literary world

Chapter 106 Alternative Propaganda

Chapter 106 Alternative Propaganda
"Upload video? Upload what video?"

Backgammon Pujiang branch, Meng Ziyi looked curiously at Fang Nan who had arrived in a hurry.

This person is not too busy to let "The Unknown" be released, let him see that the 50 sponsorship fee is not in vain, what kind of video is he doing!
"It's similar to the file format of commercials, and then if someone clicks on the link, they can download and watch it. Is this thing easy to use?"

What Fang Nan said after drinking a whole bottle of mineral water, Meng Ziyi's expression suddenly became strange.

"The Unknown Man is completely hopeless? How much did you lose?" He asked Fang Nan.

Fang Nan was stunned, the two of them were obviously not on the same channel, where did this come from?
Glancing at the salesperson in the store, Fang Nan signaled Mencius to go out and said, Mencius' face became even more stiff, but thinking that the two of them had cooperated closely once, he followed Fang Nan to the outside of the store.

"If you're shooting this in China, why not go to that shitty place in Little Japan." Outside the shop, Mencius said to Fang Nan.

Fang Nan probably came to realize that this guy Meng Ziyi thought that "Nobody's Name" hit the market, he went bankrupt and owed a lot of debts, and he wanted to make a villain movie to pay off the debts.

No one has this idea.

After sorting out the messy thoughts in his mind, Fang Nan told Meng Ziyi the idea of ​​shooting a brainwashing advertisement to promote "The Unknown".

"Brainwashing tablets?" Mencius was puzzled.

Fang Nan didn't know what to do, and explained the definition of brainwashing advertisements again.

Knowing that the so-called brainwashing advertisement is to force information into the audience's mind, Meng Ziyi nodded and asked why the link is so complicated.

Fang Nan looked at Mencius and felt a little headache, it was obvious that there was a generation gap.

His thinking is too avant-garde!
Thinking that Mencius Yi was an important part of brainwashing advertisements appearing on the Internet, Fang Nan had to explain patiently.

The link is to add gimmicks such as domestic cute girls, school belles, and goddesses before the link.

Without these gimmicks, who would watch his broken advertisements?

After a long time, Meng Ziyi, who finally understood what Fang Nan was talking about, sighed, "Understood, your brain is really good enough."

Fang Nan smiled knowingly: "The question now is whether your group of netizens are capable of doing this."

Mencius said: "It's not complicated, just take a good video and give it to me. Of course, the money that should be paid must not be less."

Fang Nan nodded his head to agree, but before leaving, he asked again: "What software do you use to download movies online?"

Mencius blurted out: "Kuangfengyingyin!"

Fang Nan was taken aback, Blast Video?

How did he remember that there was a famous one called What Broadcasting, didn't it come out yet?

After shaking his head and getting into the car, and then returned to Tangtang Film and Television, Fang Nan really rested.

After waiting patiently for a while, on July 7st, the first day of summer vacation, Manager Zhao called.

After TVB exaggerated Bona's role, Manager Zhao told Fang Nan and Cai Yinong that Bona had decided to release "The Unknown" on August 8th. If the effect is good, it will be officially released on August 15th.

After flipping through the calendar of the meeting room, Fang Nan's heart became frightened.

The node of August 8th and "House of Flying Daggers", which was released on July 15th, were put on hold for a month.

It has been almost a month since "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" on September 9 and "New Police Story" on September 10.

There are also two movies released at almost the same time as "The Nobody", namely "The Woman on the Construction Site" and "Shrek 2".

Does the theater want him to beat up Lao Mouzi and Cheng Long, and at the same time insist on a wave of Hollywood blockbusters?

Shit-like row!

It's purely using "The Unknown" as cannon fodder!

In the conference room, Fang Nan frowned into a Sichuan shape, while Cai Yinong looked calm.

The moment Fang Nan signed the contract with Bona, she gave up.

"At this point, there is nothing else but to go forward recklessly and kill a bloody path."

After pondering, Fang Nan frowned and said to Cai Yinong, "Sister K, I will advance the director's salary for the next film."

Cai Yinong glanced at Fang Nan, and said, "I don't know how much your next movie will be paid."

Fang Nan wasn't annoyed either, "Then I'll advance 5, shall I?"

After the treasurer received the money, Fang Nan took Zhao Zhu, Ma Dayong, and the camera, and took advantage of the moonlit night to go straight to the most prosperous place on the Pujiang River—the hut with colorful lights.

"Brother Nan, what are we doing here?"

At the door of the colorful lantern huts, Fang Nan stared at the beautiful woman with her thighs exposed in the house like a skin, Zhao Zhu felt suspicious.

In their line of work, there is no need to come to this kind of place. As the director of Fang Nan's several dramas, there are so many good women!

"Look, help me find a beautiful one with a good figure, and invite them to shoot commercials." Fang Nan said without turning his head.

Ma Dayong was dissatisfied: "Brother Nan, how did you find it, go in and have a look."

Fang Nan was embarrassed: "You go in and choose two to talk about."

He had never been to this kind of place before, so he felt a little uneasy.

Ma Dayong went and came quickly, and after a while, he came out shoulder to shoulder with two long-haired beauties, not to mention, he was very tall.

Fang Nan didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out 2000 yuan and placed it in front of the two beauties. Instead, Zhao Zhu went in and took a scene of posing.

Once the camera is in hand, the next step is simple. Fang Nan asked Ma Dayong and Zhao Zhu to shout a line respectively.

Ma Dayong: ""The Unknown". If you watch the movie, you can watch "The Unknown". On August 8, "The Unknown".

Zhao Zhu: "Are you okay? Are you okay? If you're okay, just watch "The Unknown". On August 8, "The Unknown"!"

After all the footage came out and the editing was completed, Fang Nan found Meng Ziyi again.

In the backgammon Pujiang branch, Meng Ziyi felt bad after watching Fang Nan's camera.

It's okay to repeat the magical "Are you okay" slogan.

What made him giddy was that the subtitles of "China's so-and-so college beauty" and the ambiguous neon atmosphere were behind the two rough guys, which really made him a little unacceptable.

"You are too ruthless, you will be beaten to death if you are found out." Mencius said speechlessly.

Fang Nan laughed and said, "You are wrong. People who like this kind of video don't even dare to reveal the news, they can only secretly hate in their hearts."

"I've accepted the job. I will have someone upload the link to this ad a few days before the release of "The Nobody"," Mencius said.

"Don't, upload it on August 8st. It takes nearly 1 days to spread it and see some effect. The rest depends on which side of luck is on."

After the crooked commercials, Fang Nan set off to the north alone to prepare for publicity.

As for the negative producer Cai Yinong, Fang Nan didn't hold any grudges.

If it were him, he would not be optimistic about "The Nobody", the difficulty factor of breaking through the level is too high.

It's different from Pujiang hanging out with a bunch of rough guys all day long.

As soon as Fang Nan arrived at BJ, he was recruited by the goddess Gao Yuanyuan in the minds of many netizens.

 Being py with someone, it's also China Entertainment.

(End of this chapter)

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