literary world

Chapter 105 Dead Horses as Living Horse Doctors

Chapter 105 Dead Horses as Living Horse Doctors
The managers of the three distribution companies have not yet heard from them.

The gossip about the review results of "The Unknown" was the first to spread.

Long Biao may not be able to take it for the time being, saying that there are many scenes in "Nobody Known" that are inappropriate.

In particular, there is a big problem with the group fight between students and social idlers in the last paragraph, which has to be cut or reshot.

Fang Nan was very depressed when he got the news.

For other matters, he and Tangtang Film and Television can find a way to make room for it. No matter who it is, no matter how hard it is for the General Administration, there will be no problem.

Fang Nan tossed and turned in bed, and was about to leave for the north at dawn to find out why.

Cai Yinong, who was reluctant to let the company's 260 million investment go in vain, went north overnight.

But before she got in touch with the specific staff members, "The Unknown" was said to have passed the review.

And this time, Tang Tang Film and Television received the exact call.

Cai Yinong was very puzzled, but since everyone is here, he must inquire.

After many inquiries, she found out that a leader who was about to retire in the bureau had accidentally watched the movie and sent a message.

"The completion of the film is good, it is a good film."

Looking at the director's profile again, the first feature-length work directed by the 25-year-old young orphan is no match for the six generations of directors.

"That won't work. You ask people to cut and change it like this. It's too easy to discourage others. Are you trying to force them to go through the underground passage?"

"Some things we have to see through the surface to see the inside. I think this young director named Fang Nan honestly submitted the script and submitted the film for review. It doesn't seem like he will make trouble."

"Instead of getting entangled in this work, you might as well go to the crew of "Blue Red" and hang out more. The Olympics are coming soon, and some people are still sending out some bad things. This is the key."

It was probably such a dialogue that allowed "The Unknown" to pass the test all the way.

After receiving Cai Yinong's call, Fang Nan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Originally, he didn't think about the whole thing at all, he just wanted to share his first work with the audience on the big screen.

Although the audience does not know the joy in his heart.

Cai Yinong came back on the third day, and beside him were Bona Manager Zhao and his team who had been gone and returned for several days.

The second viewing is over.

Manager Zhao gave Fang Nan and Tang Tang Film and Television two choices.

One: Bona invested 500 million yuan to buy "Nobody's Name". For the 500 million yuan, Bona will not participate in the share of the 20 investment.

Two: Bona can sign a release contract to publish "The Unknown", but the publicity fee may not be high, and it will only invest 100 million if it is top-notch.

After giving two choices, Manager Zhao and the others made an excuse to go out to smoke, leaving room for Fang Nan, Cai Yinong, and Li Guoli to discuss.

"Tell me, what do you mean personally?" Cai Yinong looked at Fang Nan in the cloud-shrouded conference room.

It's up to her to choose, she doesn't think much about it, the first one is solid.

In this day and age, there are not many movies that can successfully land in theaters, let alone make money.

"Suspicion", which was about the same investment as "The Unknown", landed in theaters, but it also lost money to her grandma's house. She was ready to never touch movies for the rest of her life.

But now, Bona is willing to invest 500 million yuan to buy "The Unknown", without taking the 20 investment share, and the remaining 100 million is paid after tax. Tang Tang Film and Television and Fang Nan can make some money, which is very good.

Fang Nan puffed out his cigarette, glanced at Cai and Li again, and said slowly, "I want to choose the second one."

"No." Cai Yinong, who seemed to know Fang Nan's choice, "slapped" on the conference table and stood up aggressively.

"Do you understand how much box office it will take to pay back once "The Unknown" hits theaters?"

"Based on the usual box office reaching three times the investment amount, "Nobody Known" needs 1200 million box office to pay back!"

Cai Yinong yelled at Fang Nan at the top of his lungs.

Looking at Fang Nan again, "1200 million, uh, almost." His tone was flat.

Seeing his indifferent appearance, Cai Yinong couldn't help turning his head to Li Guoli and hurriedly said angrily: "Director Li, is he already crazy?"

"Nan Zai, some movies make a lot of money. Bona bought "The Nobody" and it's going to be released in theaters. It doesn't affect you as the director of this movie."

"The box office is surprisingly good. Others will say that it is your director's credit. You might as well put your fate on the next movie."

Li Guoli, a good old man, was forced to speak out to persuade him.

Fang Nan was still unmoved, what Cai Yinong and Li Guoli said was fine, but he just wanted to gamble.

If the bet is won, the future will be brighter.

If you lose the bet, be careful in the future.

Fang Nan, who won the copyright again, did not hesitate, and Cai Yinong, who was so angry that he almost vomited blood, slammed the door and walked out.

Fang Nan didn't care about her for the time being. At such a critical moment, he must have his own opinions and not be influenced by the outside world.

Manager Zhao and his gang re-entered the house, and Fang Nan asked if the publicity fee could be increased.

The 100 million publicity fee is really too little. Generally, for a film that is released in theaters, the publicity and distribution must be one-third of the film's investment.

Although the total investment of "The Unknown" is one-third of the publicity fee, it is also pitifully small for the big market of China, and it may only involve a small city, but no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it is meat.

Fang Nan had no choice but to hold on tightly.

Under the pull of many parties, Manager Zhao decided to increase the promotional fee for "The Unknown" to 120 million.

The next step is to divide into contracts.

In fact, at this point, Fang Nan has never touched all these things.

It is the position of director in "The Unknown", which is also the first time in his two lifetimes.

Therefore, Fang Nan took the initiative to pull Cai Yinong into the meeting room.

Negotiating the share requires Cai Yinong to care about everything. Even if she doesn't think about Fang Nan, she has to think about Tang Tang Film and Television.

After a meal full of saliva, Bona distributed "The Unknown" with 13% of the box office share, which is two points less than the highest point of 15%.

As for the work they want to do, there are all kinds of messy things related to "Nobody" such as watching box office data, copying film, making keys, etc.

After deduction of agency publishing fees, Bona has to deduct another 120 million publicity fees.

In the end, whether it is meat or soup, Fang Nan and Tang Tang Film and Television can really reach out and touch it.

And before Bona, more than half of the box office obtained by "Nobody's Name" had to be taken away by theaters first, and various taxes had to be deducted.

However, Fang Nan really didn't have the energy to take care of the share of the theater chain, and left it to Bona to finish the discussion.

The proportion of theater chains also determines how much Bona earns and how little it earns, and they are all prosperous and all lose, so there is no need to worry about Bona's release of water in this area.

Fang Nan was still worried about publicity.

The 120 million publicity fee is too little. If Bona continues to play tricks, there will be no splash at all.

"It's too easy to publicize this whole job, I have to figure out a way myself." Fang Nan walked out of the meeting room rubbing his chin after smoking a circle.

After discussing the distribution company's share, Manager Zhao and his team went straight to Pujiang United Cinemas.

The Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration, BJ, Wuhan and other places are the main movie ticket warehouses in China, and the distributors cannot get around the hurdle.

At the same time, Fang Nan called Meng Ziyi.

Knowing that Meng Ziyi was still in Pujiang BBK's new store, Fang Nan hurriedly asked Cai Yinong's driver to give him a ride.

He just thought of a job about publicity, and he wanted to try to be a horse doctor!
(End of this chapter)

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