literary world

Chapter 107 The first publicity is the final publicity

Chapter 107 The first publicity is the final publicity

"I didn't expect the publisher to make such a big show, and the scene completely surpassed that of "Heroes"!"

On the TV screen, Zhang Yimou was wrinkled all over his face with a smile, indescribably happy.

The corner of the screen represented the icon of the CCTV movie channel, which made Fang Nan's scalp tingle when he saw it on the white single bed in the hotel.

The propaganda of "House of Flying Daggers" is too big.

The movie channel will broadcast the so-called "World Premiere of House of Flying Daggers" throughout the entire process. In the next two weeks, the promotional film will be broadcast on 150 TV stations across the country one after another.

There are also online media such as Xinhuanet, Zlang, Sohu, etc. to interact with pictures and texts through the air!

On the first day of the film's release, there are also promotional activities. Select theaters in first-tier cities such as BJ, Pujiang, and Guangzhou to watch "House of Flying Daggers" for free with green tea tasting and instant noodles
"This is to kill all the movies that will be released in the next two to three months."

After watching the entire premiere of "House of Flying Daggers", looking at the lineup of Liu Dehua, Takeshi Kaneshiro, and Zhang Ziyi on the screen, Fang Nan was in a bad mood.

"You want me to be your promotional guest at the premiere?" Feeling Fang Nan's tense arms, Gao Yuanyuan said with her head up.

Fang Nan shook his head: "No, you can shoot your movie."

"Nobody's Name" and "House of Flying Daggers" have more than 20 days of relaxation period.

During this period, if the word-of-mouth of "The Unknown" can rise, then there is still hope.

Word of mouth can't get up, and Gao Yuanyuan's popularity can't make a splash.

Netizens don't need money to shout "Goddess" is fine, but spending money to support it is still a minority.

Fang Nan kept things hidden in his heart, Gao Yuanyuan was tired after another day of filming, the two of them played together and fell asleep early with their arms around each other.

The next day, early morning.

The two of them opened their eyes at the same time, and they were tired for a while. After getting up and washing up, Gao Yuanyuan rushed to the production team of "Qing Hong".

Fang Nan ran towards the Asia Hotel.

The premiere promotional venue for "Nobody With Nobody's Name."

And the first game is the end game.

The publicity expenses that Bona gave to "Nobody's Name", after the premiere publicity, the rest is only enough to do some pre-roll advertisements.

There were originally two roadshows, but Fang Nan replaced them with film advertisements in theaters.

"Nobody Knows" has no big-name stars, and it doesn't matter if there is a road show or not. A group of people get tens of thousands of dollars for two round trips by plane, which is too stupid.

All the way to the Asia Hotel, the hotel staff began to decorate the scene under the guidance of Bona's publicists.

The person in charge was a 37-year-old woman named Sun Yan. Seeing Fang Nan as a director, she was very polite and asked for some suggestions.

After pondering for a long time, Fang Nan made a suggestion.

The flashy promotional footage recorded by the movie channel is the "bigger and stronger part" in the movie.

Sun Yan nodded and smiled, "I will try my best to discuss with them!"

"Then it's nothing." Fang Nan found a corner and sat down.

To put it bluntly, movie promotion is to let the movie appear frequently, so that the common people know that there is a movie starring so-and-so in the movie theater, which is no different from his brainwashing advertisements.

It's just that the number of people targeted and the age group are not the same.

After lunch was over, Liu Qianqian and her daughter rushed to the Asia Hotel first. She went to school in Nortel and lived in BJ, so they came the fastest.

After sitting down next to Fang Nan, Liu Qianqian explained, "I'm auditioning near here."

"What role?" Fang Nan was curious.

"The Little Dragon Girl in "The Legend of Condor Heroes." Just as Liu Qianqian finished speaking, Mama Liu pushed her daughter lightly with an "eh".

Seeing this scene, the corner of Fang Nan's mouth couldn't help curling up, who should he be guarding against?I care about your broken secret?

The role of Little Dragon Girl plays a lot, so bumps and bumps are inevitable. He wanted to give Liu Qianqian a bottle of Dieda wine that had been soaking for a long time, but now he wants to give it to Liu Qianqian!
As time went by, the number of people joining the club began to increase, except for the media reporters.

Zeng Li, Huang Ze, Huang Bo, Chen Jianbing and other main actors arrived one after another. To Fang Nan's surprise, Cai Yinong also came with Hu Ge.

"Hesitating, repeating." Before meeting Cai Yinong, Fang Nan first commented on this person.

"The overall effect of "House of Flying Daggers" is said to be very good, you should prepare for the extension of the other party's key." Cai Yinong revealed a little secret to Fang Nan.

"It's inevitable." Fang Nan shrugged.

Fans, media actors are all present, and at two o'clock in the afternoon, the premiere promotion of "Nobody's Name" officially starts.

Shi Di, an intern host of the movie channel hired by the publisher, introduced Fang Nan and other cast and crew to the stage, and everyone on and off the stage saw the first promotional video of "The Unknown Man" for the first time.

On the big screen, clips edited by Fang Nan, including guns, love, friendship, and chases, combined with a stormy soundtrack, quickly attracted everyone's attention.

"Iron Man, Batman, Spiderman, Condor Hero, which one doesn't wear a mask, from now on our brothers will be called Helmet Man when we walk the rivers and lakes!"

"bang bang bang"

August NO.18 "The Unknown".

Life is like a play, let us laugh and live together!
"clap clap"

At the end of the one-minute and 30-second promotional video, there was warm applause from the scene.

Whether the applause from the audience was real or not, Fang Nan didn't know.

The actors on the stage looked really happy, all of them bulging with great energy, Huang Bo's gums were exposed when he smiled, tilting his head across Hu Ge, and Liu Qianqian kept giving him thumbs up.

Host Shi Di: Is "The Unknown" any good?
Fans of Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian: Looks good!
Moderator Shi Di: Next, let's talk about the behind-the-scenes story with the main creative team of "The Unknown".

After Shi Di finished speaking, he took the lead in asking questions about Chen Jianbing, Hu Ge, Liu Qianqian, and Zeng Li.

This point was specially arranged by Sun Yan, Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian were the most popular in "The Unknown".

Chen Jianbing: "Uh, after reading the script, I agreed to play the role of Ma Xianyong. I feel that the screenwriter, that is, director Fang Nan, has completely brought this little guy in the market to life. When I read the script, I have a strong feeling Create desire!"

Hu Ge: "Compared to Li Xiaoyao, Gao Xiang's character may be closer to life, and I like both characters!"

Zeng Li: "After reading the script, I feel that it is not easy to act. Ma Jiaqi is a character whose hands and feet are tied."

"Fortunately, during filming, the director kept encouraging me and helping me understand the script, and finally I was able to present a disabled girl with a vicious tongue and a warm heart."

"I hope that after the movie is released, audiences will like the character of Ma Jiaqi and the movie "The Unknown."

"Actually, I have known the director for a long time. I know that he is not easy, and he is also a very talented director. I hope everyone can go to the cinema to support "Nobody Known" on August 8!"

It's different from Zeng Li's sympathy, Chen Jianbing, and Hu Ge's praise of the script!
Liu Qianqian, who was asked by the host how she feels about working with director Fang Nan, made the audience burst into laughter with the answer she chose.

"I feel like I don't feel anything, but I feel pretty good!"

After tilting her head to look at Fang Nan, she looked at reporter Shi Dao.

(End of this chapter)

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