all."

There was a hint of madness in his eyes.

"This is a practice, and the Demon Cult has already taken it away. Killing me is just a drop in the bucket."

Song Mu's eyes froze.

"But that guy said, you still have something you haven't told them."

Song Liwen's eyes drooped slightly, but he pursed his lips and said silently.

"That's right, that's a real magic skill. If it can be done, how can the Demon Cult not produce a shocking power."

"Ahem, it just seems that they have nothing to do with it."

Saying so, he suddenly coughed violently a few times, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes were already blurred. No matter how Song Mu questioned him, he just looked at the dazzling light in the sky and murmured.

"I really hope this is a long dream. After waking up from the dream, you, Song Mu, are not the Song Mu of today."

"How wonderful..."

The words were low, Song Liwen's spirit was like a thread, but at this moment Song Mu just snorted coldly, and a thought force penetrated into the opponent's mind.

But at the next moment, Song Mu suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

There was a force coming towards this side, and the coercion made Song Mu's heart palpitate.

Song Mu's expression changed at this moment, and before he could shake off the gloom on his face, a flame in his hand enveloped Song Liwen, and his figure suddenly fell.

Song Mu didn't stop there. Seeing Song Liwen's remnant body turn into dust in his hands, he had already reached out and dropped a few pieces of paper at his feet, and was heading out of the city quickly.

Jin Wu also chased after him the next moment, but it was just a circle, heading towards Song Mu in the opposite direction.

Jie Zezhu's voice sounded in Song Mu's mind, warning Song Mu that there was great power coming, and it might be able to temporarily resist it for a while with the power of this star.

In its tone, it was already urging Song Mu to flee quickly.

There are already dark clouds in the sky, among which thunder is shining, and the coercion sweeps across the mountains and forests, and the situation on this vast land suddenly changes.

Tang Cai also struggled violently at this moment, as if he had already waited for the savior to arrive at this moment.

Song Mu activated the papers behind him. At this moment, strange places were revealed one by one, and Song Mu's figure suddenly disappeared into the ruins.

At the same time, there was a scream in the sky, and the next moment the Golden Crow turned into a fire dragon and moved forward.

At this moment, there was a cold snort in the sky, and a black dragon protruded from the dark clouds, colliding with the fire dragon at this moment.

But in an instant, the flames were extinguished, and the black dragon wandered between the sky and the earth, and the sound of the dragon's howling was endless.

And the coercion in the sky suddenly increased, and all creatures were directly overwhelmed by that powerful coercion at this moment.

Song Mu also paused in his footsteps, resisting the discomfort and running his body to continue to escape, but he also caught a glimpse of that figure from the corner of his eye.

It was a figure in a black robe, with a slightly stooped figure, but it was looking down.

That Tang Cai had already untied the restraints on his body, and now he knelt down on the ground and said to the man.

"Elder, it's Song Mu! He killed Song Liwen!"

Saying so, the man in the black robe in the sky seemed to be furious suddenly. At this moment, he shouted angrily, and countless black air rippled out in the sky, covering the sky and the sun at this moment.

Song Mu looked up, the devilish energy had enveloped his head, and within it was boundless coercion.

The next moment Song Mu felt that there was another change in the sky, and thousands of ghost heads were condensed in the gloomy sky, and they were flying across the sky at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, those ghost heads seemed to have sensed something, and rushed towards the ground fiercely, and the several strange lands that Song Mu had just created were broken in an instant.

Those ghost heads also seemed to have noticed something, and they were heading towards Song Mu at the moment.

At this moment, Jie Zezhu's voice sounded in Song Mu's mind again.

"Your Excellency, enter the white jade scroll immediately, this is a demon clan in the realm of Confucianism."

Song Mu's face was also stunned, but at this moment he kept walking, throwing out strips of paper to create a strange environment.

If the white jade scroll is released here, the scroll that cannot be hidden will only fall into the opponent's hands.

This kind of old monster is not so easy to be confused,

Sure enough, right after Song Mu made the move, the man in the black robe in the sky turned his head slightly.

"Destroy my Son of the Demon Sect, I should have killed you long ago."

Saying so, I saw that guy's figure flashed suddenly, and he also came towards Song Mu.

Song Mu only felt the gust of wind sweeping behind him, even before Song Mu did anything, the huge coercion came in an instant, Song Mu felt as if his heart was being held at this moment, and the literary strength on his body began to change. Very obscure.

Under such pressure, Song Mu suddenly saw a river appearing in front of him.

Without any hesitation, Song Mu jumped straight into it, and at the same time, rays of light bloomed behind him, and strange lands were suddenly completed one by one.

Song Mu dived into the turbulent river, but suddenly heard the sound of an explosion in his ears, and a huge force spread throughout the entire river.

Song Mu seemed to be hit hard at this moment, but he still held on to grab a river fish, and then scattered the scroll into the fish's belly. At the moment when he was about to faint, Song Mu urged the white jade scroll.

The great Confucianist of the Demon Sect had also reached the stream at this moment, but he suddenly realized that he could not feel Song Mu's aura, and his expression froze at this moment, and then he swung his attack again and directly into the river.

For a moment, the river shook within a hundred miles, and countless fish splashed and died. The figure in the black robe rose into the air, but he didn't sense any aura from Song Mu.

But at this moment, several terrifying powers came from the sky, and the sound of booming suddenly sounded, and it turned out that it was the arrival of two great scholars of the human race.

They saw the completely dilapidated city in the distance at a glance, and also saw the distraught Confucianism, and their eyes changed immediately.

"Old man, it looks like we're going to have a big fight today!"

One of the great Confucianists shouted loudly, and the eyes of both sides suddenly met, but at the moment they were both a little gloomy.

Both parties came for the blood demon cause, but now, the blood demon cause died with Song Liwen, and Song Mu disappeared, completely disappeared.

At this moment, both sides were burning with anger, but when their eyes intersected, countless powers unfolded between the heaven and the earth, and then the huge figure suddenly rose and penetrated into the high sky.


(End of this chapter)

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