literary world

Chapter 102

Chapter 102
Walk together under the street lights.

Zeng Li frowned.

"What about "The Unknown"?" She asked Fang Nan worriedly.

Fu forehead hiccupped, Fang Nan shook his head and laughed: "The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Without Butcher Cao, I can still eat hairy pigs? Why don't there be dozens of publishing companies in China, big and small, that's not possible."

Fang Nan didn't care about Cao Feng, a big guy. A manager of a small distribution company can control an entire national cinema?

What are you bragging about!
This kind of person has a little power in their hands and likes to pretend, but in fact they are typically bullying and fearing hard, pretending to be powerful.

If you take a step back, he will make an inch of it.

At the dining table, Fang Nan shook Cao Feng's chopsticks, turned a corner and cursed in a strange manner. In the end, didn't he have to coax him?
The fact that "The Unknown" was handed over to Cao Feng for distribution must be wrong, and "Suspicion" is also uncertain.

But Fang Nan didn't like this yet.

But Zeng Li, Fang Nan had to take it seriously.

He had a panoramic view of what this girl had done tonight, and he had to say that it seemed worthwhile to give up the entire forest for her.

With a fistful heart, there are fair skin and beautiful long legs, and the chest and back are still not the same level!

What a good wife!
Thinking of this, Fang Nan suddenly felt a burst of hotness in his body, and even walked awkwardly.

Fang Nan had a strange look of urinating and clamping his legs, Zeng Li looked puzzled: "What are you doing?"

Fake coughing twice, taking a step back to ease the embarrassment, he said: "It's nothing, let's go on."

No idea, the more he said that, the more curious Zeng Li became, turning his head in two steps, turning his head in two steps, finally saw the situation of Fang Nan's crotch clearly, and then became angry from embarrassment.

"My head is full of dirty things." She stopped suddenly, stretched out her hands, and pushed Fang Nan onto the green belt.

Zeng Li came suddenly, quickly and hurriedly, crossing his legs and walking with his head buried. Fang Nan, who did not expect it, was pushed and staggered, swayed, and finally fell on his back under the strength of alcohol. In the greenery.

"Oh, I'm rough"

After being insulted tonight, I will listen to Fang Nan's swear words again. Zeng Li became even more angry. After cursing, she ignored Fang Nan who was lying in the green belt, and walked straight to the hotel where the crew was staying. up.

Angrily, she walked about a hundred steps, turned her head inadvertently, and saw Fang Nan sitting on the green belt without moving, she couldn't help but turned back, and stopped at a place about ten steps away from Fang Nan.

"Can you go?" She said angrily.

"Go, go, go, whatever you go, look at what you've done!" Fang Nan, who was sitting on the ground, shouted as if he had been wronged.

Zeng Li took two steps closer: "I'm dressed in wild boar skin, what if I drop it? Are you trying to blackmail me again?"

Fang Nan stretched his arms forward, and said angrily, "Damn it, why don't you sing to the sky, see for yourself."

Zeng Li was puzzled, took out her mobile phone and squatted down, and then took a look under the dim street light, and couldn't help but let out a series of laughter like silver bells.

"Hehe, hehe, you deserve it." She looked at Fang Nan's fluffy thorns on the left side of his face and behind his elbows and cursed with a smile.

Glancing at the plants in the green belt, she covered her mouth desperately to suppress a smile, while pretending to be curious: "What kind of plant is this?"

While pulling out the thorns on his face, Fang Nan glanced at the plants in the green belt, seeing if he knew them, he couldn't help giving Zeng Li a blank look: "You ask me, who should I ask?"

"Like Coptis chinensis." Zeng Li said again.

"You don't care if it's connected or not, quickly help me pull out the thorns on my body, there are also on my back."

Seeing that Zeng Li was still studying some plants, Fang Nan said anxiously, his body was numb.

He was wearing a white shirt, and the thorns of this plant were thin and long, and some of them pierced through the shirt, making it uncomfortable.

Fang Nan looked serious, Zeng Li didn't dare to smile anymore, grabbed his arm and said, "Go back, you can't see it from outside."

After this happened, the two of them lost the leisurely time to go shopping and go back to the hotel, and even took a taxi for the five or six miles away.

The master stepped on the gas pedal and let it go, and arrived at the hotel where the crew of "Nobody Known" stayed.

When the taxi driver turned on the lights to collect the money, he was startled by Fang Nan's half of his face, thinking he had hives, and that half of his face was covered with blood.

Very creepy!

"Go to your room or mine?" In the corridor of the hotel, Zeng Li forced a smile.

"Eh, whatever."

Fang Nan didn't have time to control these messes at this time, seeing Zeng Li unlocked, he kicked the door open.

"Take off my shirt slowly." In the room, Fang Nan said anxiously.

Taking off the bloodshot white shirt, Fang Nan's strong upper body was once again revealed in front of Zeng Li.

The last time she saw this thin but muscular body was when the two of them were on the set of "Love in Love".

It was still in the yard in front of the two small rented houses in Santiao Street, Hengdian.

"Slim to thin, flesh and blood!" The moment her slender fingers touched Fang Nan's back, Zeng Li, blushing, secretly praised.

"Pull it out." Fang Nan turned his head, urging Zeng Li, who was dreaming.

Fang Nan stabbed one in the front and the other in the back. They were in pain and joy when someone knocked on the door of the room that was not closed tightly.

"dong dong"

"Who is it, come in." Fang Nan blurted out.

Zeng Li patted Fang Nan on the back: "This is my room."

"Then don't come in." Fang Nan said again.

"Uh, director, I sent a notice to Mr. Zeng, but I didn't see anything."

When Fang Nan spoke for the second time, Xiao Han, the crew manager, had already entered the room.

After entering the room, he saw Fang Nan sitting on the edge of Zeng Li's bed with his upper body naked, and Zeng Li wearing a white shirt sitting cross-legged behind Fang Nan, concentrating on it and not knowing what to do, he couldn't help panicking.

It's not like you're doing cupping!
Thinking of this, he was about to leave as soon as he bowed.

Seeing the little mouse, Han ran away like a cat, Fang Nan hurriedly shouted: "You didn't send the notice, bring it in."


"Ah what? Put the notice on the bed and run behind me to help Teacher Zeng pull out the thorns." Seeing Xiao Han's stupid look, Fang Nan said angrily.

Being caught by Fang Nan, Xiao Han quietly turned to Fang Nan's back.

Only then did he know what Director Fang and the actress in the play were doing.

But here comes the question again, what were these two doing before?Why is the whole body covered in thorns?Xiao Han was puzzled.

With an extra helper, the progress of the back stabbing was significantly accelerated, but the door that was not closed in time also attracted many crew members.

Fang Nan didn't mind these people coming in to watch, so that after a while, the room was full of people.

Older ones like Huang Weiming, jokes and so on are indispensable.

Ma Dayong and others, who were familiar with Fang Nan, came up with unreliable ideas such as what to use tape to stick.

The most caring one was Liu Qianqian who had just arrived at the hotel.

Regardless of the old mother's obstruction, Ren specially handed Fang Nan a hot towel so that he could wipe off the blood on his face.

It's not like Zhao Zhu, Huang Bo, Ma Dayong and a bunch of rough guys who know how to stand with their arms crossed and brag.



"I'll ask you to play a role in the next movie I make." Fang Nan said curiously.

Huang Bo slapped his thigh: "Director, are you hungry? I still have some pork head left in my room, I'll bring you some to fill it up?"

Fang Nan gave him a sideways glance: "Go away and pull it away, I just remembered now."

(End of this chapter)

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