literary world

Chapter 101 hint

Chapter 101 hint
"Mr. Cai, the timing of the two dramas produced by your company is not good!"

When the wine was half drunk, everyone's faces were covered with a layer of blush. At this moment, Cao Feng, who had been complimented by Cai Yinong and others for a long time, said suddenly.

Fang Nan turned his head and blinked at Zeng Li next to him, which clearly meant to say again, "Look, Chi Naka is coming, alcohol is on it, and the prehistoric power is about to be uncontrollable."

The corner of Zeng Li's mouth twitched, and she pinched Fang Nan's thigh, causing Fang Nan to grin his teeth.

At the same time, Cai Yinong echoed: "Yes, no one thought that there would be so many blockbuster movies coming out this year. If we had known earlier, our two low-budget movies would have been postponed."

Cao Feng flicked the ashes: "Mr. Cai, which blockbuster movies are you referring to?"

"One of Feng Dapao's?"

"A part of Zhou Xingxing?"

"Zhang Yi's?"

Cai Yinong singled out the three major domestic directors one after another, even Fang Nan and Zeng Li no longer messed with each other under the table, his brows were furrowed.

In 2004, the domestic film market was indeed full of blockbusters, including "Kung Fu", "A World Without Thieves", and "House of Flying Daggers".

"Mr. Cai, you said too little, let me analyze it for you."

As Cao Feng said, he extinguished the cigarette on his fingertips, held up his fingers, and said leisurely: "According to the information from my side, there are probably these few movies in the summer vacation schedule you want."

"Cheng Long's "New Police Story" and Zhang Yimou's "House of Flying Daggers" also have a mission movie, you know the mission movie."

"There will be foreign sequel blockbusters "Shrek 2", "Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban", and "Illaoi" starring Hollywood stars!"

"It probably means that "A World Without Thieves" and "Kung Fu" will be continued from June until the end of the year!"

After saying the last sentence, Cao Feng leisurely took out his cigarettes, and started to smoke from Li Guoli on the left to Fangnan on the right, who was separated from him by Cai Yinong.

"Crack", Li Guoli waved the beautiful waiter away, and personally ordered it for Cao Feng.

"Manager Cao, Tang Tang Film and Television's "Suspicion" and "The Unknown Man" need your help." Li Guo said politely in his unproficient Mandarin.

"Director Li, Mr. Cai, I have received your kindness tonight, and I am very grateful. But when it comes to helping, I think I can only do my best." Cao Feng said vaguely.

At this moment, there were 10 people at the table, except Cao Feng who was eating and drinking leisurely, Fang Nan's surface was flat, showing no tension.

The rest of the people showed all their anxiety on their faces, let alone eating and drinking.

The high-level audience of Tangtang Film and Television was silent.

Zeng Li, who came over to eat and drink, was also silent.

After Cao Feng's analysis, she knew what kind of difficulties Fang Nan and "The Unknown" would face next.

This is simply hell-level difficulty.

Once "Nobody Knows" fails at the box office, Fang Nan, who has been going smoothly for more than two years, is afraid that he will be devastated and return to the sloppy look of Hengdian at that time.

After all, he has all his wealth in this movie.

"Manager Cao, I'd like to offer you a toast. "Suspicious Ghosts" and "The Unknown" also ask for your help."

Thinking of this, Zeng Li stood up while holding the tall glass.

She didn't want to take "Suspicious" with her.

In the current situation, "Suspicion" is also a competitor of "The Unknown".

The big beauty toasted, Cao Feng readily accepted it, and drank the wine in the wine cup.

Then, standing Cao Feng smiled and said to Zeng Li:

"Beauty Zeng asked, she must help. Mr. Cai, Director Li, Director Fang, choose one of "Suspicious Ghosts" and "The Unknown Man". I will try my best to communicate with the theaters so that this movie can be released before June. show."

After drinking the red wine, Zeng Li, who sat down after hearing this, kicked Fang Nan with her pointed high heels, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Grabbing Zeng Li's restless thigh, Fang Nan said to the embarrassed Cai Yinong: "Let's arrange the schedule for "Suspicious Ghosts". "The Unknown Man" can't be finished before June."

He could see whether Cao Feng was accurate, Fang Nan couldn't guarantee it, but after a few glasses of wine, Cao Feng's intention to set up a trap couldn't be more obvious.

"The Unknown Man" will be distributed to this person, and I don't know what it will be like in the future.

Instead of entangled with people, he might as well wait for the finished film to be released and let other distributors watch it.

Fang Nan flatly refused "The Unknown" to be released in June, and a trace of regret in Cao Feng's eyes unconsciously showed.

Coincidentally, the waiter will serve new dishes, and everyone's attention is attracted.

A new dish, the name of the dish is 'water fish stew', the green soft-shelled turtle lies on the plate of green clear water, just like alive.

Fang Nan and the others thought that this dish was the same as other dishes, and when no one moved their chopsticks, Cao Feng pressed the table and stood up. Cai Yinong, who didn't know why, saw him shaking, and specially gave him a little support.

"This dish is good, nourishes the body." Cao Feng stretched out his chopsticks with a smile, and grabbed the soft-shelled turtle's head.

When Li Guoli and his men smiled and echoed, Zeng Li just wanted to say to Fang Nan, "You often stay up late recently, and you have to make up for it", when Cao Feng handed the turtle head he was holding to Zeng Li, "I heard that the turtle head is meat Rich, fragrant and delicious!"


Tang Tang's high-level officials made a low-level joke about this, and laughed awkwardly for a while.

Cai Yinong and Li Guoli glanced at Cao Feng and frowned deeply.

The two of them have been in Xiangjiang and the entertainment industry in the mainland for many years, and they have heard a lot of things behind the scenes. It is really the first time they have met someone like Cao Feng who gave hints face to face.

Looking at Zeng Li again, his face was flushed, he was both ashamed and annoyed, she just believed Fang Nan's words were true.

Cao Feng is really a beast-like guy!
In front of so many people, he dared to come out naked!
Zeng Li's breathing became short of breath, the corners of her eyes were red, and if there were sharp nails on Qianqian's ten fingers, they might sink deeply into her palms.

"Don't tell me, I think the tortoise shell on the plate is quite suitable for you, Manager Cao. It looks hard, but when you take it off, the feces, urine, filth, and filth underneath are all exposed, showing your ugly appearance."

Before Zeng Li looked at him for help, Fang Nan had already opened his mouth.

It didn't count to retort, he grabbed a pair of chopsticks on the table in an instant, and slapped Cao Feng's wrist.

The speed was so fast and the strength was so strong that Cao Feng let out a "hiss" in an instant.

"Fang Nan, what are you doing? You can't even make small jokes?"

This blow of Fang Nan seemed to knock the alcohol out of Cao Feng's mind. After such a short time, he thought of blaming the filth in his heart just now on a little joke.

"What? Manager Cao can make small jokes, but I can't?" Fang Nan glanced at Cao Feng.

It's not the first time Fang Nan has seen the filth in the circle, but a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way, between your love and my wish, that's nothing to say.

Cao Feng is like this, he hates it in his heart.

What's more, Cao Feng is targeting his friends!
(End of this chapter)

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