literary world

Chapter 112 Set things right

Chapter 112 Set things right
"Dongfeng Po" was written by Fang Nan? Isn't that so-and-so singing it?"

"What? "The Love Song of the West Sea" written by Fang Nan?"

"Wang Feng is among the defendants who infringed on Fang Nan's "B**J", "Once Upon a Time", and "In Spring"?"

""The Remnant Snow on the Broken Bridge", "Luzhou Moon", "On the Qingming Rain", "Blue and White Porcelain", and "Fireworks Are Cold" were all written by Fang Nan?"

Thousands of netizens are completely messed up!
Where did this monster come from?
"Fake, the songs sung by Wang Feng are all original!"

"There is no such person as Fang Nan in the song industry!"

The doubts of some fans did not last long. Cai Yinong, president of Tang Tang Film and Television, announced to the public that Fang Nan was the lyricist of the episode "Xiaoyao Tan" from "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Taiwanese female singer Ah Sang personally admitted that Fang Nan wrote the lyrics and music for "Always Quiet".

Not long ago, the princess who spoke for "Nobody Knows" faced the media and admitted with a smile that the original singer, lyrics, and composition of "She Doesn't Know" were all Fang Nan's original name.
Chen Yixun said that the songwriter of "Exaggerated" is Fang Nan, who was authorized to sing two years ago.

"The amount of information is too much, I'm going to explode."

In an instant, netizens across the country had this idea at the same time.

And the instigator of all this, Fang Nan, looked at the documents that Yan Hong faxed, and he also had a headache!
Zhang San Li Si Wang Er Ma, who the hell are these!

It doesn't matter that the singer world is in a mess caused by these guys, the key is, should he still be allowed to play?

No one knows, is that okay?

Don't mess around?
Even if he is not angry, can Alan not be angry when he sees divine comedies such as "Dongfeng Po" and "Blue and White Porcelain" being sung by Zhang San as if he is dying?
When Xiao Song grows up, he sees "Broken Bridge Remnant Snow", "Luzhou Moon", and "Qingming Rain" sung by Li Si, who is incomplete in tone, howling ghosts and wolves, can he not be disturbed?

Tolerable or unbearable!
One word "full report"!
Fang Nan said murderously to Yan Hong.

As for why he had to wait until now, there is no other reason, because he was not as influential as he is now.

Behind more than a dozen singers in a mess, there are seven companies closely related to the largest communication business in the country. These seven companies spread across several provinces. Without this momentum, he is afraid that he will not be able to succeed.

Fang Nan, a newly promoted director with a box office of tens of millions, sued several companies, and the news of copyright infringement by many singers spread all over the country's major media soon.

Many songwriters and songwriters cheered for Fang Nan from the air, and there were even some well-known figures from both sides of the strait and three places.

For a while, Fang Nan's music product infringement case attracted much attention.

After the agent signed the document, Fang Nan no longer took care of the lawsuit.

Facts and evidence are all there, it depends on how long the opponent resists and how much he is willing to pay, it doesn't matter whether he stares at it or not.

After punching him in the yard, he went out and ran for more than ten miles before returning. Cai Yinong brought a little girl to him.

"Look, how are you doing?"

Fang Nan wondered, "What's the matter?"

Cai Yinong pointed to the little girl beside her with a face as pale as water, red lips and white teeth: "Can you be red?"

"I'm not a half-immortal, I don't know if I can be popular!"

After leaving the words, Fang Nan walked towards the kitchen, muttering in his heart.

"Liu Sishiye, she is a pretty and quiet girl. The biggest black spot is probably who she is married to. As for whether she will be popular or not, it depends on when "Scary Step by Step" comes out."

Regarding Liu Sishi, who became popular because of Maltai Ruoxi and Solanum nigrum, Fang Nan had heard a lot of gossip before.

What people talk about most is her marriage. In the entertainment industry, marriage is the top priority, so it is easy to be talked about.

