literary world

Chapter 10 The Power in the Power

Chapter 10 The Power in the Power
The next day, early in the morning.

Fang Nan, who was tortured by Zeng Li until midnight, was woken up by the rustling sound from next door.

After waking up for a while, he stretched out his fingers to flick off a few slugs stuck to the mosquito net, Fang Nan got out of bed and went out of the room.

The rain at the end of the rainy season last night was intermittent and continued throughout the night.

Let the concrete floor in the yard grow a layer of moss overnight.

In the small courtyard, Zeng Li woke up early, wearing a white T-shirt and slippers, squatting in front of the well and brushing his teeth.

"It looks like it's going to rain this day. The director didn't call you to signal a day off?"

Fang Nan stretched his waist and asked her.

Zeng Li has a red flip phone, which Fang Nan saw on set.

This mobile phone is not cheap, and the cost is also high. Fang Nan has no money to buy it, and has been using the BP machine that was popular a few years ago.

He knew in his heart that it would not be long before he stopped using it, so what he thought about was using it every day, and it could be used as an alarm clock to check the time.

"In your dreams!"

Zeng Li with a toothbrush stuffed in his mouth said vaguely.

"Okay, let's wash up and go." Fang Nan rubbed his face, returned to the room, and came out with a washbasin towel.

After washing at high speed, the weather was gloomy and it was about to rain, so he saved time for exercising, hung behind Zeng Li's buttocks and walked towards Wansheng Street.

The two entered the hotel on the third floor, Zeng Li went to the dressing room, and he ran to the director Fang Tian's room.

"Coming? Come in."

As soon as the door of the director's room appeared, Fang Tian spotted him, beckoned him to enter the room, and said:
"Last night, I spoke to the producer on the phone. She means that she can pay you up to 100 yuan a day. The job is field management and peripheral martial arts. You can see if you can accept it."

The money was about the same as what Fang Nan expected, and he thought it was quite good.

After all, the so-called special actors yesterday were actually martial artists, group performers, and even the risk of acting as a martial artist, and it was only 80 yuan.

Now I only do field work and martial arts for 100 yuan a day, which is very good, and one day's work can be worth one month's rent.

Moreover, in a large crew with a large number of people, it is not an exaggeration to say that the person who has these two jobs is an assistant director.

In fact, Fang Nan also understood that whether it was the producer behind the crew of "Miao Cuihua", or the director Fang Tian, ​​they all fell in love with his scheduling ability, so they paid high wages cruelly.

After all, the rest of the scenes basically have group actors participating. He has arranged the group actors, and the shooting will go smoothly, so they can get rid of this mess as soon as possible.

Fang Nan remained silent for a long time, Fang Tian asked again: "Is there any problem?"

Fang Nan nodded and replied, "No problem."

"Then you sign the contract." Fang Tian turned his back and walked to the bedside table.

Fang Nan was startled, such a small crew even wanted to sign a contract?

He didn't feel relieved until Fang Tian handed over a page of paper.

It was not a formal contract, but a page torn from an exercise book, on which several employment contracts were drafted, and when he signed it, it would be considered an agreement between the two parties.

"You don't need to worry about the peripheral martial arts work. Your main task is to help me arrange the extras."

After Fang Nan signed his name, Fang Tian directly revealed his intention to recruit him.

"I know the director. If there's nothing else, I'll go down and take a look. When I came here just now, a lot of group performers had already gathered at the door."

Fang Tian nodded and said: "Bring a copy of the shooting plan for the next three days, and you will be responsible for the extras. I also greeted Lao Gao last night."

Fang Nan agreed, took a copy of the filming schedule, and went downstairs.

It was drizzling outside the house, and he stood under the eaves and looked at the number of extra performers required on the schedule. After he knew it well, he waved to Wu Gao in the crowd: "Wu Gao, come here."

Wu Gao pushed away the person standing in front with a happy face, and handed him a cigarette with a shy face: "Brother Nan, what's the matter?"

In just two days, he had a deep understanding of what it means to be under the eaves and have to bow his head.

Since Gao Chang was on the phone last night, angrily canceled the agreed group performance, and scolded Fang Nan again.

Wu Gao already understood that he was going to get to know Fang Nan again.

He never imagined that a young man under his command would be so powerful that he could squeeze out Gao Chang in just one day.

Think about Fang Nan these two days, first he took a powerful pill, then his arm was pulled and dislocated, and then reattached.

In a flash, he quickly rose from the crew of "Miao Cuihua", and became the target of their group leaders.

This dazzling miraculous operation, he, Wu Gao, would not be able to change Fang Nan's mind if he didn't think so.

"If you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, it's best not to force your face."

Last night after hearing that Fang Nan was in charge of the group performance, Wu Gao, who couldn't sleep after tossing and turning, summed up this sentence.

Fortunately for Wu Gao, he and Fang Nan had some kind of sweet love.

And it seemed that the other party didn't seem to care about my cynicism these two days.

Fang Nan doesn't know the little Jiujiu in Wu Gao's heart, and he doesn't want to understand or guess.

When he thought of it inadvertently, he would just sneer.

To mix in any circle, of course there must be means, but in the end it is still necessary to have hard power.

Blacksmith need its own hardware.

From Fang Nan's point of view, a person who has no hard power and only knows how to play tricks will never be able to set foot on the broad road.

Glancing at Wu Gao, Fang Nan asked, "How many men do you have now? I want a man, about 175cm tall, not too fat, looks more robust, and a little younger, about 30 years old."

Wu Gao was dumbfounded.

Gao Chang wanted a group performance, so he called the night before and asked him to prepare as many group performances as possible, at most mentioning whether there are more men or more women.

Unlike Fang Nan, it doesn't matter if he is divided into men and women, he even has requirements for height, shortness, fatness, and thinness, and he also needs to look tough!

"Urgent?" Wu Gao asked boldly.

"Nonsense, the actor will set off after putting on makeup, can you be in a hurry?"

Wu Gao's face collapsed, he took out his lighter, and lit a cigarette for Fang Nan: "Brother Nan, if it's urgent, I only have three or four people who meet the requirements. Some."

After puffing out his cigarette, Fang Nan took out the BP camera and glanced at it. Knowing that the time was too late, he ignored Wu Gao and selected more than [-] group performances from other group leaders.

In addition, Wu Gao, who didn't meet the requirements but had served him for a long time, made up 30 people.

After choosing the group performers, Fang Nan ran upstairs to greet the director, and then led the 30 group performers straight to the Ming and Qing palaces.

On the way to the Ming and Qing Palaces, Wu Gao came up to him: "Brother Nan, I have something to tell you."

Fang Nan glanced at him: "What's the matter?"

"This old boy Gao Chang scolded you for a long time last night!"

Fang Nan's expression was indifferent, without any sign of embarrassment, "Understood." Soon, he said something indifferent.

As for Wu Gao who turned around and sold Gao Chang, Fang Nan also came to the conclusion that he was an out-and-out villain who could be used as a tool man.

Not long after the group arrived at the Ming and Qing palaces, three cars from the crew of "Miao Cuihua" also arrived.

Fang Nan directed 30 group performers to change into costumes, and led them to put on wigs, and then received props.

It wasn't until the 30 extra performers around him completely turned into guards standing in the palace that he went to the director and asked them where the extra performers were.

After getting the director's guidance, he went back to look for the extras, and pressed each of the extras to the designated positions. Only then was he really free.

(End of this chapter)

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