Chapter 11
As the meal approached, the light rain turned into heavy rain, and the crew of "Miao Cuihua" was forced to suspend.

Following the helpless "rest" from the director, everyone on the crew ran away with their heads in their hands and hid in the temporary canopy.

"You, you, come here."

In the canopy of the extras, Fang Nan ordered two extras from among the crowd and stood in front of him.

In the peripheral fight scene just now, these two people waved their swords wildly while holding back their laughter, which made him very angry.

Even if the director didn't mention it at all.

Even if the camera only sweeps over them.

Fang Nan was still very dissatisfied with these two people.

The reason for dissatisfaction is not that these two people are not dedicated enough or have no professional ethics.

It's the two people's disrespect for life.

Taking the prop sword, Fang Nan pointed to the group performer holding the sword, "Do you think this fake sword can stab you blind?"

The group performer holding the sword kept his head silent, Fang Nan picked up the fake knife held by another group performer, held it up in front of him, and said angrily, "Do you know what it feels like to be cut on the face by this fake knife?"

As the crowd watched, the group performer with the knife bit the bullet and said, "This fake knife has no edge, so it should be fine."

Finding that the man was still talking hard without paying attention, Fang Nan responded with a "fart".

He even cursed one after another: "It's okay? Would you like to give me a try?"

"You guys are blinded by lard, dare not take iron hollow swords seriously?"

"What if he pokes you blind? What if you cut him apart?"

"You two bastards, are you so stupid that you don't think about the consequences?"

Fang Nan's yelling and cursing were like a sword piercing through the heavy rain, causing people in the two canopies not far away to poke their heads out and look this way from time to time.

It also made the swarm performers who were originally whispering become as quiet as a chilling cicada.

Salivating and cursing, Fang Nan was still angry and waited to scold again, Wu Gao poked him on the back: "Brother Nan, take it easy, Gao Chang is here."

As soon as Wu Gaogang finished reminding, Gao Chang dropped his umbrella and went into the canopy: "Xiao Fang, what's the matter, you scolded so loudly, the director heard it."

Fang Nan didn't turn his head back: "It's nothing."

"Is there nothing wrong with scolding people like this?"

Gao Chang's muttering to himself was actually a loud accusation in disguise.

After all, one of the group performers in the loud shed counted as one, and they could all be heard clearly.

It's not over yet, he just nodded slightly at the two groups of performers looking for something to do, and asked with a smirk: "How did you two offend Fang Wu?"

"No offense."

"No offense?" Gao Chang didn't give up: "Why didn't you offend me? Come out and tell me."

The two groups of performers glanced at Gao Chang, then at Fang Nan, hesitating and at a loss, Fang Nan, who was so upset, turned around and moved out of the way.

"Damn it, how can there be so many people in such a small production team like a grass-roots team who like to make shit up?"

Sitting down on the floor, Fang Nan muttered in depression.

Wu Gao squatted down next to him, and interjected, "Is this crew all right, isn't it just Gao Chang? This guy is really a villain."

Wu Gao's shameless words almost made Fang Nan laugh.

In his heart, besides Gao Chang, another person who doesn't know the so-called is Wu Gao.

These two people can be called the "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young" in the crew of "Miao Cuihua", they are both people with high eyesight and low hands but don't know it.

Sitting for a while, Fang Nan asked the rest of the extras in the studio to gather around him, and then he began to speak earnestly.

A lot of ramblings have been said, but there is only one central idea.

The big guy works hard and tries not to make any mistakes when filming the fight scenes. As long as the big guy works hard and is serious, he will be the first to select the group performers that the "Miao Cuihua" crew needs next from everyone present.

The reason why Fang Nan said this is that he does have more respect for life than ordinary people.

After all, being an orphan in two lifetimes has suffered too much, and knowing that life is the greatest happiness can make life dazzling.

As for the second reason, it belongs to personal selfishness.

To put it bluntly, it is to reduce the burden of his work. These people are now like his left and right arms. The more flexible the left and right arms are, the better he can work.

He can also be more free.

After Gao Chang left, Fang Nan didn't intentionally make things difficult for the two extras who went out with Gao Chang, as long as the two of them stopped treating the fight as a child's play.

Treating the crew as a playground, he will not drive people away.

As for what the two said to Gao Chang, and what Gao Chang relayed to the director, Fang Nan asked lazily.

He didn't believe that director Fang Tian would fire him because of this short-sightedness.

Everything was as Fang Nan expected, until the dinner was served, Fang Tian never stepped into the canopy at all, he was acquiescing to Fang Nan's actions.

"Hey, after dinner, let's find a place to do a couple of tricks."

When Fang Nan buried himself in cooking, Wu Jing came over with a lunch box and said something abruptly.

"Not interested." Fang Nan shook his head and vetoed it.

He was too old to be brave and ruthless, let alone this kind of meaningless fight.

Fang Nan refused, Wu Jing was not in a hurry, took a bite of his meal, put Fang Nan down next to him and squatted down, and said with a smile: "I don't even dare to spar, so why are you learning Kung Fu?"

Fang Nan was stunned. In his 20s, Wu Jing, who was so young, was so young?
However, Fang Nan still chose to laugh at Wu Jing who insulted him for no reason.

He even raised the plate in his hand, smiled and said, "It's just for this."

The common problem of martial arts practitioners is that they get itchy when they meet their peers, and they want to learn from each other.

Fang Nan can understand this point, and has also experienced this period.

But he didn't expect that Wu Jing was very persistent: "Let's play a few times casually, don't run far, just stay in this shed. Look, I'm not afraid of losing face if I lose."

Fang Nan put down his chopsticks and said with a headache, "What's the point?"

Seeing Fang Nan showing signs of letting go, Wu Jing was very excited, put the unfinished lunch box on the ground, stood up straight, and continued to persuade:
"It's raining, idle is idle, let's take two simple tricks. Anyway, if you don't fight, I think you look down on me!"

Fang Nan was speechless, never thought that Wu Jing at this age would be such a second grader!
"Simple, just dismantle two tricks?"

While warming up, Wu Jing nodded her head several times: "That's for sure, I can't hurt you."

In the canopy, the moment Wu Jing came in, they already attracted the attention of the extra performers. After listening for a while, they held their breaths and found that he and Fang Nan were going to fight each other.

"Oh, oh" he booed instantly.

The sound of the sound scared all the people in the other two awnings out, thinking that something serious had happened.

After understanding, the entire crew looked at Wu Jing and Fang Nan who were warming up with great interest.

After a while, Wu Jing got up first and looked at Fang Nan confidently: "Are you ready?"

"bring it on."

Fang Nan made a fist with his left hand in front and his right arm across his chest.

Looking at Fang Nan's starting moves, Wu Jing, who knew a lot of kung fu routines, said, "Are you dog punching?"

Fang Nan raised his brows: "The dog boxing specializes in the lower three ways, so it's not suitable for use today."

What he said was actually not deceiving at all. His master told him that the founder of Dog Boxing was a female boxer from the Qing Dynasty.

The female patriarch's definition of dog boxing is to focus on human weaknesses, eyes, crotch, anus, every vulnerable place on the human body is the target of dog boxing.

That's why Fang Nan said that Dog Fist is the real Kung Fu against the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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