literary world

Chapter 109 Live like an animal 1

Chapter 109 Live like an animal
"Does this hurt?"

"No pain."


"Ha ha."

"Spiderman, Batman, Iron Man, Condor Hero, which one doesn't wear a mask? From now on, our brothers will be called Helmet Man when we walk around the rivers and lakes."

"Ha ha."

"I'll give you ak, and I'll give you Guier a Lefu, r your soul, make it bigger and stronger, and create another glories!"

In a movie theater in BJ, Gou Lin watched hilarious scenes interspersed with normal narrative shots on the screen, and changed to a more comfortable sitting position.

As a film lover, Gou Lin is no stranger to British director Guy Ritchie of "Two Smoking Barrels".

Even some appreciation.

Therefore, when he saw some netizens bragging about how the director of "Nobody Knows" narrated in multiple lines, he immediately entered the cinema.

Of course, Fang Nan was also responsible for this.

He started with Fang Nan, so buying a ticket for 15 yuan is not too much!

In terms of facts, Gou Lin felt that 15 yuan to watch "The Unknown" is not a waste.

Ma Jiaqi: "What book did you read? "Water Margin", um, that's a good one, and that one has pinyin!"

Ma Jiaqi: "Why do you think there is a bridge?"

Hu Guangsheng: "Because of the road, it has come to an end."

Hu Guangsheng: "At the end of the road, I want to walk the rest of the bridge with you..."

Li Haigen: "I don't care what she did before!"

"I just care about what she will do in the future!"

In another movie theater, when Huang Bo, who plays the big head, curly hair, and Li Haigen, yelled out this sentence forcefully, Xiao Zhang couldn't help but rolled his eyes and embraced the pear-blossoming and rainy daughter-in-law.

After the screening of "Nobody's Name" in a movie theater, the lights were turned on.

"Who is playing the nose of the plane? It's funny!"

"I don't know, what's the name of Ma Jiaqi's girl?"

"Yan Ruyu, didn't you act in a TV series with Lu Yi last year?"

"Hu Ge is so handsome"

"Liu Qianqian is so pretty, even such an ugly school uniform looks good on her!"

It is the third day that "The Unknown" landed in two theaters across the country.

With an ordinary ticket price of 15 yuan and a screen screening of 100 yuan, the box office was reported to be 145 million in three days, leaving behind the mission films released at about the same time.

Among them, on the third day of Saturday, only 80 box office was reported, and the attendance rate of 100 theaters was close to [-]% for the first time.

This data is obviously far inferior to "House of Flying Daggers" and "Harry Potter".

The former, at the beginning of its release, was only BJ's place, and it reported a box office of 500 million plus in three days.

The latter, at the beginning of its release, the national box office reported 800 million Canadian dollars in three days.

Compared with the box office of these two films, "The Unknown" has already hit the street and was placed on the edge of the garbage dump.

In such a miserable situation, the theater chain tried to reduce the number of films and called Bona's landline, and Manager Zhao called Fang Nan and Cai Yinong.

After negotiations between the distributor Bona, the production company Tang Tang Film and Television, and the producer Fang Nan and the two theaters, the theaters agreed to delay for another three days.

Within three days, if the box office of "Nobody's Name" is still alive, there will be no improvement.

The two theaters will reduce the 100 screens of "Nobody's Name" to 30.

They want to give their full support to "Harry Potter", which is in high morale, and "House of Flying Daggers", which is still a bit higher than "Nobody" and obviously still has room to spare.

Three days of struggle!
Pujiang, Tangtang Film and Television, Fang Nan lived alone in the room.

He was typing on the computer keyboard frantically at the moment.

In order to keep an eye on the dynamics of "The Nobody" on the Internet, he bought this computer specially.

In the past few days, apart from eating and sleeping, when he was free, he personally went off to act as an Internet sailor, using all kinds of long-winded articles to amway netizens to watch "The Unknown".


"House of Flying Daggers", which has strong financial resources, used overwhelming advertisements to remind the people of the whole country to support "House of Flying Daggers".

The strategy that Fang Nan, who had no money, made for "The Nobody with Name" was to take a slanted approach, only targeting the Internet, and only targeting young people.

The reason why he is so persistent and certain that this movie will be popular is very simple.

"The Unknown Man" has a very good reputation, especially on the Internet.

The scene in his memory reappeared, Fang Nan knew that the movie "The Nobody" was just like his name, what was missing was only publicity, but more people knew about it.

"Tomorrow weekend, the key battle, we have to work harder."

In front of the monitor, Fang Nan extinguished the cigarette butt, frowned and continued to "snap".

From day to night, from night to day.

Fang Nan continued to remain motionless until he couldn't stand it any longer and his mind started to get confused, so he had no choice but to turn over on the bed.

At the same time, there were more and more discussions on the Internet about the movie "The Unknown".

Topics such as multi-line narrative, hilarious absurdity, touching love, dialects, and actors' acting skills are fermenting.

Among them, the film critics who finished spraying "House of Flying Daggers" within a month played a key role.

With the entry of film critics, a large number of netizens who do not go pornographic began to pay attention, and netizens who had watched the movie began to Amway.

A silent competition for the box office began in the 100 theaters where "Nobody Knows" was shown.


"Two copies of Flying Daggers."

"Three copies of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

"One piece of 'The Unknown Man'."

"Four copies of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

"One piece of 'The Unknown Man'."

"One piece of 'The Unknown Man'."

Yunnan, Guizhou and other places.

"Two copies of 'The Unknown Man'."

"Sir, I'm sorry, we don't have "Nobody Known" in our movie theater."

"That's right, our Guizhou dialect is used in the movie, and your movie theater didn't introduce "The Unknown"."

The conductor looked helpless: "Excuse me, sir, it's not up to us to decide what movies to introduce."

Sichuan province.

"One piece of 'The Unknown Man'."

"You said we don't have tickets for "The Unknown Man" here."

"Are you kidding? Your movie theater doesn't support movies made in local dialects?"

"I'm not kidding, I really didn't spread it!"


Fang Nan, who was in the midst of the sun, was kicked awake, and looked out the window sleepily, the night was dark and deep.

"'Nobody's Name' has a box office of 105 million today, and the attendance rate exceeds [-]%." Cai Yinong almost yelled.

Fang Nan was quick-witted, turned over and got out of bed, clicked on the computer screen, and on the Tianya Forum, [Talking about the tall building in "The Unknown Man" has more than a thousand floors].

Scrolling down the floor, a series of good reviews jumped into view, Fang Nan couldn't help clenching his fists.

Looking at other forums, there are not as many comments about "Nobody" complaining about local movie theaters.

Seeing all this, Fang Nan, who had always pretended to be calm, was completely excited.

"Live, live like an animal, as long as you get through this test, get through seven days, and the dawn will come!"

Cai Yinong was puzzled by Fang Nan's words, but after a little leaning, she understood the meaning.

As long as "Nobody's Name" stays in theaters and doesn't die early, the box office will make steady progress.

Next, major entertainment news, online media, and even movie channels and other national-level media will not pay attention to "The Nobody"!
(End of this chapter)

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