As for why she chose such an older person, some people in the circle guessed that Liu Sishi, whose acting skills are rarely recognized, had a big explosion in "Scary Step by Step", and she was sent into the play with experience, and finally put the whole person into it .

As for whether it is true or not, no one knows, and it is not allowed to say that people are in love with each other.

After a hasty meal, Fang Nan was about to go back to his room to continue writing his own script. Ma Dayong, who had accepted a foreign play, came back and led his own.

"You two are in the same crew?" Fang Nan asked Wang Liang.

Ma Dayong said: "It's one piece, but let's not mention the crew, there are so many things, the actors filming the fight scenes are fake and real? The actors' families are having trouble, and they are on vacation for a few days."

Fang Nan was taken aback, "What crew?"

It’s not uncommon for the crew to do fake scenes. Two actors, one male and one female, live in the same group for filming, and they live together while filming. How can they care about kissing scenes when they are filming again?
Holding gnawing often have things!
But it's different if you play a fake show and do it for real. It's only when you really have hatred.

"In 04, it won't be "Little Fish and Flowers", right?"

When Fang Nan speculated, Wang Liang confirmed that it was "Little Fish and Flowers".

"Hey, the old enemy is over." Fang Nan walked briskly into the house with his hands behind his back, but Wang Liang rushed up and gave him a good time.

"If you have anything to say, hurry up. I have business to do? Don't mention borrowing money, the money hasn't come yet." Fang Nan said.

Ma Dayong pushed Wang Liang: "Liang Zi also wants to join Fang's class."

Fang Jiaban was called out by Zhao Zhu last year, and now everyone in the company knows it. Fang Nan has a thick skin, so he just let it go.

As for Wang Liang, whom he had known in his previous life, he took good care of him, but his habit of drinking on set was really difficult to deal with.

"Can you not drink on the set? To be honest." Fang Nan asked Wang Liang.

Wang Liang glanced at the now famous Fang Nan: "Can you drink less?"

Looking at the Dionysus who was trembling with fear when talking to himself, Fang Nan sighed: "Two taels, if you can keep drinking at most two taels on the set, then you can join Fang's class."

"No problem, no problem." Wang Liang nodded hastily.

Fang Nan nodded and said, "Go to Mr. Cai. If Mr. Cai doesn't accept it, I will pay you alone."

Just as Fang Nan finished speaking, Ma Dayong squeezed Fang Nan into the room without hesitation.

Unprepared, Fang Nan, who was squeezed and staggered, was about to scold Ma Dayong for being a coward.

Ma Dayong winked and said: "Brother Nan, we are all famous now. If we want people and money, we might as well go out and do it alone! I think Mr. Cai means that we will only do TV dramas here from now on."

Fang Nan said angrily, "Zhao Zhu taught you what?"

Ma Dayong said "ang" without hesitation.

"Go away, don't you know that Tangtang and I have a contract? Just leave like this, without losing money?"

"I think you have a good relationship with Mr. Cai, so you probably won't make us lose money." Ma Dayong looked hopeful.

Fang Nan kicked Ma Dayong's ass: "Go away, you have a bad idea, go out and call Zhao Zhu, and scold him for me."

After closing the door, Fang Nan lay on the bed and thought about what Ma Dayong said just now.

He personally guessed that if Cai Yinong were to terminate the contract now, it is very likely that the other party will let him go.

Because with his current salary to make a TV series, the production cost of the TV series must be a lot more, and Cai Yinong, who is preoccupied, probably can't bear it.

But to be honest, why leave Tangtang Film and Television?

Instead of going out to start from scratch, it is better to find an opportunity to join Tangtang Film and Television, which has been based in China for several years, which will save a lot of trouble.

Another thing that Fang Nan appreciates about Tangtang Film and Television under the management of Cai Yinong is that both the internal staff and artists of this company are very Buddhist.

The intrigue in his previous life really bored him.

(End of this chapter)

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