literary world

Chapter 111 Harvest Time

Chapter 111 Harvest Time
After calling Yan Hong, Fang Nan was called to the conference room by Cai Yinong.

The moment the heavy mahogany door was pushed open, there was a "bang" in the meeting room, and then ribbons flew and applause roared.

"As for what!"

Under the hopeful and envious eyes of dozens of people, big and small, Fang Nan walked in with a smile on his face.

Li Guoli: "Nan Tsai, congratulations, "The Unknown" is a big box office hit!"

"Thank you very much, thank you Director Li for your support."

After shaking hands with Li Guoli, Fang Nan greeted Huang Weiming. After a burst of "joy and joy", he went to the employees of Tangtang Film and Television, as well as Zhao Zhu, Ma Dayong and a group of behind-the-scenes personnel of "The Unknown".

Finally, Zeng Li walked towards the crowd in surprise.

Amidst the roar of "hug one, hug one", Fang Nan opened his arms and smiled with Zeng Li as a face-to-face kiss.

After pasting the left side, the right side, this is not over yet, Fang Nan took advantage of the situation to paste the front side again.

Seeing that they were about to bump into each other's noses, Zeng Li just reacted, blushing and pushed the funny Fang Nan away, causing dozens of people in the conference room to laugh.

"Okay, okay, let's start with a simple verbal congratulations today, and at the celebration banquet on the weekend, everyone will congratulate our Director Fang with practical actions!"

The wicked Cai Yinong drove a group of smiling employees out of the meeting room, and Fang Nan had time to ask about Zeng Li.

"Boss Cai invited me to audition for a role in "Liao Zhai"." Zeng Li explained.

"Hey, Zeng Li, you don't need to audition. That role is very suitable for you. We have already decided to cast you in the role. The main reason for you to come here is to take a photo of the makeup." Cai Yinong sat down next to the two of them, and said firmly.

Fang Nan glanced at the swearing Cai Yinong, and wanted to help Zeng Li ask "how much for the film?", thinking that the relationship between the two of them hadn't reached that point, so he gave up.

He really wants to praise Zeng Li, but in the entertainment industry only relying on people's praise may not be able to get ahead. While working hard personally, one must also learn how to behave well in the world.

Or just another big sweet!

After talking about Zeng Li in a few sentences, Cai Yinong changed the topic to Fang Nan and "The Unknown".

No matter how popular Zeng Li is with "The Unknown", she is not an artist signed by Tang Tang Film and Television. Fang Nan is different.

A "Nobody with Nobody" made him a well-known domestic director.

Although it is still far behind such great directors as Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Feng Dapao, and Zhou Xingxing.

It is not as good as a group of directors of the fifth and sixth generations who have won awards internationally, but they are no longer unknown.

In terms of commercial film box office alone, it can even rank among the top five in the mainland.

It can be described as an overnight success.

Fang Nan and Tangtang Film and Television have a director contract for several years and have a good relationship.

The most important thing is that Fang Nan made up for the weakest link of Tangtang Film and Television - movies.

Thinking of movies, Cai Yinong couldn't help laughing: "The total box office of the three theaters has been submitted to the National Film Special Fund Office, and there will be news in the next two days."

Fang Nan nodded and said, "Have you counted? When it's our turn, how much will there be?"

"The total box office is 3700 million, pay 3.3% special business tax, and 5% special funds for the film industry, and the average share of 55% from the six theaters, 13% distribution, after publicity 420 million, there will be more than 900 million. .” Cai Yinong spoke quickly.

Fang Nan curled his lips, obviously dissatisfied with the high share of theaters and distribution.

The average 55% share of the theater chain is typical of bullying him as a new director.

Normally, 52% is about the same, and even some big directors' film theaters share even less in order to make money.

Besides, the publisher, seeing the box office of "Nobody with Nobody" broke 300 million, hurriedly added [-] million in promotional fees.

At that time, he had been wandering between the Internet and reality, and he had no time to entangle with the publisher where the 300 million publicity was spent.

But when I think about it in retrospect, if I said something out of anger and was swallowed, the convenience of distribution could throw up to 800 promotional items in his face.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan rubbed his forehead and muttered, "Damn it, these cannibals don't spit out their bones!"

"At that time, Bona should have packaged all the promotion and distribution." Cai Yinong said afterwards.

Fang Nan rolled his eyes: "Pack it? Pack it for him, he can increase the commission to 30%, and you still won't hear the hype."

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to talk too much, but fortunately, there are more than 900 million for the two of them in the end, and they can make a small profit of 200 million while paying back their capital.

Moreover, after the fire, "The Unknown" still has a follow-up DVD market, and it can also land in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and even Southeast Asia and other film markets.

However, he can't even play in the mainland now, let alone try to get cheap in other film markets.

Therefore, selling out the copyright directly is the best way. After such a few items, his net worth should be tens of millions.

This is the benefit of big fire movies!

Behind the scenes that "Nobody Knows" made money for theaters, distributors, producers, producer Fang Nan, and sponsor Backgammon.

There are even a group of actors who have taken their careers to a higher level with this film.

Among them, Huang Ze has made the most progress. Huang Ze jumped from acting in the crowd to becoming a star in one step.

"The Unknown" has not been released yet, Cai Yinong has already helped Huang Ze take on three plays, one movie, two TV series, all of which are outstanding supporting roles.

Followed by Chen Jianbing, Zeng Li, and Huang Bo.

Chen Jianbing jumped from the small screen to the big screen. Some time ago, he said that he went to a big director in Xiangjiang to audition for the role of Cao Cao in a big production.

Zeng Li accepted Tang Tang Film and Television's "New Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio". No matter how much information Fang Nan has heard, there should be many invitations for auditions.

Huang Bo's development is also good. He joined a TV drama crew as the protagonist, and called Fang Nan to tell him what it was called "Migrant Workers of Survival".

Then there are Hu Ge, Liu Qianqian and other smaller, not outstanding supporting roles.

Regardless of how much impact "Nobody Knows" has had on their careers, their salaries will definitely have to go up a bit.

But the one who made the most money was director Fang Nan.

While he was making money, he was considered a leader in the industry.

In the past, when Fang Nan was mentioned in the industry, they would probably refer to a young director in the TV drama industry.

In the so-called representative works "A Chinese Ghost Story" and "Legend of Sword and Fairy", he is actually only responsible for the action guidance part, which is a bit exaggerated and misleads the audience.

Now let's talk about Fang Nan, he is a big director with a box office of more than 3000 million.

As for the works, there is only one "The Unknown", but it is not something that any director can underestimate.

Feng Dapao has been blown so hard by the media. Last year, "Mobile Phone" only grossed more than 4000 million at the box office. Fang Nan is only one step away from Feng Dapao.

At this moment, there were those who envied Fang Nan, and those who were not angry.

Envious, like a chubby movie theater, after watching "The Unknown", secretly telling everyone that he has an idea similar to "The Unknown"!
Unhappy, he frequently posted topics such as "What kind of director is a successful director" on the Internet, which probably means that only three works are successful, and only a successful director is considered.

Fang Nan is still far from success.

Just as the netizens were arguing about the topic of "Whether Fang Nan is considered successful", a scary news appeared on the front page of an online media.

Famous director Fang Nan formally sued seven infringing units including Houtiantong Information Consulting Service Co., Ltd. and Shonan Communication Co., Ltd. in a certain court for infringing his copyright.

In less than an hour, the news of suing seven units came out, and another media outlet revealed that Fang Nan sued 18 other people in the domestic song industry for infringing his copyright.

For a moment, the whole network was stunned!
(End of this chapter)

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