literary world

Chapter 110 Victory

Chapter 110 Victory
At this critical moment, Fang Nan rarely used his personal connections.

On August 8, Gao Yuanyuan took the lead in promoting "Nobody" on his blog except all the actors of "Nobody".

On the Qixi Festival on August 8, Princess Wang, Jia Jingwen, Su Youpeng, Zhang Zihan, and Liu Tao updated their blog posts related to "The Unknown".

On August 8, Zeng Li and his classmates except Zhang Ziyi promoted "The Unknown".

No one knows whether the interaction of these beautiful actors has any effect.

However, the box office of "Nobody's Name", which was released for another three days, has stabilized, earning 95, 125 million, and 90 respectively, plus 145 million in the first three days, and the cumulative box office in the first six days is 495 million.

At this time, the one-week box office of "Nobody's Name" is still not as good as the box office of "House of Flying Daggers" BJ's three-day box office in one place.

However, the box office report that tends to be stable every day, and the word-of-mouth on the Internet have attracted the attention of other theaters.

At the same time, Pujiang United and New Film Federation finally placed the promotional posters of "Nobody" on the same level as "House of Flying Daggers" and "Harry Potter".

On August 8th, Fang Nan, who was still fighting on the Internet, received for the first time the great news about "The Unknown" from the publisher Bona.

"The Unknown" not only did not broadcast for seven days, but instead changed from the initial 100 screens to 400, accounting for almost one-sixth of the national screens.

Among them, the first two theaters will undertake 300 screens, and the other 100 screens will be undertaken by the Guangdong and Chengdu cinemas of Xingmei Cinemas.

Such good news made Fang Nan completely relaxed, and his hands were completely off the keyboard.

It is certain that "The Unknown" will not lose money.

But if you want this movie to make money, gain more fame, and be known by more people.

Next, we must look forward to the arrival of the burning point.

This igniting point refers to the free publicity of the national media, and this publicity is no longer under his control, so he can only wait with peace of mind.

I thought of using the Internet to get through the beginning of the release of "Nobody with Name".

Then "Nobody's Name" won the box office with its hard power, and thus attracted the attention of the national media. Fang Nan couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Everyone knows that the Internet may develop into another tongue, but who is so sure.

Of course, there is no way for him to use this new tongue in an extreme way, because he has no money!

On Saturday, August 8, the box office of "Nobody's Name" exceeded 28 million for the first time.

At the same time as the box office came out, the publisher Bona announced that it would add 300 million promotional fees to "The Unknown".

On the weekend of September 9th, it was released for 5 days, and the daily box office has been hovering around 18 million. The box office of "Nobody Known" broke through the 100 million mark. The number of viewers increased, but the audience's reputation remained strong.

What is even more worthy of Fang Nan's praise is that he finally survived "House of Flying Daggers". The film was released on July 7 to September 14. It took 9 days and the box office was more than 5 million.

It is Zhang Yimou's second work with a box office of over [-] million.

Behind the fact that the film's domestic box office exceeded [-] million yuan, many netizens are also questioning whether "House of Flying Daggers" made any money.

You know, the total production and distribution fees publicized by the film producers are 2.6 million, which can be called terrifying.

Fang Nan didn't pay much attention to "House of Flying Daggers", which had already been painted, but focused on "Harry Potter" and the upcoming "New Police Story", while anxiously waiting for the arrival of free publicity.

Finally, on September 9, after the CCTV film report praised the super high box office of "House of Flying Daggers", a large-scale report on "Nobody with Name" appeared.

Most of 2004 has been completed, let's take a look at the domestic box office rankings as of September 9.

1: "House of Flying Daggers", another major film by the international director Zhang Yimou after "Hero", the investment in production and promotion is as high as 2.6 million, and the cumulative box office in the mainland is currently 1.47 million.

2: "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: The Return of the King", directed by Peter Jackson, with a box office of 8630 million. Compared with the first two "Lord of the Rings", the third "The Return of the King" is more magnificent.
3: "The Day After Tomorrow", with a box office of 8250 million.
4: "Troy", box office 6430 million.
5: "Spider-Man 2", box office 5200 million.
6: "Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban", the film adapted from the novel is currently in theaters, and the box office is one step away from 3000 million.
7: "King Arthur", box office 2740 million.
8: "Please close your eyes when it gets dark", box office 2000 million.
9: "Garfield", box office 2000 million.

10: "The Unknown", with a box office of 1700 million.

The film is currently being screened in major theaters. The director is the new domestic director Fang Nan. It is an absurd comedy type film, but behind the absurdity there are touching stories that make people cry.

The love and brotherhood made the audience cry, and the fresh and funny lines can also make the audience laugh.

In addition to light and shadow, director Fang Nan's multi-line narrative shooting technique is even more amazing. Is he showing off his skills, or is he confident?
Let us pay attention to the movie channel. In the next issue, director Fang Nan will be a guest in this program, and will exclusively reveal the unknown behind-the-scenes story of "The Unknown".

On September 9th, "Nobody's Name" was released for 6 days, with a cumulative box office of 24 million, ranking tenth on the domestic box office list. At the same time, the official media ended as Fang Nan expected.

What made Fang Nan unhappy was that the other party didn't even say hello. Greeting him was like greeting a waiter in a shop.

It was from this day that news about "The Unknown" appeared on the entertainment channels of major TV stations.

Zeng Li, who played the role of Ma Jiaqi in "The Unknown", who was ridiculed by netizens as a poisonous tongue girl, appeared on "Entertainment New World".

Chen Jianbing, who played Ma Xianyong in "The Unknown", was interviewed by CCTV Movie Channel.

Huang Ze, who played Hu Guangsheng in "The Unknown", appeared on the "Entertainment 100%" column.

Huang Bo, who played Li Haigen in "The Unknown", was a guest on the entertainment channel of his hometown TV station.

Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian who starred in "The Unknown" were invited to participate in "Happy Camp".

On the Internet, there are more topics about "The Unknown".

The 1:400 million investment also includes 50 sponsorship fees for BBK mobile phones.

Backgammon may become the biggest winner!
2: I heard that the script was rejected by Hua Yi.

This topic eventually turned into Wang Jun, the big boss of Huayi, personally shouting to the media, "As long as Huayi has cannons, there will never be a shortage of scripts!"

3: Where is the dialect?

Netizens in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other places exchanged wildly.

4: All unknown actors with excellent acting skills!

5: Who is Guy Ritchie?

6: Plagiarism, imitation!
7: "Nobody's Name" hits the box office!
Under such bombardment, Fang Nan and his "Nobody's Name" finally tasted the sweetness of the box office of 3 million in 500 days, and the box office, which was supposed to be weak, counterattacked.

After Fang Nan's guest movie channel ended, the box office of "Nobody with Nobody", which was released in January, had accumulated more than 3000 million, and successfully squeezed into the seventh place in the national box office list.

Delayed release has become inevitable.

In the end, "Nobody's Name" was perfectly broadcast the day before the national day, and it was released for 43 days, with a cumulative box office of 3720 million, which is nearly 400 times the production fee of 10 million.

This is an amazing victory!

Full harvest is coming!
"Hi, I, Fang Nan."

"Director Fang Da, tell me, I'm listening!" Yan Hong said with a smile.

"Go ahead!"

 Too late, there is a typo to be corrected tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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